ONLY NEWSPftl^ IM J. J. Mwa, OWNER immMm -A. HOME PAPER FOR HOJpiCii ^PEOiPIjE—AIJL. HOME PRINT ^ VOLTJME*XIT - ; BREVARD, NOBTH CAEOLINA, JULY 30.1909 — ■ :-■■■ U' ^ ^ V - ' ' MANY Lm lOST Volcano Thooglit To Be Extinct Again In Actfttn. 300 ARE REPORTED DEAD Following the Eruptfon of the Vol- carK) There-Were Torrential Rains Which Flooded the Country and Caused Destruction of Property. Victoria, B. C.—News was brougflt by the Norwegian steamer Tricolor, from Sourabaya,-Java, of disastrous^ earthquake on the west"^coast-of Sur matra, the second largest island in the Malay arohlpeligo. ^ According to the'^report received by the Tricolor, 300 lives were lost. The earthquak'e followed an erup tion of Mount Korintji,^ a volcanic peak, 12,400 feet higb ind inland 50 miles from Indrapura. Blount Ko- rintji has long been supposed to be an extinct volcano, its crater having been filled with a large lak^. - ' Following the eruption of the 'toI* cano and the earthquake, there were torrential rains, flooding th4» rivers and causing additional losses. T^e disaster is said to be ene of the worst that has ever occurred in Sumatra. JUDGE HUDSON DIES. One of Leading Members of South Carolina Bar, Greenville, S. C.—-Joshua HiJary Hudson, of Bennettsville, for sixteen years circuit judge of South Carolina and to the day of his death one of the leading legal men of the state, died at the age of 77, at the residence cf his dai^hter, Mrs. W. A. Williams, of thifi eity. ' " . > Judge Hudson was born in Chester, this state, in 1832. He served with distinction throughout the civil war, attaining the rank of lieutenant colo nel in the' Confederate afmy. After his retirement from the circuit bench in 1894, Judge Hudson devoted him self with conspicuous ability to his legal practice. In 1906 he served in the state senate for one session. COftPSE IH TRUNK. -Murder Mystery is Pwezling the 'Pb- llco 6?^ Lynn,' Mass. Lynn, Mass.WA body, fully clothed and believed to be that of an Arme nian, was found packed In a tmnk in a lodging house at 'No. 148 Liberty street. The head was mutilated and th^re was a bdUet. woiiiid over the heart. ^‘ ^ In a pocket a bank book was found, bearing the name of Minas K. Mori- jian. The room was rented eight weeks ago^ by-4‘’rank Jones, a shoe factory workman, whoT, it is said, Had not occupied it for several jiays. The body was discovered by Mrs. Bessie 'Rollins, the -lodging house keeper, and lier husband;^ who had found a-,stream of blood trickling from^the bottom cf the trunk. The" police were notified and search was begun for Jones. On May 30 a new trunk* was brought to the house for Jones. In the bank book was a note which said: : ^ “If anything happens to me notify L. B. Adams, 388 Center street' Ja- naica Plains/* How long the body had been in the trunk is not known. VICTlMSJF STORM Twenty Four Lives. Reported lost In Texas. night RIDERS ESCAPE. 3ix Men Break Jail at Dresden, Tenn. Nasbville, Tenn.—Six men have es caped from the Weakley county jail at Dresden, Tenn. Among those who got away were Jeff Linder, O. D. El- '^redge and John Rady, in jail on charges of night riding. There were •five othjer men in the prison charged with night riding who refused to es- c^ape. No trace of the missing men ’has been discovered. I ' Killed by Elevator, Birmingham, Ala.—H. B. Fitts, white, foreman of stock house at the No. 4. blast iron furnace of the^ Ten nessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Com pany, at Bessemer, near here, was killed by being caught by a runaway elevator." Fitts was horribly man gled. The deceased is survived by .widow and several children. ^ Boy Ground to Pieces. ; Birmingham, Ala.—-Houston Oury, 14 years old, with four others of hfs age, T^as caught on a trestle near Pratt City-and ground to pieces Frisco passenger train, out of Birna- Ingham. The companions of Oury es caped by leaping to the abutments of the bridge. Will Move Plant. 3 Birmingham, Ala.—President Has- slnger, of th« Southern Iron and Steel Company, ■ has oflicially , an nounced that the steel rad,' wire and rail mills, which cost origlijalfy more than a million and a quarter dollars, would be removed to Gadsdeh, forty miles north of here. The citizens of Gadsden contribute to the removal, furnish free water and give an ex emption of taxes for a number of years. The industry employs one thousand men when in operation. Strange Disease Prevalent. ^ Lake Charles; La.—Charbon, a deadly and lostthsome disease which afflicts cattle ^d \i^hich has kiJled thousands of valdabie animals In Louisiana, has attacked huma^. CERFEW LAW FOR MOBILE. ^Id H\)Id'Ups and Robberies- Have Terrorized the City. Mobile, Ala.—A curfew law has been established by the police affect ing negroes and suspicious white men as the result of a series of bold hold-ups and robberies of white per sona. from $1,0^ to $l,100>and two carriers from ^,- 100 to $1,200. y .. . Woman for Congrejss. • Denver, Colo^—Tie women of Colo rado are to nmke a stubborn effort to send one of ^*!r sex to congress two years hence. Such was Ihe an nouncement made to the visiting de legates from the International Coun cil of Women, by one who spoke for the women's associations in the state.. Kai^s FlghU Locker Chibs. , To^ka, katt.-^two^ suit# were filed against tfia Topeka Club, one of the most fashionable in the state, ^ test thft right to keep Hqnora 4n ers at thad. SUMISIER SCHMDUXiE ' Effective May 30, 1909" Time Table No. 5 No. 6. Dally. 0'S Eastern Standard Time STATIONS No 5. ^ Daily. '^6'Si P M A M A M P Bf 3 50 8 05 Lv Asheville Ar 9 a5 6 15) 4 65 9 10 Heudersonville. 8 00 5 10) 5 1ft Yale (7 48 5 21 s 9 28 (■7 44 5 26 f 9 31 f7 39 f4 49 35 s 9 40 s7 83 S4 43 f5 41 f 9 46 17 28 f4 81 s6 47 s 9 52 s7 21 s4 88 fS 55 fiO 00 Davidson River f7 13 f4 23 s6 00 sIO 05 .. Pisgah Forest.. •••••• ^7 10 F4 ^61 s6 10 sJO 15 Ar. ^7 0.i S4 15 fd 24 flO 29 f6 48 f3 58 f6 33 flO 37 f6 42 fs sa 16 85 flO 40 fO S8 f3 48 s6 4t AlO 46 s6 38 f3 43 s6 f 9 fll 04 f6 SO fa 30 f7 00 6 10 - b7 2. sll S5 .. T«.xaway Inn . s6 (2 tS 18 7 25 11 30 Ar. .Lake Toxaway...Lv 6 00 3 10 Near-Beer Caused Killing. - Memphis, Tenn.—A controversy over a can of near-beer Is declared to have brought about the killing of an unidentified man who was found lying on a sidewalk In a dying con dition, according to the statement of Tobe Tinsley, who has surrendered to the police and declared that he shot the .man in defense of his own life. Several were participating in the beverage, Tinsley states, and hr rebuked the stranger for partaking- too oftem Then came a quarrel, he declares, the stranger drawing a knife, and he fired. Tommy—^Pop, what Is the office that seeks the man? -Tommy’s Pop—The tax office, my son.—Philadelphia Reco^ * ‘f’ ’ stop on signal. ‘ ‘s’ ’ Regular stop. For tickets and full information apply to E. W. CARTER, Ag’t. J. H. WOOD, Dist. Pass. Ag’t, Asheville, N C. Summer Excursion Round-Trip Tickets Now on sale via Southern Bailway, Week-end to Asheville $1.65—^On sale all trains Saturdays and Sun day mornings. Good returning Mondays. Summer excursion to Asheville $2.05.—On sale daily. Good re-v turning October 31s^. - s' Other'points on application. J. H. Wood, D. P. A. E. W. Carter, T. A. Change in Handling of Meaphis-Ashwrille Sleeping Gar Line. Effective Sunday, June. 20th. Under new larrangement leaves Asheville westbound daily 2:05 p. m., arriving Memphis 7;3Q a. m. Eastbound leaves Memphis daily 8:15 p. m.j arriving Asheville 1:35 p.m. ^ NEW YORK |8 THC «ReATG8T HIEATRICAL i SHOW PAPER IN Trie WORLD. $4419 Per Yw. SIqjt 6^, IB Cis> ISSUED WSBKLT. , Sample Copy Freb. mux QUEER PUB. CO. (LMlV AI«BEnj.BOKIB« PUBUSHER8, « W. asm K»w Toa^ ^ p 'if , t