—^ — ■■ ^ — iV ,• ^Bi^' * ———— •"•' ^ * WKit** 1 WKifc ^Miii»afci*^ <■>^ri^ifcafcaiI ONLY NEWSPAPER IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY j - J. J. MINER, OWNER AND MANAGER ^ HOME I>AFER FOR HOME EEpPLE—AIJ;. HOME PRINT VOLUME^IIV BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA. NOYEMBER 12.1909- NUMBER*45 ATLANTA AUTO SHOW. FATAL AUTO WRECK Two Persons Arc Killed Near Greenville, N. C. DRIVER LOST CONTROL Eon of United States District Attor ney Skinner Was One of the Urrfor- tunate Victims of the Accident- Auto Collided With a Tree. Greenville, N. C.—J. L. Fleming, Btate senator from Pitt county, and Harry Skinner, Jr., son of United States District Attorney Harry Skin ner, were killeH in an automobile wreck near here. Mr. Fleming was thrown from the machine, breaking his neck and dying almost instantly, while Mr. Skinner’s skull was fractured. Being rushed to a hospital in Richmond, Va., he died before the train reached Winston. Those in the machine at the time It was wrecked were E. G. Flanna- gan, J. L. Fleming, Harry Skinner, Jr., and S C. Wooten. In trying to pass a lumber wagon, Mr. Flannagan, who was driving the machine, lost control and crashed with terrific force into* a tree by the roadside. The machine turned a som ersault. Mr. Flannagan was caught under the machine, and badly crushed, three ribs being broken and internal in juries sustained. Winston, N. C.—Colonel Harry Skinner, United States district at torney for the eastern district of North Carolina, had just arrived to Bttend the celebration in honor of President Taft, when informed by long distance telephone of the tragic death of his son. He left at bnce on a special train for his home. RUN DOWN BY AUTO. H. L. Anderson, Prominent Atlantan, Meets Tragic Death. Atlanta.—^While on the way to meet his wife who had just returned from the Auto Sljow opening with a party f)f friends, Harvey L. Anderson, pres ident of tlie Anderson Hardware Com pany, was run over and killed by a speeding automobile near the junc tion of the two Peachtrees a short distance from his home, 1085 Peach tree, near Seventeenth street. Traveling at a frightful rate of Bpeed, it Is claimed, the car passed on, and was soon lost in the darkness, without the number of the machine being observed. The accident occurred Just as the out going car swerved to one side In order to pass an incoming one. Investiga4:Ion proved that the car •w'llch killed Mr. Anderson belonged to Dr. J. H. Crawford, and it is claimed that the iiccident was una voidable. TRAGEDY IN ALABAMA. Farmers Have Fatal Duel Over a BoHle of Liquor. Huntsville, Ala.—Joe Webb and John Clark, farmers, shot eacli other to death near Mint Springs,* after quarreling over a bottle of liquor. Webb was the father-in-law of Clark. It is said they were drinking at a place about half-way between their homes, and after quarreling, both began shooting. Webb was shot eight times and instantly killed, .and Clark was shot tlirae times. He walked home, and sent for a doctor* but died before the doctor reached bim. Mint Springs is in the north eastern part of Madison county, and no further particulars have been re ceived here. Other parties are said to hare been engaged in the affair. Murdered on Roof of Sky-Scraper. Oklahoma City, Okla.—^Roby B. Gannon, 28 years old, a real estate . Representative—G. W. Wilson.* Clerk Superior Court—T. T. Loftis. Sheriff and Tax Collector—C. C. Kilpat* rick. Treasurer—Z. W. Nicholls. Register of Deeds—B. A. Gillespie. Coroner—Dr. W. J. Wallis. Surveyor—A. L. Hardin. Commissioners—W. M. JJenry, Ch*n; G. T. Lyd^3r; W. E. Galloway.' Superintendent of Schools—^T. C. Hen^ derson. , _ Physician—^Dr. Goode Cheathani. Attorney—Gash & Galloway. Town Government*. Mayor—W. E. Breese, jr. Board of Aldermen—^T. H, Shipman. J- M. Kilpatrick, T. M. Mitchell, A. H. King, E. W. Carter. Marshal—3. A. Galloway. Clerk and Tax Collector—T. H. Gallo way. Treasurer—T. H. Shipman. Health Officer—Dr. C. W. Hunt. Attorney—W. W. Zachary. Regular meetings—First Monday night in each month. Profesdonal Cor^. H. G. a^LEY Chol and Consulting Engineer and Sorveyor McMiim Block' BREVARO, N. C. Patronize those who Advertise W. B. DUCKWORTH, A.TTO RNEY-AT-LA W. tlooms 1 and 2« Pickelsimer Building* GASH GALLOWAY LAWYERS. Will practice in all the courts^ Booms 9 and 10« McMinn Block. Patronize those who Advertise: Notice of Service of Summons by Publication. North Carolina—Transylvania County. In the Superior Court. R. S. Osteen vs. Mrs. H. L. Lanning. Notice of Service of Summons by Publi cation. The defendant above named, Mrs. H. L. Lanning, will take notice that an action entitled above has been commenced in the superior court of Transylvania county by the plaintiff, R. S. Osteen, for the pur pose of establishing his title to certain real estate in Brevard, in said county of Tran sylvania, and for the further purpose of having the title of the said Mrs. H. L. Lanning to said real estate declared null- and void and of no effect, and for the pur pose of removing from his own title the cloud made by the alleged title of the said Mrs. H. L. Lanning; and the said defend ant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the term of the superior court of the said county of Tran sylvania, to be held on the twelfth Monday after the first Monday in Septem- her, 1909, at the comt house of said county' in Brevard, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in said acti Entry No. 2547. North Carolina—Transylvania County.. Duff Merrick, a citizen and resident o£ the state of North Carolina, enters a tract^ of land estimated to contain thiity-eight (38) acres, situate in the above county and state, on the waters of the Toxaway river- Beginning on a chestnut oak, the noi^- west comer of grant Na 301 and fte northeast corner of grant Na 122S and iuL the line of nant No. 388, and running thence with the southiaii boundary line of: grant No. 388 about nofth 70 degrees eastt 400 poles more or less to the line of grant No. 195; thence with the line of gtant No. 195 southeasterly to its black guxft comer; thence with another line of grant No: 19& easterly to its Chestnut comer; thence with anotiier line of said grant No. 195 in a southerly or southeasterly direction to the^northem line of said grant No. 301; thence with the northern line of said grant No. 301 to the beginning. Thisr October 1,1909. B. A. GILLESPIE, Entry Taker;.