T" FULL LINE OF aratiDns ¥ / '/ juiSt rcceivcd* Every article guaranteed* Give us a trial ' •' 4 ■ • .’■■ ‘ ■ ■ ■ ALLISON & MACFlE / / ‘ .‘S^ raisinj Ik. ^^■iUiliiitii LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Are yon ready to join the anti- meat-eating crusade? *Judge Shnford from Asheville was in town last week. There seems to be an epidemic of colds and grippe among ns just now. The Presbyterians gave their pas tor a liberal pounding last Tuesday. Mrs. T. S. Wood is visiting her immed late payment. R. D./^EilLL, Administrator of L. C. Neill. This Dec. 30th, 1909. - Entry No* 2557* - T. Grimshawe enters and claims 100 acres of land more or less, on the waters of the Toxaway river and joins lands of Grimshawe, R. E. Wood and Toxaway Co. Beginning at a hickory and runs south 8 deg east 270-poles to a pine; thence west to an old line of Grimshawe; thence north 5 deg west to a stake in Grimshawe*s line; thence north to a stake in Toxaway Com pany’s line of grant 290; thence east 20 poles to and with grant 290 to a stake; thence south and with the line of 290 to beginning. B. A. GILLESPIE, Entry Taker. December 8,1909. Southern Railway. For best schedules, fewest changes of cars and lowest rates to all points, call on or write to Ji H. Wood, District Passenger Agen^ ' Asheville, N. C. Begin the New Year right by trading where “EVERYTHINC BEST IN DRIKS” V that with J. B. PICKLSIMER, Ph. G. Druggist and Pharmacist* PHONE 85. BREyARD, N. C Piper & James • 90 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. ^^The Popular Price Store ff Miss Jessie M. Piper Mrs. H. B. James Our aim in business is to carry in stock at all seasons a moderately priced line of millinery. But we do not sacrifice quality of material, style or workmanship in accomplishing our purpose. An investigation will prove that you can buy from us Trim'med Hats of correct style at a great saving in price and we cordially invite you to visit our parlors when in Asheville. Inspect our offering, make a comparison of our values with those of other establishments. All Winter Millinery can be had here at special price reduction. An Extraordinary January Clearance Sale Of Tailor-Made Suits, Goats, Dresses for Women and Cliiidren A most successful suit season brings in its wake the entirely natural re sults that the best selling lines, as they become depleted, leave a great many incomplete assortments. By groupingjthese, all sixes are v found, of course not all sizes in every model. As the season is too far advanced to fill in the vac^cies, we have chosen the only course left to us and have made most radical reductions to effect a prompt^learance. Our entire fine line of High-Grade Tailored Suits is gathered in 3 dis tinct groups, and offered at sacrifice prices. Be sure and visit our storo when in Asheville and see these bargains. THE FASHION V- . 16 Pattern Avenue, Asheville, N. C. , ASHETILLE’S NEWEST STORE H THEk the and mat problems th er who is his place, here to glv the buildinj meet the vj ferent farm ing ideas o! gestions, he some of the problems. Aside froi <»onsldered fiosFlmp^ barn. This ter for the calves and for hay. T