ied as administratoir L. C. Neill, deceased, vania county, Narth to notify all persons against the estate of 0 exhibit them to the Brevard, N. C., on or ]910, or this notice □ bar of their recov- is indebted to said Lse make inaraediate^ Ri. ’D. ^ MIjL, ator of L. C. Neill. 1909. HE GRAVES jranitc, etc. ir_ orders until you^ i>ii m m fiii^YNEWSPAPEB IN TRANSYLVANIA COBNTY A Home i>ajper for OWti^ Mi^ jMLiLi VOLUME»XV BBEMRD, NOBTH GAROtmA, MARGE 11.1^\0- 70,000 ^ STRIKE Sympathetic Waik-Oat of Organ ized Labor. strikers are riotous Union Men of All Trades Rally Around Union Labor Standard to ! Back Up Fight of Trolley Men Against PhiUdelphIa Car Company. Philadelphia, Pa.—Disorder inmany parts of the city marked the first day of Philadelphia’s great sympathetic ■walk-out of organized labor to back up the fight of the trolley men against the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Com pany. Nearly every section of the city had its tale to tell erf cars at tacked, of men assaulted by strikers, or sympathizers, or of clashes with police when the latter tried to dis perse the crowds. The scene of the most general dis turbances was in the very center ol the city. The greatest trouble was experienced by the police at Indepen dence Square, where, despite the aa- Bouncement by Major Reybifm that no demonstraticm could be held on that historic ground, a crowd esti mated at 25,000 persons gathered to participate in or watch the demon stration of organized labor. Policemen, mounted and afoot, were there by the score with strict orders to keep the crowd moving. This was accomplished, and it is due to the pa- ticnce, carefulness and steadiness of the police that no serious^ outbreaks occurred. A great crowd of strikere paraded througn tfle square and were not molested by the police. Thftre was a wide difference of opin ion as to the extent of the strike. The committee of ten of the Central La bor Union, which Is conducting the strike, in a statement made, an nounced that reports show that 70,- 000 union men are out and that the walk-oift has * affected 20,000 other workers. RACE RIOT IN FLORIDA. Guperinitendent For Contractor and a Deputy Sheriff Killed. Tampa, Fla.—^News has reached this city of a shooting affray which occurred near Palmetto, about 4(j miles south of here, in which two men wero killed. Sam Stribbling, superintendent for a prominent contractor of this city, had a dispute with a negro employee about wages, resulting ip the negro drawing a pistol and killing Strib bling instantly. The negro then es caped into the woods. Telephone messages brought Sheriff Wyatt from Bradentown with a posse and blood hounds. Later the negro was chased into the house of another negro, who had Winchester rifles and a supply ol amn^ition. .$^n exchange of shots whimalI one, tha‘ officers left for reinforce ments and the negroes escaped from the house. by death here follavtoi^ an attack ol heart failure just the curtain went up for a perfotinaiice of “Henry the VIII." ^ ^ Louis James for yeliTs made his hom^ in Kanaas'^Ctty^ although he also had a resideni^ at Monmouth Beach, N. J* , , Louis James ‘was, born in Tremont, 111., in 1842. His firsijjUD^yngement was with McCauley's Compatiy, which he Joined at ^JgVHle, Ky., in 1864. Later for flv$ y^ars he was Lawrence Barrett’s leading man. Froin 1886 to 1889 he starred; was with Joseph Jefferson In 1891-92 and later in the nineties starred in conjunction with Frederick Warde. THOS. C. PLATT LOUIS JAMES DEAD. Death Rings Down Curtain on Career of Famous Tragedian. j Helenaf, Mont,-^Louis James' long career as an actor has been ended-, .1 Change In Naval Pertonnel, Washington.—President Taft has sent a message to congress urging the necessity of changes in the pres ent method of promotion In the naval service. He pointed out how the ser vice was crippled by having the age limit such that many olQcers are prac tically ready for retirement by the time they are thoroughly equipped for command of a squlkdron or fleet. He thought the ages, for rear admirals and captains not^^ung enough for the arduous duties of commanding a modern warshtp. | 4 ^ # Fire Lost hf, $&S.OOO- McCormick, S. C.—FIre has de stroyed several business buildings here, the total loss b^ng |85,000. The buildings destroyed were the banking house of the Farmery* bank and the postofflce and the stores of J. S. Dea- son, Harmon & Co., J*uller & Co. and N. G. Brown & Son, and two owned by M. L. B. Stiirkey company. The los^'fe practically'eover^d- by tnfiur- Was For Years a National. .Figure 19 Republican, Politics. New York.—Thomas Collier J»|att, formerly United States senator llom New York, and for many years a na tional figure in republican politics, died in the apartment of Mr. and' Mrs. GusUv Abele, on West jEleventh street, froloL ^^hoin thr6« rdoma for the last- Mrs. Abele had been his nurse. • - Dr. Paul Autebridge, his physician, said the cause of his death was chron ic and acute Bright's disease. The body was removed to the home of Frank H. Platt, his son, and'will be taken to Owego, N. Y., the senator's birthplace, where it will be buried. .SOUTHEMN BAIIWAY COMPANY. OpemtlQg the ttnnsylTBiila Railrottd. Eff^tive 12K)1 a, m. Sunday, Sept. 26, *09. Time!Table No. 6 V Dies At Age of 110. Charleston, S., C.—Miss Catherine Reynolds died at the age of 110 years, the oldest age reported on the records of the. health department. There have been several cases of parties who have turned the 100 years anni versary, but the present case -easily defeats all previous cases of longev ity. Old age was the cause ol her death. » *. Young Wonnan Takes Her Life. Blrminghai;!, Ala.—Despond-^At be cause she was forced to work, accord ing to the best Information, Miss Clara Crockett, a beautiful girl twen ty years of ige, shot herself through the heart at her boarding house here. It was said she frequently referred to her. Virginia family, and it is be lieved she felt humiliated at timtes. She was a stenographer in an insur ance offiCQ-cand w|Hs .4^:njecd^oC Aider- xnan G^df^'fitone.' *- . : ~ > v ^ BMtem Standard Time STATIONS f4 40 84 61 14 66 »5 C6 f5 11 17 f5 25 ^6 30 86 40 f5 58 f6 01 16 04 10 £6 25 f6 85 6 46 Lt. JDMiAeDMsiyilto...Ar Yale .'. .— Hone^hoe w.Oiuiiioi) Bcowah Biantjrre Penrose Davidson River Pisgah Forest.. AT Brevfrd Lv Belica Cherryfleld ..Caivert. Rosman .Quebec ....Reid’s... Ar...Lake Toxaway...Lv ▲ X mioi f9 48 89 44 f9 89 69 89 i9 s9 21 18 1^9 10 ^ 06 f8 60 /8 48 f8 40 35 f8 22 fb 10 8 to . I *T’ Stop on signal, “s” Regular stop. For tickets and full iuformatitm * B. W. CARTER, Ag't. J. H. WOOD, Dist. Pass. Ag’t, Asheylile, N. C. Profesdonal Cards. R. 1m gash, LAWYER. 11 and 12 McMinn Building Notary Public. W. B. DUCKWOR.TH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 1 and 2, Pickelsimer Building Chamberlain’S Cougb^tepdf Cures Colds. Croup and WlK>6j?iijfe-,C«Jt>*d^-, . V - -N- ^SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS NOW MK Brevard Building and Loan Association open our third series of stock Saturday, March 26, 1910, and invite every man woman and child to take stock in an institution that is doin^ as much, if not more, than any other one thing to build Brevard. Don’t wait until the last day, but SEE VERDERY AND GIVE HIM YOUR ENTRANCE FEES AT ONCE. ^ ^ ^ ^ Statement of Receipts and Disbursements to February 28, 1910 RECEIPTS Membership Fees i. ... J i $ 101*75 Installments .. .^ 4,051.00 Interest * * V ‘ * * 92*27 Fines .1 2*10 Total .’.....$4^7.12 DISBURS£MJ£NTS Loans • • • • $3,778*00 ■ y Expense 134.25 Cash on hand • • • 334.87 Total .$4,247.12 In the past 12 months we have helped build and complete one store building and six dwellings that cost more than $6,500.00, and want to double our helping capacity the coming year. See Verdery ! Get busy! Help the town grow! By helping the town you are helping yourselves. As an investment, if you never become a borrower, you are assured of 6 pe^ ^cent interest yfhile your money will be j^^lping the homeless to build homes and become better citizen^.‘ This is true patriotism, and if you love your town and county the Building and Loan Association offers the best opportunity to show it. - "'J .--'isE 7 V ■ ■