liffh and low 5ut, for men md women Material in my i: in that line see U MONEY. ^ RELIEF hers Fall «Like the Rope of pcnut.y V w persons who use the phrase the rope of Ocniis” to denote fitless labor know the significance* Ctbe expression or Ite^gredt an- . “The Rope of Ocnus” was the of a picture painted by Polygr- a distinguished Gr^k, wha died f^tlie fifth century B. C. He is reput- ^ first to have ^ven life. Character d expression t mund Burke In commenting on the matter said that Franklin reminded him of *.'a man being examined by a parcel of schoolboys,” while Charies James Fox remarked that his inquisi tors were “dwarfs in the hand of a giant.** . The Unknown World.“ Notwithstanding the afdvance of exploration in various parts of the gk)be it is estimated that about 20,- 000,000 square miles of the earth’s surface remain yet unexplored. The largest unexplored area is in Africa, 6,500,000 miles, but even North Amer ica contains 1,500,000 square miles of virgin teAritory. Most persons will be surprised to leam that there is three times as much land awaiting the foot [ 'of the pioneer in North America as in South America.—Chicago Tribune. His Chance. Young Wife—Yes, dearest. I’m go- iQ? to favor you at dinner tonight with a new cake that I invented all by ^yself. Young Husband (gloomily)— I guess this will be a good night ior me to bring Jim Taggart home to inner. i don’t like Jim.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Volcano Ashes. he ashes, so called, from volcanoes ^© simply lava that is finely pulver- m MCE TO AU, AHD HAT THE LOWEST ■< Ifevard Siit>ply Co. Capitalized hy Common l^eonle For the benefit of Common People A Groc^y Store Where the Consumer Gets Full Value for Ifis Money Having htcn convinced that citizens of Brevard and conti^ous territory were enti tled to the benefits of such an organization The Brevard Supply Q>mpany was formed by consumers for the sole purpose of giving full valtte and a square deal to allpatrofe^ ^ It is not the object of this company to antagonize any other business firm nor to cut prices lor the purpose of weakening any competitor^ and we should never have in augurated a cut on any staple^ but have found it necessary to meet and even cut under the prices of organized competition in the interest of our customers* We intend to sell A' Full and Complete Line of Groceries just as cheap as they can be sold and pay expense, regardless of what prices other dealers taaf charge* V Full Weight, Honest Measure and a Square Deal will be bur motto, and we believe it will be to the interest *of all to buy their GRCX3ERIES- of the « Brevard Supply Company Km aaa One Gleam of Joy. Johnny had two presents at the same'' time—one a diary, which is' kept very carefully, and the other a pea shooting popgun, which he fires indiscriminate ly on all occasions. One day his moth er found the folloying terse record in his diary: *iMondy cold an^ sloppy. Toosdy cold and sloppy. Wensdy cold and sloppy shot grariina.** — Youth’s Companion. • In Legal Terms. She (after a tiff)—You will admit you were wrong? He (a young lawyer)—No. but I’ll admit that an * unintentional error might have unknowingly crept ^to my assertion. Not the Only One. “Sir, I heard you using the word ,‘jackass.* Did you apply it to me?” “No, sir. Do you think you’re the only jackass in the world?**—Cleveland Leader. Resolve to w^knesi? and to walk in power^—chariette Stetson. Diarrhoea should be tnired without loss of time and by a mefiicine which, like ChambMain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy not only cures promptly but produces no unpleasant after effects. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. Sold by all dealers. Wheat and the Boy. Willie —Pa, what does **good as wheat’* mean? Pa—Don’t ’bother me. Willie—Pa, would you say 1 was as “good as wheat?” Pa—I might after you were properly thrashed, and that’s what will happen tq^you if you don’t stop asking questions. Shoes. ' The earliest mei^tion of shoes is in an Egyptian papyrus .about 2,200 years before Christ. After The Grippe am much pleased, to be able to write and thank you for what Cardui has done for me,” writes Mrs. Sarah J. Gilliland, of Siler City, N. C “Last February,'! had the Grippe, wlildi‘ left me tn bad shape. Before that, I had been bothered with female trouble, for ten years, and nothing seemed to cure it “At last, 1 began to take Cardui. 1 have taken only three bottles, but It'has done me more good than all, the doctors or than any other medicine I ever took.” W“CARDUI |42 Tlie WoBMui’s Tonic A Oomeetic Convenience. Garson—Have you hot water in your bouse? De Long—Yes; my wife’s moth er lives with us. Neighborly. “So you' don’t like that crowing rooster?” ' • > “1 haven*t anything against the rooster personally. But every time be crows he reminds me that I don’t like the people he belongs to.”—Washing ton Star, The Demon of the Air is the germ of lagrippethat, breathed in, brings sufferings to thousands. Its after effects are weakness, ner vousness, lack of appetite, energy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys. The firreatest need then is Electric Bitters, the splendid tonic, blood purifier and i^egulator of stom ach, liver and kidneys. Thousands have proved* that they wonderfully strengthen the nerves, build up the system andir^toie fiealth and good spirits aftOT BD ^atfeck of grip. If suffering, try the».^^ Only 50c. Per fect satisfactiocr pjuhranteed by Alli son & Macfie. For the after-effects of any serious illness, Hke the Grip, Cardui is the best tonic you can use. - It builds strength, steadies the nerves, improves tiie appetite, regulates irregularities and helps bring back the natural glow of health. Cardui is your best friend, if you only knew it Think of the thousands of ladies whom Cardui has helped! What could possibly prevent it from helping you? Remember you cahnot get the benefit of the Cafdui ingredients in any other medicin^ for they are not for sale in any drug store except in the Cardui .bottle. Try Cardui Write to: Ladies* Advisory Dept, Chattanooca Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tfinn., for fecial Instructions, and 64-page book, "Home Treatment for Women." sfsAbft. Physicians Advise the use of a goodlaxative, to keep the bowels open and prevent the poisons of undigested food from gettinginto your system. The latest product of science is VELVO Laxative Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, gentle, reliable and of a pleasant, aromatic taste. Veivo acts on the liver, as well as on the stomach and bowels, and is of the greatest possible efiicacy in const^ation, indigestion, biliousness, sick headache, feyeri^ness, colicyfiatuieoce, etc. Try VF1 LAXATIVE LIVER SYRUP Plmntitly obtidnBd, dr FEE RETURNED, so YEARS* CXPCmCNCB. OarOHA»MiC»ARK THE LOWEST. S^tod model, photo or sketch for ezp^ March and free report on patentabiU^. INnilllCCMCllT suits oondficted before all eoorts. Patents obtateed through vs, AOVSn- TISED and SOLD, free. TRAOC-MAltKS. I*®** •IONS aod COPYIIICHT* quickly obUined. Opposite ii. S. Patent Cfnoe* WASKiMC TON, D. C. ft* ■ ; »■ mo. KILLtheCOUOM AMDCURETiKUIIIOS mmmwis mmami OLMrimiimtm muLtmamvrn TRounfs 1 f '■I I