/ A Vto Think We Cotf Please You This is the way we fisrure it: Most everybody prefers high-class eatables. We handle only that kind—hence ouiT deduction is natural enough^ isn’t it? _ * 1 T . Suppose you let u/ do you up anx>rder some of these days just for a trial, "f- " Get some of our GoflPfee ' And some of .that Tea that we are all the time talking about. Include some of our Canned Vegetables—they are extra quality—at 9c per can. And all the‘grreat number of every day needs we take pains to have JUST RIGHT. R. S. FULKER & CO. PHONES*. - BREVARD, N.C. Sylvan Valley News Subscriptioii Price of the News For three months - 30c For^^x months 60c For one year $1.00 PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY J. J. MINEK. Owner and Manasrer. OSIE M. MINER. Bookkeeper and Collector. FORMS CLOSE—Thursday Noon Friday Morning^ April 29^ 1910 POINTS OF OUR PROGRESS. We are d.t full sail again on a sea of progress and prosperity. Building is going on at a rapid pace in town and county. Land values ^re steadily increasing and those who care to invest in Southern real estate will never find it any cheaper than at this time. In our town preparations are being made to take <;are of the heavy travel that is expected this summer. N^w boarding houses are being built and old ones overhauled and enlarged. Bonds have been voted and sold for the improvement of our wa- t^r system. Water and sewer lines are being extended. * The streets are being improved and cleaned. The means for keeping our town clean aad sanitary are well organized and all efforts are being directed toward making ^ur town clean and attractive. The court house grounds have been improved and beautified. A fountain with gold fish ai:^d moun tain trout adorns the court square. New interest has .been infused into the farming element of our county. We have a recently or ganized Agricultural Association. The farmers are zealously enter ing the corn contest and more money has been paid by our mer- €hants and business men for corn prizes this year than Buncombe county has paid, and there are signs on every side of a general agricultural awakening, and when our farmers become arous ed and realize what opportunities they have the county and town must grow, for they are the basis of all industries. New telephone lines are being built and extended—in fact our county is almost a net work of telephone lines, and local tele phone system is being daily im proved,-and long distance phones are installed in town. We have a modern postoffice with an increasing business; one of the best banks in the state with every branch* of its business growing day by day. The pbst office and bank are the best index to t^e progress of any town and county. Unlimited water- powers are beihg harnessed and made to do their part toward de veloping and building up the country. • Pow^r plants have been and are being built to fur- nisli power to light our towns aad run our factories." We have an actfve and rapidly ^toning Baildiog aad I^aAs- sociation that iS doing more t6 build up the town than any other enterprise in which our people have ever been interested. We have good railroad and telegraph facilitiesr, churches, schools’, and in fact everything that goes to make a clean, attractive an4 pros perous town and county. With these many advantages we conMently ask strangers to come and look at Brevard, be lieving that a personal investiga tion is all that is needed to inter est the capitalist and the home- seeker. . There are larger towns than Brevard but there are none that can offer a better field for investments. . * ♦ • The News has ever been in favor of wider streets. No mat ter whether the town grows as a business center or not* it is bound to grow as a residence town. The loctjition of Brevard is too ideal for it to long remain the village it now is, and as, a residence town it should have wide streets —no street less than 60 feet. / All of the older cities of this country made the same mistake that Brevard has made—their streets were too narrow. In all modern suburbs this error has been eliminated. No town is now “laid out” with streets less than 100 feet wide. This doesn’t mean that the town must pave and keep in repair 100 feet of roadway, but there must be on each side room for sidewalk, a row of shade tr^es and parkage to be kept in trim by the property owner whose lot it fronts. A 60-foot street can l^e made attractive with 30 feet of driveway and 15 feet on each side for walks and parkage, but no street in Brevard should be less than 60 feet wide. • » Peed and protect the wild birds. All* about us this spring weather are thousands of bird babies. Every apple and pear tree, every shade tree is a nur sery; the vine on our porch, the barn eaves, the grass in the meadow, each has its hidden nestful. Their mission is one not only of joy and music but of economic value. Blessings on the bird babies! The farmer who doesn’t protect and defend the native wild birds is failing in his duty to one of his most efficient friends and helpers. * * GOOD ADVERTISING. A Georgia newspaper threat ened to publish the name of the young man seen with his sweet- heart’s head on his shoulder if he didn’t come across with a dollar on subscription. Twenty-seven felloes slipped in and paid the dollar. Fourteen telephoned the subscription man to come around and get it, and the editor received three letters from nearby coun try districts saying they would call in and settle the next time thej were in town. A nnduhcements For Sheriff. The mai^ friends of F. E. Shnford take pleasure in announ^g that he is a candi date for Sheriff 0^'Transylvania county, subject ito the actipA of the Democratic Primari^ convention. Clerk Superior Court. In response to the^ urgent solicitati«(53i of his many friends in all sections of Tran sylvania county, we are authorized to an nounce that Cos. Paxton will be a candi date for the oflke of Clerk of Transylv|i- nia Superior Court, subject to the action of the Township Democratic Primaries and county convention.. Respectfully submit ted by Many Citizens. \ For Register of Deeds. ^ Thanking my many friends for their confidence and support in the past, I take this means of announcing that I will be a candidate for renomination at the demo- crati c primaries and county convention for the oflke^rf Register of Deeds. If elected I shall strive to serve the people faithfully. Very truly jo^ servant, B. • GILLESPIE. For Solicitor. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Solicitor of this, the 15th, Judicial District subject to the action of the Democratic convention. If nominated I shall us^ every honorable effort to redeem the district and j>lace it in the Democratic ranks, and if elected I shall give my best ability to the discharge of the duties of the office. If, however, ;?ome other Democratic aspirant is successful in securing the nom ination I shall support him loyally^ and earnestly. Robert R, Reynolds. < Two days moi^e in which to pay poll tax if^irpiT" would vote next November. On account of May 1st being Sunday, Attorney General Bickett rules that it may be paid Monday, but this ruling is not strictly in compliance with the law, and it is best to be on the safe side. Pay your poll tax today or tomorrow without fail. * * • That sample of weather which the^wild, wooly and windy “Great Northwest” sent us last Monday is not very highly appreciated in the Sunny South. Two feet of snow had fallen in some north western sections, and a good start was made here to duplicate the record. For two hours, be ginning about half-past seven, the snow fell “in torrents.” If this was due in any way to the tail of Hailey’s come^^its nucleus must be an iceberg. , * * ' * It is rumored ^here, as an out growth of the several i?ecord searchings whtfch have taken place in Brevard this winter, that the Toxaway Company prop erty is about to change owner ship—the Dukes being the pur chasers. There are a great many suppositions as to what improvements are contemplated, but until the promoters are ready for publicity and will take the public into their confidence, all reports are nothing but surmises. Beef from Australia pays freight and tariff and sells from three to six cents cheaper than American beef in the Mew York market, and it is said that it is a better quality of beef than that furnished by the' beef barons of Chicasfo. Haven't You Been Expecting TO START A BANK ACCOUNT? Been trying to save an^amount sufficient to ‘‘make a good »tart?^’ The “small purchase temptation’’ makes it verj hard to accumulate any certain sum by keeping money in your pocket or hiding it around the house—probably that has been YOUR trouble. This bank accepts deposits for $1.00 and up— why not come in and open an account with us NOW—let the bank help you to save—it is the only SaFE way. 4%' Paid on Time Deposits. r Seed Sweeti Potatoes GARDEN SEEDS And a nice line of up-to-date GROCERIES. The prices are rigl^t and we give you Weights and Measure. Give us a call. cox & KILPATRICK West Side Depot Street, near Depot. Phone 125 CITY MARKET W. H. Phone 47 Fresh Meats of every kind tlie market affords. I buy' only good cattle. I want your business^ Prompt and courteous attention given to- all orders. : : i : • DUCKWORTH Proprietor nam. MW E. F. GILLESPIE CONTRACTING PAINTER Estimates furbished and contracts solicit for‘ Painting in all Branches. Kalsomining, Floor Stain, Varnish, etc. Sliop io raar Pest Otiifii, BREVARD, N. Ct Important Announcement* The new styles are now ready. .Do not miss this splendid opportunity to select your wearing apparel from the complete variety of styles shown only by CHtS. t. STEVENS & BROS., GHIGIIGO who make a specialty of High Grade wearing apparel for Women, Misses and ciiildren at Popular Prices. Custom Tailored Suits madti. to special order according to your individual measure ments from your own choice of materi^s and styles. Perfect# Fit» and Satisfaction Assured i Ready-to-wear suits and dresses $10 00 and up, lingerie and tailored, wash suits $2.75 and up, coats $5.00 and up, skirts $1.00 and up. Waists, petticoats, sweaters, muslin underwear, kimo nos, knit underwear, hosiery, corsets, gloves, leather goods, neckwear, etc., also Misses’ suits and skirtp, and Children’s dresses at correspondingly low prices. The styles are the most beautiful and are such as are shown x>nly in the large cities. Please Call and See the Beautifiil Fashion Plates and Samples I cheerfully offer you any assistance I can render you in making your selections, taking measurements, making altera tions and delivering the goods to you at the same low prices you would pay for the same goods in their store or ordered through their catalogue. MRS. W. M. BRADLEY, Brevard, N. G. R.epresenting Chds. A. Stevens & Bros., Chicaso Mf Legal Blanks—all kinds At the News Office. In the Bulletin State Board of He to minis^rs of a Uortb Ca’-ohoa Sunday, April educating the pe. subjects, the fo ^ere especially po 1 That the forces of control of man, ^rtsaienotdisijensat 2 ^at,thisbeiags< „ne’s self, to humani iZn the few, S Sntion for those di Fhe home town or comi ^ That th» infom tained without eost by rte State Board of He; merature on this sub;K bJtion of such infoma tion of a moie sens fZpathetlc, sanitary. Sfded; that this ne^ , by sending men to t who will be as carefu Sovision for the prote Sfc as they are to proi tion of property, In response tc tionsthe followin delivered from Episcopal pulpit D. Chapman:

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