only newspaper in TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY J. J. MINER, OWNER AND MANAGER A. HOME PAPER FOR, HOMjBITOOPLE-AIJL. HOM^ PRTNT* BBEVAED, NORTH CAROLINA. MAY 6, IQIO. NUMBER*19 BLOWTOTHETRUTS SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY. Operating the Trausylvanift Railioad HILDA THE MEMORIAL TO, BOONE. Effective 12K)1 a. m. Sunday, Sept. 26, *09. TimelTable No. 6 Ibuitem standard Time .STATIONS yolume^xv United States Grand Jury Re turns Indictments. Nprth Carolinians Honor the Memory ^ of Famous Pioneer. Salisbury, N. C.—^To’ the memdry of tlxftt '‘famous Fttoneeri Daniel - Boone, civilizer of the Norths Carolina and Kentucky, wilderness, founder of hearing held nr savannah Booneaborough, Ky^ and central fig- ^ - ure and hero the nuuiy boyhood indictme*!*® Ceen Large Returned Concerns, Have Against Several ^ Alleging a Consjilracy In Restraint ! of Business, Trade and Commerce. ^ Savannah, Ga.—As a result of the. investigation v;hich has been carried on by the federal grand jury here for several days into the prices of meats in Savannah and the causes for them, an indictment was rendered against five of the big packing houses aiid three men, local managers of three of the packing houses, as individuals. Brought by Speer's Charge. The investigation is brought against Cudahy & Co, the Schwarzschild & Sulzberger Beef Company, Swift & (Jo the Armcfur Packing Company and the Nelson Morris Company, as corporations, and Fred. M. Hull, Jr., as local manager for the Nelson Mor ris Company; William D. Cooper, as local manager for Armcrur, and Em met B. Adams, as local manager for Swift. The Savannah representatives of the two other packing houses named in the indictment are not men tioned. The date of operations for which the indictment is brought is for the year 1908. Conspiracy Charged.’ It is alleged that the packing hous es named in the indictment brought and slaughtered live stock at various points in the vrest and north, shipped fresh meats to Savannah, reduced the price of meats and sold them on the market at a loss. The result of the I Taanipulation is alleged-to have com pelled the South Atlantic. Packing ttftiPrcrduce Company of Savannah to sell its product at a loss, and was conspiracy In restraint of business, trade and commerce. The intent of tie larger packing houses is alleged to have been to force the local hous es out of the fl6ld of competiticm. Combination Alleged. The second count alleges that be tween June 10 and August 1, 1908, all of the defendants affected a com bination whereby they fixQd abritrary non-competitive and exhorbitant pri ces for meats, thus eliminating that competition which should naturally exist among them. William D. Cooper, one of the de fendants, is now in Nashville, Tenn., and Fred M. Hull,' Jr., is at Little Rock, Ark. It is expected that ser vice will be perfected immediately on the defendants and bonds made. 8t<n*ies of Indian fighting and hunting tales, memorials have been ceremo niously dedicated at Holman's Ford, near here. Thes6 promise to be-, come a mecca for patriotic pilgrims. On the historic ‘ spot where Boone spent nineteen years of his vigorcfus youAg manhood, punting and resist ing the sKulking. redskin, patriotic North Carolinians have erected on the exact site of the old homestead, a few hundred yards from the Yadkin river, a new log cabin, a replica of the one occupied by the intrepid hunter and his family. Directly in front of the simj)Ie building stands a hand some shaft of native Rowan, granite forming an Indian arrow head 15 feet high and mounted upon a masslvd base. Ornamenting this is a bronze tablet bearing the name of Daniel Boone and the date of his residence In North CarcrlinaL ;)Both 'of these memorials ‘Were dedleated with appro priate c«^remonies in which znany of the direct descendants • of Boone and a score of others who boast of their relationship to the pioneer participa ted. *. ATTACKS GIRL, KILLS SELF. Surrounded by Posse, Young Sent Bullet Into Brain. New York.—To prevent capture aft er a vicious attack on Miss Anua Kipp, daughter of a bank cashier, Clarence Wood, 19 years old, of Ruth erford, N. J., barricaded .Aimself in /ihe Rutherford Boat dub for five hours fought off a posse compose d" of police and deputy «hertffs. With his stronghold surrounded and riddled with bullets and surrender the cmly alternative. Wood ended the struggle by firing a bullet into his temple, dying almost instantly. Belgium’s Ruler i^ays;^sevelt Sj^clal Attention. GUEST AX THE LAEEEN PALACE Former President of the'*United States TWICE SAW HALLEY COMET. JEWS DRIVEN OUT. Cruel Measures Taken Upon Them By Russian Government. New Yorrk.—The Jewish Daily News has received cable advices to the ef fect that 2,500 Jewish families are being expelled from Kieff, Russia. This is being done by the government sanction, it is said. Panic-stricken men, women and children are dragged from their beds and thrust out of the city destitute, the dispatches say. Heavy escorts of brutal soldiers are driving the refu gees on foot to the settlements whence they came to Kieff. The rigor of the persecution is add ed to by the fact that this is the week the Jewish Passover festival. These dispatches are verified by advices from Russia to the American Jewish committee and the German Relief society. The American commit- has appealed to Secretary of State Jiox to intercede with the Russian government Blame for this laitest persecution is P aced by the Jewish leaders upon the nssian prime minister, Stolypin, who, ey declare, despite his contrary statements, is the bitterest enemy the ^wish race has had since the, days'of Von Plehve. . . For Fight. . “an Francisco.—Articles have been froth’ ed for a 25-round fight between ipke ^as. of San Francisco, in Cof- and Joe Saturday afternoon. Aged^Georgian Recalls. Viewing Celes tial Wanderer In t835. Cordele, Ga.—John McArthur, of this city, enjoys the distinction o£ having looked upon Hailey’s comet twice. At the age of nine, he remembers distinctly to have seen this wonderfVil visitor in the fall erf 1835, while he was residing In Wllkerson county, at a “corn shucking,” and the second time his eyes beheld It was in Cordele Wednesday morning, at the home of his son. Dr. A. L. McArthur, He is now 84 years of age and Is hale and hearty for a man of his years. ^ Four Shot in Duel. Dallas, Tex.—Aaron Shannon and Clarence Poole, brothers-ln-law, were both shot and Instantly killed in a shotgun and pistol duel at Hemp stead. Sheriff Junius Perry and two passengers on a Houston and Texas Central passenger train, which was standing at the depot where the shoot- ingr took ^ place, were also . wounded. Haine Shannon and W. ^ J. Poole, brother and father, respectively, of the dead men are under arrest. It Is' not stated what caused the unfort unate tragedy. New Australian Ministry. - Melbourne.—The new labor minis try has been completed under the leadership of Premier Andrew Fisher, leader of the Federal parliamentary labor party,' who was minister of rail roads in the old ministry and minister for trade and customs In 1904.. Stork Left Four Babes. Staunton, Va.—When the stork vis ited Mrs. William Rife, here. It left four children- in the Rife home, but to the distress of the parents, one of the little visitors died almost on arrival. The rem^tmlng three, two boys and.^ a girl* are doing well, as is the mother, who is 30 years old. 18 Girls Are Poisoned. San Jose, Cal.—Eighteen of the class of girl freshmen of the* State Normal school are' suffering from ptomaine poisoning, caused by eating baked beans at a midnight barbecue. Was Received 'With Extraordinary Honors Wh«ii^H® King Pleased at Vliilt, Brussels.—^When Theodore Roose velt arrived. In Brussels he was re ceived with royal honors and a vast crowd from all over Europe, as wCil as America, attracted primarily, be cause of t^^ exposition now. on, greet ed the P«^y. Kini Albert, of Belgium, un^xi>ect- edly gteeted Colonel Theodore Kose- velt and paid him extraordinary hon or by making him a guest at the toyal palace. ^ The meeting between Mr. Itoosevelt and 'the king occurred, at the e^^posl* tlon, to which th^ ex-president was motored. King Albert^ went there to surprise the ex-pr^sldent. The king appeared delighted to meet the mai^ who has aroused ^all Europe to ex citement. He inflated on’ taking Mr. Roosevelt along wltTi him to the Laeken paiace, or^ the outskirts of Brussels. The rest of the Roosevelt party family remained at the hotel over night. As the court is s|ill in mourning for the late King Leopold, the guests were compelled to appear in black. EXPLOSION or4 SHIP. Five Men Killed on Southern Pacific Freight Steamer. New :Orleans.—Fiveuj^xa^n ^were killed April 23 by the ^prosioa on the Southeirn Pacifli:^'freight steamer El Alba, which ha^ beieh picked ui> in distress off the mouth of the Missis sippi. This announcement was made when the steamer reached New Or leans. All of the men who were killed were Portuguese, except Ericson, who was a Swede. The El Alba left Galveston for New York April 22 With a cargo of onions. When twenty-three hours out a steam pipe in the boiler room burst, spread ing death anrf destruction in that sec tion of the vessel’s hold. Several men were killed outright and others were scalded so^ severely that they died of their InjuHes within a few hours. When Captain Robert Quick complied the death toll he found that he had lost^ five of his crew. The bodies were burled at sea. GIRL SUES DENTIST. Says Her Health Was Impaired by Gold Dropping in Lung. Macon, Ga.—Miss Mary Garoughty has filed suit In the city court In this city against a prominent, dentist for the recovery of $15,000 damages on account of the dropping,of a gold cap for a crown into her throat. She charges'that an employee in the den tal parlors, while working on a crown iij her mouth let the crown drop and it went into her lung. There, ac cording to the charge,, it remained a year, tlM last Octcrber, when, by a violent coughing spell, she ‘ coughed the gold cap back. She claims that she has been In jured In health by the crown having been In her lung. High Rank for Kitchc^er. London.—Lord Kitchener Is to. be given the highest rank In the British army. It has been announced that he will soon be created field marshal. In the house of commons War Minis ter Haldane, answering a, question regarding Lord Kitchener’s future, said: “It is proposed that Lord Kitch ener take up jthe position of field marshal comnaandlng in the Mediter ranean.” ^ Three Perish In Big Fire. Oomwall, Ont.—^Three persons were burned to death and < several Injured in a $2M,000 fire here. The Ross** more house >and several other build ings were destroyed. Help -v^s asked from neighboring towns, but before the fiames . were under . control the entire town was threatened. I.-“The Town Cain’t Do , Without Her Helper is wte 9^; predinul a pearL TH£ TOWB CAH’T SO WITHOUT HEB. She’s always ready on the spot where anything^ is doing, with all the energy she’s, got her shape of work pnrsning. J • V t Hilda the Helper HELPS THE- TOWN in many lines of action. (No wonder yonng Philander Brown admits she’s his attrac tion.) ,.Hend0r8onville„.Ar 7.’. ....Yale ...........Hone Shoe— Cannon.............. Scowah Blantyre Penrose Davidson River Pisgah Forest.. Ar Brevard Lv Selica Cherryfleld ..Calvert.. Hosman Quebec — Reid^s Ar...Lake Toxaway...Lv . .^FARMERS’ CONVENTION. '*L. ■ ' ■ I'S-VWS- Over Ten Thousand Delegates Assem ble at St.^ Louis. St. Louis.—^With n^ety speakers on the program, each with a particular hobby Ho expound, the ^ joint conven tion of the Farmers* Educational and Co-operative Union, which begins here Monday, is expected to set a new mark for future conventions in num ber of words an-d variety of ideas. > More than ^150 applications for pla ces on the program were received, but only ninety could be accommoda ted during the six days of the com- v^ention. Between 10,000 and 15,000 dele gates, representing more than seven million members of more than four hundred farmers’ organizations, are expected to be present. The list of speakers includes many prominent men, among them being J?resi'dent Taft,,-who speaks on Wed nesday, and William Jennings Bryan, ^who comes Saturday. Kern Named For Senator. India-hapolis, Ihd.—Opening in riot ous discord and closing in enthusi astic harmony, the Indiana demo cratic convention adopted Governor Marshall’s proposal that it should indorse to next year’s legislature a candidate for the United States sen ate, and named John W. Kern, who was the party’s candidate ^ for vice- president in 1908. f. * ‘f’ ’ stop on bignal. “s’ ’ Regular stop. For tickets and fall information apply to ^ _ E. W. CARTER, . J. H. WOOD, Dist. Pass. Ag’t, Asheville, N. O. County Government*. Representative—G. W. Wilson. Clerk Superior Court—T. T. Loftis. Sheriff and Tax Collector—C. C. Kilpat> rick. Treasurer—Z. W. Nicbolls. Register of Deeds—B. A. Gillespie. Coroner—Dr. W. J. Wallis. Surveyor—A. L. Hardin. Commissioners—W. M. Henry, Ch’n; • G. T. Lyday; W. E. Galloway, Superintendent of Schools—T. C. Hen derson. # Physician—Dr. Goo<Ie Cheatham.' Attorney—R. L. Gash. Town Government**' Mayor—W, E. Breese,*jr.- Board of AWjerm^n--TT/H; Shipman^^ J. Vane, E. W. Carter. Marshal—^J. A. Galloway. Clerk and Tax Collector—T. H. way. Treasurer—^T. H. Shipman. Health Officer—Dr. C. W. Hunt. Attorney—W. W. Zachary. -Regular meetings—First Monday night in each month. Boardmg Houses. McMINN HOUSE BREVARD, N. C. ' ‘ This old and well known hotel has been leased for the summer season of 1910,^ and solicits the patronage of the traveling public and home people who want a square meal. For rates, etc., address MRS. M. B. WATERS. WHITMIRE COTTAGE CHERRYFIELD, N. C. Summer tourists will find this an ideal home for rest and recreation— near the depot. For information ad dress as above. J. C. WHITMIRE. Josh Ashley Acquitted. Greenville, S. C.—After deliberating one hour and twenty minutes, the Jury trying Representative Joshua W. Ash ley; of Anderson county, in the United' States district court for, peo^ge, re turned a verdict of acauittal. Ashley had all along insisted that he was confident of vindication. , Shot From' Ambush. Lizella, Ga.—-W. D. Middleton, ,a young farmer, was shot by an. un known person as,, he. was returning from Macon.. A little negro boy was with hitti. The boy says that the bul let came from- the woods. The c’ers are searching for the murderer.. . king Will Leaves, $750^. New York.—Religious and charita ble institutions will receive bequests ag^eg^ting about f750;0(K) under the will of Mary Rhine^nder King, a daughter of Johnv A;. King, pnc^; gov-' ernor of New York. The appra|»m*. report, made pubUc here., p a value of 1815,869 an her esfateu Professionol R. ii. GASH. . LAWYER. 11 and 13 McMiim Bidltfins Notary Public. W. B. PUCKWOR.TH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Rooms 1 and 2, Pickelsimer BuildinjST H. G. BAILEY CIvfl and Consnlting Engmeer and Surveyor McMnn Block BR£VARD. N. C. Sbuthefn Railway. For. best sciiedtiles, ^ fewest changes of cars and low.est fates to all points, C£dl on or write to J. H. Wood, District Passenger Agent, , . , AsheviUe^ N. C. ^ >CluuBberla|nrs NevN fidla. Buy. It suqr «ave

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