June 25, at 2 o'clock p. m. Let every Democrat come out and do his duty—don’t sulk, and then kick at what others do! We Think We Gould Please You This is the way we fisrure it: ^ Most everybody prefers high-class eatables. We handle only that kind—hence our deduction is natural enough, isn’t it? " , . ^ Suppose you let us do you up an order some of tAese days just for a trial. Get some of our Coffee And some of that Tea that we are all the time talking about. Include some of our Canned Vegetables—they are extra quality—at 9c per can.. And all the grreat number of every day needs we take pains to have JUST RIGHT. R. S. FULLER & CO. PHONE 58. BREVARD, N. C. Sylvan Valley News Subscription Price of the News' For three months - 30c ^t'or six months 60c For one year $1.00 PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY j. J. MINER, Owner ana Mana«rer. 08IIE M. MINER, Bookkeeper and Collector. FORMS CLOSE—Thursday Noon Frido^y Morning^. June 17^ 1910 CONVENTION DATES. ' Democratic. Township Primaries—Saturday, June'25, 1910, at 2;00 p. m. County Convention—‘Saturday, July 2, 1910, at 11:00 a. m. The Glorious 4tli For years this paper has been advocating a celebration of the fourth. Now we are glad to say there is a movement on foot to have a big time on that day this year. This was set in motion by the Woodmen of the World, and their effort deserves high praise. They are taking steps to cele brate in good old style, and we hope they will make it so attrac tive as to draw the crowds here, instead of letting them go else where. Read their letter of in vitation in this issue. Republican. Township—^Saturday, July 2. County—Tuesday, July 5. The following tickets have been suggested for a Board of Coiinty Commissioners: L. W. Brooks, Chairman, G. T. Lyday, Claude Kinsland. J, W. McMinn, Chairman, G. T. Lyday, J. H. House. Claude Osborne, Chairman, G. T. Lyday, T. B. Reid. J. W. McMinn, Chairman, Geo. W. Wilson, Slick Fisher. The present issue of the News ends the first half of the year 1910. There are a few sub scribers" on our bocks whose time expires this week, and they have made no arrangements to continue. The postal laws do not permit u&to send out papers without a contract. Look at the label on your paper—if it says “7-1” that means you, ^nd you may not get another copy until you see us. * * « Every new street, which has been “laid out” in Brevard by private parties is diagonal. Why not the Town take a hand and lay out streets where theV should be? Also, why shouldn’t the Town name the streets—why wait for private interests to close up our thoroughfares because they can’t agree on a name? In the laying out of these necessary conveni ences it should bejborne in mind that all “streets” should run par allel, while the driveways which cross them should be ‘"avenues.” Brevard is growing—why not lo cate-new straets and continue the present lay out so that lots can be sold and located?^ Let’s begin right—we have only a few to contend with now—there will be more later. ] CELEBRATION FOR THE FOURTH. Balsam Camp No. 116, Woodmen of the World, will have a picnic and general entertainment on July 4th at Brevard. We want every man, woman and child in Transyl vania county to come to Brevard on the above date. There will be music, speaking, baseball, dinner— yes ! and lemonade also. Arrange your business so it will be conveni ent to spend the 4th with the Woodmen ; they will be glad to see you and will try to make it a day of pleasure for you. Look out for next week’s Sylvan Valley News and be sure to read it. W. H. Grogan, Jr., Con. Com. A WORD TO THE BOYS. As a matter-of-course I am ex pecting your support in your township primary Saturday eve ning, and as the result of that support,the nomination for Clerk of the Court in the county con vention. However, should I not get your support Saturday and should fail to get the nomination for Clerk, as aforesaid, you arfe hereby authorized'to tell your friends and neighbors (should they inquire) that my “kicking end” is still turned down and that I will be right there, “jolly on the spot,”' ready to help do the kicking, if any is necessary, to elect the man who is nomi nated. Come on, boys. Yours for Democratic su6cess, ^ M. W. Galloway. “ It cured me, ’ or ‘It saved the life of my child.” are the expres sions you hear every day about Chamberlain^s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is true the world over where this valuable rem edy has been Introduced. No other medicine in use for diarrhoea or bowel complaints has received such general approval. The secret the success of Chamberlaiiis’s Coli^, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy Vs that it cures. Sold by all dealers.' FOR PARTY HARMONY Editor Sylvan Valley News. Pleas^ remind your readers that democratic primaries (or precint meetings) will be held in everj' pre cint of your county on next Satur day, June 25th, and urge all demo crats to attend the same. Tiie^se- lection of a candidate for Congress is the most important service to be ex ecuted by members of our patty in the tenth district at this time. Ev ery democrat should therefore enter into the spirit of a really friendly contest, with the determined pur pose of assisting in the selection of the strongest available man to lead this fi^ht, without regard to person al ties or political trades. iPefty lo cal differences have no pls^ in a democratic primary, and the democ racy of the district is to be congratu lated upon the absence of strife and bitterness among the friends of the numerous aspirants, for congres sional honors. “Let brotherly love continue.” Five estimable.> gentlemen are seeking the nomination for Congress and each has enthusiastic sup porters. Only one can be nominated and we must not lose sight of the fact that the support of the disap pointed ones—and their friends—is necessary to success in the general conflict with our old enemy, the re publican party. Let us, therefore, exercise the utmost precaution in conducting our primaries and coun ty conventions, taking for our chart the democratic plan of organization, which is the party law. Democrat ic committees, poU-holders and other workers in each precmct should elim inate any semblance of unfairness that may be called to their attention, according to all aspirants the full strenght to which they are entitled. We do not want to become involv ed in the settlement of prior dif ferences I at the convention, or after its worK has been completed. When our candidate has been named we should be able to go forth, with a united front, conquering and to conquer. As district chairmau, it biecomes my duty tp see that the party law is respected and ^his I shaU under take to do^ without fear or favor, should evidences appear of disregard for its provisions. Democracy sig nifies a rufe of the people, and their wishes should be ascertained and re spected in all matters pertaining to party affairs. Spirited rivalry in contests for nominations is npt un usual, nor is the teinptation to “side-step” in conducting local con ventions. But every democrat should consider the success of his party paramount to the nomination of any particular individual. These suggestions are not prompted by any evidence of impending trouble, but for the purpose of reminding demo crats that a condition confronts them which must be handled with the view to party success, rather than personal aggrandizement. Believing the strongest man will be nominated, and that we shall win this fight, I am. Very respectfully, M. L. Shipman, Chairman. SPECIAL SOMMER EXGORSION. Round Trip Rates From Bre vard. Asheville, N. C., and Return, $1.65- Week end tickets on sale all trains Saturday and Sunday morning. Good returning following Monday. $2.05—Tickets on sale daily."' Final return limit Oct. 81st. Lake Toxaway,. 75 cents—Wednes day excursions, tickets limited to date of sale. Summer excursion tickets also on sale DAILY to points in Western Norto Carolina. For further information apply to E. W. CARTER, Ticket Agent. This Bank and Your Success Manj^ men have started in business with a capital only of ability, hard work, Jionesty and a good reputation. It is no uncommon thing for men thus handicapped to win but and make a success in their undertakings. You probably know of several such instances. .An important factor to their success, in almost every in stance, you will find, was their bank account. Their bank deposits may not have been large, but their connection with the bank, coupled with their energy, honesty and character, was the basis of the credit they were able to establish, and through credit, success was possible. If you are starting out for yourself without capital, by all means have a'bank account with this bank. It will be a help to you in many ways. 4 Per Cent Paid on Time Deposits Brevard Banking Co. I w TON Is easily sttstained by a WHITE StAR BUGGY A MAN ia South Georgia recently loaded a big bale cotton on a WHITE STAR BUGGY and drove to town over a rough country road with no apparent injury to the vehi cle. Pretty good test, eh ? We think so. Our enterprising agent thought so much of the feat that he had a photograph taken of the bugg^ just as it drove into the warehouse. We will send gne on re(^uest—also a Catalog ATLANTA BU6GY CO., - Atlanta, Ga. FoV sale by “Don’t Order,” C. DOYLE, Brevard, N. C. THE NOR.TH CAROLINA College of AgricuHure and Meclianic Arts. The State’s college for training industrial workers. Courses in Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry and Dairying; in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering; in Cotton Milling and Dyeing; in Industrial Chemistry; and in Agricultural teaching. Entrance examinations at each county seat on the 14th of July. D. H. HILL, President*, West* Raleigh, N. C. J. R. Wtt^LSON Wholesale and Retail lumber , and Builders* Supplies Wood Fibre Wall Plaster^ ^^Boone Brand;^* **Ajax*^ Tin Shingles, the Loose Lock; Vulcanite Roofing, Cypress Shin gles, Pine Shingles, Laths* A complete line* Phone 231-2* HENDERSONVILLD, N. C. French Dry Cleaning Men’s Suits Cleaned and Pressed Men’s Suits Sponged'and Pressed .25c .75c .50c 50c .25c Boys’ Suits Cleaned and Pressed 3oys’ Suits Sponged and Pressed ^ Ladies’ Suits Cleaned and Pressed Ladies’ Suits Sponged and Pressed Ladies’ Skirts Cleaned and Pressed / Ladies’ Skirts Sponged and Pressed Work calle|l for and delivered. RICE «5'FLAQK, Proprietors First class^work guaranteed ' East Main Street Pbooc i After due considi auStofmydemocr Snctinthecom Sivself a candidate Snctionofthe dc S held at an uni Will say for myself ingand working fo for 21 years and ha^ ^le election, no^a^ fffice. Ifmyd^oc tTefr'^next'sS can win over any re and have no prefer, nominate. Respect. The many friends pleasure Sate for Sheriff of subject to the actii Primaries and count For Regist The many freend to announce him a office of Register of nia county, subject democratic primarw tion. Thanking my mi confidence and supp this means of annoi; candidate for renon rrati c primaries an Tor the office of B elected 1 shall strive faithfully. Verytn Clerk Sup< Inasmuch as the p Loftis, DOES NOT tion to succeed hii Superior Court, anc that a term in the c of immense benefit t study of law, which menced, 1 announce for the office of C Court, subject, how( the Democratic con\ held on July 2, 191 sponsibilities impose of the Superior Cow importance, the intel which makes it not c absolutely necessary, sess a knowledge c such things as are If the Democratic pa the nomination for i have no hesitancy vanquish my republi November election, friends, irrespective clerk of whom nom complain. Very tru] Owing to the fact democratic friends fj the county have been on me declaring mj Clerk of Superior Coi my people want me, I and do hereby annoi date for the office < Court, subject to the cratie primaries anc Respectfully, In response to the his many friends in sylvania county, we nounce that Cos. Paj date for the office of nia Superior Court, s of the Township Dem county convention, ted by For Repr I hereby announce date for the nominati from Transylvania C( action of the Democ tion. Respectfully, I hereby announce didate for Represents eral assembly of N to the action of the d convention, and if I shall endeavor to ^ansylvania counts ability. Respectful!] For S< the undersign Walter R. Gudger, as democratic nominal solicitor ot the Fifte subject to the actio party. Respectfully 1 hereby announce lor the office of Solic Judicial District subj T V if^^^^atic conv J Shall use every hon the d,strict and plac< and if elected nffi to the dischai If, however,! sutcessfu? shall For Counlj { take this method! ^ a candidate I ce of County Trc4 *Tran« 1^^ Dem< ^ the people for p2

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