it -'^' ■ ' • •'■■ ' ■* r • -4 ^ :' ' •*.’'^" . ■I-''.* .. '■- > .. ‘ >w right et to call on us ill weights and rites Miss Ruth :o care for six , with the shock e-time and did unpany. I had ng-down pains. oug- las McEnery died^ at his home in New Orleans, La. He had for many years been T>ro'm- inently identified with public affairs. Senator McEnery arrived from VvTashington at New Orleans suffering from an attack of indigestion. He was placed in a carriage at the rail road station and taken to his home in St. Mary’s street, where physicians were hastily summcfned. The senator rallied somewhat after being treated and showed" marked improvement, but later his condition took a turn for the worse and he lapsed into un consciousness, in which state he pass ed to the beyond. Senator McEnery was in his 74th year and his health had not been good fen* several years. / Nos. 7 and 8—Through trains between Waynes ville and Lake Toxaw ay carrying chair cars and coadh^a. Noi>. . 5 and 6—Through coaches between Asheville and Lake Toxaway. For tickets and full information apply to E. W. CARTER' Ag’t. J. H. WOOD, Dist. Pass. Ag’t, AsheviJie, N C. County Gov»*nment*. Representative—G. W. Wilson. Clerk Superior Court—T. T. Loftis. Sheriff and Tax Collector—C. C. Kilpat rick. Treasurer—Z. W. Nicholls. Register of Deeds--B. A. Gillespie. Coroner—Dr. W. J. Wallis. Surveyor—A. L. Hardin. Commissioners—^W. M. Henry, Ch’n; G. T. Lyday; W. E. Galloway. d Superintendent of Schools—T. C. Hen derson. Physician—Dr. Goode Cheatham. Attorney—R. L. Gash. ^ovirn Goven^ent..' ROSE’S CLOSE CALL. With Less Than Half a Minute to Sp^re, Man Is Reprieved. With less than half a minute to spare, Arthur Rcrse was saved from the electric chair at Trenton, N. J., by a stay signed by Judge Min turn on a moving train and thrown from the window to the condemned man’s lawye?. Rose was strapped in the chair and the electrician was 'waiting, his hand on the switch, for the second signal to throw 2,100 volts through the body of the wife murderer, when the cry “Stop! Stop! A stay!” rang through the death chamber. Never in the history of this state, probably never in the history of the country, has a life been saved by a reprieve in a manner so sensational or by such a narrow margin. Had there been' the slightest slip any where along the line Rcrse’s lawyer would have found his stay of no use. James West. 20 years ‘ old. was burned to death and his brother, Ed ward, 18 years old, was seriously in jured as. a result of a fire which de stroyed a boarding house at Hatties burg. Miss. Latter leaped from the second story window, breaking sev eral bones and probably injurTng him self Internally. The charred body of his brother was later found in the ruins. Other inmates of the house escaped without injury. A gasoline launch containing four men caught fire and sunk a mile and a half oft Addison street, Chicago, when the gasoline tank exploded. All the occupants .were rescued by the occupants of another launch which was a quarter of a mile distant when the exploslc^ occurred. Mayor—W. E. Breese, jr. Board of Aldermen—T. J|. Shipman. J. M. !^ilpatrick, T. M. Mitchell, P. L. De- Vane, E. W. Carter. Marshal—^J. A. Galloway. Clerk and Tax Collector—T. H. Gallo way. Treasurer—T. H. Shipman. Health Ofilcer—Dr. C. W. Hunt. Attorney—W. W. Zachary. Regular meetings—First Monday night in each month. Boarding Houses. McMINN HOUSE BREVARD, N. C. This old and well known hotel has been leased for the sumnfer season of 1910, and solicits the patronage of the traveling public and home people who want a square meal. For^rates, etQ., address MRS. M. B. WATERS. WHITMIRE COTTAGE CHERRYFIELD, N. C. Summer tourists will find this an ideal home for resi and recreation— near the depot. For information ad dress as above. J. C. WHITMIRE. Profesdonal Cords. R. Ii. GASH. LAWYER. 11 and 12 McMiiin BuUding Notary Public, W. B. DUCKWORTH, ATTO RNEY-AT-LA W. £U>oms 1 and 2, Pickelsimer Building H. G. BAILEY Civfl and Consoltins Engineer and Soryeyor CITY EII6IIIEER HEIDERSOmilLLE, I. C. Southern Railway. For best schedtiles, fewest changes of cars and lowest rates to all points, call on or write to J. H. Wood, Distiic^; Passenger Age nt, C.