- 'H'’i' HAVE A FULL LINE Groceries Staple and CO & FULLER R PHONE Sylvan Valley News Subscription Price of the News For three months - 30c For six months 60c For one year $1.00 — _ — — ^ — PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY j. J. MINER, owner ana Meuiafirer. OSIE M. MINER, Bookkeeper and Collector. ^ FORMS CLOSE—Thursday Nooa Friday Morning, July 22^ 1910 DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES. Congress—Tenth North Carolina District, Hon. J. M. Gudger, jr., of Buncombe. OXFORD SINGING CLASS Judicial Ticket. Judge 35th District—J. S. Adams. Prosecuting Attorney—Robert R. Reynolds. County Ticket. Representative—Tbos. S. Wood. I. Clerk Superior Court—Cos Paxton. Sheriff—Fred E. Shu ford. Register of Deeds—B. A. Gillespie. Treasurer—Zero W. Nichols. Surveyor—J. C. Wike. Coroner—Dr. A. E. Lyday. Commissioners—L. W. Brooks, G. T. Lyday, J. H. House. ^ Constable—Boyd Township. At the request of many voters I an nounce myself as a candidate on the dem ocratic ticket for the office of Constable of Boyd Township. If elected I will faith fully perform the duties of the office. P. M. FOWTLER. The Singing Class from the Oxford Orphan Asylum will ^rive its concert at the Graded School building on Monday night, Au". 29, 1910, at 8:30 o’clock. Those who have had the pleasure of hearing this class of orphan chil dren heretofore know that a treat is in store for all who attend. ^ Let us encourage them with our presence. Brevard has al ways given them a splendid au dience. Let us do so again. JUDGE E. M. ALLISON The railroad fight is now over and the battle is won for prog- gress and prosperity. Now it is the duty of Brevard to get ready for the growth which will cer tainly be hers if she makes use of her opportunities. We need and must have streets—no man will buy a lot in any town unless it is located on some street. How can our people expect to in terest would-be home builders unless we can show them quar ter acre or half acre lots with street boundaries? The door of opportunity is wide c^en—will our town accept the prosperity now in sight? All legal advertisements must be paid for in advance, otherwise we cannot run them. Do not forget this, or we may forget to publish same.—Franklin Press. This policy of advance pay ment for legal ads should be the policy of every newspaper in the state. North Carolina has no legal, uniform rate for advertis ing, and there is little or no pro* vision made for collecting the charges agreed upon. No law yer should undertake any litiga tion until the costs are provided for. Catheys Creek No. 1 182.43 2 60.80 Dunns Rock No. 1 68.20 2.. 60.00 “ 3 60.00 “ 4 60 00 Eastatoe No. 1 56.00 2 121.00 3 56.00 4 56.00 5 56.00 Gloucester No. 1 69.85 2 64.85 3 54.82 D. L. English, esq., who aspired “ 4 69r85 to the position of prosecuting Hogback No. 1 144.00 In the selection of E. M. Alii- son to preside over the county court, the people ,have made no mistake. He knows the law, is .iust in his decisions and at all times a high-tone gentleman. He came to Wise county in 1886, hail ing from Transylvania county. North Carolina, where he read law and was licensed to practice the profession. Since coming to this county he has devoted his time to farming and other busi ness interests. He served two terms as justice of the peace of this precinct, and his record in this office stands out bright and bold as one of which we are proud. Judge Allison’s friends are legion in this county; they know him to be “pure gold” in hbnor .and integrity’ possessing a brilliant brain and in his every day life he stands for all those things that tend toward a pros perous and happy condition of the people.—Wise County Mes senger, Decatur, Texas, Aug. 5. WHAT BREVARD NEEDS. The one thing -that this town needs above everything else is a cemetery. Visitors on coming here remark that they find no cemetery. Wh3^ can’t some of our enterprising real estate dealers buy a suitable tract of land sufficiently near town and suitably located, divide into lots and sell them to our people ?- .They would realize handsomely on their investment. The people would gladly buy them, and thi^ contribute to beautifying our town, and at the same time provide a resting place for their beloved dead. Civilized people in all ages have been noted for the care they have taken of their dead. Will not the good women of the town take this matter up, and nev er let it rest until we have a ceme tery worthy of our town? Who will be the first to suggest a loca tion? WM. TODD VAUDEVILLE CO The above company has been giv ing our people nightly entertain ments this week and seems to have given entire satisfaction. While the company is not large in numbers, it has some real “live wires” in its make up. We have seldom seen on any stage a better slack wire and trapeze per former than Mr. Todd, and there is a black faced comedian who is a real artist in his role. The lady song and dance artist is a good entertainer; tb'e trained dogs and monkey manage to bring down the house, and the moving pic tures are a source of never wea rying merriment. The company has its own tent, electric light plant etc., the performers and attaches are gentlemanly in their deportment, and we have heard only words of praise for the show at the low price of admis sion—10 cents for everybody. Their tent has been filled every night since they opened here last Monday. Struck A Rich Mine. S. W". Bends of Coal City, Ala. *says he struck a perfect mine of health in Dr. King’s new life pills for they cured him of liver and kidney trou ble after 12 years of sufteriiig. Tliey are the best pills on earth for constipation, malaria, headache, dys pepsia, debility. 25c at Allison & Macfie’s. (PPQRTIONMENT OF SCNDOL FIIKDS. The following table shows the amount apportioned by the Board of Education to the several districts in Transylvania county,and the source from which the same is derived : No Matter What Your Occupation— This Bank Can Serve You It may be chat some time you will need the as sistance this bank can render. If you are depositing your money here and transacting your bminess with us, you may be assured of our friendly consideration at all times. Every man, today, has a good chance to lay up a competence in twenty-ftve years or les« if he saves. An account with this bank will provide an excellent play’ of laying aside that portion of your earnings not needed for immediate use. / 4% Paid on Time Deposits Brevard Banking Co. W. H. Phone 47 MARKET Fresh Meats of every kind the market affords. I buy only good cattle. I want your business. Prompt and courteous attention given to all orders. : : : ; DUCKWORTH ProprietoT Gen’l Co. _ _ _ _ Fund. Boyd No. 1 $ 6^.00 2 88.00 3 133.00 4 38.00 “ col., No. 1 57.75 Brevard No. 1 412.00 2 178.54 3 55.08 col., No. 2 130.00 C( V attorney on the republican ticket, met his Waterloo at the judicial convention in Asheville last week. Well, he has at least made his party take not5ce that there is a Trarsylvania county on.the map, and that it is here after to be reckoned with when the managers are “xuaking their political slate.” 2 54.25 “ 3 63.00 “ 4 63.00 5.. 54.25 Little River No. 1 76.25 2...’.’.’//.*’* 67.26 “ 3 164.25 Special Co. Fund. % 17.40 24.65 69.60 10.15 26.06 161.07 68.46 20.13 52.34 73.32 21.39 27.06 23.20 23.19 23.19 16.80 67.13 16.80 16.^0 16.80 27.35 25.24 21.04 27.35 58.27 20.57 23.99 23.99 20.56 30.89 • 26.48 75.03 State Fund. $ 39.60 57.35 277.40 21.85 96.19 466.93 93.00 24.79 77.66 224.25 .57.81 44.74 36.80 36.81 36.81 47.20 291.87 47.20 47.20 47.20 32.80 29.91 24.14 32.80 137.73 45.18 53.01 53.01 45.19 ^32.86 26:'26 100.72 Tota $ 120.00 170.00 480.00 70.00 180.001 1040.00 340.00 100.00 260.00 480.00 140.00 140.00 120.00 120.00 120.00* 120.00 480.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 130.00 120.00 100.00 130.00 340.00 120.00 140.00 140.00 120.00 140.00 120.00 340.00 statement does not inclnde the fnnds to be received from local school tax nor the balances carried over from last school year. T. C. HENDEBSON, Supt, Of SclioQls. Notice—Trustee’s Sale of Land. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by W. M. Stansell and wife, Mary Stansell, on the 30th day of Aug., 1909, to the undersigned trustee, to secure a certain note of even date therewith, due and payable to the Brevard Banking Company, on the 1st day of Dec., 1909; and whereas, said ^^ote is past due and has not been paid, now there fore, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in the Town of Brevard; on Saturday, July 30th, 1910, at 12 o'clock m.,alUthe following described tract of land situate, lying and being in Eastatoe Township, Transylvania county, N. C., on the head waters of one of the prongs of Shoal creek, being a tract of land formerly owned by E. W. Galloway, described as follows: Beginning at a corner made by W. G. Boren and A. J. Galloway, in the said Boren & Galloway line, and runs west across the mountain to the back line of the land formerly owned by A. J. Gallo way; then south with the A. J. Galloway line to a comer made between A, J. Gallo way and Jefferson Kendrix; then eastward ly with the Hendrix and A. J. Galloway line along the top of Nancy mountain to a corner made between said A. J. Galloway and Jefferson Hendrix; then a northwardly course to the point of beginning, contain ing 50 acres more or les^ Sale made to satisfy said note, interest, cost and expenses. This June '10th, 1910. WELCH GALLOWAY. Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. C. McGaha, deceased, late of Transylvania county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at office of R. L. Gash, Esq., Brevard, N. C., on or be fore the 27th day of May, 1911, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 20th day of May, 1910. V. B. McGAHA, Adm’r-estate of J. C. McGaha, deceased. Notice* Having qualified as administrator to wind up the estate of Walker. Mc Gaha, deceased, this fs to notify all persons havinsr claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 1st day of September, 1910, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immedi- diate payment. This the 9th day of June, 1910. THOS. S, WOOD, Administrator de bonis non. Chamberlain’s Cougl^ Remedir Cisrcs Crosn mC, TTlioi^ip^ LAND SALE UNDER KORTOAGE. By virtue of the power Oi sale con tained in a certain mortgage deed exe cuted by J. C. Stamey and wife, SaL- lie Stamey, on th& 19th day of Dec.t 1909, and to Emma McCall to secure & certain note t of even Gate therawith^ which said note was due and payable on the 19th day of Dec., 1909: and whereas, default has been made in t4ie payment of the said note, now, tliere- fore, 1 will sell to the highest biddei*, for cash, at the court house door, in the Towa of Brevard, on Saturday. July 30tb, 1910, at 12 o’clock m., all the following described tracts or par cels of land lying and being in Tran sylvania county, Cathey ’s ' Creek Township, and bounded and de scribed as follows, viz: First Tract—Beginning on an oak ana rock on a ridge and runs south 12 deg. west 49 poles to a rock; thence south 8 deg. west 26 poles to a pine in Thomas Ross’ line: thence with his line south 61 deg. east 20 poles to a stake and pointers; thence north li deg. east 61 poles to the beginniag, containing four acres. .Second Tract—Beginning on * chestnut oak in Bryson’s line and runs north 43 deg. east, crossing Pat* terson’s creek, 36 poles to a stake pointers on a ridge; thence north ^ deg, east 12 poles to a white oak ia Bryson and Deaver’s line; thenctt with said line north 12j deg. Vest poles to a stone; thpnce south 12 deg. west 93 poles ti) the beginning, cob- taining 5f acres. Said sale made to satisfy said nofc^ interest, costs and expenses. This June 23, 1910. EMMA McCALL, Mortgagee. Per Welcb Galloway, Attorney. Entry No* 2564* North Carolina, Transylvania County Duff Merrick, a citizen and resi dent of the state of North Carolioai^ herby enters and locates (69) acres of land in Hogback ship, county and and state aforesaw^ lying between Horsepasture river ao the head of Bear Camp creek. ning on a white oak on the Soutft Carolina line, the southwest the Baker survey of the Grimsha’s lands, and runs with the line of surAey about north 19 deg 19 min w 4053 feet to a spanish oak: thence w another line of said survey deg 27 min west about 1,000 southern boundary line of ‘ 534; thence with the southern ^ . named graa* line ol J ^ dary line of said last eastwardly to the western - Grant No.' 905; thence with the^ ern line of said Grant southeastwardly direction and ‘ lei with the first line of this en j the South Carolina line; the South Carolina line to the « ningr This June 2, 1910 . tcm, IS. A. GILLESrUi; Entry excursiq The Sonth yery a>ttrac1 sion, leaving p. rri- Angns J. Ticke •^itli stop < Baltimore a turn jcnrnej ville will be rate from W intermediate $15.50. The and intermec ville, N. C., rate from Br; point on Mi and from B vard. inclnsi sonville and to Asheville J This train sleeping car through fron City. The i good on regn: All applical ervations, ini be addressed District ARRIVALS The follow tered at the h< at Cherryfield Mrs Willian children, Pala Dr. Howard Reeves, J. P. S. C. Rev. Ashby \Vright, Augu The follow are stopping Misses Nettie derson, Bessie gren, MaryBr and Frank M nah, Ga.; Mrs Miss Maybelle Mo.; Mrs. G. 1 phis, Tenn. ; Charleston, S. of Columbia, S LIST FIRS E C Neill T L Snelson J N Heath F E Shnford M A Mull J W Owens R J Allison R W Burgess W J McCrary P R Hogsed S G King D M Norton H G Mackey T L Pickelsimeii •T M Bowen L R Scruggs A C McCall J A Brvson T F McCall A N Jenkins R R Deaver SEC( J L Thomas J C Heath J M Orr Tell Brown J L Drake i J M Kilpatrick I B L Cnnningha: James Allison T S Galloway I B Ledbetter J 8 Boggs S A Jones REPl There is a ^een charact^ one may be d< 'vhile the othei save by its p< in no man’s ku detemiine think and say only determine ^k of us s Holland. Be sure and u *^erlain»s Colic,] rhoea Remedy on your 8UI It cannot ^^■aias and ste^ ^’ater and cJiii den attacks of ^ttO J)0 p|>0j .V