WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF Fancy and Staple Groceries Prices are right. Call and see os. R. S. FULLER & CO. PHONE 58. BREVARD, N. C Sylvan Valley Hews Subscription Price of the News For three months.,,....- 30c For six months 60c For one year $1.00 PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY j. J. MINER. Owner ana Manasrer. . OSIE M. MINER. Bookkeeper and Collectpr. FORMS CLOSE—Thursday Noon Friday Morning^ Sept. P, 1910 DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES, Congress—Tenth North Carolina District, Hon. J. M. Gudger, jr., of Buncombe. Judicial Ticket. Judge 35th District—J. S. Adams. Prosecuting Attorney^—Robert R. ■Reynolds. County Ticket. Representative—Thos. S. Wood. Clerk Superior Court—Cos Paxton. SherilT—Fred E. Shu ford. • Register of Deeds—B. A. Gillespie. Treasurer—Zero W. Nichols. Surveyor—J. C. Wike. Coroner—Dr. A. E. Lyday. Commissioners—L. W. Brooks, G. T. Lyday, J. H. House. BREVARD LYCEUM CGl'RSE. We take pleasure in announc ing? this week that arrangements have been completed with the Radcliffe Entertainment Bureau of Washington, D. C., for a Ly ceum course of six numbers du ring the fall and winter. This Bureau is so well and favorably known in the northeastern and middle states that the bare an- \iouncement of a deal with them is sufficient to guarantee a series of first class entertainments. The course will open here Sept. 28 with the Neil Litchfield Trio in two hours of refined fun— mirth, music and mimicry, violin and ballad horn solos, violin imi tations, humorous songs and st< - ries and the rural comedy play let “Down at Brook Farm.” Other numbers in the course are ‘The Scotch Singers ’—Miss TiUa Crawford, contralto; Miss Jeanette Cuthill, 1st soprano; Miss Ella Campbell, 2nd Soprano and pianist; Miss Agnes Hyde, 1st contralto and reader—who will entertain a Brevard Audi ence Oct. 11. Luther Manship in “Stories of the Old South,” “Lights and Shadows of Sill very Days,” “Prom the Big House to the Cab in.” orator and impersonator. “Gov. Manship has been on the lecture platform for the past ten years and has come to be regard ed as one of the Sbuth’s greatest humorists and orators.” He will be here Nov. 14. “Rip Van Winkle” will be pre. sen ted to our people Jan 13^by Herbert A. Sprague and Floy Mahan Sprague. “Since Joseph Jefferson passed from the stage of life, no actor this country has presented Rip Van Winkle as does Herbert Sprague. ‘-TheRaweis,” native New^a- lander.s. presenting in Song, Sto ry and Picture ctmost unique and fascinating entertainment, ppi- traying native life of South Sea Islands. Their date is Jan. 23. In addition to these Regular Lyceum numbers The Woman’s Betterment Society have ma,de arrangements to add one num ber to the course, the date for which has not been announced Season tickets entitle the hold ers to all numbers. For all six numbers the Bre vard managers have decided on the following schedule of prices: Season Ticket for two $3.50 “ “ “ one. 2.25 “ • “ “ schools 1.25 Admission, each number 50 ‘‘ childi^en 25 We hope that this year's lec ture course may be as well re ceived and patronized as last year. It costs the management $80 more than last year, but there was a surplus of several dollars left over, so they hope to get through without losing mon ey. Season tickets are now on sale at tha Southern Stock and Farming Company’s store. Mayor Breese says that the reason he did not permit a Labor Day parade was that the Sons of Rest and Whittier’s Club were in the majority. They couldn’t be removed from the streets to make room for a labor parade without causing trouble. The qaayor is to be commended for his foresight. Monday was Labor Day and— we labored. If anybody in Bre vard celebrated the holiday they must have been away from home or have ordered their celebration in express packages. “^No meaner man exists than one who shirks taxes at the ex pense of his neighbors.—Mayor Gaynor. WEDDING BELLS. , CHAPMAN-WARD Perfect In every detail was ihe beautiful wedding on Wednesday evening of Miss Jessie Chapman and Mr, David Gregg Ward, which was solemnized in St. Philips Epis copal church. To the music of beautiful Bridal Chorus from Lo hengrin played by Mr. Cyrus D. Chapman, the bridal party entered the church—first the two ushers, Mr. Fleming Ramsaur and Mn Archibald Caldwell; the grooms men, Mr. James Higgs, Jr. of Chat tanooga, Tenn., Mr. John Chapman of Washington, D. C., Mr. Adric Robinson and Mr. Marion Gner- rard of Asheville ; the brides maids. Miss Nancy Clark an4 Miss Eugenia Brnnot of Brevard, Miss Caroline Nesbit of Chicago and the groom’s sister, Miss Mary Ward of Atlanta j the maid of honor, Miss Eliza Wal- 1 s of Brevard, and the little flower girl, Miss Mary Bacon of Louisville, Kentucky and the ring bearer Ed ward Walter Carter Jr., who car- ried the wedding ring on a cushion of white messalene from the bride’s wedding gown. The bride entered on the arm of her mother and they^ were the altar by the Bight Rev. Bishop Junius Horner of Ashevillerthe Rev. Chalmers D. Chapman, the bride-groom and It'ff best maiij Mr, Ed Ward of Atlanta The betrothal ceremony wa,s beautifully and impressively per formed by Mr. Chapman, then Miss May back of New York sang in a sweet, expressive voice, “O, Per fect Love,” after which the mar riage ceremony was' concluded by Bishop Horner. The wedding party to the strains of Mendelsohn’s Wedding March, left the church for the rectory where a beautiful reception was given by Mr. and Mrs. Chapman. The house was a bower of beauty, especially the bride’s table, with its festoons of Clematis extending from the ceiling to the four corners of the table. ‘ After receiving the l^earty con gratulations of many friends Mrs. Ward changed her wedding gown of white Messalene over taffeta for a g )ing-away gown of blue-and-white shepherd’s pliaid, with a becoming hit of black, and, amid the hearty ^ood wishes and showers of rice, the young couple drove away. Many beautiful gifts attested the popularity of the young couple among-them, exquisite cut-glass, and silver, pictures, laces, em broidery of most beautiful designs and texture, rare china and furni ture for their home After their return they will be at home to their friends at the rec tory and it is w’ith very sincere pleasure that Mrs. Ward’s many friends learn that she 'will not have to leave them for another home. By her sweet, happy disposition she has made herself beloved by the people among whom all her childhood and girlhood has been spent, and Mr. Ward is to be con gratulated upon winning so lovely a bride. In the two-and-a-half years Mr. Ward has spent among us, he lias won many friends who wish him all hap^Diness. Mrs. E. W. Carter. Doils. The ivory doll of the Roman child was too costly for the ajres that fol lowed the fall of tb« empire. For many centuries dolls mint have been chiefly of borne manufacture. The first shop made dolls after the middle ajres were the jointed wooden dolls of the Netherlands. These w^*re known in England and iu this country.* too. in colonial times as “Flanders babies.” Not to BIsme. She—Saturday is our silver weddiag. Don’t you think vve tought to kill the pig and have a feast? H^Kill the pig? I don’t see why the poor animal is to blame for what happened twenty-five years ago.—Lon don Tit-Bits. WHAT IS SOCIALISM? The steady growth of socialism, not only in Europe but in this country as well, often causes us to wonder what socialism really is. The following clipping is from the editorial columns of a socialist paper, and its ideas as to “work” are too good to be lost. We believe the world would be a much better world if the doctrine that work is necessary to happi ness were more widely believed. Our opinion of this percept is very much like the aged sister’s opinion of “total depravity.” She said, “It’s a mighty good doctrine if it’s only lived up to.'’ Here is a socialist opinion of la bors Work has amoral as well as an economic value ; idleness corrodes the character. When one is doing nothing, the consciousness of the fact annoys him, and he endeavors to find some excuse ; and as there is no reasonable excuse his vision becomes distorted by the effort to find even a plausible explanation of -his refusal to render service to so ciety. Carl Hilty, the Swiss author, says that happiness is only possible when one is engaged in some regu lar work which occupies his time, employs his mind and satisfies his conscience, and no one can doubt the truth df the statement. God never int-ended man to be a drone and man can not expect to enjoy life or the respect ©f those whose respect is worth having if he is not abl^ to show that his existence adds something to the world’s activities, to world’s wealth, and the worid% welfarei. , , * ^ “ i Brevard Batildng Company of Brevard, North Carolina Statement at Gose gi Business Sept. I, 1910, i RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $193,299.56 Stocks and Bonds \ ‘4^000.00 Furniture and Fixtures.. 4,150.00 Cash in Vault and in BankSj^.'... 47,420.29 r ' ' $248,869.85 LIABILITIES ■ Capital Stock 50,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Promts 21,068.45 Bills Payable ; 10,000.00 Dividends Uncalled for. 124.00 Deposits 167,677.40 ' ^ $248,869.85 We invite the accounts of corporations, firms and individuals, and will bfe pleased to meet those who contemplate opening new accounts. I THOS: H. SHIPMAN, Cashier APPALACHIAN EXPOSITIIIN Greatest Ever Held in the South AT KNOXVILLE, TENN. September 12 to Octol^er 12. Magnitlcemt and Mammoth Buildings. Moi*e to see^nd amuse than ever offered at a Southern Exposition. $10,000 in purses for running and trotting races. $10,000 in aerial exploitation by machine of Wright Brothers, ^trobel and other aeronauts. “See the air ships.” $25,000 in matchless fireworks, Grand “Battle of the Clouds” and ■Pain’s “Fall of Pompeii.” ' 'Mulhall’s Famous Wild West and Twenty-Flye Other Shows of Note. Greatest Bands in all America. REMEMBER THESE SPECIAL DATES: Live stock and Races jT. Sept. 12-17 Night Horse Show ! Sept 13, 14, 15' "Bench Show Sept. 22. 23, 24 Pigeon and Pet Stock Show Sept. 27-Oct. 1 Poultry Show Oct. 5-12 Wright Brothers’ Air Ship Days Sept. 22-29 Stroebel’s Dirigible Balloon, every day . ..Sept. 12-Oct. 12 Pain’s Fire Works, every evening Sept. 12-Oct. 12 Battle of the Clouds Sept. 19-24 Fall of Pompeii Sept. 26-Oct. 1 Admission to Grounds 50c in Day; after 6 P* 25c* Special railroad rates every day, and remarkably low rates to Knoxyilie and return on Tuesdays and Thursdays as follows: Brevaril $3.70; HeodersoRViife $3.30; Lake Tqx. $4.!5 m THIS 0EEAT EXPOSITION W! J. OLIVER President ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. - Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. C. McGaha, deceased, late of Transylvania county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at office of R. L. Gash, Esq., Brevard, N. p., on or be fore the 27th\day of May, 1911, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re% covery. All persons indeBted to said estate will ple^e make immediate payment. This 20th day of'May; 1910. V.B.MCGAHA, Adm’r estate of ^ceased* NOTICE OF EXECUTRIX. Having qualified as executrix of the last will and testament of Wasn- ington E. Galloway, late of the coun ty of Transylvania, this is to notii.v all persons having claims against tne estate of the said testator, to presen their claims to the undersigned on oi before the 9th day of July, l^H? ^, this notice will be pilead in bar o their recovery. All persons to said estate will make immeuiai settlement. Tliis July 9th, 1910. SABAH LUCINDA GALWWAY, Wslch Galloway, atty. •Executrix- CITY MARKET Fresh Meats of every kind the market affords. I buy only good cattle. I want your business. Prompt and courteous attention given to all orders. : :. : : W. H. DUCKWORTH Phone 47 Proprietor 1 lady 'To introduce of beautiful w fancy waistmj etc. Up to date line on the ma the mills you ^ others can ma you can also, in neat sample paid. Nomon ntory. Write apply. Standard Binghamton, H. Y, Sunn The commo W. P* W^hitm extension. ne£ open for sumr Electric LigI Long Verai Brevard, Men Large, new lighted rooms and parlor, n and up-to-date For informa MRS. MRS. C Bn Loo I Now is This No. 8- with 20 pieces Reservoir $^0. all prices. Sati w. E. Week End ; Ashevilb Effective Sat and continuing Sunday, Septe Southern railv trip tickets to Saturday ant ing trains go< Monday follow rate of $1.05- J. K. Wood, NOTICE OF State of ^ Departni Certificate To All Whom Thes Greeting: Whereas, It appc o.T duly authentic? ceedings for the thereof by the una the stockholders, that the J. L. Alexj c^oration of thi office is situated A oxaway, county o North Carolina (J. ^^^t therein and whom process ma Phed with the requ l