Material in my I in that line see U MONEY. he Place to Get Your Coffee We have a good one at 17c per Ib. 16 lbs. Standard Granulated Sugar for $1.00. Fruit Jars at a good price—better buy now for they will be higher, as fruits are plentiful. "\^^hen in need of Groceries don’t forget to call on us as we can please you, and we give you full weights and measures. COX & KILPATRICK West Side Depot Street, near Depot. Phone y LIME LIME Farmers wanting Lime for agricul tural purposes, or for building, can get it at the old Gash & Sims Kiln on Little Mountain. iriton Lime Works RoEte 2 BREVARD, N. C And be sure that a reputation for quality lies the veneer of paint and varnish; be sure that'lionest handiwork and honest material keep faith with the outward finish. ThB White Star Buggy It is made throughout of the beat material, which in turn is covered up with the highest perfection obtainable in the art and skill of pai^iUng, striping and varnishing. THE WHiTE STAR BVOOYis a vehicle with a reptltation* It has earned it through hard tests of endurance. It is the buggy for you to buy if you are look ing Tor the best. Go to your nearest dealer in WhitmStmt^Buggimmeirid have him show you all its good points. You will enjoy knowing just now ^ood a thing can be made. Our Catalog (and a beauty, too) will be sent you promptly on request. Why not ask for it to-day ? ATURTA BUGGY CO.. ATLANTA. GA. —V, For sale by Don’t Order,’ C. DOYLE,'^ Brevard, N. C. RIGHT OVER WOOD SHINGLES .SmNGLES can be laid without fuss or bother right over the old wood shingles, | top of your building: instantly from a fire catcher to A FIREPROOF ROO t at will last as long as the building itself and never needs repairs. For further detailed information, prices,^tc., apply to For Sale by MILLER SUPPLY COMPANY, BREVARD, N. C. WEDDINGS GALORE Sunday evening Guy Eniiislish came to Brevard from Henderson ville for the purpose of taking back "witli him one of our winsome young ladies. It being Sunday he found no clerk in the office ; but he was not to be foiled in his purpose. He betook himself down to the clerk’s home, procured the licence, thinking his troubles were over; but not so—he could not get an officiating minister until after the services were over at the Meth odist chxirch. Then he and the past<^ hastened to the home of S. J. Tinsley where Miss Effie Tinsley and Mr. Gny English were united in marriage in the presence of a few friends. - Mr. English is line-man for the Western UnitDn Telegraph Company. They will make their home for the present at Hender sonville. Lester Cole and Etta»,ijrogan were married, Sept. 1st at the home of the bride’s father, Thomas Grogan, near the cotton mill, C. S. Kirk patrick officiating. Mention was made in our last is sue that there was a report to the effect that W. H. Grogan and Miss Eula McLean, daughter of Dr. J* H. -McLean, had been maraied. This happy event occured at the home of Day is Glazener Sept. 4 th in the presence of a few friends. Rev. C. S. Kirkpatrick pronounced the words that made them husband and wife. They have been receiv ing the congratulations of their many friends. At the home of the bride’s father hear the depot. Rev. C. S. Kirkpat rick tied the knot that united Mr, James Curlee and Miss Bessie Bow en for life. Sam Nelson and Miss Della Al lison embarked on the sea of mat rimony, Sunday Sept. 4th, at the home of the officiating magistrate, J. Mv Hamlin. tablets, PENQLS, pens, stationery and INK SEE THEM r. B. PICKELSIMER, Ph. G. Druggist and Pharmacist Eyi-RYTKING BEST IN DRUGS ' PRESCRIPTION WORK A SPECIALTY Notice. ^ Havin" qualified as administrator 'Viiul op tiie estate of Walker Mc- n?'' this fs to notify all I'-ViionR hi'.vinsr claims a.<^ainst the of the said deceased to exhibit to the undersigned cn or before September, 1910, or this Once '.viii plead in bar of their re- ovepy. persons indebted to the estate will please make immedi- payment. This the 9th day of Jiine, ^ ^ THOS. S. WOOD, Administrator de bonis non. NQTiCE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing under the firm name of Whit^nire & Hamilton, doing busi ness at Cherryfield, N. C., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All persons owing said firm are requested to make payment to J. C. Whitmire, jr., who will continue the business in his own name. Said J. C. Whitmire, jr., also as sumes all notes and accounts owing by said firm. This July 25th, 1910. J. C. WHITMIRE, L. M. HAMILTON. Early Sunday morning Sept. 11, Drayton Randolph and Rpv. J, A. Manly might have been seen wend ing their way toward the home Mr. L. North. After reaching their destination, a third party might have been seen approaching. She wore the garb oZ one who had just left the kitchen. And so it proved to be ; and thus appareled Miss Nora Bowen became the wife of Drayton Randolph, the minister above mentioned performing the ceremony. And why this early hour and these strange proceedings? —To circumvent the objection of the irate fn ther of the bride. Miss Nora Bowen and Miss Bessie Bow en are sisters and daughters of Mr John Bowen, Mr. Randolph is in the employ of the Toxaway Tan ning Company of Rosman. SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSOCIATION Program of the Connestee Sun day School Institute and Associa tion, as suggested for the adjourn ed meeting to be held at Dunn’s creek church on Saturday, the 24th inst. at 10 a. m : “The Teachers preparation of his Lesson.” (Let the lesson of the following Sunday be well pre pared as a basis of his work.) •‘The Teachers’ Meeting Illustrated and Exemplified.” “Methods of Teaching,” address by Supt. Henderson. The afternoon to be spent in As- sociational work. It is hoped that every officer and and teacher constituting the group will be present. The door is ajar for other schools to enter. Motto: r Preparation, ^ j Management, Better.! Teaching, Shchools. Committee. Col. and Mrs. Edward Holland left on Wednesday for their winter home in Greenville, Miss., and their hospitable home, “Dew Drop Inn,” will be closed until next summer. Col. Holland is one of our most progressive citizens and is always ready and able to help in any en^ terprise to build tip Brevard. TKE BANNER SCHOOL. Oak Forest (Green Town) 86 Per Gent. Last week’s reports show almost a tie between English Chapel school and Qak Forest, each making an average attendance for the week of 80 per cent, of the census. The only difference between the two schools is in the per cent, of the en rollment in actual daily attendance, English Chapel averaging 89.6 per cent, of the enrollment, while Oak Forest averaged 94 per cent. English Chapel school, as was stated last week, is taught by Miss Mary Rankin, of Greenville, Tenn. Oak Forest school is taught by John L. Waldrop of Selica. Miss Rankin raised her averaj?e last week over what it was the week before from 77 per cent, of the census and 86 per cent, of the enrollment to 80 per cent, of the census and 89.6 per cent, of the en rollment, and Mr. Waldrop raised his from 69.5 per cent, of the cen sus and 81 per cent, of the enroll ment to 80 per cent, of the census and 94 per cent, of the enrollment. The third schbol in the list is Carson Creek school. District No. 4, Dunns Rock township, taught by Miss Sue Glazener of Brevard, in which there was an average at tendance of 71.4 per cent, of the census and 85.2 per cent, of the en rollment. There was one school in the county where the average attend ance was only 34 per cent, of the census. The gentleman teaching that school should go oiit into the highways and hedges and by the right kind of persuasion compel the children to come in, so that the record of last week may not be repeated. T. C. Henderson, County Supt. A Man of Iron Nerve. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are never found where stom ach, liver, kidney and bowels are out of order. If you Want these quali ties and the success they bring, use Dr. King’s New Life Pills, the mf\tchless're{?ulators, for keen brain and strong body. 25c at Allison and Mecfie’s. Report of the condition of The Brevard Banking G). - at Brevard, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business Sept. 1, 1910. RESOURCES. .Loans and discounts $193,299.56 Overdrafts 1.695.98 All other.stocks, l>oudsandmorigages.. 4,000.00 Funiilure and fixtures 4,150.00 Due from banks and bankers 35,709.64 Cash items 1,212.40 Gold coin 2, GlO. 00 Silver coin, incluaing all minor coin currency 706.25 National bank notes aud other U. S. notes 7,182 GO Total 8250.465.83 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund.... 18,000.00 Undivided profits less current expen- ses and taxes paid 3,068.45 Dividends unpaid 124 00 Bills payable 10.000.00 Time ceriiticates of det'Oit f2,45i. 61 Deposits subject to c-liecif 116,2^3.70 Cashier’s checks out'taiidiug 405.76 Certified checK.;. 119.31 Total S‘i50,465 83 state of North Oaroliiia. County of Transyl vania ss: I, Tlio-*. H. Shipman, cashier of the above- Dftmcil bank, do fcoleranly swear that the above statement is true lo ih*i be-t of my knowledge and belief. THOS. H. SHIPMAN, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 7th day ci September, 19i0. R. L. QAPH, Notary Public. My commission expires Jan. 11, I91i. Correct—Atiest: WM P WEILT, .T K HAYS, THOS H. SHIPMAN, Directors. E. F. MOFFETT Contractor i " and Btiilder Estimates furnished on all work, promptly. Go to C. B. TINSLEY’S For Your Good Juicy Meats Beef, Pork, Lamb, Veal and Fowls. Phone service. Prompt deliverj’’ Main St., Near Giayton’s Hotel MMK THE GRAPES W. L. AIKEN will furnish to order MOIIUIIIENTS, TOMBSTONES, Marble, Granite, etc* •Don’t place your orders until you se0 me. \ Philipps Bal(ery Cor. Main and Caldwell Sts. carries a full line of Bread, , Cakes, ' and Pies Old Fashioned Pound Cake a Specialty Your patronage is respectfmlly solicited. Higtiest Mari(et Price Paid in Gasii for Eggs. FREE DELIVERY PHONE 29 Colic, Cb< t«ra and S Diarrhoea Remedy. Kever fails. Buy it now. it lESiS save lif& E. F. GILLESPIE CONTRACTING PAINTER Estimates furnished and contracts solicited for ' Painting in all Branchos. Kalsomlning, Floor Stain, Varnish, etc. Shop in rear Post Office, BREVARD. N. C I HAVE ON HAND A FULL LINE OF New Goods SHOES, HATS, NOTIONS, CANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS and GROCERIES at the J. P. Aiken old stand. My prices are right. Call and see me before bnying. Thanking all my patrons and friends for their liberal patronage and. soliciting a continuance of same, MRS. MARY ilKEII, Pfoivietili.