en in her gravs dicine, Cardui’* prings, Ky. , until she had when 1 thought When she had iten recommend o., Chattanooga, Tenn^ Women,” sent free. itory were cnti- Company was square deal to less firm nor to never have in- even cut under ^e intend to sell ONLY NEWSPAPER IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY J. J. MINER, OWNER AND MANAGER ' A HOME InOR HOME :^EOPLE—ALL HOME PRINT VOLUME^^XV f BRFVARD, NORTH CA.ROLINA, SEPTEMBEE 23.1910. numbi;r*39 mnm CMY STA^OF MAINE EipsiiliGaiis Surprised at Re sults of Late Electian. GEMGCRATIC UNOSLiDE Frr the First Time In Thirty Years | The Pins Tree State Deserts the | Grand Old Party and Goes Over lo the Democrats. Maine went Democratic Monday. It elected Frederick W. Plaisted. of Au gusta a democrat, as governor; up set tlie hitherto solid republican con gressional delegation in at least two aaa possibljTall lour “oT €ae districta and to the surprise of the political leaders, democratic as well as repub lican. the returns indicated the prob ability that the next state legisla ture will bo democratic. The senate will surely have a democratic major ity, The hcruse complexion is In doubt. Returns from all but forty-elsht of t’ae election districts of the state showed a plurality for Plaisted Cor igcnernor of 8,500. M mmmmm OTe cliamplon 'of statw^Ide “proiilbi* tlonists. In the dnrt prlinary there |were foui oth^r <»H;iiK4ates, but all 'were eliminated save Messrs. 61eas« a*nd Featherston^. ! The result Is a defeat for Btate-wi^ prolxlbitli^ OS many of 'Blease's votes wes^ frorm m‘?n opposed to pr€fhibitio;i. Especially wne t2:^ case in Char leston. which ^v# fiiaass a majority of nearly 3,0(50. ' Mr. Fe£thepgtcti^i*fe very radical views of the liquor question and the enforcement of the Ijquor laws wii.ii respect to Charleston, expressed at the campaign meeting prior to the |fir£l primary, were very inimical to his chances in that city. The vote may be aa high as 110,- 000, and will probably pass the 105,- 000 mark the former record for stale primares. A 6KASTLY OISCOVERY. ELIMINATE SfllDOLEMAN. JSodies of Two Men Foiind Wedged on Pilot of Engine. Tightly wedged in the pilot of a ’ Royal Blue express trMn cm the Bai- I tijoaore anown. Severe strains on the vital organs, like straias on machinecy, cause break-downs. You can’t overtax stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels or nerves without serious danger to yourself. If you are weak or run down, or under strain of any kind, take Elictric the matchless^ tonic medicii! * M»-s. J. E. Van de Sande, of Kikiaua 111., writes: “That I did not break down, while enduring a most sever strain, for three months, is due wholly to Electric Bitters.’’ Use them and enjoy health and strength. Satisfaction positively guaranteed. 50c. at Alli- fion & Marifie.