So simple a child can use it. YOU GAN 00 IT WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED Somethingr new for every home. This is a womierful thinjr—a ne\T scientific invention; a mar velous instrument that will shav^e otT a corn in a minute anu keep them off. “Anticorn” $1 Givus you the lu.xury of new feet; lasts a lifetime. Ca^inot iMit you. We >rir»Mnt«c it. Don't sulV r fmin corns aiiotlmr minute Tiiko one on your vacatio’i If not delighted your mouuv back foi the unking. ALLISON & MACFIE LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Drayton Randol})h of Rosinan wjis in town Wednesday. Jake McCall has a young lady boarder for the winter—born Mon day ni«^ht. Mrs. Bynnni Mc(’all of Rosnian was in IJrevard Saturday Jind called at the print shoj). Herb. Millor oxpocts to move into his nt'Vv* oottaj^o on Oakdale uvonue next week. R. W. Norton, who has been con- lint'd to his ht)’ne for several days with an attack of indigestion, is out aj'ain. Gideon R<‘id, wife and two child ren were down from Lake Toxaway last Friday and were welcome call ers at the News ollice. Mr, and Mrs. William Grogan, Jr., have rented rooms of W. H. Faulkner and moved into their new’ quarters Tut'sduy. D;ivis Glazener's new hou'})erad in the News in many months is “Democracy and Edu cation'’ tm ])age .“i. It is educat ing and elevating, and its inlluence for higher idt'als i<» irresi.'<\able. Don't tail to read it or you will i^iiss a really good ])oliti<*al article. The moi’tbly iiu »*ting of the Woman's Bett«‘rment Association will bo h<‘ld in tlu* I’ublic School building Thursday, X*>v. at 1 o'clt)ck. All ladies are C(»rdially invitrd to be ]n*i*sent. Tln're will be intenvsting talks atrick has return ed from the hospital at Asheville. A- L. Churchfield of S])artan- burg, was here on business re cently. C. R. McXeely, Lake Toxaway, was (m our streets Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. T. M. Mitchell and children are visiting relatives in Asheville this week. Fred Kilpatrick w’ho has been seriously sick for a month is con valescent, W. E. Bisho]) is erecting a 'J.') foot extension to his business house on Main street. Rog»‘i*s W. Davis came to Bre vard Tue.Kday and registered at th<* Aetlielwold. C. M. B(*ll and Gt^orge Weston of Ardt‘u, N. C. came to Brevard Sun day and registered at the Aetlu‘l- w’old. A. M. Verdery is adding a s<‘cond story to his hous(‘ on east Main street, and otherwist* im]>roving it, which will make it an attract!vi‘ and desirable residence. T. A. Si/iMnore of the American S])inning Co., Grei>nville S. C., was in Brevard over Sunday visitin*; his daughters, wo of whom are stu dents of Brevard Institute. Tlit' News eit he was both jileased and surprised at the beauty and fertility of our sylvan valley. All Transylvania wants to insure its future ])ros]X‘rity is si7n]>ly to 1m* se(>n—come and look at our ad- . a'ntagi's, Ar(‘ you aware. d(‘ar read('rs of the News, that right now, during the “dull .season” for mechanics, tl'.cre are now undt^r construction eight r(‘sidences in and near Bre vard. whieh are getting ]>art ov all tlu> money to pay for same from the Building and Loan Association? TIk'sc loans rejnvsent atl<‘ast 87,r)oG that are going into new buildings r>y dues of iK) cts on shares of B. iKr L. stock. There is no t‘ntt*r])risci Mr. R. M. Wright of Brt'vard, N. ! this town that is worth as much C., was in Sen(‘ca on a busine.*^s trip lust week. Ii») and liis family are plcas^lntly r«*memberi*d in Si*n- eca, tliey having made this their liome for many yi*ars before mov ing to tlie Hoosier statt;. Their friends here are j»leased to hear that gocnl health and jnosperity is tiieirs in th(*ir m^w home.—Farm i;nd Factory, Seneca, S. C. The barn and c«mt(ints iKdonijinjr to the biisinc'ss men of Bn^vard as this mod(*st eftVu't of our own peo- l>le to hi'lj) ime another. E. H. (Hover Brevard’s faithful and accomplished photographer, left Thursday morning to s])end tiie winti*r at Detroit, Mich., where his motlier and sister preceded him .seveml weeks ago. Our town al- w’ays seems dull after Mr. Glover's studio closi^s for the winter—and to Mt'D. (’antr(‘ll, in tiie Island | this year the closing conic'S nearly two months earlier tiian usual. We learn that he contem])lates en tering into partnership with his Ford s<*<-*tion, was d(?stroyed by fire lust wev'k, and .so far as we are able to learn there was no insur- Demoeratic rally at Brevard Sat urday, November 5. The following lawyers besides the home bar have been in atten- dence during the sxwcial term of court: Judge G. A. Shnfford and Duff Merrick, A.sheville, W. A. Smith, Hendersonville, and Walter Moore, Webster. T!^£ PARADE OF SHCOOL CHILDREN The parade formed at the ])ublic school at :oO, and mar(died by the (h'pot to the corner of Whitmire and Caldwell streets. There the pu])ils of Brevard Intitute joined the procession, and the parades con tinued up Caldwell to Main street, down Main to the Franklin, w'here the column counter-marched and l)roceeded to the ])ubli(; school building. Many of our people fol lowed so that the auditorium was completi'ly filled. The Brevard Band furnished the music. Many (H)m])limentry remarks were made about our band boys. Their kind ness in furnishing the music on this occasion w^as mu(?h appreciated by the schools and Sui>t. Hender son. At the school building Prof Rog ers introduced Supt. Henderson who made a short speech apj)ro])ri- >ite to the occasion. After which he introduced Mayor Brt^ese who delivered an excellent address full of good advice to the i)ui)ils and comi)limetary of the good work be ing done by our schools. thought it a great thing for Brevard that the Institute was locateil In^rt^. The pupils sang “Am(‘rica’', and “Columbia, the Gera of the Ocean,” Miss Law presiding at the piano. Just as th(^ audience was being dis missed the ]m])ils of the Institute sauiT “Dixie” in soul-stirring strains. Major Brees(\ ever ])atriotic and progres.sive, did honor to the occa- .sion by stn'tching roi>es from the t»le]»one j)ol(^s o])])osit<^ his rrsi- d(‘nee, from whieh lu‘ suspended ilags, so as to s])dl the word educa tion according to the international code of luival signals. DRPHANAOE DAY Friday, October ::iS, is work day in the wt'stern North Carolina (Jon- fei'cnee for the orphans. Thous ands will give the i)ricci of that day's work to help su])])ort th(‘S(‘ liel])less <*hildivn. Every member and frii'iid of the Brevard Mi-tho- dist (‘hurch is unr«‘d to fall in line and givt; what you make on that day to This worthy cause. Who ean r<‘.sist the cry of a helpless child? Bring your gift to Sunday seho»»l or »*hureh next Sundav. ance. It’t seem to us that i brother in-law in the furniture farmers are wise to leave their j business. Wherever he goes he buildings w’ithout insurancti. The | will carry the l)est wishes and es- ratcs on farm pro])erty are low’ and j tt'cm of a large circle of acquain- every farmer could afford to carry a ijolicy on his dwelling and out buildings. tanci's and friends in Brevard, among whom the entire News force is included. I Business Locals. M'tchell—the Doctor— Ollice hours from 7 a. m. to 7 riJO p, m. tf For Sale—Seven yokes of work cattle. See Gideon Reid, Lake Tox away, N. C. 21o:it* Dogvv'^ood Wanted—a cord. D( livered at Bromfield lot, near de pot.—V. Fontaine. 21o4t* V. Fontaine announces that he will buy Dogwt)od dt‘liver(‘d at all stations on the Toxaway line in car load lots of 10 cords. Notify him and he will ins2X'ct, measure and pay for same at once. The following telegram has btvn receiv(‘d from our buyer, w’ho is now’ on the market st‘lecting our fall merchandise; “Baltimore, 1()- 2“-Jo, To C. B. Glazener, Bro. & Co., Rosman, N. C. Market looks good. Am buying some geeat val ues.—C. I>. (Jla/.ener. All subscribers who are months in arn‘ars for ])hone rent will be disc(»nni*< t«‘d with the exchange the 1st of next month. This is ])urelv u business ])ro])osition and is not to be ctmstrued as i)er.sonal to any subscriber. All bills con- nectcd with running the exchange must 1h3 paid by the I( »th, and my collections must be made befoi’e this date.—Brevard Telej)hone Co. GROCERIES We are not selling JUNK, but if it^s nice, fresh groceries you are after, we believe we can please you* We guarantee everything we sell to give entire satis faction* When you buy from us, if for any reason the goods fail to please you, bring it back and get your money* ITCH ELL Don’t Forget The Holidays Jire Jkpproachin^ I solicit your orders for anything in Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Sterling Silver My prices are low, Jl call will convince you of this fact. P. R. AYKES Watchmaker and Jeweler Mext Door to Post Office. BI^EVJ^RD. Af. C. A Big Stock of Handsome Novelties One Price System Our Lines: Fine Dry Goods and Fancy Goods, Fine Shoes end Hats, Clothing, Trunks, Fine Rugs, Butterlcks Patterns We carry a fine line of merchan dise bought for cash from the very best importers and manu facturers and we sell it at a modest profit. H. REDW003> & CO. - AshevOie, N. C. METAL SHINGLES Laid 20 years afjo are as good as new to-day and have never needed repr.irs. Think of ii! What ether roofing v/ill last as lon^f and look as well ? They’re fireproof, stormproof, and very easily laid. They can be laid right over v/ood shingles, if necessary, without cre ating dirt or inconvenience. For prices and other detailed inforTi’ation apply to For Sale by MILLER SUPPLY COMPANY, BREVARD, N. C. CITY PfilRiCET Fresh Meats of every kind the market affords. I buy only good cattle. I want your business. Prompt and courteous attention j^iven to all orders. : : : : W. H. DUCKWORTH Phone 47 Proprietor >