|e Wilson Heaters off in a rush and lien you can keep eaters are unsur- le and see them. It come today. Ltes on plumbing lot mean that le ax we will ten or twelve *V 5 ^‘;ov 5S85SSSints from Cincinnati, Knoxville and the west generally, as well as wi^ Asheville and points east of that city. Then leaving Hendersonville at 11:25 the train will return to Bre vard, arriving here at 12:25. At 4:05 in the afternoon the train will leave Brevard ■ for Hen dersonville, arriving there at 5:05. At that point connection will be made with train No. 10 from Ashe ville, which will enable passengers coming this way from Asheville and all points either east or west served by Nos. 11 and 12 on the main line to mak^ connection for, this line, and at ^he same time give passengers frona this section con nection for all points south and also for Asheville a little later. Leaving Hendersbhville. after these connections have been made, at 5:20 the train will return to Bre vard, arriving hwe at 6:25, and then proceed to Lake Toxaway, ar riving there at 7:25. The new service means that ihe trains will be kept' entirely on the tracks of the Transylvania Rail road Company, and will each day traverse the same number of miles as at present. It will allow pas^n^ gers to reach Brevard and spend the day, and will, pro’^ of gr^i convenience to passengers ' go^ng from this place. , The granting'of this double ^ily service is a vivid example of what united effort will accomplish. A petition asking for the service was ^dely signed in B»^vaid, iseveral strong letters were written, the fatter was presented to the presi dent of the Transylvania division and he gave his approval^ and then ^lie whole matter was taken \di- J^ctly to the head of the Southe^,' presented to' Mr. Finley when ® in Asheville about ‘^twd. ^«eks ago. The ^i^t at Brevard reqeives what was as ed, and receives it promptly. Till WHinir Will Bi Amniuiiced Jit All utes Just Bs In We Ubr Tlon E^ O’dock N^ of NoinplHir 8. " \ ' ■, I '- ■ tM FIRST PRI2E—MILTON PIANO. All togetl^er now "for SUPPER DATE CHANGED tho A asked to state that date for the box supper to be ^ East Fork has been chang- Th ^®tober 28 to November 4. cordially invited to for ^ latter date prepared a-general good time. final ral^pu'^4$!^ more weeks of the Popularity Con test of ^he Ne^> In that length of time there n^y4)e a complete change in the line-up up of the con testants as they stand today. At the present) m.Oment th^re is not a single ^ contestant who can be absolu^ly sure of being* a win ner. Within two weeks any one of the many who are x^orking for prizes may be pushed downward by some one el^. : We do noib mean th» to be taken as diWmragingy 'but we are siting mere faots.< The point wje waiiV to emphasize is that etez;^ vigilance is the price of success. Only the deserving win in the cibntest of life, and only unto them who' work will be award^ the splendid prizes offered free by the News. To every contestant in the race the News wish^ all success, and to each the News says, “Be of good cheer.” But also, hustle. The many contestants have made fine showings. They have sur prised the management of the News, their friends and even them selves. Where five thousand votes at the beginning seemed almost impossible of attainment by some, now 'fifty thousand seems ccmip||ira- tivelyeasy. The whole truth of thfi matter is that there ' were just hundreds of folks in good old Transylvania who were simply waiting to be asked to subscribe to the News* "Xlie con testants, many of them, started out faint of heart and diffident of man- but when it ^was found how ny people wanted the p«per and were willing to pay for it then the rB^nl^ prize' th^' Ne*^" is offering. - There '-are others. - In ftycjc the News findd-^that tiitre are more prizes offered .than there is going to be winners from the pres ent outlook. For instance, to the leading can- iUdate in each’ one^of the eight townships of the county 'v^ho failed ^ win one of the five big pnzes the News offered d handsome rock ing chair. This chair is a good one. It is made of oak, has a leather bottom, and is of handsome appearance'. It is^ made by^ the Lexington Ohair^Co^ of Lexington, N. C., of which company Mr. George L. Hackney, ol Asheville is the sec* retary and* jereasmreri' f jiThje thought that the opportm^ty of winning a handsome ehair of this kind .would be appreciated by sev eral people in each of the town ships. As a matter of fact, how- evW, there are ^veral townships in which there are no contestants at all. ; tTnder these circtxmstances the chairs of course! mil have no own ers, for if no one works for one, then no one can win one. It is not too late for some one in each town ship to go after these prizes. 'Look Over the list of contestants. If your township h^ no can^dato at all, get in the race, or if the con testant from your township is way (down the, line, get in anyway. There is as good a ohan^ for one as for another, and the paper is anxipus to give the prizes to some-^ body. Naturally, tl^pugh, it is nec essary for any one who wants one to at least let us know abo>ut |t. All the prizes are now»on exhibi-, tion with the exception of one. This one we- just in the nature of things can*t show,yet awhile. This is the fifth prize, a made to meas ure coat suit for a lady or a tailor- made suit for a man. But l)y call ing at the store of W. P. -Weilt you can see the samples of goods and you fjan see - the style yon want it made up, and that is pretty nearly as good as seeing the whole thing. Anyway, Mr. Weilt will guarantee t^t the winner of the suit will be pbrfectly fitted and perfectly satis fied. The $18 Rockford Gold Watch is ' Continued on page 5. FIFTH PRIZE—TAILOR MADE SUIT. FOURTH PRIZP—ROCKFORD WATCH // - '■ SECOND PRIZE—SOCK HILL BOGGY, Brevard Has Enthusiastic Repre sentative at Booster’s Meet- in AsheviUe/ ' At the meeting in Asheville on Tuesday forythe purpose of effect ing an organization for the co-oper-‘ ative advertising of Western North Oandlina as a whole there was a good representation present from the various towns and sections of' this region, ^No set of representa tives,, aside from the committee from Brevard, however, seemed to have any clear idea of the purpose = of the meeting, or with reference'' to the methods for getting ihe r ideas went, and when it was sug- any creditable advertising cam paign, and that Brevard w^ then and there present to pledge '^hatso- ^ver should be adjudged iiis part, then the meeting went up' in- the air proper. No other town in the whole section, not even Asheville which had started" the movemert, was prepared to say anything defi nite. ' Under the circumstances there was nothing to be done except to effeot a temporary organization, this having practically ho authority and to adjourn, the situation re- mtdning at practically the same point as before the booster banquet was held two weeks or more ago in Ashevifte. " ' it was decided to call the organi zation, the Western North Caro lina Association, and the following temporary officers were selected. W. E. Breese, Jr., of Brevard, pres ident; S. H. Hardwicke, of Wash ington, 1st Vice president; W.’ A. , ^mith of Hendersonville, 2nd Vice - president; H. W. Phimmer of Ashe ville, Treasurer; F. W. Miller of Waynesville. Secretary.^ An ex ecutive committee consisting of five members in addition to the president and secretary was ap- > pointed. The> member of this com- jidttee from Brevard is R. B. Wil« son. ^ In addition to these officials there was chosen three delegates from each of the several^ counties repre sented whose duly it shall be to re turn from the meeting at Asheville and make report to their respective communities as to the purpose in view and so on. Then each of the communiti^ who so desire are to elect three members of the central board of directors to serve perma^ nently. The three selected for Transylvania were W. B. Breese, Jr., Jos. S. Silverstein and B. B. Wilson. i!he executive committee is to meet within the next two weeks at the. ci^l of the chair and to en deavor to map out a definite plan for the permanept organization. When this is completed there will be called a meeti^ of the full board of directors, these in the meantime having been selected as above stated, to be held at Hender* sonville, at which time it is hoped that the. plan of orgaiii»tion can be adopted, perm^^nent officers « chosen, and plans fpr tbsi raii^nic <^9Htiiiiied