y IXK) To’ Be GIVEN to i^exaU Custcmiers , To show tiie merit and snporiority of the Violet T>vAce Talclim' Powder .’the Rexall ^Pearl Tooth Powder and Rexall Tooth Paste we ma^e thd flowing offer as long as the 100 pair last: To €>ach o&tomer baying two j^ckages of any of t*he above named articles at the regnlar price—50c for the two^We will give them a iMdr of Rexall Scissors well w^rth the pricfe paid for all. SEE OUR WINDOW M C F I E T5, REXALL STORE • LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Chapman spent a day or so l&t week in Asheville. , R.«S. Fuller has sold to J. W. McMinn a house and lot on Whitmire street. E. H. Jennings spent last Friday in Bre vard as th^guest of Chas. E. Orr, leaving in the afternoon for Pittsburg. ^ Mr. and Mrs. S. H Macfie and Children left Monday for a stay at Columbia, S. C., where they will attend the state fair of South CaroliiA. James Cofield, an insurance adjuster of Spartanburg, S. C., was here last week in vestigating the bimiing of the Reid house at Lake Toxaway. W. P. Whitmire came home last Friday from West Virginia where he had been on business. His return was hastened by the serious illness of his mother. Effective Nov. 1 B. T. Egerto^ changes from a freight run to the engine of the passenger trains on the local diviuoi^ Joe Hamlin takes the freight run. Rev. J. R. Owen and wife returned the ’latter part of last week from Henderson county where Mr: Owen las been conduct" ing a very, successful srrie& of services. A-most enjoyable Halloweenr parll ar rive this week to visit ai the home of Mrs. Stone’s son, Mr. R. G. Stode. Mrs. Stone is from Greenville, S. C. Walter Whitmire, who is a student a$ the Wofford Training School at Spartan burg, was called home last Saturday on account of the serious illness of his grand mother. He returned to school Tuesday. ' R. T. Harmon, for some 4ime the express clerk at the Southern station, has resigned .to accei^t the position of express messen ger and baggage master on the road be tween Hendersonville dnd Lake Toxaway. Dr. J. H. McLean was last week called to Pee Dee, S. C., on account of the serious illness of his son, (!Jlay,.who is an electri cian at that place. The many friends of the young man will be glad to leam that he is recovering. Capt. W. W. Ray, who for so long has been the conductor in charge of the pas senger train on this division, has taken a run on the main line, his change being effective with the recent change in the schedule of the local trains. Mr. George Marshall succeeds him as the conductor on this line. J. B. Stone and family, who for some time have made their home at Cedar Mountain, will in the near future move to Brevard to make their permanent resi*- dence. Mr. Stone will have charge of the Bishop store which was recently purchased by the Brevard Lumt>er Co., of whjch he is on^ of the members. ^ The deer season in Transylvania county opened under the present game law on the first day of November, which was Wednes day. Deer are reported very numerous in the mountains this year, and there have been a number of hunters out already after them. The bird law is out on the fifteenth. This applies to quail and other game birds. / Dr. G. S. Tenent, Owen Gudger, Allen Morrison and George H. Wright, all of Asheville, after spending a week hunting in the Richland and Transylvania Bal- S|^s, returned home last Saturday. Thoy reported game very plentiful, pheasants, quail and squirrels being found in-pro fusion, together with many signs of deer and bear. Clerk of the Court Cos Paxton is this week engaged in preparing the record for the Supreme court in the case of E. H. Tuttle and others against E. A. Reid and others. The case involves the title to a tract of land on Thompson’s rivelr„ in the upper end of the county. The cases ft'om this county 9n appeal in the Su|>rem^ court will probably be reached the latter part of this month. F. M. Jordan, at present connected with the North Carolina Department of Insur ance, was in Brevard this week on ofiScial business. Mr. Jordan is a son of rW. F. M. Jordan of this county, and has many friends here. He has been chief of police of Asheville, deputy fheriff of Buncombe county, more latterly police captain at -^eville, resigning fr^m the latter posi tion to accept the one he now holS>tudio WILL BE OPEN ON Wedrkesda^’s and ^Saturdays I , i - After November L Other Days • By Anointment See OSIE M. MINER , 'i . - Photo Etchings and Beautiful Hand Painted Views on sale. They ^ make acceptable Christmas grifts For a limit our Nos. 6, 7 s chines have 1: our Nos. 10 a $250, 'and rebi and sold und Sruarantee. F same guarant chines that t Only such mi be rebuilt an< antee are sen good as longr Address al writer Comps SEE OUR CLUB ewcedb: WINDOW DISPLAY / / The sted lining in Nitro CluB smokeV^ powder shells insures better pattern, better penetration and greater Velocity for the same load. ^ It makes the shell stronger, siver and safer. It costs you no more t^ buy. If you prefer black powder, shoot New Clubs—the famous hard hitting, sure-fire, old * yellow " shells. perfect shooting combkiatioii. Umhgtwm Anu-Uaioa MttaUic Cartridlft >9 Ifioadway, New T«ik i )■ ■.•'V / OUR SMOKaESSPQ^QCa / I ARE RIGHT Cole’s Origin tion that fire at soft coal. Whei put in the night No other sto out and the rooxx IBLACK POWDER. Clauied from th« br«edi. Yoa can look through tho barrel and see that it*acl«an. Simple take-down. You cam renoTe iIm breadi blodc viridi f out fingers. SKe«i Pemin^-UMC Lesmok .22s. Hiey kod3 die worid*« 100 diol Kocm 2*484 out of » possibU 2,500. Ir lift/W d/re« sd «ef T(or]rdi. Cartridff* C*. 2* Breeiwar. Mew Tsek Gir new'tESMOK" The hunting season is nearly open and it is now time to get yourgelf a gun and supplies.. Our store is headquarters for hunters’ supplies of all kinds. ^ The perfect combustion and it the most econ Cole’s Hot i cost in fuel evei Hard Coal, Woo Select the si Open Season for# Bir4s" and • . * Deer Opens Noy. J5th Let us furnish you with hun ters’ goods now. Shells loaded with buckshot and cartridges of all sizes now' in stock. I ^ ' PUMP €UN The only boftom- tjceting pump guu Your ibellt are thrown downward—always. Th^ Poinp Gun is btuh solid breech, hammerless. k is dieiefote absolutely safe. It b bii3t lo shoot hard and dose—it handles last and balances perfectly. * — tiie pdleet shooting oondbuuilioB. SmihrD€acrt$tto% FoUer. fwHBfftoi AfM-Uuoo iWstsBif Co. w.llsvTsfkCiU , N. C. X