€ News ONLY NEWSPAPER IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY A IIOMK l^^OR HOME TIOZVIE PRIJKT VOLmiF-X\^II BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRI])AY, JANUARY ?(l 1912. APPAL^GilAlll FOREST BY KENRY S. GRAVES, FOR ESTER General Information in Regard to the Purchase of Lands For tile Proposed Reserve The {•i'<Tii;r('ss a]>pr(>vcd March !. ".ill cnvated :i X iticnal Furt st Rosi'rva- ti(in ('uiuniissinn a:nl authorizt's Tlie ao(|!r- LEE-JACKSON DAY of tin* Mouiitiiin.'' are liii^lior, slo]ies sti'oper, i-aiiifall iKavior, and f])0 se)il juoro t asily ■•vaslu’J in souii’ s''Ctio)is tlian in .ithi'TS. (-ari'ful oxaniinutions nuido (hir ing th<? ]>ast 10 v('ars in ])rafticaliy all ])arts of the Aj)]>alachian r(';j;ion hav<' ]>rovon that tlu' conditicns which afu'ct sUvaniihAV to an o\- trtMiio ('xtont are to hr, fonnd in rclativclv liiinted areas. Tliose! Crosses of Honor Confered On VETERANS HOLD TWO IN TERESTING MEETINGS I>r lil for tlu' ]M.r na^'igab?]:*; rieulture is to exaniiric :o -^h(' c such lands . he l i'cc ss::V' The flow ( . i he i-^ nariH' cf *'i. lanils ;;s i..i li’.ir ‘ha>> Ki.'s. rviiTit 1 ]>-’ic “ 'r ] }j;i.'-sion. T]' ' .ic’v S( <• ;; ■ 'lal •! \vatrv>l. v.hi re I !iid in ])'■ ■ ■ ' .'.\j .o\v SU'U of >t- ■' : up ol I’-e v,\ by ii.i]■!•( - e navijja'io'r Whdt' t.i. li >\V i.f 1,: Tund.rsi' -n'a. tits n -idt 7,('v»*rrl. It ir iev ' Tecti« Fi a; ; Cf lh:‘ aL::l■:n^T ■ and st'il ' crv:; ua > u- a ' :hnir valr..' !'Tr(*anill( .V : j- irity ,iT'; : thv i!' )nnt: ' tt 1 tli« ir . rovns uU" a 1 .il : 7^;' ;ls ( r 1 tl’ try ■ ]):■ - and itti'ae' '.(/•y 1 'it- r< • Thi- TIC' Asidt t’ ; ■ VMtci’s: th>- lav s lar ri>ui' r' - ]ie ])U’' ~ ^vI,c-e Ic'J. ! 1 > the a .■ ■ t’/ie rti:t •(. ^ ',)r n-ivij:al ’ > 'vvh' di li.iVi 1 ali i ill ' C< nlC: •] i' I Vr-: T( rill' (<ei 7 : Ui. 'i'!;. sor.7 ■ Stre;;]!’." v\-]. r)K- H- 'lev i tairsn-'nri ■ I lr( :nly 11. ■ I . ;;a'. ■» -'.Ki;: ;.l ' VS . 'i>.> ' 7'fl !’t ^ .'i f 1 - ■ iV ■ ■ 1p_,. •; I a’.\ . lie i;r>f i’c.- tiJ- ( _n< .1 tecU 'ii in 111 lu'L'e. It 1- be : urrha -^ t.i'M of lands cn 7i\e .if navi,L>:a':>M^ sfreains 1 s.- !)f eonservin_<x llieir 'Fhe secretary of air- itlu'riz.'d and dir-'( ‘--d 1 >; ate and rc'coniin.'nd ■ i..>.'ii>n for ])uvc] ::s-- - ri his iu<lirnu'7it niu>' tl;e 7eu'rdati<'11 laviiralle streairs .( d to ]>urcha ■"iHe-1 i:^ta1c>. ih-en p])'’-<,iV' ■*:.e Valional V ( ' 'Tii’nissidn at s :i\eil I " - .(] 1?' t' , r]- .<•' o:‘ this 1. • : la' nr. iiar.ce i i: I' r.ii'i'st c.n t na ''i'ja hb- >i n : ,vt]i v.'ill ni:it'“i'.- - I'.ooils. :n \:i'\ i’ pv('viTitiri_: ■ I's and the si ■ ' : .iTM'.eN, i t; ■ >)L : ; .:e-i) >■'. ru-uT L I Vc '^Ti' ■; ITS is !;..i:”)0‘.‘‘. otiit r ,! i;i l.aiai'ti ■ ' • >r’^ .nt n id V ;■ t ul\- '1 .rn: areas are scatt(M\'d more or less >Yi(Udy. By esirtd'id selectii)n of t>.(' tracts it will bo ])Ossihle tc do much for the i)crman('nt ijuprovo- ?nents of the wati‘rsh('ds by the pureh.as(' of only a part of the mouniainous re.irion. \\'it}nn these ar. as not all, and i:i sor.'e eases not a vc'ry lar.'jre ])r(.- T>orti(.n. of tlio land ^vill be neede<.'. by t!i(‘ iri'VcrnnK'nt for tlie ]>ur]'Ose in view, /lust what lands shonld b',‘ i^ur -h.is.■( will 'lie {h^termira'd in ('Very ( as. .is a resulr of a t*ar('- exiiii iu:i ti 'ii. S"’i I- tin* inrportii'it art'as are • i Ti ',vn. a,nd tb.' ]'ur])ose of • /- ‘i-le is to invin* j>roi)csa'!s • -:.l ‘ of lands within tlieni. ' i ; .1 *. -'I and ;iM otiicnil ('ii- . > . - used in inakinsr in'o- ■ may be liad u:)on a]>- ; r'- y. l‘ th(> F(>rest<*r, Forest h 'A.ishin.'ztC'n I). The ~ dd bo aci'uralel,' and! I '■ ’’ • .11 il inr aivl ir.aib‘u. sceurv'lv ■ I - . I' li nvt'lojv.'. if ],•. <^i )le, i .-i i i-.p ii;.r tl't‘ bound.irifS (.f j .!. • f. i-[ -l.i'uld be snl)i;iit + ed with i rV,, j '-ipi-i’ f'»r th(^ sal('. Tf tin M. ' ,1 •; iti>facto;-y. : : -.rr.eiiit-u e ])ict tin < w:v’.' *!■ i \. ( (.< ■ t'l hiMi an c,]);io’ a Number of Veterans by U. D. C. L('c .Tacksjn day was oliservod h('re last Friday. The bank and post otbce W(‘io clos('d with their usual ]vatriotism. and then^ was (luile a L'-athervm; of old (’onfed(‘r- ates and Daufjrhtei’s i;f tl)o ‘.'oufed- eracy to jiay tlu'ir rribntes to th.' two r(^}n‘(;‘sent;itiv(* heroes of tho lost cause. Till’ veterans met in tho mornini; i at the court lu'use and tli(' ad- dresst .s made tlu're deyerv<xl a mueii ]arLT(‘r audience. Rev. 'V. H, I)avis spoke on CTcni'ral Lee and Ma;ov E. Brec'si' j_Mve a eoni];ar- i^■on '.)f jcrces t'liiiaiz*';! in tlu' war and m<irtality on borli sides. Our re:.d».'i-s will lind innch to interest and in^)rn: Ity icadin*r Tlu'se t^cTs, p’.d)lis];ed ill tlrs issue. Tlu' v('t- ‘.■rans enj<\vt (1 ti<i;( lh(-r a lint'din- ')> V at the ^Frlu-lw.ibl. wbich V.v. Niucla 1-])■•• )vid(';l al a u-irainal i>Tiee. 1m ihi' a f'. ■•moon at j I'atvi )•!(• ('Acrcises wt.-r *iw he d iiii ' S 11 n t)en( • 1 n; • ke,)t iis is::'. >iis e;'f >.N:,;n ■ untain sloii \>. Titl s: ni 'tioil of ti'e Si.'i! .-■y .'ir'.'St iii-. Vat. r ]'.<)\ve’>, 'I’lc •. r]i'*y dep- :. I ■ v the fVcTi'ii ss i -J j ii’est '1'va ’ ()i'i ''! ! it• ..i.’ariry (>f <w ->*' 'tri :n;;s. witii a \ ivw • r ■jirescTv ,'])1t Io n.et-r tb“ :;~irics ,d' rlie ( ! 1' 111 ' )f Tbi* be;o. ty " o‘' tli«> up’ tub' a' d ]b |s-iC ' of ■ "i: I <N's ■ ;;]»p1i;'Mriovi o'l th>' 'la viLrabb' stv'anis. ted to larticr i.^ h.nds’viav my i!i *'ie staii‘> ts ha’.e v-onsente-1 I or sii' ii land I v vvj e: art a. u :',s> !iabb‘ '.(*nL’’th ^ ' ;•-> 1 I: V \ ■ ilowi M ci:is>, S I f-'■ . i fi ;■ >i^n.-itt.-d ‘I cb'tclv th'.“ ri'Siuued at j tb-,- iiradfd. sehooj V:''iilibin'_:. wheT“ I tb. ■ sfhoi 1 urited witli tl'c l);iu;^di- t'TS (,>f liu' < 't}nf''di*r:iv-y in dbso’-y- j ; n.‘<‘ cif ‘be day. ‘• Vd I'olks at lIoMt'"' was .--nnir . i'V r.ie M bool as a»i (,;)k niriL: ]>icce. 'ib.'S i).' ia ('as(> rt-ad a ceT(di ot !,0()(',( i!() nn'ii and hoys ; this may not be (*?C!iet 1) ‘Calico of tb(' loss of tho muster rolls at tho end of tho war, but (b'lu'ral iMarcus J. Wrij^ht ;uid Colou(‘l Hilary A. Iforhcrt, l)oth of our side, ro<4'ard it as suh- stantiully correct after thoir most soarchiny: iuvesti<^ations. Our mil lion of men therefore contrasts most woakb,’’ with tlu* mon in tho ninlis of the Federal army. We had (i f‘i re<z;iments, thoy had 111 b Onr losses dnrini? tho war wer(* r/j,urj t killed; '^^l.nT'O died of Wdunds. aiid of dis('ase— 12<),S“Jl. Tho F('d<*rals lost kilh*:l. ol,7r? died of wounds, and V 's-"'" of disease— Two to om*. What disproportion ! To show thu i’limense number of battles, tb( !•(' wer(>, , and oven in thj very bejfinnini.^ W(? must l;av(i fouLJcht from lirst to last “foo- liien worthy of our stool,” for the l)atth' of I’ull Run sIkjws (in which tho .Mh, ()tli and 11th N. (.’. partici- pat»*d) tliat wo lost ba^'i ai^ainst tln-ir loss ef l. P.)‘J, but wo captur(*d and routed them just tho same. Illustratinjr furth(*r tho excessive mortality on bi.'th sith's. Ir has never been equaled savo by tlu* bat- th’ of Eylan id isoT wdioro thoro wort* inOO enf^af'od of Russians and French, with a lo.ss Out of tw(*lv(s of our i^imonts tlu* losses v.ere from S.?.;b’,, to *■'! ibe -•■ih X. ( ’., b»sin^ alone at <iett,\ .-jbu'-i; Il.T",,, bein.u ono- rhird on tlu^ ii.it. Tbe 1st T(*xas h'd with J Si', b>ss aL aii'S^ 'i*;?!') en- ira'^td. bMit e.f tv,(.‘lv( Federal r(*Liinu*nts tlu looses won* ., to I'-. , rb(* 1st Minntisa loadinjj: ^vith S', ,,.losini; or.t(d’ engi.ixed. Amonir t)tl.er ln^avv losss s on our side a* iinb Ruii t'le ;;;5rd ^bl. IfSt GOOD REPORTS FUS^ EVERY COUNTY WAS REP- RESENTED Greater Western North Carolina Association Will Soon Be Ready For Work. i.ee s li^’e. T'ns was ■\ eb S!.'!,_: duet, ‘ ‘Fs- t ■ I >; .\i'. .' ’ by .M- ssr<. i.i d ■ . M. ('ooki'. .T: 1 I. .1 -hid f dlo wed by a I (twIju! Ba( k I >'b L l)('Va:ie . Aii'S'Hivia 1 !■ Ibimj'.ron's L -i^i in, the Iaiti*r 1 ir.;.: i"(-' b bt; 1 :.d tin ! 1; nd. '0.:b;: t};e titidu T lie )'.vner vai 1 r ru re. be, a^r <1 \7>( u ; s;il-‘ ; /.b- .')■ I'-t ’'■( V t i- (.■') I>re.<b t'r biir.ni d ■r •l-l: ■ I I !:iu ' ' ir reail tri*)' li e' to j(*t*, a’1(1 '•'.ai'tr iret lilvthi* re.-ited v.iTh j-es( i" I'd to I Mi ( f euitinu'' spirit I’atlv. ” Ryriibs U 'ei i, ••'’Jht 'n i”LT m 1'-' t^W', 1(1 e^‘ f.et'." '.!'! * daULTl'-t'-rs. A'-'h’ ■. eeuy;e(t .st'ats on tlie 'plattorm, ^'-Uu" the ’av( ri'. ■ >■ ivj’ yf tbv s-' :th. • !.bxi;'." brot'. J. P lu nr.e^t luade * waTf’T supp.y the tiuit* o* ulJe.l binds, nl n. t i)t‘ai-- v.tai'b' tii'.ib T in (iuan- ‘ ( titv, .,'.1* e.)',c"ed v.i'ii a growth of j an aibb’tss :iu the sr.bjet'i". -'Jol.n, i)r’ish bi.M is iis -fTi fo!’ water-j Bi' >wn. j^lTr■'. t or Murdei'er.'’ Th'^ s.i.'ti •.iix'let i;.,n. ar.tl burned land \ sul.'v'^'t i.-^ ad.;‘.ieuir .ne '>> (b.> il v.-nh ■vbetli- r c" ve!; d '.Vitb yi'Uii^' ti.'i,-'buc i’roi'. B r.*'.v rr lutn lb'(i it w-.1. b:-r iirowtb cr nor, ,r aba;ui< n,*d ' si'.'‘V.;n^ uii.eli b;i.nliavn''Wifh tht fari.'i. bind. wb.tMli.'v re;ii;. , ^:r ‘aT tanii’i 's bti . Tbt‘ dt*eiS’on at Fa;’- Oaks il-:. At (b-’.ine> the •:! tb X. ]'.-st I'.Uh Miss. S.'Mud Bu'l Run N. •J]?. Fv»'derieksl>urj; ]-^rh X. ('. ai'd tii( *b<t li ^Ii>s.’.’i'-ib ( liarlrs. ton ,-Mst X. <]■>■>. ioth X. C. \l I'biekania ipi Ala!)ar:ia'- loss; •jx‘eede'l in i>roj)(ji't n>'i al . olliei'S. it is Si:id tbat the !>1 ,\hiine sus- taineu 1, iireatt'St less a‘ :tuv ( leariMi ti’nber or j.arrially i-owtii O.", d e(.vt red by .•i^!ic:UTui-ai lands wib n.d be ( n.'i 1 n 1. ^Vh('i(* vi.'uable n i’:<-r..J tb- are knowi to e:-:V'i, tht- 7 u, j'-(' d( Hosi^s '.ti:; n' t >: r'-t'd to ta.’ owner, v.nde- •Ueb 11' ro :)■• aicre.'d U'" I ''..I.' i:t te ■ IT ■ond.- e )i,- 'lie a ! ■ ‘e - r ‘.i.di; 'i at :be -on* In.'it■;! of his i\‘ irks 'v:'> tiiat .Tol "a [b’o\,n \v;is ■ 1*. :rib‘Vt l.iru!.* ]>ieture oi Stonewall tinu*, for at 1’etersi)ur,:.; at the Ora- tei- tJiey lost t'oT) (-ut of ‘.'00—in seven ininut('s. Yeiiuont hjst I .I- b") our < f ‘j. 1 (Ml. You will thus .SI L' tliat in tho ;ibi!ity to stan.l b-. avy pt. undin;.r , the Coui,-derate soldier is without ' aut’i':-. Xai (ihani's Old ma.rd (*von i . i i 1 ' as t(JO hmh 1)V some, i at '<Vatt;rb)(». cun show n<.'such ree- loi l. And Wa.tei’loo siunvt d lU' •liti us !■. be ineor’ ■ •ateu \ ibrt'.’i ni'Tr-.in-cnt ec nv L:ir.tls. vin_: wit i.n tb ^ Ti;.t( d areas can n be -i;,!iien('- ed fe.r ]>urc}^;<e u?'b‘s> e\;i:ninarit.n br tlie Fluted '••tatt s LTe. b^.irical at tb ir control l’>r t iniri'ost* ht ■ 1 a’>iiiabil of Th ■ 'ti.tos, i ''.' /I b’lri.'tatb,M ; r..b St'S ai’e rmw ' ; ’.l ai'e Xf ' \ ir'.’,.n;a < ir.'bi t l:e Il . are ina arul ! t'le nav't’^alb- "bfi’- >ri'_Mi> ”1 , ,b:;s V tile .'.'-n:’- .l^ac'.fic eoasr ar,' ■ extent ] •( te'•^'1 I . ■ .'I ••■I ] b:i- , .. : )■ ' i:-* in 1 , '( ■e'-:, n. Be- ^ b . ; .1 . >’ ■epne'”.. , 11 -7: ' be’’ iire ir; :. ) > •- in ti.eir e. e^.i I virb^iri.V'd 'Tt’ r to be t ■ ■iur ’ eu .vi’l tii 'ref ii(* '•■e ir a.'.’a u<-' bin- ur<.- sirsey sliov/s . ill promote *r 'if il .f strea?:’ - ,.('ls th(‘y l.autls i'rO;)t.>.'-i d a T rie '.viil n()T he < ( i .' ■IdiriL'- >1 binila. t<u /. -'.ny .f {1 ' t! fas i' n.er ' ' roni unb. 1 takir.i; }.>U’- ase< wi’iiin 'b X't, Ib.ui’iiTi' n IS ')ur U]mui the s’iz( tract.' be ] 7-oj>()Si‘.l ftu’Sitb- ibMUOs ils V ill !;•(' as a.' !'er iar i j JaciZ'on Avl'.itdi b-.'U •'tt'-itl (»n an | I ('asel dr.riiiu" ^ 1h- ox > v^as t !u‘u I pres, nted t • the sch.o< i with u few ! we.l '-hosei' rt'U’.arks by (t. j V\'ituier. The la.'.t ft'ature on The pr ):,'raiu vv'i'.s t;ii* ur'-'S -ntati >n b.-,- tlie Dau:r.b- Tt i'S I f ( rt^sr'e.s tt' tlui <ud Veterans. Tile folb winj: cr )S.s» s had lie«‘n i'-d ?'or and v < re ])n*s >nted, th(* ex(*o])tion of a few who ■.Yen'not ],!'< s('ut to rt'ei-ive them : b'. F Bisb.op. Co. U, -’th Re<;. !S. (b ; M. M. Bryant, Co. Iv. (.Jnd N. Lb; Jb A. Galb»way, t'o. L\ t*,r>rh X. (b ; b). (.irant, ( o. <b .“‘ith X. : Tbos. liav>. Oe lb -jrth X. (’. ; bb r. .ba>1us, ('o. tv. Ij'Jiid X. ^; i-i. J. ivi: pat rick, br.fib^r 'y\i. I\ 'T.th X . Cb : >. il. Lan( (\ do. D. (..bh X. <’. ; J H. yiulb'\>. (b -n^t X. C. ; Felix P.a' b, 0,>.. K. r.OiKl X. (b ; T. T Pat- •eivod for small [ .on, Jacobs’ art., IS. C. : Thos. Re.ss, trails ^virliin'<^ F. P'thS. (b; J. M. Southorn, I I SUCll rlitiiur as we did in Auti- /r'. t-ct t!r na\'i,i:a- on ■'vh0"0 wa:t*r- exorbitant i-rtd. Tbo bui^i a ]«r; ■.■ ]>r( venl ri.( llie area.'- des'e^nati <but suial' t a* ■*.' e.in •■aly b • ex. luiiied when f. '.it.' to t'. ;ieari ii j,( :• wbi -il .ir' b'-ins.- .*'. in.bit’o ■ I \ x:t,‘rt ‘be ht; J7'(-;r.; te of ai’’ 'raets V (1 f '7 '^aie ' s'lb'eiellt tt.i ^n^- ' an ; xar-’:ir u^n 'b.i i', .I*' a:r,’ bind'e,vnor *• . . rv, b-t S. C. militia ; F. L. D, Ibionuis. Co. E, (V'lat X. ; .f L. i' '< u; ^’o. ’a, L’Tit .i -N . C. •. -T. \V’.1.'>’-n, (’o. E. :'>l>rh X. C. ; Mrs. iNic.ba M. Wilsi n wid4;w of '•b;Mb«*’A Wilson, C I. G. art., JS. C. ; • b ,M Tiii’a'^h, b' ). I. "i'tli X. C. The i olio win JT daughters wore on rln* ]ibitform and took part in tlio 1. : ■) tin-. Uub !:' . nt i>. < f c:>lVSe, ' ^ -ri .'T. Til ; bK in<r of lan'ls : exorc’sos : Misses Annie Gash, Yir- '.u au-•■.'.ts bi.n '.s e.ve\r. i< n’^.-, -inia Allison, Aunit* Allison, Annie n. aess.iry. a-, be r,u7;ev> * !jeir, 1 *Shi}.inar., .Marir.iror Bree.»;(‘, Mollio s lv.-' ria> I. a". ibi\.*et witli the j Hreviso, -luba l.K av( r. Mauvl Jacobs. ;t)vt*’-ni.i nt. Mis. (5 C Witmor. Mrs. J. A. Mil- Tlie laT' s pure’l as" tbo -V 't tiai .A.n:- Is 'I arc* to bo ■ost.' Such a T-o V ay intorfere j vrith b^ntirl^' an ' fishina witliiu in ra. wit;, tliu trmn iI-:jor„sts will ]»r'..]';-iat('<. 'I'ruu'v t lis br,v. Macb dill'veno'; e'i^ts. howe ver in the cliaiactor o.' 'lit bvuds .n duiereuL lor. .^Irs. An^io MeLt an, 3lrs. C. C. Yongue. Mrs. J. Norton and Miss Delia Gash. etam, Sliai-;).'l':tr,L:, (leti ysbur.ii; or '.’hiek imauica. And since Kylan in ls(»r there ha.' been n«) icri'at brittle in wiiieh the victor (the ])unish- nie7i'i ho tix'k to ^'ain his victory;: ie(|'ia.ls tin* ‘Jr'"., of our los.-'os in our victory at Cbickamau^a. In tha’ battle tho th'feateil army of tin* .iTi'th'rals was not routed, but stiil had some li^htin.t;: sfrtuijrth, while wo wore so oxhaustt'd that wo could i .nor pur>uo ('tur vu'tory. It vcas jwar to the knife and tlu* knife to | I the hilt j Wator-oo was ooli])sod by Gettys- ! j burg, (Tettysbur::^ oy Sharpsbu”*.^, ! and Sharpshur^ >\v Chiekainau-va. , j Mark tho tiifforenci*. At Waterloo j the allit's' ^;who were tho victors) loss was ~M"„, ono fifth, and tho Freiu''h army (tho dofoated) was broken up and dissolv»*d. At Gottysbnr.i; tho Fe'dorals vroro vi'. tors and also lost •JO 'i.but the (i!onfederates held th«nr jiositions all tho following day, and some of I you old leFiows who were in it did not know you wore whipped there until after tho war. At Shariisburi!: (olaimod hy thf Fedorais as a victory) thoy lost , but wo still held our position all tho next day after. xVt Chickiiinau'^a wo licked Miom at a cost of ”Jr"„ losses, that is, twenty-seven mon out of every hundred, but though the loss was inflicted by the Federa.ls* they were obliged to leave tho battlefield and At a mo(iting of tbo (JreatoT- Western Xortli ('art'lina Assoei.-; tion hold in Aslu'vilb,* last Tliurs dav, (*n(!oura;L'’ii'.g financial r(‘]>ort.% wore made, soiiu* of tbo standin;^ committt'os roportinl, idt'as and suggestions wore excb;‘.ng.,‘d, aftt'i- which it was decided to m(*ot again on February s, ttt i 1 o'c b)ck, in ths> Board of Trado rooms in Ashovillo The mooting was a re]'>resent?i tive oiKi, doh>gatos b(*ircr prest'ut. from c'ach of tlu* S(‘v.'ri (’emitie.^i constituting tlu* associ.ation. Tliv^ attendance vcas about tliirty. President \V. E. Br(H*so, Jr., of Brevard, called tlu* mei'ting to or der. aft(*r whi(di .'Secretary F. \V. Milh'r ('f Wayncsville read thfr minutes of the la.'t n.eeting, w’nicb wore adopted. Tho cliairmau of each e{/U'.M,iite'- \\’as oalu'd upon to malce hisreji.jrt. Plach chairman ha.l b.en author need to a])])oint on * or more fru:u • 'Jicb ‘ounly to servt' v.ith him. i«ut the ma.iority i.;f the clurrmo’. asked for furtlu*r liiiiv-, -ayiiiij: tha'', they liatl not b:id rliae fora indl- cious sob*(.‘ti.'n (-f tli'* men tbe.y wanted to s('rvi* with tiiein. M L. Sai])man («i Iie-Tab*r>onvill(. chai"man of tho a.inmittee ( ii ^-t:•:. tisties. math* bis ihuxhT, as wa 11 ;;.s K. J^. (-rash «d' TransyUanui, cliaii man of th(: commitu*o ..n hotel boartdng houst*s and i-eal estato other chairmen wi. 1 e iiiveii unti' the ni'Xt m- oting t«.> make their re ])orts. When the roll call by cae.mtie-i vvas calh'd in ordt'r t<- asc(*rtair^ what each would do or bad done irs, tho way 01 raising flit* tissessieont-s madt* at a ])revious me(*ting, IF V/ Plni!;n;er. for liuncombe. said Ilia-, tbi'^ ctuinty had boon debiyefl in its wf.rk for variou> reasons, and siiir gested tliat th • as.svssment of : again.st Buucombi* was considerori l^epi t sent 1111:: liuncomht*, 1>. Harris .'tate..i that if tho iiiombersliip and initia- tie.n fo(‘S of liuncombe reemb'. could bo a])plied to the as^-essmtnv against tho county, the v.ould bo rjiisod. Ho was assured tbat this would be dt:>ne, the sanii* apidying to all counties. d. .’'lb ?Jock ro]j< rfed rhar Hay Vv'ood county's assessment of had already bo(*ii placed in th^^^ bank. This is th»* only county tha:, has so far raised tho v.iiob* amount 'of tlio assessment and tlu* rejiort was greeted by ajiplause. Speaking for Transylvania conn !ty. R.L. Gash stated that hi* had notes in his r<ockot for ^:.00, that, the county eomirissioiiers and tint Bi’ovard board of aldermen had promised to helj), but was not iii siiapio to do so until it was learned liow much of tho asst*ssniont ot SI,COO the pe'oplo and oih(*r orLTiini zations of tho county would raise. He said tho county v ould raise tlui amount. Speaking for the Southorn rail way, which had promist'd to raise. provided tho countii*s uiade good, S. H. Hardwick sTatetL that, the Southern was pleased with th* |)rogross of th(i tissoeiation. He. stated that he and M. Y. Richards, the land and industrial agent would be glad to become memherfi of the association and take up any duties assigned them. They wen later elected to membership. Mr. Hai'dwick stated that he had a manuiror for the association in Continued v-n page 3. ^ , mind, no name being mentioned, retreat. Right here was pause to j President Breese remarked that notice the point that cotmts, which ' the mom hers pj osent from the dif- The following is Mujor BieesK^'s ‘^oir greater preponderance of speech in jiart • ^ ability to call for reserves, uthein s action and call Tue Confederacy sent to the Whr! Continuetl on page 3. attention to the same in the efYorta to raise assessments.

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