Sylvan Valley News ONLY NEWSPAPER IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY A HOMK 1»A1’KR FOR TIOME 1’KOPI^E-ATjIj TIOjMK PRINT VOLUME-XVIl RREVAHl), NOlJTll CAROLINA, FKIDAY. FEIJI'ARY 9. ]9!2. INTERESTING MEETING BOARD OF ALDERMEN moans to pavo tht’so sti-m'ts. Tlir board CMjitri uti'd s-Oni to PROPOSE TO PAVE PRINCI PAL STREETS New Street Accepted From De pot to Vv'hitniire Street— Other Business. th(' ?n'I'tiTiLr ol’ th^‘b'KiVil ci‘ iiiu'lir a niou’- int lit 'A'as - ..rtid that will nu' iii p’or-o t(», Iv tliau anyt'.nii',' •.I’ul' i'taki-M 'I" a T'.r.niSi'V t'f y. ;n'>. i! i-arrud out I ' Vv'.-is iti roLrard Ti l inatt,‘T ■ Main s i-.’f fi'i'ai Ml'S. • Irrsi(]i !i -r t'> *!)(' r;r'. - ia , <w.-l! sfrrt t !'rn;ti MaiTi ; > I I )t'] : stri-i't ' V. 11 t') T^v.“ « ■ ]>' A I- • iti'-t' <• )'i ])■•>-. • Al ! rnit''.: A>!• • . ( < v aii l paMii'k \v.i> ^ ' 1.1 I i (1- \ \va v> iTvl ^ ■ 11 > 1 a ru'1)1 • Ti'-' '>.'Mry. : ’ .D’.ntiM r'-''- ■ ' a’, ill' lU 'vt I ‘i: - ''t ti!.‘ a 1 IIU‘11 . ' '< t * ”. is ;; m r- n-'- ‘(•■•'l'-, I'i 1 1 1 1' ir!!!L' .-'I'i \ I’l of v; I’’ 1 ■ i ': ■ ■ ‘ all , 11! 11:. > I'v ■ a-i ti. c’f!. ?i ,/■ r V 1':,- I' l :h ' ■( ' . ‘ if a i‘i >n: na'^ui’i ;.is') !i • :]'ii li i ifT'. 11 ;a cl' t’i. ■ 1. F ;] .wi n<_: I t’.i' ]' >1 •’ !!’; : I';,Ti> . 'T: M' • th ' icrti’Il:’ M« la v iiiuv.r : \V'*’r M <-Ja1 i ' . ■ a ; i i" i 1 ‘i. i• halt 'f : li'* ]■ '• -) ^ ■ w V *. . > ill P.T-'varl ''i t.'oi \i."- I a-i; >i tiia^ ■ lu' -ax ' nr • ^ ' ' '*■ *h'“ T I ' ; ■ ■ t v* i\ • lure;' { i . ir stat -'l *) at t‘ >- •TKir-'-.' iliicac th< i ■ a ■■ ''■■It’S."'. ■ ; ' ()T;iy ’ vV r’l;■> va> (if TI the Greater Wc'stfni XovflM'an - t lina Association. M:»yo" lirccsr v<“ I ])orte(l that llu' st'rvii <>s or M •. j Sjumiel H. ('ohm had in'ori ! to carry on tlio work of tin' Asso- I ciiition. I Trof. ij. iT. 'rro\' h’-idir.' a|)])i':;r('d ! liororc tln‘ 1> lavd and stated T'lat tl.c ])ro])rictors of tl;«' B»*cvard In- sfitTlti''d hctlrr lire ])rotc<‘- tioi\ h(‘forc tiii'V w.mhl hudd an- otl't*!' h’.iildiTii;. \V H. liarri';. rhit'f (if tlu' )lr ‘ d-.'partini'nt, was ordcrt'd td inakr a t«'St of tl)o |’-r('ss.. i r.rt* al tl'.c Itistitiii.* and to report ' \'liat is iT'>’ to adi'onaV" 'I'i'.i- l)oard will lu* :.r'*s«Mi* 1 -r: 1 hi- ti'st. ■iiiimii!i<-aiii".i iT'oin ,1. L. PyTHItN LODGE STARTS MEMBERSHIP CONTEST TWO TEAMS ^\ORKING IN COMPETITION The Lodge Will Also Produce an Amateur Theatrical at an Early Date. dat(*. just as soon a< tlio ])layers liav(‘ tiiiii* to ])rc])arc th(Mns»dvcs. Alllhrnialo «*hara<*ti‘rs aro tilc^n t’j’(>rn tho hfdixo. Tlu^ foliowint^ is ! til*' cast of characters : ('icTi. Mark Lester W. L. Wiley Pedro Nu ndez Dr. (’-ari ia. (‘iili)ert iiall . K’obert (11-nn (he<;ory (Itimes Ebene/A'r _ BOVS' CORN GLUB !S PROGRESSING NICELY ()l!vc Lester Sally i^ester Maria Meralez Ora L. .lone;; Claude Can ire 11 1). 1). Bracken K. W. Carter W. M. Hradli y ^ -C. S. Osborne Miss Mattie \Vat<^rs Meetings U?\ c Been Held, LIST OF PRIZES OFFERED BY S FATE ■ Aj^nes Kilpat' ick AlHe Cantrell POULTRY RAISING Hi'll 7’c..:a’ I-- I ::ii ; ii; ohstrnctions on \’a'- rci'rrrcd t > '.he Brc'vard Lod^'c Xo. -"Jl. K. of P., lias jnst started .» incinlicishi]) con- t'“St the nieinhershi■■ of the lod^e h(‘in^^ (lividtMl into two t(Nms, and each f.: work nn(l(>r a (‘a]»taiTi. The . 1< (I^JTe has als ) decided to jj:ive a j ])n'»lie I'T'.tertaifinier.t, to w]ii<*h a iioin'iial chartre v.ill ht' inadi'. the In an •d'fort tv) <M'c(mrairc atid in crease ])ouUry I'aisint; in the soxith. th(^ Soulhi'rn Railway ('oinjiany, 1h.i’on;i’h its land and iii<lnstrial d(‘- ])artinent, has issued a fohh-r for wid(> distrihutioi\ eallini^ attention to rlie sr.])erior advanta*res offer('d and a Number of New Names Added. (u tl’.e var'o’ eoUJitV whic!'. h.i SeCtlOTIS of t)l(^ ‘ l.“en visitt‘d hv ■ I i.f M-M 1 'in the states traversi'd hv its lines tnnd^ ohtaineil to he a])]d’ied to tlic* i . , ^ ^ i i ^ i-' th(* reixjr'imad'• + ■'“ ])rolitahle dc'velopnu'ni of i n.iw, . t sti-eet j:. ^i^nittcf. ■ *r(‘ allowed j ! ,-r'ei t Cl ^ 11;' i ■' !• ’;aid . 1) I’Ttian i!\ ( (.(I. I ’at(.>r V. s ' J 'O. .‘('r the ])r.rcl as( oj so/ne n< eded |)arai)her- ' , . t ' ' ' this i;idiistrv. r:a'iia tor ilie tliird rai>k leani. m ’ • . ' i . i <■ Ihe OIL'- !ieinedenian(nor]ionltrv The 7;uMuhers!!i|) cent-'st was Svi]jt. Tlenih rs<.'n and .Mr. .Ma-uii, tlu' hoys S('t m to he ureatly ititcf- (‘sled in the ])ro])'isiti.>n of irrowiaLT corn, and it is to l>e ho;'ed that tli’s interest v. ill lx‘ kej t up nntil th»‘ cr.)]»s are urown aTid harvesteil and 11 caT' he sa I'e’y staff’d that t’very l)oy v. lio i iiti rs tlie f'ontest with a de*enninari< { : !' i r ■ ilos. 'i.l'ply = ' i . a r ' ‘.varc’ ' 'i . . i i ‘.PI !■("• ' 'o ■in;;. • i a'4.;' 0. j started hast Tn'“s lay nii^lit with I n'.ueh enthr.siasTM, and wiP end M^y I 'I'-T - h's'inir t. an' is to »>ntert lin ivr .ilnrts witli prk'os lii-hiT rlwn I'"'' I'' s : ■ '.M oi' 'M :i. ■\Vt !■ ( o. 'V;!s. the nature' of tin ITlCM FROTHErf CARPENTER t’ e t(’•VaiTiiner.t t(.' he d('( i(h‘d latei "I’iie se.»res are f< llo . I'or ea h ?u‘W nieTnhor I . r f.'. -Ii n \v lueinh ’T • ‘eared I)v card !■' t'e.ieli III ]»:-.‘M‘nt a •!p.\ r. L’’.dar in('t tini.’’ IT' •pi'-'- of R('C(.rds a' ’ as oilieial n-e k ei - j oil ,)th«‘r markets, and tin* uh'al I cou lirtoiis ])n‘vailin,u' in the South j fi'T raising' chick.'' ar low co>t aic two oft hi‘ _'ood arirunients set for^^h ! nation to tlu' end ^v^ll win whei';(*r I’U 1!i-. 1 • hler. It is a faet that lu' reci’ives on- state ]>ri/.es or ed-re s.'-a nil'll in woi'k dune and ■ o: till ei'U^ity i>r rot. 'I'lie I'l'owl- t ia (•■ Titest 1 ■' til.-; the l.’dletnis I'eaii I>oint . Ipoints ! poinis (. nd >‘a . •enei' and ('vei-y Soc.tliern ci.y of any si/,< im- !Uallv rhonsar.ds < f dollai'.- th I ports ann !v.ortli ■ t fj'iTS and'us. i''^LT^ ■ I >v ' 1- th' "I' '■ ers a u' eu* !'ri'!|- >!.■).- t'l it -1' : lie D'v ] .. r' V p'-rate lr'ii»-s 1-, w.Mite i r 'Mi.' ion nri i'i< 'til !T- ( f Al'i' ' in : h r. 'y -t. ■'luh d ’ >* ..Ic'--; a;-. < )X. 1 e '•( met It >n \\ as ;ii:i \\ ^ )‘-h '! I . . V.- ts rt-'pK •' hy t. ’h):; ! li ' i -■ . ,r:' a ‘ • t Me 1 .;m -I h ■ ' ;i,a tC.' ;t' '« ' • nanet* r.'_r”.i..t ■: '•rorii:-- o!' 4 .s, I’lii'c. p- . . “e,. an I t o ’a 1II o'l ! o t ia n a '■ r .i i (>nee. wle wid .'all a s’ ''( , i' •!(( tin.: ' f tli ‘ a:'d 'O el.a •’ ' \ rv h<w i-- al b I'.e urn ■ t St J v.f. . 1 (■ \'i r ■ ■. ■ -A a 1 ’ i ■!. . ■ .■ J|-'if t ’,, n:a le li .M -e,,;! 1,|. t'u tov. , t' ‘ n: i.i'h ■ i' :■ o" l,i> ])ia7i ai a i ' :iT“ o ' > i ]>, ‘p '.'i-ar. .\ir. 'ir I!'-'; - i a^"".' ■ :: to st h ii.a- at 'i( •I T'.’'- ■ r ''llIMred ■ ii;i ' ■tr; \ 1 i I a: d< ’ 111' : ’'.'I ■■I’. a '• .1 I'ra' well a isi d. Vi; - ] r .1 ai' nt^ ’ v' V • M : I th.i >r : !. ■ ,1. i V (I r I ri 11 ■, iei • ’•( ■ a ‘ . Mis:, T l>at” t ; 1: . 1 J li « ! -r. a]>p n"t to 1 TI- r' ) ' ; "■ ' > ^ 1). > \ 1 '•ation seeui‘<“(l liy l.iiu '■ unt‘'d ni the cortest. o teams art' .1;vidj .] as f ,rul u 1C *rt;' .'i aia''ke'r ar, '1 I lo'al t r ra isri’ a h X,' 1 .1' > ..ll. v . !■■ !■; i KA.M \\> 2 i,. I - i-.i. ( ajt 1. .\i’: 'n: ■ r. I ;r. I I US I Ml a A !•'. (i: .. M ^ r r ari I, iC. W. ( ar er >1. .'i. ( iiapaia!' .i. I, ( 'a\ T. r .i ihr C. 1 '(■: \a r \'. i-oat;'im- r. L . K: !j> iti ck A n. K ' h<T a'.’ ra',^e i ii'oai: lOU- tile veai’ ;;-t live '-.'ats nioi-( pf;-do/,i-n thaPi 1 n ti e Xoi'tli. 'i’he Soutiiern ])onr r'.' I as a taai i; “I rear his Jilaiil ai'.u (r.< 1 - !i >t ha\(' to( oii-id' r h i'" !. II.’.' r T ^!.e ■ is sa ‘ls,i,.;\ 1 , ■ ] r ,;l k. ■ a !i:'s” ;,'r:.d!i il’V liiiiiain;.: aji ! i hnvi’ I 'S With h's p^ro its. ♦ht' ii.iii.H .•M-’ ot a ])or'iU-y .n The soutiieast siailllii not mil over >'>< o, ae- oi'dirvv lo a a 'stijiiatt' ■' n ’!\ t 'i ‘ M"!'. Maa.y pri,sp, rous .'', I - ai p' f'' eiran < n as h)'v • s ' o ^'a; 'la’ .'^exa ral a will dfubly iiay any hoy foi Iht' time spiait. Besides this lie w:ll ha-.t' also the eo’ a v.-iiieh iie ha.^ raised tni his aere As lonr iiftlis i th • south ar. enL'a and !is a^raadt’ re (a''p.ition of our <■ eatiorial s. siea I i ]»•<■ 'U rr/' ‘ Tims ; :j ^ -r ivinir.ady:.tP\- •j . I to i 'iS( 1!. t ' I i; ‘ , c.'iaaie.aity i” I Our n d hi I ia nd> a re a st 'au'aiast iu-n'aanei fill' ])e. »pb “ of ■d ’a tajau'.na’. 1.. th. oc.r Cilu- ' .Id not :a fi- 1. the tarai'-r - a t'aa'ihlc , 'isT s il. an.l to the uai ant) I >n '.v< -ai . "I' indicta'ienv Ti;e hirni. I-' of vir.rin ol iar; l. a. is iht ilt ra.i"'. a-: »r.t iie.-i ai; ini: ill um' .:ui(i rans i a*! nceeS'ar’ I n a .■'Uia'l 'i. aii'l su.e .a. 1-r •ah' ia 1 idi.ur I uitr>- j thi' I V.' ; I Whilt' We ,'ia'l l.arcre are S'iil to sui'pia't < nl\- a suaill ]'..t)U- latiou. it i^n'. nor •'•Ip' iir ."O iai;M’'- tant iha. the -'a’atier -l.nuldl.- • tl cat<-d ; hut aow that thi' hes: !a I) :. \ aa ’ k i. Ir-t I 'v 1 . !11’; 'l . I i- ^'u' s ;j div v:a. t er , ■ , s ■. • 11 >a. 1 • 'ai ' a'.'I a;' ;i ir t-r I,' < »;i, ' ■ 11 '. i i ’ ■; . a a aai‘ ,a .'lacla r I'T . V- ia- .1. W. M Mia,: V. . • ha-i.ra.e T. !i*a;ti n. .if. V. i., Sni !s'in \V. \Vhilnart tlie ha- .M. !■. aia^a' a i"-.alt la :ii. 7i]-*as.a!; tor t!..‘ ;'a:ai'.y ai’.d i.nt'a- mait aia naLTen. -nt \v:l': ia \aa r- 'I’l , I i ■ iJr /ar 1 > : , a I lire id.:’' ia '1 in-tiT’.i 'il (>t li'- yor.uLTe •ra'ic .lUt IS ■> t ha via- I ve'oj »t). 'r 1 r til. 5 . i. I a ^ i t i ' It nihe^’s are all t ntiiusiastic , • i vi tii - ' ' n 11. ^ i‘t r t < ’> ■ 1 ' ! th I r. 'Lrress 7lia .e. .'vsv,.-titS i 1" . tl! _ > 1 .n .■ ■ !nT 1 o d -l,i;i !s >: •,al a'lii ^'le nvr- K y : :K : ■[ ■ ‘ • •'■ ! s to ge*' in : 11 r rids eor t.‘-t '-.'■r. -v; - ■ r. U !• 1 -1 ' - t ' ? . * ' ne-A memei 'is i ■ri:l K \ I ' j .e ’Ml mhers f vh ( old Tran^yi- J" • 1 '■ 'h* ia ])♦'.< - r , .: A' * 1 V'l ’1: a L< 1-e wh;- ■li d 1 d soT.'ii' t'Tiie .in.; is ; : eli.v. - ^ I ? li'inliers of 1 he oitl lodgt' 1 \- ■! 1 intelli ■ a few - r suit in a la'j ‘ ’I’aln-t'-’. . !■ 'UI aei’-'. ih.i'w-'.y < ^.lijniiy ’■y I'lueh iiep.yi-^tt'd in'.hetle- irnt iit of t! e ]uedtry iri I'lstry. n otht !' ind"istries andae f the ]»et ph' servd hy it, a!'id Laiul and Indastr'.al AiZ'-nt M. lias heea i-le.ared. inere.i>eil, aial tile .st ri I> , ‘d IV 1 a'l i''i < a ttie'ilioiis, the ih" poTpnlat:.'*! vi’-;.:;a s. ’] lii-- a nil va 'ti I'd • a’ I 'dra- ; i al I'la- har O' a.t \\’ashin'.:ton. and W.'stern Aireut <'lairles S. rhase. T. [i >'dp’i :ia 1 ji ' ; rt (L bof 'i-e th(‘ la" . ip. ”1 . r M o]^i'7dT’ a new s r.'I'! 'I'i: 1 ' it.t to W hi^- Tuire ' ;f('t . 1 r state.1 '’;1' W'. " . •' or* 1 h "1 irivi n a b- 'U: 1 hre- • ; <•' bi 11 1 te. ; he ^1 lit ‘it rn ]-ia il ■ . ' fi tl o T’.urniK ■ of \ '• it ion;.! ' • 'riel;s that Tai' Sj; them '! n t'-'i t. 1 >;a*n.ii iiii ao '.t ^1 r - -A-. . .. T’ie . ' ' ' . i 1 !’ e. • ' 1 ' , 1 . ' p'.'an agrt' d ♦. ■ . ’ o t h ^ 1 ■ I'o; t S*V.-ct a'V. have . b-o i'- • tl at: V. 1 - .;1 . ii i f.''o st'i.'iM ;) V ; 'iti '1 wa ' ceptei: th-- ■■ .1 ’r''.!* r;.v ■1' i. 1 * ■ t II- • ! ra d-rii ii ■... idiT''. '.V ! ' I I • ' 1 'fll S-' li ;i n a.nt ■ K ' ■ 1 'i 4' V ■ 'i Ly idT-T '■ !• a! ifira trv. - 1^ S, 7 < Pv tf'? p:". j- i : hi.' • 1 ' d' tl'e e IP,, ■■ . ea'. Ti.e tanra ry *11. efii 'icTi< 1 S- \ i'"steir. !<'heniical r.hlij; . St. Louis, aif raa' i . In ii'i-d to u”: ve all po.'.sihh' -assistanct (o ]na)S]H’CT've poul .{ It) loctite in tlu! • te t’a v>aai ‘n-en nn-l 1 a .vaKi to ai' V ^a..: t' the ti : n.l , ia • T-,a’a;iUt r ■ nrv sk'.ia.t ol aer 'i-. if .M ■. i'iv'aV> w, [ • I ain^r iot'k- (’i: ar o;' tla au‘ ' and hia - I h ■ .s also *esVt>r Lvira- They s . wilhor.r ehar_< try men dt siri st h.i-ast. FREE SCKOLARSKiP PROPOSED laiaiiers is imp«a a ti .a . So;ni‘ eiio lia> s.tiij th:.T oar s -s. tiau oi' dvraition. i:i is re. sptaisilil;- fer t)i«' eiaidition id’ soine. of th.e farai lands in thi.- count ‘y. While a lai'.iri! naijority of our ]'■ ' ■- ])h‘ have hiH'ii farna'is of ediKaition lias and a lar^e aumher tf oie' hriirhU'r children ha\v heen alien ati'il from the fr.ra s not -i‘.'a’.in4 to reali/i' the fac" that all tl't- ].e.), t ea;>a'.ioii> .are ahs -!ut'.‘l\r that ••the . tail- scheme ■ rt d a-H.a;’- _ I ph; in all ta v .ij 1 donendi'nt on th- farmer I ( .Tl ; ■i S'OU u I ! i’‘„’ aia i J • r* . A ) I ♦ • Il - f I ■I' ai -ad ir‘ a.'.'.a K r- ni: t ■ ■ ■ I'e a hoar'? ul . a 11' ‘I; -■ . ; . 1 •1 >1- i r •; Vf, . » a^ •tra'I)]] t ai ‘ ' • e, < o' ■ 1 - ■ ■ ’ ait l"^'.ad.J , ■ t’l- prej- I • ’ P" • .VT’ rs \w ' ' ia\' ■ ir-a v( 1 ]»ut • 1 : »{i f rr-'c. ‘ ' i • j- t-t c >ia- ' Ti ‘' ti.'e ■-•. 'dll C' ?• t , :K-r ! T II >'“d ; ■ r . .,,iyor tir'e.'^e. , ’''ir. !-'l’ '1 s 1 a'l , (, 'pioke , on tht' t'ad • U i’ ■ "' i ht s:reets baad’n^ t ) t! ‘ I’i « t. .\ spt'oial c->i'.nntte“ “oni II.S -. ot \i'lor!nen Ashw.jrth. 'in i Kd‘>uTr‘ek wa.s a];j»oinre(l t ' pro osc wa''s ar.{l , n 1 ■ ipr lui ;t ,ra r '-'.t ; -TV. ot lu *iji' '■ t a'- j>i:a‘ ■. S : .) I 1. US ill' s - tir|ea.>-"l». >f ‘'p»eini )U till- ii'j;”!'.-''ive ami .■ ■ ■ / !tre-a.I'd. ■ ! • rd .-h' v> I th ' A . 11’ as r' a W! ‘a \i. a ■ a:> ' 1' no ! i’i:^h* \n r... ir V ■ V- r va;_’'. r, a r i! i.‘ jiaiy bur 1 Iv:'.: la.- ■■f'l r ’U'.vt day. \'.'l ’/•' t I r 0'-;i)ita lit V v t ’ 1 T il ■ d Sh'anani'i ,t * a.' * ■ Med Ta*' "Id }a- ; U '" 'o!isi.!,,.r;i*-inii \'d) i '■'V- ■^la !' ril ri •!'. t ' • - p. -a ;• 11 a. s';hs!'i'-r J ’ . V 1 y li.. lalu ^ i ; a and Sist' '■ VI. and Tuiraii.'ul •. f ■'s T-pfi’s. ixae 1 'ii •;.r> al•.l^t' 1 "a . a 1 U-- fvd -s i <■ ;t, a r 1 as "hey iot k S' ’’-du' >iiT''- 'ded j:r.-;nt t - Tray d'j'. pel" in ■’.•ii li- :• I jrh-h. .rn * .->n ns ot h ill its _r' )ry. n’lay an i ’)ro, niris ^v'shinL: ttifanne inti tlu* nt'w an> | ! -i'.’‘j:eil to ei t’.fer W’tli s'jir.e nuanher | ! (:f tla r.t'w j-.idLTC. i I aTtend.ince (ach Tuestl iyj I'a'.'ht Ins’M'cn exca’dioiudly -I'ad.j Wa-'iiin.irtoTi, Fei>. 1.—I’rf'S'denr , (aa >id-'7'inLr die' small a.t'r.ihersh’],. j I'niit'y. of th;- So-afla'rn Railwuv and t 1m‘vav'k dene bv the nt'w !‘;dsj:e I . .'omi)anv. announced touav tlai’', i ■ * I ‘ * * 1 w;ill ci .n’part' t -ivorahly with tlai.t ■ :is a mt'ans ('t su])]dr'nn'ntinp: t ho j farmer is the man that let'ds the.a; j nil." and that iaTnlin^^ if carried on intelligently and .'cientitieaHy. ‘•v.ill yit'ld larger ihvitlends than Standard ('d tionds oi' <'onsi>liilar<-d Stfv.l Sita'k Continued on pajre 5. ■hi r‘t: mncl. lariTer and ■ t'xit‘nsivo wtu'k h(ur.<; th.nie bv th Dr. \V. M(d...''in. a former resident •>f Bievtird, V'ho naived to Fit/.?^t'rald. (-ra.. la-'t fall an 1 o]M'net''. deutai ■parhn-.'s in tliat city, st ea « to he makaiu' m)Uvl thta-e 1>.’' ! dont' 1'V h)d^''e> ‘ rettt v eiiuip’ad. [ta iiipany for the advaucemen*- of Tl'..* ft i';o'viu:_'deidaration of ])r',n-j u,j‘»‘if*ulteir(' i’i tIic territory tra- ! ( s ha.s 1 e-e7’. a(h'])tod hy th' new | V( I’seii hy it.s r.nes soiitli of Poto- ] lULT ■ ■ and <)hit» nvt rs j.nd t'ast ot’ tlu' ’ ■'!">■ ■ a"-"f !n nip'hhs ( ; ]’ytluas, | Mi->sissi]>})i. it li.'is been dt'f'idt'd tt> *' r.T- b' i in M'le’i '-hip. ehai i'y and ! inauirurati* S lutliern R-iil waiy ; \.'h-nev whicli it proelaini?^ as I Stdiolarships in tin* State A^rit'u'.- :s cavdir.;] ])v:nei])los. strives to | rural Collect'in each state* traverseil ‘ _athe-.' To^i tln*r into ont> I'lii^lity i by tlio lint's of rhi> comiiany. ff :iernity v.ortliy men who a]>pi’e-1 Mr. Finley v.ill take this ma.ttcr •lar ' the t .'uc mi'anin” v>f fi'it'ntl-j u]) at oncc with rl'.e presiih'nt of sh’M ; v.dio arc c mtions in v.a.vd and each ai^ricnltnral <'i,)lh'tre c(^ncernetl. | 'A . MeL'*an ha.- '''ti-i'..i,*i-»fkii-^iiiT-ianoiht'i laiijre tdic;' ti) tiis tl‘*ntat DB. MCLEfiN MAKING GOOD. t.i v»n i V Mcl.'.'an ij^ we’i autl known licre. .md tlie f-. •Ho win,' '^•lippinJT takeri from one of the Fi;/- i geral'l ])aper^, Vv ill i)e ri'ad with in- ti'rosT hv nianv of Ids t'r’en<’l' nt're : elded ■n t io'*’.; Tr'.rii ; wlio art'1'rave j-d'kir..;:: him t(' ]v. rniit. tVu* eom])any ^ ■n( in*j: 1 , whose honor is to nay lor the schohirshijis .md to parlors on tli. ^ . r. S,, I ^( I Vi-7' I'V I t.., < "‘s '• ' ■ i ; ■ •; h' • ' h )’ I !: ■ -^-th, . • i iowa’ 1 ! I'. -I that tl'e 1 ’1‘ss •lUU r rn^ty ripe 1 i:.' riralitv. For i-artl.-ar th\s artich' is long 1 will ch. S '. ?*lor ’ an(.n. I' IM. i AI’P NT 'I t ieir cimntry, and to dll' ei'Tstiti'Tf'd auTh.'n’ities under V. hit !i *!it'r t n,it y citi/ensl'dj). is un- do'.intea ; ind who. at all tim(*s, are 'prepar('d To do iinto others as they woulc havt' others do inito them.” Tht' special entertainment ])ro- jv^sed is to be in the nature ol a fifth !lo.)r 'i' the Ga.rt>rdt-Donovan Imihling an;! utnv has three rooms, tlu; new otliee being .iust across r!u‘ hall fr 'u tlu; others. Mr. McL 'an m .ived to Kit/- gerald only a short time agv). and is bnilding np a nice business.'' r.u'arnished .-w hose sense of jnstiee I select tht' yt nn*jr men to be hene- prei-i'nt. to tl-(^ iH'st (j1 tlu'irjrited by t'i’.eni. Thi' seholarshijis, a 'i itv I personrJ. act or word in- whiih art' to eovt'r the frdl four- pir; )Us to the worthy, whose 1 year course iri agrieidtnn'. are to he loalt tl' pr rici]r.t , t^i family, to j awardi*d in acet'rdance \vith ])lans !f;)ent’s. ‘o tiieir cimntrv. and to to be agret'd u]>on between tin; presidt'iits of tht* coll.'ges anti the railway com]'.any and arc to bo giA'en to yt)ung men residing in Counties trav('rsed by tlu'lines of company, and whi would other wise be ^naneiully unable to avail tliemselv(‘s of an agricultural col- j t)c one* on whieli the; subscription play Alter careful consideration I h'ge training. .has been paid, else the dam]>ness of a n am her <d ] lays ‘'Uitabh* foi i As soon as arrangc'meuts havii j resulting from what is “dew’ may ' amatt;urs, ‘ A vVv)man ■-S Honor’’ i have be. n|h'linitely per‘ected. full | result in spoiling the fruit. w.t.s seleetetl tin* eoTnmi;tee | details ;is to the seholarshi]) or having the matter in hand. This * scliolarshiiis to be awarded in each | Printers ink marks the path to play w’ill he p-odnced at an early st ite. vrill bo announced. (iiehes and fame. Try it. It is said that the best way to preserve apjdes in w inter is to wra]) them in newspa’pers so as to exclude the air. The e.'ccption is made, however, that the newspap;er must

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