V am all right now, thanks to Dr. Miles’ Heart Remedy.” The same relief is ready for you. Are you sure you do not need it? If Dr. Allies' Heart Remedy helped Charles Holmes, why won’t it help you? “I was troubled with heart disease, and after reading about Dr. Miles’ Heart Remeiiy, I pot a boUle. J>e- fore I got the I Ic.irt Remedy I haii to sit up most of ;he ni-jht, and felt verv bad at my stoniacli. Whatever I would eat made me (eel worse, and mv heart beat very fast, l^ut tlianks to Dr. Milcs;’ Ilt'art 1-it.meilv, I am all rifjht now. I cut )d, bleep and feel like a n.w man, al- thi'iigh 1 a.n almost (S years (.dd. 1 have been a soldier in the late war of the rebellion, and wis badly wounded.” CIIARl.KS IluLMKS, I’rivatj Co. l'>, 54th N'. V. hu'antry Volunteers, \V;.Iton, Delaware Co., X. V. Dr. Miles’ Heart Remedy is kept in thousands of homes as a friend always to be relied upon in time of need. So'd by all D*uggists If th® first bottle falls to benefit, your money is returned. Ask ary Druggist. MILES MEOICAL C0,| Elkhart. Inc. QUEBEC NEWS s. E. ^fcCsill clost?d a vory suc cessful singinji school at Oak (jrovo church tho Sth inst. Mostly chil dren attend, but they niude fln(? projjfress considering the legth of term. Little Beulah, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reid, has been very ill for some time, but is rapidly recovering under the faith- Lyday ROSMAN ITEMS Winter weather is with ns again. Mothers have been having (juite a scare over the report that whoop ing cough is in our midst. Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeVane and daughter, .losephine, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer re cently. Mr. J. S. Silverst(‘in, known as our minute man, h'ft for New York ful.'ar.,of Dr.Lvday of Kosnmn. |j Wo ,nc. Klad to'lu.ve Ur. l.y.luv weok or | locntoil there, for wo hiivo lonj? ' I been h, no,.<1 of another irood ,loo- Rev. ('arpontor, ,«.storof the | tor in tlie npi,er on,I ,.f this •■onntv. l>ro,u-hed un ■■Do,.s,,rohibiti,ml,rohihity Xotj ™orninK, I • tt 1 1 1 i>i f hiud in s])ite of th<‘ sturmv weather i in Hogback and (iloucester. Our i ^ , 1 1 1 ..I was heard bv a tjood sized coni'rt*- I ])rohibition law has ])r<*V(‘u a great, • ^ bU-ssing in mauv s-'ctions of tin*! 1 st„f, ami ,H.r p,'.',ple aro inlin-t.'lv i '»• "n" ''f ">»• "I'-t- iK.tler off than ,n tho oM I'’’‘f" l'Hys.,-ians, has his ofli,-e at his , , . „ 41 ,,,1, home across tlie river and is keitt when saloons w»'re open Ihrough-1 ^ pretty busy. He and Dr. Lyday, Why They Marrisd. A man <»ut postcards to ;ul the married men of his town asUing them, “Vv’hy did yoti marry V" Here are one or two of the replies; “That's what I’ve been trying for eleven years to find out—X.’’ “Iklarried to get even with her moth er, but never have.—W.” “Please don't stir me up.—J.” “Because it is just my luck.—P.” “Because I asked her if she’d have me. She said she would. She got me. -Q.” «)Catarrh Cannot Be Cured« -with LOCALi APPLICATIONS, as thPjT cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take in ternal remedi«^s. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best phy sicians in this country for years and is a rcRular proscription. It is composod of the i>esl: tonics known, combined with tho bast blood purifiers, acting directly on tho mucous surfaces. The perfect combina tion of the two ingredit'nts is what pro- diicos such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials, freo. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo. O. Sold by DrufTRists. price 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pilla for constipation. out tli(‘ land. Y»>t the law is not withi)ut its (‘iiemic's. and tlie‘-blind i tiirer'' and “inoonshin.'" wliisky is j : still ])rt'val('nt anioni: tlie dark re- ■ I cess.V'^ and n.cni tain irortres (tf tl isj , ..- I 1 1 ,• t-u,, ’• '‘*11 st'CTn to eniov tliejii. and in fact iitirul ‘ Lif 'l ()1 tho .Sky. •' • I Tht'rc art‘ "'gn- ,d' a^)undan<‘i‘ of whisky :’i the inn.\i*.li «t»' viciiiity | ^ Kfiu's .vhi; li is causing a. | ('.)ni]>any (-11 tlu* street leading to who r(‘(*<‘ntly located hen>, ought to !(*(']> Rosnian folks real well. 'rhc young ])('cp'i(' have been hav- iTiir a nuir.})or of dances latelv and some of till' married }>eoj)le as well. Several nice new houses are be ing built hv tlie Toxawav Tanning The Great Rock Brook Beginning Febrttary 15th In order to make room for other goods I will sell, beginning February 15th, my entire stock of ready made clothing and shoes at and below cost. In fact everything in my line w ill be sold at cut prices. Let everybody come and take advantage of the bargains that will be offered. Boys, now is the time to dress yourself to go to see your best girl. Let everybody come and be made happy. This sale will begin February 15, 1912, at my Ro k Brook Store. YELLOWS :OME PARK. t fie Charging Cc ored Terraces at tHi ^ .nmmoth Hot Springs. 't i- .'h .<;i.rtiriM' ilar visit f’lo Y ■■ .v-t’ II ‘ N .tk>n.i> park \vh<! ‘ * tnr'i an al-■>* yt r ■ i-)< ''V tl'; ; !ii!auy r!'.:nrjr''s b:iv ■ » "UTt'Cl ' i*’i' a.),•■*.■!r.'.iM ti > •! .[•,.,1 ■: t • 'i,‘ a’T : : s:iriii::< ...''e'!. .•'U 'a alt<T:i* i >a- ' ir son ,-t > in a rH-r. -:i • •’> Tht* ;,''Ps consist -.'l a ^ -it ^ • l'asiii>, <-‘t l oiau- a f*-. a- fo't 1, er th.'iii •rod(>i'.-><oi, aad '’lo ’ >’ w.itfT rc:u .lie sj>-ii a! tl’ i. ■ >' f.'u'ter"a('>:‘s Hows fr"!!) l>a^iii i • a-'n 1'posinn:; is chalky s. .i’ tt;« rini^. t‘ii’.s sMiwly tail! lii'tr tbi'in ]. VLi.’’”- <*r ,lu‘ th.'v i*f w ■ .'c'!’’:. u. s ;• .inr for a C'TI'Ii] ■rai.>a‘ ,^:n( llie iliJii'l u: 1 '■ ]-‘s I *' ii.' sins I'l.V'-. i .■oitii'uily '‘ ti - Th‘‘ V.'‘'il h ;t‘s -.re la.iiii y dr.* to v“Z<'t:. .'.lartcr ;ui i '■> if t i*. f'cu- of witt'T . • s'.'s l . ''ifs rapid',\ f:.'. ' i -”.v’i.u' tiio t 'Ta-'cs tiaik wliitt*. 1:'- . \vh';K.* il>• • a ad wnl's of '! ■ -l;y Dfisins 1k'; to «TUUi- Me, and tl. rr.Mst V'»‘au'if'.il fvr-.si^ d a .pear in •‘hiv.' dust an 1 <‘lin frat,'inent>. One of th>‘ favorite terraces at 'he hot spriiics. •adod the > inorv;,. Tt>r- r.ioo, oxtdi'ir.s tho^e c‘hnn,:;os in :i niark <*d d(\£rr-‘e ' < •a ase of its cotis;,?, uvHis ’)ositi,»n Soraoti i.t O'.vr'i: to a aiiur-' of thi- :!o'A' ' f .U‘f, ’lu' .Mi orv;i terra»'e 1 r.r^s v.'M) s; l»-ndid a:i(] re st»nib'.-"^ ■ sft . " t]ut>*d 'tasit'.s car^’od 01 >;n(.',v T mart io I’nr !i'T, 1 .‘iL* v: tt-r 5 t L'ias to rna y dio 0-!' \' !rli ; 1! d ‘=r ' <n.)rr V ridn *■"; . .1 itv' ir.y. riio < ii; ’ in ’no i’ rv < ' !l.t .v.‘;-;or '•‘om '(I ' t*ad 1 part .u n-.r-t u " n onditioi < T *vr:'!i'l.LT in la- '•n-ated '•ocd<'j T.iiu^- Tb,.‘ .I;)*- fior'-i ^V• .;. IVIACE THE TAILOR PfiY. He ^oulm't Give Cred t an-J the Ger man l.a'jv Punished Him. La\v ■■ 'Tina y i; 't'-; -.’no ■ • lurn.', .!■ •■T'.Hi.' ii a so .I'.'vyrr t\>. va’.T: .'•i; .ni i.’i’M: I i fi" tl n o'l v ■; anM!s< u •?; .HI, I I ’ a ' nd .‘I'u! I’i' ' ' (■r'-i,; it> ;‘.<-iiin v (U at : 1 :mi o\f "i !: ’■'"o..^ a tal.'' • ! I- a rcady -u .-d I :;a n, / fur f ‘ ■ I'li,”."'', ' uT ' : if ' lit!’, fii^y ' , ; V h It 'v'i< i: i il. ti.dcr, < 'is fiM.t-r , ;iM'd ‘o sond .'.a,' -i 1. n i( a- la . I'a-' s.i; t'lon- a' ■■ •a^‘' la loii f*'r .■ •.r'V-TM .'ii* .f sit;,)'! ;i«l .iM u';'' t<v be .1 . ’ io 'a' II.< I', I!-' a’, o ti< "W.^s t< ■■ .1 . >'■ it ..iid {•; ; il ■' ' ill. ii" , 'lied . s ■ -cod . d T,>' 1 tl.o !a..or ■ ■ d not ■ rime th i-a'^t' r / r’ . ■- h' l- --i.t ' ;ii'. 1 nt • 'aa’ ■.'! 1 '• ;'h * •■■■ Hi’.;/ion. . at* I ! .'n-i'■ t'd <>,; r • i ' 'a -Ii cii)^ p.-: I' i. o ■ T !i . •M lis*' j', ■ -rr ! ■• ' .!'i . bo xaii :’i ' ion T'a( '■ ■ ”.ii"S.-il ’.\u' - \ ' . • na;" n-'. rM laiUf'ti .1 ' r ’ ; i ' : hat'i son ',.a- '1,1 - .'I • 1 ^ 1"-!U ■ t' • 'MSI 1 . . -1. . ■■I s,' f’ ■ .1- '<ir'- ^ , I'.- 1! ■ I :ailis; . ■ ;■ .1,," ; S b ■’ Vj: • :e i>l hi' f i,'' LT 1 .i'" ' ae <• .i. ina.' .a 'ho vi.i , ,;s a >- :-,v < ■; ' ,ifd ' ao I.' 1; r i.r' <: isia* S' , ,1 • h<- j: »’ . 1 r at ■.) p:’,’ \i ' i. ionrai. sii'i'e '- ''im-.:. < -i.o ,r .. l.a :■ » i"’.l« at''i.Tv.’, o ti ’ iL'i . ajii'.a.ata ' '! bo j" ' •? h : (i ’.'ie r;- ,/r in b.i.'a ..lal in 1 liii !i'.arl .!( t!ie < ne . tu.j evpres''.'*:,' oi< vro 1') ' M.,;_ i>‘L'.aby pei • t. ptin >di ’.IH' «icf'’.kI: nc i'(T ia,‘<-: of pat- riotisui auii 1o’’.j «. f tbv farbri la. d ’ ,bif }.?o .\eus. d a tr.vjblo un.l desti'oy- V'-i’t’’!!! css I 1' the liv(‘s •><’ • ;*,)iiiig ] eo’)le. May 'p T to'.''- :cjr.]',e”ancc ]>o()- ■'V u'lTry To not get dis- ' ■ _'n e iiy the {iL’ht nnlil .- \.<m and uu7‘land is • fl ■> denu n tbjir is sradi ' - ’ ' ■ -isiiig LT('nt‘ration. n'M. tlie Mt'tljodist chnrcli It is pT-f'dictcd l)y sev(>ral of our \ business men tha" Rosnian's poi)U-j lati(^n vo l'll raa( li tlie fivi' Imndred i mark i)v si.ir.iiK'r Tb*' houst'snrej .scattered •on'-ideni ))(y. ))nt they are b i and :nore hj'ini; bnill all tlie tune, wlneli sjteaKs well for fie' ''r.aw’^li >1 ou’ nttV- town ' 'A'ho has the Designer to sell The Designer § .73 Club price "if tl.,- W..,thv .mtor s,vs '>'0 sjow. and whispers it down a well Everybody’s 1.50 lor both H. GARREN THE BUSY BEE EfiST FORK FACTS VtUbl;' rlie items we'll hustle Is not so af)t to collar the dollars As he who hustles around and hollers. .aror.nd anil find eait wliat is goinir ^;r IV I'ax a guo.l frr.ir r); re ’S ;iliV Sl'.-Ml •in a’ i .o I a ’’.eg SI i;pe ’el' '.'’"ii, I'ed ‘ive on au'l let ]M‘o])le know ‘■ul at’.'- 'ii'in'j-" iiT Kosinan. the lit tie rewTi ,)f oi)iiortnnity A K')SM.\NiT'’.. McClures $1.50 abo’it Uncie Remus’ Magazine i Woinan’s Home Companion 1.50 The three 6 mos. for 35c Reviev/ of Revicvvs . . . 3.00 for $4.05 Little Folks, six months S6.00 35 cents TA8ERN.AGLE BIBLE CONFERENCE m'd.-'. laiinl < -illesrr 're* TV Call or wrir^‘ for price.s. for what you want. JOS- M. KERN, Brevard^s Magazine Man BREV^ARD, N. C. ii'i-V ' Tc I 11 F. i>t r r'k. KI a I .a —I '!' -I' Su! \f” frier.,i> Myjlii! <-h Irene ;il' 'sp-e ~ep< ’')vah] • 'lay ''.Va; e U|' yi) *’;g -iie-rat F‘>rk. ati i. T s iiav* a < For vSale A 62 \cre farm, with 40 acres of best farrninj;; land in the county, balance in V. oodland and meadow, good ten room dwelling, two tenant e',tirm .'^in.iay siiew 11 wavs. •h. itil. ' i i^'h. 'la 'ighter i t I’ Cillt‘s])ii . Ic ' ■ * h het- irran.li la of Hast H d, nrer- it w,-n't ■f .Vt- and ']>ent last Mrs ■). A. .1, A ‘ iil'esir.e an<l ' aa-;. iiarren ■' isit.d .1 Haves >i nda'.’ ai'T- r- ■.1' (-71. r>es-;oT{ th(' ee.ld. w.-a^a r. H. K. \Vh’“n.'i ‘ aro son- .1 and c. T*^ir:ne t. vork tor 1'. A. ShalVf’iv A. v'. (n.r-enai’ . t'l'nilr *f.’iteiii- ji.ite t'. tlre.urd !r; the I’ea." Iv.tnri- WV -':ai ”e_rr' t I'eii (U‘]),‘nT',;re vta'v ” a li. '•'rank luvro - wa^- set ir a ?-r a;.e vn *’■ r</i.-i" lay r. ••rr-i'-g drivin'.: ! i' r.ii'ier .' r«'.''{(aic tif‘11 have a -a'^'e , u-n .'.iid vi'.l gv: b'icK' ). W'TIi '.iiany iZ'■ «. v.---.bes lor ilit Nev. s Its . >rr ■s’,>("'id n’v. .1 WiFt-.. LITTLE RIVER ITEMS r li. H'Cti' II lar. e ftii- unite 'ri’.e T’,)'ii-reentli Annual Tabt'r- na le ISib’ ruTiferenee ^vill con- V(-M ■ at f .ie lJa])tist Tiibern-.icle, A-l.tnTa Ua . .^l^l:ch ' and Con ti i-le t'. "Mar 'iiH', Tlv • C’<inference pvoni.'s - t.' ill' ■*^hc largest in at- rendanee in its hist'ly ‘’biistian w iri\- ■> an-; P;ible stu,bM,t> frovi ad ]>aris t The c ■'ntry v. 11 be in houses, two good wells, barns, wood house, dairy and other im atten.la’iee ''LMiis ■•■>nfi i- *nce \s in-; I r.i< !;unr,n..ni na'. in ■.’hn’\u-ter, ovt r twi) ^ ho'i'iar.d preai hers al'.'T.e , aTt--ndin_’ di^t year. A rnvit-.-r a'- t. nd ir.f • e.qie.,-ti.“vl this vear r.i ' V ".s • f tb 1 f.ict that the eonfer- \ cm < 11 1m b d I in the rew ebui '-b j T-i■■•t ’>tly dfdicuti d, co.'.tinir <)v<‘r ' .H.'i,. The sealing ea]j:icity o'"; l.i'di is live thi,>'.isand. 'J’h*! s])cak- i •T - d' -he ‘uni'errnee wiil l)e Dr.' ha>. Ill\^ 'I’d • t Loiilvin, the s}v>- • oil'v ap].''inted ren’'t‘s< nta.tive of’ he'swek : t 'r. < inuh'T’ M '^>bet u (e’ Alleghaney ('oiU'-Te, >h'adville, . I’a ; i'r. -I. 11. ,1'twett. n i^tor Firth I Ave i^e I’re."fiyt(>rian cbnreli. ><ew ■ Ve-rk City: Dr. ii'jward A.dobn-i .-"111 »)f Staniiajrd, I onn. ; Dr. W. W. Bnsvavd of Fucbd. avenu(\ ( h’ve-| Ian 1. ' diio ; Dr. L<"i ]>roughton. i At a'lta; Mr^. Lanian aux «)f (’iu- “air >. I TiH inusie e-f the c.»n:\‘r(nice will , I j snr])ass any former tdtint. Prof. j ai i Mrs. Boatnia’i : Prof., ChesTe!' K. irbirris ef Ohio. Prof.! and Mrs Ctad Fish *r of Grand Rm]'--! • Is will ac. as 'ol ists and direc-1 t wf tii.e nin.-'ie, wliile the clK’iT-■ ■ d’ a hva) Ired voices will be sup- r’t'd hv tie- handsome ?'jo,''>ho i provements, situated on R. R. just outside of corporate limits of a growing town. FOR SALE—Timber lands. Farms and 7'own Property. FOR REN I -Three Good Houses. Before you buy, sell or rent, see mo. W. L. WILEY Room No. 9. McNinn Building. A. M. VERDERK, JR. W. L. WILEY. Manager. THE WELCH GALLOWAY. Brevard Insurance Agency Room Q, McMinn B'l&ilcling, Brevaird, N. C. INSURANCE f Thi- ] I'd' ver^ • )i’ga!r -ai l t • be r, ^t in '.iiiy i'ruti;srant world R. V. .( VV. uv.' "»a^t.*7‘, iiu y )h> f \u'th'‘r ir forni.ition till' M ird ehun b :n Ham, as- addi’essed 1. I V 1 -UijSt f:k V iier ( hild is '.n daiig< r ai ; ,a i wil'; -^sk I'M ■ life to ])v.>tect| N ) :r!-t. -it a., r .J’ h.eroit-ni e" risk , IP'* necessa.; '^o jjroe^t a; i (,. ’ni evovip. *’iv'e \ 'lian)f’er- ; T! ^ ' e.;ch P, It ■ dar.dall danger I >■ ','h '1. ,Fo’ Sal - b^’■ .-di dealers. | Life Insurance, 22 Fire Insurance Companies Plate Class Live Stock Employers Liability Automobile Tornado Steam Boiler Casualty Urst the tire. Then the smoke; No insurance. Then you’re broke Rates r.re h^gh, it may be tme. But not so high Or drv as vou. ha-' re •r. Mvi '■ • I Iv -I I” • * !,.it ’ s reM.h> ;ro’*i a er ba -ir l ■ ,f a pnerjr.or i i v; ii n Try to hare l;ind'y »f>oi;2rUf.- <f r'^o- filf- and tilt) kind \v(,ri s t fare i" then.^scives. ^ a ]!”o ])Tiev.’lonhi hIvv (.'ol.i.. .‘'UT y,>ti n" 1 'snting m '’b;’.inh. f j.un’s ■ ongii Ib'Tni ' s d T ikr tii>’ ris rhis r Iv n :.y be had fov F s.ai ' by u':i <leaiers. Mark T-,A/ain's v.oKe on the Bishop. , .x.i e .>r .I'jl'ariy \v:;s at one I tiuje he re<:t< r ot aa l-;,);scopal cliurcti ' a iTartfi r«l afu] tDe serv’oes at 'his ^ OL'tj'\ fc .^i:lrk 1 w.iirj wonid oceasionany | ate-iid. I'nain one ^unaa^ plr^yed a j 'o;.e n;» n tne :ector i hr IV’De. he s;'iid at the end oft Tilt' serviee. "I enjoyed vour sermon ; ti 's aio.‘ '.in?:. ^ weicoiispd it, like an j oil*, friend. I have, you kuo'V. a DooU ^ at t.'.nne contairing overy word of it." ' “Vou have net. sa’O Ur Doane. I “1 bave sr," s^.iid t'ao hnmonst. j "WelJ. scr.d :hat t>' os. ‘.c m*i. Pd like , to .see it ’ •] )■ senn t.” I’wa' ) replied. | .\n,l ne sear rne n« vt mornir.g an no-, abr’ii.jeii dicticn.ivy to the reictor. Resignation. Toai—Hid ti-.r ..-tst lin.Na.Zid die? .hicl. —>'o; I)y jiist re'sigTied.—Costeu J ruLisoi'ii't. Tho First, the Strongest, the Best. Tlic Very Bosi Ii.suranco of All Kind^. The Very Stroiij^est Companies. The Very Lowest Hates. Lossis j^ettleii rroniptly. Todaj" you may have a home ; Tomorrow you may be standing u])on sni(>king ruins. ^io Use to Go Elsewhere Your life, Your home. Your live stock. Y^our store, Y”our school building. Your church building can all be iH’otected in our ollice. : : : : : Xothinir crooked Iiere. We offer you clean business. See Us Phone Us Write Us V

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