BULLETS IN BATTLE. They Play Queer Pranks at Times on Their Mission of Death. At tlio battle of I’cacli Orchard. »\'Iien McClellan was makin;; his fhan.ire of b;‘se. a Micliigan infantry man fell to the .uround as if snot dead and Avas left l.viuR in a heap as the regiment clianged posiiion. The bulU't that had hit him’first struck the barrel of his then planced and struck off a biittou ()f his coat, tore the watch *»ut of his ve.'t pocket and struck the man just over the heart, where it was si(>i>[ted by a song book in his shirt pocket. He was unconscious for three- <!uarters of an hour, and it Avas a full month before the black and blue spot d!s;',i)i),>aml. At rittsburg lianding a member of th(‘Twelfth Michigrn inf:i!itry stooped t ) f-i\ e a woimded man a drhik frcm his canteen. While i:i this act a builet ainuMl at liis breast struck the caireen :!iv.l l.uncd itself in the loff of a h )rse. 'I'he cai)ie»'ii was split open ;tiul dvon- l ecl to the ground in li;j!ves. At t ie second battle I'f T.nll riun a New York infamrynan vas ti'ba.’co to a <M:iir;nle whci a bullet sli i;ck th»* pl’.’.g. ^'laiu ed off an 1 bui’ieii it>cif in a I;i>aps;i' k. 'i'lic tobac co was To.lctl up 111;<> a bill «'f s!ia\ing'^ and c;:rrit‘d a hU!ui.i<l feet :'\v.-.y I>irectly in the line ■>!' !l;<‘ rullct v.as ili<‘ he."-I <’f a licu'cn.iiit. :;nil !i;;d no; tl'c bu,u‘t >>et‘:i ili'l'c' t;'d lx‘ '.vould » ,‘Vlainly li:i\c bc 'ii n'lUK'Cctl or kilU'd -ih-'n-by. As it A'v'as. hc’ lij’.d b'th (\vcs ti.lcil wlil: bnci o dust and h:ul b** ird i<> i . 0 rear. .',t. I'n'Hiiy Str.'ion o;;. o tiMi 1 t'Ts I)!m1 bis 'I'ft a'v;w 1 a urapcs’.iot. 'V;i !, was given a peimy by his mother. He bought s^onie candy. While eating it (Jrt'.cie sidled up to 1dm and. being very fon<,l of candy, asked ia a playful tone. “Oscar, how docs youv candy tasteV” Like a Hash Oscar replied in a victori ous tone, “The .same as your gum did.” —Roston Record. I Mothers-in-law In Dickens’ Time. I Xowadays it is regarded as utterly incorrect tu spc ak of a stcj>moth«*r as , a “mother-in-hnv." Hut anybody v. ho does can plcai,! plenty of litcr.-iry au thority. ‘.Mother-in law ' was go(»d 1-higlish in (bis sense as w.-ll :is the oihi'r in l.'ir.. atid both l'i( ’ding ;;:ul Thackeray hav(‘ it, “Father i:i-hn\ * is us'.'d by SI:ak('s[M :: boib f >;■ a wife.s j fjithcr and for a st« jii'ai.u-r, and in this st*ns(‘ it can be (,noted I'ri'Ui DicU- <>i'.s :iiid (b"t'l:o< Itut ;li‘ u'ciicral agrecii'-vr.! mi ni ,dern tinu's u> s:ick to ! ■■stcjiUMili 1” i.< a wiv,' ; • i)f I confixiii;i A Wingless Angel. Bilson—Jinisun seems to be devoted to his wife. Timson — No wonder. She is the mo.st f4t!ff€lic creature I ever saw. Why, I believe she could even keep a girl.—New York Weekly. £. F. GILLESPIE CONTRACTING A ])ioc'e of flannel (lani])onod wi^h ChaTub('rlain\s Liniment and hound on to tlio alTected jiarts is snjierior to any jilaster. WIumi tronblod with la7)ui hack or ])}iins in the sid(‘ or clu'st give it a trial and yon are (•(‘rtain to more Ilian iilcas('d with tlu' ])roni] t relii'f whicli it af fords. Sold by all dealers. WHY HESITATE? PAINTER P- »- AYRES Estimates furnished and contracts solicited for Painting in all Branches. Kalsomining, Floor Stain, Varnish, etc. Shop in rear Post Office, BREVARD. N. C WatcH R.epairer and Jeweler Brevard, N. C. E. F. MOFFITT tv. til.* s; 1 •Mcl. o\ : I ; k i,-' I'l S ’• ‘.1 I 1 :! - .I.- d t a 1- Ml .;is i'_' ;i • ski:i ; s 11' n ii t 1 I > (' I-' I I : >•1' hi-' i:; I ' 'c--. 1- 1 u t k I bis ! I i> ' Ti c It; j-c'v ral > :!V- '. i' ;;uii. i ‘ • 1 ‘ ' 'V . ; , ; ii. ii . k’. ' ! 01 l.i- I ' ; ; i t' --.1::;!. i i ■ ■ ■ : - I .;ii ■ . tI. --iLr ^ • I■]. r t>'t' T.1' -f : ri: i I .e 1- I'.t' 'I • I I'U ' I : • ln’ : ".‘■ir !'• 4ii- ..■■■■ < II iiigt . T tvec .':e S: 'n-... I'i\ . iv-iM 'I ii '! ''’11 ^ ■'! rt !c('i'!■ ' ’ »■ . . A -. ■ ..■».] 'icr I • t-> t.:l. ■ u' ' t’ M 1 p.M'ii ^ i ^ '-1. ; • . ;■:! ; stoi’c • ofj MU ! ; .• t ’ > s..n; ”ui; . 1 i : I \ . 1 . ■ 1 ( s :;r, ^. 1' was . Ir \ .1: , If S .. ' . " N . !: ' p;.l H s : -!l 't 'S ■ .. ■* . tli -t I : ^ .ii:-. 1 , I. ii ^ . 'i' ;i* - -oi;.' A n b. .;i! I The /.nicrican Accent. I Ther«> av.-'.s an Anu'ricn.i once who : had been so ion..: in I/.i'jrhr.ui t!'.:it he iniagiii«‘d lie h.id iioj cnly g(>t <piit of llif Ai'icri<-aii ii.ainu'r." 1 ’it h;i<l shed tin* triUi.'Ut la:iti • ac cat. Ifc deceived n:;iiiy ;i!d \va- happy until tlic day of li;.; r»‘iiH-a. 'i'ir.'l < l.is- t'> i.ivt-rpooi. Il l"- i;!U'ir. ' s.aiil li(' to tlic I'ooking c < rlv at i;;’.''loii. “ri\ (‘ doi'.-i’.'s and a '1. ir. c,iic;,i I." [i-Minptly replied the ‘ ' t :‘l I .oil ,lou 'I':; i u'r. Sn^cEhirg a Proverb. "j ■ ■'c^■cr yoi:,' said 1!ie !■ r.i ■■! ; . :r(* s ,i f.tc vcaltliy o'ui niaa. A. ; ; r, il;i' tay lil'c bajipy ! r '' !; c:;rs 1 '.■ ill ])c- bci-e'.'' 1 a:n . •! a \.c"'; liiKl !'ai;;I Iicai'i " 1.1 1;: I 'H 1 a'-'-ei t you." ! . ' 'lay y f.iint '-.cart iic' ■: Cl :i.' '■1(1.' An Offer That Involves No Money Risk If You Ac cept It. Renarkable Work. '.VVi:;; (. » yo:! r.-i,-; •(] >'> I ■ :.:.b!c uc; k in :'!■• 1:' 1- ■v\ ‘11.■ <;'a\(.;■:;>■ •■tl:- I ■' -1w i'l 11; - u .1 L -.j--’ r ».(■ /s til - c. .1. ^ -c’- l-.UL. i.>l ■' ;';'oa('aU'-i* i:. ' -- K 'l Si;;;-, Prir r'l Hi "I. ‘ ■ V ( ■ • ii-..: 1 t"i ,i: i .. . ■ ■ 1 ' ’ : \';is ; ;• t ;■ \r:\ . '1; t i; ' .c n .1 \ ' , I ■ . 'ti. I (i -r-c’ s . •' '. ’S'. |. - a.. ,( ; I - V . !,;lt r *• ' J,iri-*’ J01;rii.i- Cna"»ger! HI? Vm::!. U.:-''.’ ' - I i ’"'.I;!; .■ o; 'T ii‘ ’.'I'f ' v'irk ■ ' •. ;i. ' - I) , ;i- . i; I ' <■ 1.1- ■' i‘ t J , An ■ ■ ; are so ]iositive onr ri'nirdy will e('!U])lctely rclirxa^ c.>nsti]>a- t’o’.i. no n.titter liou c’lronic it nu'.y 1h\ that w'o olVrr to 1'nrnish it lire (U all cost if it fails. ('ons<ii)ation is (•(■r.inion'y rn used I*y weaktK'ss oT tlu* ncvv.s and tnnscies ,)f tlie largo int“s‘ino. Tc) • •xpt'ot a (‘nr(‘ yciii nm<t theretorc. tone ’!]) and strongtlKMi thosi' or gans ;nid rc.'-tore tlii'iii t > heulthi(M’ ai’Ti vi ry. We want you to try Re.vall Or derlies on otir giiaranleo. Thoy a r'- (\it^‘!i I'.ke ejiii'ly. and aro par- H<Mtlarlv uo'id -to" eliil.n'tvi. Tl'a'V x't'ni to act (lire, ily on tho nerves atid 7iu'.s;',.“< ..{■ t'no l owcls. TiU'y t’y lia\e a ni-r.Tral action • V. t’i(' ot li *r organs, I'licy ('io ikiV ■j irge ; r cansc otIu‘1'•'.iicov. Wo lofvind yor.r n.oney :f Hk y d ) ;i 1 vcreoTut- elironic or habit ual (M.].s'i])ati( 1; :tnd thus aid t;' r.>- liev' t!'o‘ 7iiy>-iads of as<i iciari- oi' .!'. ];i‘7i ]• Mt ( hr-'ni.' ailiiioiits. 'I'r\' h''-x:i!l (M'l'iClli ,p1;1' ’..-Is' 'I'I.m-o in-.. ‘J.,--. 1 (,r.'iv ;l1 —’'’ll. liOX;!!! , S. M ?lac!io. :h-ov:;i- i. N ' liow i- (• iro a Cl 'v'l is 1 ;ri \v:;ic] ’iiaiiy ar.- intori--,.'.] 110.(')iai':Vorla.'rs ('u.:Lrli iJciii- <‘ily h:i-^ \M ’! Its /ri;it !‘t‘icitii 1 i -n !id i" iKcii c >alv i)V Its vi-Tv;irk:i l'!c ( I 'f ■ .'I.-', -ai ahva>’'' h*- • ' ;fi Ifii '..Oi-v, Kiir -ale by ::11 1^ a-rs. W. L PIERSON Having bought the tools and nia- (‘hinerv lorau'rly belonging to II. W. Norton,-in tiif^ shoti with T- L. Snelson. this is to <;ivt notice that, busiiM’ss of Carriage and Wagon liepairing Estimates furnished on all wo MAKING AND Contractor and Builder rk REPAIRING FURNITURE, ETC. ! J A\'ili bo contitiued hy me at tho ; old stand. j W. L, PIEBSON Dogwood Wanted iJelivt'red a) fh(* lironitield lot near dci»,»l. n>lru(*t ions for Dog wood ’riiubt'r IS it ."liould !)(' cir: 'Fbe ti'niier in J't not be under , in dn-; ia dia ne *r at tlio small ond. 1 It loii-t lio'tra gbl and shall b* cut I \\ bi r.‘ it i'^ ( moK d. 'I'bt* icMclh ot i!I cr t'. oii' >■ t’oot up to s. or )< i‘ loot. loug.il of' timber i- no! dit’i .a;lty, :r;i .'liu-t lot i>o stiorior^ tbtii:{ (oM, ft- .•'lear o* sm.-il! knot';] a-jiO'.>ible; or ;’i kno'> will not coii- d(MUi. il. ( iJ all 't K k-: t h:it w hi>n \o .-iiii M'o rJje o/ais riP !iiig otl' Me- rpni" ti e >’icks V ill 111 •;‘.>uie tbe leiiLit ll" i 111 eiidod. .\il vo; ,1 ',i; b»,' _ accordir.g to these iu''tr'!i :ii ns. V. FONl AINE :IioM !:i;,.\'A iLib X. f promptly. SOUTHEHN RAIWAY COMPANY Triiiisy! vaiiia l)i \ Sion, i imi- 'liil'l f No 'I. Kffcctivc Oct. I'l’l. N. B.-.M 1'lU‘S Ti^KIV' vli-.'-I: iii’nrinal • only, aii'i i»ol i-c-i. — —* K istcrr Stuii.hird '1 i: r.t “.>• z c ^ ; r y.. >' £ STATIONS X. .i - r. : A. I'. M ' . .‘1 l-v I ,.kf ■; iixa -v .1.' Ar •' 1 ;>'• 1 ► 1 ■; i . ) } 4 >1 s . i.' J i. 7 I'f. 1 •0 I'» 0:> 111 iw ^ i; ■ ; J .■ '* 9 ::t M la I' liii n 1. r.r, > 1 ^ >, .1 ■ J : 1 il -J' .( ho: :.\ . . .... •, (V -J I- ;s V -js - -.ii a . . 1’ n ■1 iTi ^ t.'i 1, .. Ai >; vr> !■. 4 lu " M Ci'JlIl ■ ■ la :i4 P;; \ 'I'l. ; 1;. V' ■ 1 ^ ■■ i. • ■ 1 1 *> 1 t \ •^;i 1,1 1 . I • . u i ‘ Vj ] 1 :N’r *' ’ ' ^ r :l 11 : ; 1 i':UC IP 1" r ! inr- c T: U 1 r- i :( '* I Y:i . .'. 11 I't A :* 1 '-r, I.' .i v DM ", .'■J :i IV \V. Hi-n:!f -. ^ Ii J. o.-» 1* .\ » Hci ih.T.'iHi v:l 1- 1 V - - I 11 N.' •j: I' <1 1 Ni. r» K.'U'li-i->''i\M.i- .\r :. ) -■ V . ' 7 :* u ’■' A r .A ':' o V.: ' ! V 1 ]il I'i -, . — \' iO-lT liolit illf ;ai(i Oa Ur. \ , * 1 , 1 .cut t i 11 (O il \ ' aiic iifi'i.- lire :;;i(r .' ti.ji^ .'-.r Nil- -■ K. W. ( aKTKI H WOOD, I.isr A-'t. Asl.*-- . -At;’ .11.-, . ■•JttiTlSS eHS*3TI amaai 'j ^wrnmmm Close to the Athencikon property, fifty feet higher than courthouse. One of the best view? arou.:id Breva^'d. Ciieapest desirable property left in South Brevard. The ideal place for a home. For home or investment the opportunity extraordinary. MAP 'A.P Whitmire .A M Verdrey L a n d s Y'ye/ec Oct. /G —''/i?// A.LJidrdin C.E. \ 0- SO j 0— 30 ] O i- C '■^1 Q /i 1 // 1 3S ' 5 c' BO 3 so i 90 1 c., “C; -Ji' ' 2 C: . 3' 5,1 n ■IH -<C‘' xo Be Sold on Easy Montiily Payments to Desirable People. Prices $100 to $200. Paynie- Its $10 to $15. These terms good until March 15, 1912. W. P. WHITMIRE and A. M. VERDERY, Jr. Developers and Owners

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