VOUDIK WII ONLY NEWSPAPER IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY A Mo.Mi'. i>aim;r i-’ok* IIO.MI-; ai.?. momi’, rKMX'i' r.liKVAKI), N'Oin'II ('Ai;OI,INA, ri!I!»AY. \1A!!('|I 'J'.'. ) i; I > )l Ji CANDIDATES ARE BUSY AT NATION'S CAPITAL OR CONC.RI-S.S Ol i A. 1 viv ;nis ('ives liitorc'st- iu); Artu U' \hoiit Nafion- ,d \? fairs. S.i lar a- ' lential ]>olitic- is ' ' 'iicerned ' ' ■ ai--rs of tilth ])ar tie-' (-andii. ■ • e hinimim: alonir iTl tlie s;iT' , ..ay. ;iTid where th. :-e Ir,' ■i -■ >m.’ headiiua’'- ter- tiler.' '• -ponditiLT irloi>m T!l otlu'l's. The re| ■ -tand.ji.'ittei s or ’■a-tion.-i n • : T he reptiblican ] 'i 'iLrr^■.--ive■- >t ,11 bammei'ing ' 111 ' allot her • • - dcliLdit and de- ie.’tation c. -a 'er.-iT-. d i le i b 1' - ■ .1. - a re ma kimr all t he cla :' ■ tl: ■ Tatt ]tt'o]ile are uelTin.: .. ieira I Ko( )se \ ■,t 1- a^'^ti. - • a-' WI li st di-a])- 1" 1’.tlted naa 1 nited St;iTe- att r th.- t . !t vent i( in. i t '- -a’.' i-.-i , ?a >t t o 1 >e so )i .1 m ae. ■ - e \a i^-'i-ra TI'd c ' . A fe . -iud; oti; ]ioliti- . a , - who .. i,ir.u"'• in the n- ji . ’ .'an .a ' lo;.. si 1111)1 \- iii ■■ lU"e tb a n a nd out. T ■ i Mr. !. - • : .;,iT he had only To 1' n 1'' 1 11’ the -t.'.Tement ! ha' he w, •. a* t he noniin;t taai to s.-t 1 a ’r\' absolutely on lil-e. I; ■ ■ -.'.e.' with his < 1 w I ' e t i n 1 a ' a:' ii-'pulanty that h-' exji. ' ‘ -1 -e T ae llL'ht of tlie ‘da/e evi a, , ' ' ;• IJaV. When the era-b ■ . • < 'bica a ' near .1ii.ii ir "i-veit and his al.dittloTi-^ V. :'t;ier than a ^ ; I i ’ ' 1 J ' I \ 1 1 I ] ■ i: ■ *o i]» of t la- \\'a-''hinu'toi - nt. He wdll !). the W()r-' ; . ;ed man in the I 'nited Sta ~ - advi-ers will ha ve done i■ ate-t inju.-- t;. • and h " • ;an-/ eaott.-m ba- di 'lie \':- ■ in '; :ry t ha t ever came "• •a.-;n who wa> ever Jireside!.’ • ' I nit' <1 Stall s T,ie dena a. ' i_'r.a:ii in the h-u-e ..f r. : •, \a - i- be! nu' |i\;T lhl‘oU_ri; -1 k 1 i l,e I't’uU- lari‘v, Th.- .. - a r- ■ a'l 11 iim a m o \ e 11 n t a - b'-ealise tla-y are alixii’i.s ..a the lu'o eram and ha ■ ■■ tbui..r done so ttiat conLM’e-- .■ ;alji>lirn before the national a ■ !i‘a .Ti> are liidd in .luTli‘. 'Ida- .- , ]i’;t throiiLrh tile iri'C slla.;' and will this We:-iC ]»uT till-. . t iie exel.-e bill. wditch mean- ' a - mie ta V and send t he wia - ■ .’id bilin' over to the rejiti'a. ■ a -.;iate. It is th'-u up ■ . To ma.ke the next move d aiiocrats tlu'u intcM'l to ta ' ' - cot ton -;-|ied- ule. and la-tlv ' d« ;i >(di -dule an.l that t:'' ;d i)e all the tarl'V leL'i.^la* ■ : V '.vill attemjit at tbi- >cS'i ■a-aress. After the', do till.- • . d 1 h.l Ve icellt tllell- ]»lcdu''' " ’ . -I h* < if t he Cl iUnt ry to I ■ , ■ . ■ tariff on The . -.-arte- e: . !.d t ;ien w h-‘l li- a rep;d>-i . • -I: 1 Te i\’,11s t hose t,;ll-wr a n j.a . !i pi-, -idellt Ve- 11 le- them. It I'iake no dllTej-- (‘Iiee To the d t . " :t- ddl ' l»eoplt- ,,f the count;-'.' ’ iii n know w h' i it IS kce]»s the' r l_a s anil wda i it IS that irot'S iia- I; th ill. -,,.f;ir as pr. ' i' IiTi il ])'d;ties is (•oIiecrTlcd. tb' 'a-t wa-ek has shoved Mr. < 'la- ” The 11'ont a.-- a lea.ler it> tin- tnrcd lvaTi>as. a 1 hi- In)iliners and manairers say ■! ■ ;* a.- will also ca]>- t lire lo\s a. i '' ti-in. Arkansas. South Dakota a ■d .^!innesota. 'Fhey ai-e also (dama. I1L-- llli;iois. If lie do(‘S so it v.-i 1 ook very much as though Ml'- ^ k hail a LT'»»>d chance t,» receive the iiiiinat ion. TIk' Wilson ]»i ' 'pie are still giving it out that th(-n “ is a combination hetweeu (dark. 1 1 J tniin aji*l Tmb'r- wood and that they ;,re not fight- inir one auotiier In the interest'f)f ]ustic(^ iairnevs it would be well statenK'nt is not correct, for tlie (’lark, Harmon and Underwoo.i 1" ople are all light- lilt:: oiir Miidtlii'r 1'>f in tiu' sliili's (t| niilioi-,, Xi‘iii'a-'iv:i, Wise ■dll sin. ArUii ns;i-; .-mil 'ri'THics si'f. If ihcrc wiTi' :i Cl )!n I'i na t ioTi aTuiini:sl the ]irii|tlc tliry would I'l' liLrlitinir one another in tlm''(' stall's, iind it dix-s no i^oml t<if om* ])n'siilrntial a-]iir;tnt In tlic Work of anotlii'f in llic >anif ]iarty Iti'cansf it ii. V. !o[>-> (ii--c *nl anil linrts tilt' c:in(li(lat(' at'ti'r lu' is noniinatrd. ( II vs. A . Ki'W \ iji'S. SABBATH DAY OBSERVANCE emiESHIP MAINE IS CONSIGID TO WAVES sn)\.\ i:i)\v\Ri)S IS cxp- 11 Ri:i) i iu‘ Outhiw (iaiifx is Now S;ir- roiiiuletl and will Sureiy Bo rakeii. 1 wish to write a coniinr.nifation or tw(» 1'or oiir county ]vi]n>r on (lod's law rcLrardiii'.: tlic ohscrv- ancc ot the S.ililialh day. 1 take tlic ^rounil tiiat vr.nnini: trains on the r*iilrnad>. t'ithei- t'i-eiL;]it or ]ias > 'nLTcr. and ])ul)lisliinir new>]vipers on the ^'•^l^ll:ttll day is a <^)laiii vio lation of the law of (lod and a L'r 'at sin. (iod.-^avs ••;’rv aloud, sjiaie no;, lift u]) thy voice like a 1runii»et. and sliow iny ]>;'oiile theii- tran." UM’essii >ns. and tlie h'>;i>' of Ja'-oh theii' sins."—I--aiah. "Ke- nit'Tuher tile Sahhatli dav to kt'c]) it holy. Six day> shalt thou lahcir and do all tliy work, hut the set- enth dav is tlic Saldiath of ihe L ird t h V (;• III : in i i i h'm >ha 11 not d> any w»'rl<. tho’i, n.ir thv son. noi-1 !iy da tliv man servant, ’ior 1;iy in lidserv.a n t. nor iliv eit tie. nor tliy sfranirer that i> w;th;n thy irate>: foi- in davs the i.ord made heaven an^l earth, tlie sea. and all lliaf in them is. and re'-te.l tlie se\fnth 'lav: wherefore tl^e l.ord hle>sed tlie Sa;»hath I'av and liallo'ved i; .' ■—!•',\i m1 u> I 11. And Vvhil.' tile eliildl'en o| i-v.tel wei'ein th ' wil(h‘rne-> th.ev ocjimI a nri n t !i-< t ith..'-, d sti.-l<- I in i lie t:':>.i; ii . *a V. nd 11iey ' V ' T ; rd liim LTatI'-ei'inir sticks 'nr _h’ hi’n unto M(I--ui; Aari’U. ; ■ i u;;''iall rile (Mii'j-rcLra T i<'U. At liiey in;r him in ward. hecaU'' ;r was not decl.ired what .■'ho;f..; e d< uie r^nt ■ i liim. .\nd the I.Mj'd .•'aid u'sto M..se<. •Till' r.lan '•llall he Si.-. lv ]^7;t to death; al! tile eonirreu'ati in slial'i >to7ie hitn Vvitli stones wit heiit the caTii]». .\nd all the eonir''eLrat; -n liroULrh; hi’i’. v^-itliMut the e;tni]i. and .'iiiii-d I'iin witli .-t ini". an(i he died, as the L'U'd itii: iia :idi ii ''I'ises."—?NUin ! 'i'hi-. e\-;ni]ili‘ was evideiillv in troduced to illust ra te the tore>in law. A certain person was ob served ua1 lierinir .>'ti(d<s i in t!ie .''^ai)- bathd-iy in cont(Mn]»t of thec;)m TiiandTiH'iit. and lie was condemned as a jtresumjttuous otVender to lu* stoned. f<ii' a v>!n-ninLr to the re>t. whi(di sentence was exi'cuted tlu- next day. | ’'riicse men who run train.-' on tlie railroads, ijuhlish nev.sjnjier.-,, ti’ad-j iiiLT. ]»ayiiiir waL'cs. settlinji ac- ; counts, writinii: letters of hn.-iiiess. i trilliiiLr vi^if.'-. ioui-neys. excui->ion>. dissi])atit m <ir con versa t i< in whudi, x-i'ves only for amU''enient, cannot con.'-ist with “keepiuir a day holy i to the Lord." and sloth is a carnal, i not a s])iritual. rt'st. 'riiese are as tniudi works of ])resum]»tion and j sin against the law of (iod. as tratii- I i erim: sticks on the Sah!);;tli day. j Su])])osc these wt'l'e all stoned to j deathy 'riieii what? Works of ])it ty. Tut'rcy and ne cessity are allowed by the law of <;od; all other work is ])ositively f< ii-hidden Head Matt. rj:ln. i;;. Lake 1; M-IJ. l*eo])le violate the law of (lo(l to inakt' mon;*y. obtain tliini^s that }>erish with tlu; nsin^', and pleasures that will end ifi etiM’iial ])ain. F. .Ioi:i>,\N. HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES iiuriotl After I'iftccMi N’oars. \\'ith all the ])omp and solemnity a miuhty nation caTi iiay its herot's of war. till' last of tlie liattlesliip Maine's dead weit' laid away Sat urday iti ArlinutoTi cemetery. Side by sidt' with the bodies <d' men liroULdit haid< from Havana after the war they v.ere btiri-d while the ivi’ion i);!id its last measure df honor to t he '• unident i lied'■ of the .u^’eat ca ta st i’o]the. Seldom in tlie country's historv has 1 hei'e been ]'ai l a liiLrlhrtri!) ute to the memory ot any man oj- men than wa" ]);tid teday t i tlie i'. 1 dead bodies ol' the Maine. ( lovern- meiit btisiness hei'e v/as susp-^nded hy e ,\e'-ll t i Ve on le r I’re^dilellt 'I’a'.'t. nem iier.'(if his cabinet, the hi'jh- e.-i oiiicei’s o!’ the armyatid navy a lid t he mari • ci’-;— d'‘pa rt •: i •:. t ■-t’tieia h-a nd nie;ii he’-.- . if theiiijilo- T: ;a 1 ;c cor j ~ ] i;i r! i !: -a 1 ed in i h< ■ e \ ere;'..'>.. ( »ver _ ] nild- iuL'> llau'> hiiUL: a ; I.... n.,;'’ ('oti irre.'-.'-adjourned t'o?' t!ied,;y. 'i'he !•'H-mi n_'- I ■!' minute Lcun> ami tlie ti'amji 1 f >oldiery adil d a touch (■!' t!.e militarv ]iompand an elahoi’ate proL’iam wa> tiill'iweil in thecere- o. leiriM! ' e^'iin;'i:;.: v>;’l’ ! 1.e I'em I \ a 1 I '! the i, • a u i : 11 * i 11 i '. S. s. Kir:iii I'ham. .•. !n!-h ; ro-,::r i. t the 1> ii -- !'r .ni I ia va iri and . VM.in_r with the tii^i !;'-•■ of t hree volleys over 1 lie'.::’a ves iti ArlinLT- t''U. 'The exel'ci'. Wel'e held on a hr.i.id p'.a/.a frontinir the south eml Ilf ti;e \\ a !•. •■'ta te aid navyliuild- ,'The >p-'a i;ers Were I’resalent Tall. I'.11 hi 7' <'ha d ’ vi ck . cha]»lain ol th'^ Ma’ne. and <’h;ipl;iin Hayard. 1 S, N. Tlie m-irine I'aml fur ni.'heil m’lr-ic and an armv hatti ry "r.iti'ined near tia^ \'.';.,-i.i'.L'toii :;i. >n’::;a ; lir' ii a ' vMin .-a iuie as t'l'-et ■•.•rn- nie> a! tla- navy i>ui'd- !’ilt ' n ic'l. ai'd the e'lii t laai'eli tci .\riin..ten hcL'an. ('e.n.-'jiieuou'- ami nu' otlici.-il- for whom resei va- t'inns -sVei-e made ,iust behind the pri'sident on the >teps of the biL'’ i:ranile bniliiinir v/ere Kear Admi ral ('hai’les I). Siirsiiee. who com manded tla- .\hiin<‘ al thi'tiiiK'i.f t he e vplt i-ion : i-Jear .\il iiiral liich ard Wainwriirht and othei-ofiicer^ ' •! 1 he bat’lesliin at th" ti:ne. ' .Ml. n. hi- uni-]e—one <>f the .Miens , w ho \’\a-' ?iot at I lie court house on 'tl.eda'. o!' tile (ra'_red\—joined hi:' ne;i'ie\. on tlievvay * o t own a nd'.r;i 1- lo;d a. !■ ’ii;^ '^\ i t h the pa rt. In t he p! esenee ol I )»‘1 ect i \ e lilts, Kd j w;; rds tal ked 1’T‘eely. i "I 1vMo\s not jii M'. ■ o!' the cau>e (d' j the c iiirt I.; use shootitr/." be said, j • ■ i all c’.l into t he <•( lU Vi room v. hen i ! sa 1 ne’e f'lovd jump u]»and say ■ soT.et hin'_'. i couhl not bear what it v.as Miudit a v.ay somebody be uan to shocd from about ( lerlc < load s tli'sk, bi;t [ d'-.n't i;now who ;lired the first shot. I saw rnde I Sidna a fter t lie shootiiiL'’ be;^an. I (lid not set' my cou-'ins or my brotli- ei's. As soon as I could, with my ilame I'oot . 1 ^ot out of the covii't iioii'C and stood at the bottom ol j the seps. I sa-.V I'n<de Sidna and [Mr. (i'lad sh.oo! at one another. .\fter it was over ! .:ot my mother's hor>e and I'ode home. Before 1 ! left I ■-aw 1 r.cle I'loyd on a horse and then I sa'>v him I viuL^ on the urouid. If he had been abh' to ’ide v.'e Would have taken him av.av with n-. 1 sa'.'n' my hrother . We-.ley iin t!. • ri'ail and tliat after- iti I' in i - I w r iiele Si ina at hi.’' st ore. , I ha'.e never see;; any of tliem or heard Te!! anylhinu' about thein or wliri'c they are >iiice that e\cnini.'. • I st-i\el at li.'iiie until Sunda\' a’:d h: 'I -t..:'ied to a r:ei;.:heor w :; n 1 -a ’.V 11 . er-. ! was in pia.;'. •. ••w i'r.ini th.^ ro.-id and they Cl' - '■ 1 1. I \ e t ;i -a-;, r;■ t lien, i iv.; 1 dldn ; l-''o I;;'- i'lllle l.eeaU''C I heard ■ 1 .e II . I • ■ ■ ■- :, ' d oi'di ■ I's to sli ■ all! I r ‘ I w < I . a 111'';’ a n 1 1; \ ed t l.i • I:• — t 1 c ■' 1 un? il t ’a- ■ ..; - r’ln uii i n ’:.•• 1 d 11 i n I' I 1; a \ ' e : ■ ; ■; -1 e 1 a i 11i ■ c >'.' ; ia ei'c, Mr w!i 1 il■ I '.va- 1 rv' •.t^ ■ i^ee- i r iin :leinir a : re-i e.l. It u;ider>to. 'i: ; h'l ■ \ - ii.'i'ii-" t‘-e ;'rai'ii jury wi ieli r. tuna’d ;!!•■ iialietment - te-'::i'-o ti''i' S I’ln."- i ii i.a : e li.'ind' 'i a iii'i ■ I .’I t i.' • ■' eM-t h' re.-n t^ I Smi; ■. Allen to cTiable liie la 11 er 1 o ci-n tini;e pistol duel with <'ler]< ( i I la d. “8*BIH6 THE SE».a" IN EDUCATIONAL WOBK AN i:SSAV r>\ A (,RAl A'n. or NRos!' sf rooi. .Sc'vcr-j] lV*bh!cs are Ncc'^s ars. Net the Le;!st of W'idc!; is CjoocI i^oads. '’I'he followiULr e--av".a> V,:ittel: by Miss .It'anr.et!. ’I'all. .-md !• -ei at the (a)mm ■neeai ;i* c; 'rei-.'- ot I the 1 *enrtis,• liii^lj S. h-iil la-t r'l^i j da>-. M;-> 'r.illev he]. I..led 1 h' j tirst ixradua 1 i ul: e!a-- i>! tie- hijiii I sell' lol. j “A cj-iiVv', ]ierisi,in_r wi',! tiiiv-t. j sa w a ]>itcher aial :!e\-. i! iai]» ! ini; to lind Wale!- th.ej-e. Mi- b.iind , a little Vv'ater in tia' li.atMie <■ ;hi ; ])it(dier. but it wa.- .--o l a,, i. ■ ; .iul<i not aeh it , 'i'l; -n ia- 1 ■ .e i I a roun i ; o se, ■ w i r;; i,. ■ ■ ■ i I d' > and j spied some p' hhle , ! : • hv. :: ;^!! ! I these one liy ore and I'lr'-pped tia-m into tile ]tiveh r unti! !' ■■ v.ater I was hroii^dil wit h.iji Ir ■ I'l-.a-h." I l-ii^e ihc tiar-i■ f;,-' wa ter. ;i;e:e are ri.iy-- -inil aw - r i b'-r i U'.r fo’- l.n ) V.dei;: ai \- • iw Ti anil ar • 1 • If yon want your liotel or ])oard- intr lionsi^ advertised pleast' tell ns the nuTn(* of yonr ])la(Hi and ^iv(* us t'nll inform itioii at oiicc* as to daily, wfM'klv or nioTithly rates, and th(> niiinbor of ^ni'sts yon can accom- inodate, so that this may he in (‘Inded in onr list of sucli ])lac(>s tliroxi^hont tliis section of North Carolina. Addr(*ss Greater West ern North (’arolimi Association, Aslievilh', N. (b Siilna I',d\vards is Oaptiired Salna I'alwards. a tall. ruLT*_red mountaineei- of s.-it calmly in tlie darkness of the litth* !iri<dv jail at llillsville Fiiday ni ;lit. tiie lirst cat(di of 1 h(‘ ])osses who liave been scourim; the mountains for those (d' tlie Allen l^•ln'.i• who i;ot a wav after the (a>url house assa-^nia t ion of Marcli I I. when a jndixe. ])roS('cu- toi-. sherilT arid two bvsta.nd(*rs Wert' killed and two others .sej-ions- ly wounded. A reward of ^1,<•<!<' had been olVt-red for vouni; Kd- wards. 'l'oni;_"ht yoiin^ Edwards, eina- ciatetl anti worn from a week's wandt'ri iii^ in Hit' t lii(dvet. ]>rotests his innocence of The indictment of murder a^'ainst him, and the hunt ers s])urred on by a day's suc(‘»‘ss, are uj) in tln‘ Blue Ividu'e hunting on th(* sami' char^^t* his hrother, Wesley Edwards. Ids unclt*. Sidney Allen, and his eonsins, ( 'laudt* and F'retl Allen. Di'ti'ctivt's ]j(‘(irand l-'elts and W. W. Phaut, heading a ])osse. (*aine iT])on Edwards at I o‘(dt»(dv Friday niorninj' ash'ej) in an einj)ty hnt a mil(^ from liis lionu‘. lie was nn- armed and when lu* woke tlu* dis tectives wen' at his side, lie made! no resistance and went to a farn'- (‘r's liou.so near Lamhslmr^, V"a., and started for Hillsvillo with his captors early Friday' morning. Jack FIVE ANO A HALF MILLION PLANTS Altention. y * c-iiib;iL:e iri’owers. and other f:ir:iier- whu will not be lieve that tla- '.'. Irid mo\',-s. and lhaT Tra lisv] \'a uia ibn--; Mot l.i id the World in a "linir. and read The i' :1 tvvii.iT. -\ lit;le -t 11-'iiit nt. ■>'. i t i; i nteU'’.', e cul ti\a ' a in .■;ndlib eral fer!ili.<;tion. has i'e.unie. at certain seasons, the urieatest e\ ]>res.-' oiVicein tlu' S uith M'hisland i> ra.) better than oiirs, but a> lonir as we fall b;i( Ic on our haunches ;ind beli.-ve we know it all and sneer a‘i Imok t'arininL:'. just lh;it loll'.: We delay the ha]ipy Tiiillenium of lii'iuLT ab;-i ast witli or.r n.eiirh- 'ooj--. T, 1 -ciatcli the LTround. run a straiurh; fi.iTow, ai'.d ]»lant un- selecied seed and unfertilt' ]»lant.'. and be stiiiLry wi;h fevtili/.ers, is to be a back nuii'.ber. .list read the I'ollowinLr and be wise ; ••Five and iUie half million eab- bai^e ]»lants, shi])]ied out o\i i- the Atlantic < 'oast Line in six S' lUtherJi Exiii'ess cars. wa>tla‘ in-.v leeoid estaiili>hed by ('harlestou eo;ntv yesterday. M’o s'li'a ou’ in oin' da.y nearly s.'i.Ol'C v.au'th of cabbai^e ])lants is a record that, it is lie lit'Ved, has nt'Ver been dujtlicated anywliert' on the face of tb.e caT'th, aTid that ])robably stands as some thing new njider tht sun. ••It took the combined forces of th*' bigLTest eabbagt' icings ot the world, all of w horn ])hint in this section, to do this stniit. The ])lants came from sucli well known c;ihbage mi'll as Norman II. Blitch, W illiam (leraty, <F’’. llething- ton, ('arr-('arlton l'om])any and (L L. Santis. The cabbages are to ht' distnbuti'd tliroughout tlu; Siuitli and as far West as Missoni'i. ••Norman H. Blitch. of Meggt'tts, is said to l)e the largest grower ol cabba,m‘s in tlu> world. He ])lanls more than L*><*'> acrt's. and it costs him annually nion* than Sl~.‘>,000 to cultivat(‘ liis croj). William (’. (-J(‘i*aty, of Yt)ung's Island, is said to be the largest shi]>per of cabbage plants, shi])])ing more than .(iiH),- 0(K) annnally, worth ai)i»roxiinately between and »(H>. JSev- ei-al ytnirs ago his bookings were for 10O.(XMt,(iUO jdants—about 100 carU»ads‘/‘’ "ch'' i '- They ,i ad • ’. ii i • I t hi-re, but I ift'-’ ' I . ; a re in t h. wa y ^ b 11 t h 'm ■ re ' main nii'^al i'-'i’-a . It -liquid : ■ ; ’ • pa ,-i . • , d wla I ari■ int< re-a ■, i ; a t I. ■ ■ - ■ ot e 1 uea t ll 'U I < ■ ■ u;* r; ’ a: ■ t i :' ■ • , ■ ,ri< ' if i'ai-ini: : la- b-v.-l ^ ^ : i v .!:a' \'.'aTer iil h-a''-. i.-i; . ‘b-,; it -i.ai' '••• ■ ore aiM . • ■ • r.b t ■ I a i -r 1 'a " ■ i a •' a . aaa ’ . - alri' .dv b, e ^ ,"‘|- the 1,..' , ,;a-. • , , ;-i . a ;li- ;i • I ■ i-’oiir bund li > ■ ,i ’ a • :' i j Were 11 1 publa- -.■•ii . ,7„- There wi ri‘ la^ .'i ’ • -ta- :\\v W here, Th - I’!’ .'Til: -' . . ■ • ' 1 leo pie was le'pt i'l a s^i !>- '' a a rv ta e and i la r aa la^n,. 'i’ia ■ , ’ i ■ i. •'■ I'l’scf that time were .a . iiiedlv dis;-ep,i!table a t < d' n;en. -.dioid buiIi]inL’’s liar;:alub' d. ii .'itI. the a j ; I -a ra ne • and . b , ra .■■■.'■ i. ■ t he k<■; per> wa.. i iar, -a , a: A writer of that :■ aa s . .- : t].- future Tc.'ieher- aial la;’ -a- in- si 1 a.eted in n.■ -‘d* ’ y i. a -e- amoULT cat> and mice, iii, .-. l.i'Use bug-, and v.hatever . 1.-" tla-r • wa< < tf bur>;i lia .' ‘ 'riu' barbaid.-m and ian- raia e n itist ruction a nd discipdia.- wa r--;i]i ])alling. 'idle level of ibe ,.a:e'- iia-' been Very ]H-rei'])i ildy ra i>f.; s: ace that time. H..w h.asit be-n acMin- plished':' !t has been dme b-. f]a self .-acrifi 'in'.: ’abi ]-a oi i 's- ht'arts wa-i'e upt-n to ]iro::re-'ant, will I could see t :ie Heed, (if ! hei r ' iW !t and ol' tlie 1 Ut ure LTell'■’.-.a ! ; ai' It has not bei'ii done by th. '>■ wd;. wert' wdliinii To ac‘’c]»t anvi aiiii: a# good t'nouLrh. which did, >aa dis j Turb tlu'm in their ])er- i’i d and I ])resent ea.se. Xor ha.s it i •.■■'n ion.- j by those who ind 111 a''e the b..abit of j optlosinir whatever i.-- ..tteinj'tid by i others. I 'The nam.es of thosi' iii'rsons whi,- I : are watrthy ot honor in The e<;uca- tional held are many, buT there an' M fi'W wdio stand out so prominently that it is iittin.: to menr on them here. 'riu're was i^hlrti!l Luthei- wh».‘ had the courage and stren.:^tii te bn'ak down the iron baiT<d th or of K,)m-m ('atholicism and th ;td)V ])oint ca])tive souls tba' way t > the- frv'cdom of Tin verbal inteibme!;ea . Koger Ascham. the lireel: turor of C()ue»*n Elizabeth, who ado])ted as his motto •■iNlultmn non muita,” insisted that tlie child should be taught to understand, not men'l\’ to meniori/e. and to be filled witli a love of h‘arning. a dt'sire to labor, a will to take ]>ains. Tlu'se two lived in tin* sixti't'ntli eentTiry. In tlu‘ sev('nteenth we hav(> C'o- menius, the lirst author of methodi cally arranged t,'xt-books. To the ninett*('nth centurv be- ContiniK-d on pago

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