VOLinii' Wll PROF. f. 'L' A'.’ORE DEAD. 'i'ht' l ilt ' mnninitv was -rrieved 1 a' !'! Mr-il;iv niorniiur V M a reh ■; i ' ne'A - Ilf t !;■' nne\ P'‘ctc(l (h'.a,' ^;r, t’. M. (iali.'i more. IL- . -I ;i ''in a nd i -.t her hrui>es Ml-' : ,; :i l .ill fn 'Vi a ^tej! laddc i; i'ma,n irraded si 'hoi i] (ai : ' ' 1 \ ii'Us 'I'hui'sda V " '' re hi a 1 ’ n ■ 'I'lt hat his t rii 'lids < ■ \! 1 ; ' ,-ec llTS f.'ice 1 .11 the St I'cet - .; few da Vs. IhlT t he suh; ■ ■ (h'.atd hati marked !: ■: : r own. Till re as no c. a : o ;-ma y in 1 h.t' la-t la HI" kiiewiii'' th.'i' hi- f,., 1 ; he r;\ T h.e w .1- Wafted 1’ ■ , :• 1 11 fe. a ml heaxi'ii. I t !a' e.'irly ni 'i-n niir. tal!';-!' ..- wile in ihc 11''’.al m:i' ' a >iald -nlv his evt - ere.. a :al — 1 lie lia’-fit \.a- m.t. Mr. (ia ■ . " ;na rrietl a hi ait t li rt y _\a'a v- h'e' ce.-a. -l.'iU'J'h- ter Ilf Mr • . K . ( >>ho!'i;i ■ ' 'f Hreva r , ar V i \ eil hV h.i- '\‘te .and . ’'I'll. ( h.e-ter. X'erni'M a’ and tiy t 'a i > hr. ‘her- ;i: er. r. {i:;: ■ ■ • . . 'iteil Iris life te the 1 il'i ift -- ; aehin:r. lia vina 111-,'I' -\a rv tly eonr.eet, the I , V, H'lv 1 il t lii- ■. ’ i I i. i i'i 'laita t ion Ilf : -1, -e..' ■ •■"t di-e;i.]i;;a 1 . ■ ! e \ 1 ’ . d 'vith t^^ - : .1 w - 1' 1 a n t >•, 1 ! ■ 11 a a;-T 1 ! , ;v -uccessfii: te. li lit - ii -mm w here. p’'^ ’I.'!!''.hl: . ■ a.: e\, T'l'i-. -. he -u-taii 1 ■' • aai re-alt. in h'- de;i ’ 1 M a < i'l 1 i.a ■ :'I'l'11 a men- hi r ef the I; . a . .1 !'i .r a hi ait f. irt \ vea”- ' ;■.e 11 at 1h" ■ ■ - ..f , r . lie was . ‘'ae.ell^ ,. •; ■ h ..'.l.'i' in I'll I'^'iiiri' a- . ' 'I’r.t 11 - V 1 \ ;i - Tl M.ii.ti-- •, i-’i'rriaiiy y ;ir> 'a- w :. - 1 ,--fi.i sU|.i r in’i laieiit ' • • ;ird f'»a].ti>t S a 'lav s,-:. 'm h. -r t .1 the \u ■. ni Ilf li,' . - eh a reh , a iiii t e i. 'la r < ■:' :' • e Cla— a: tl. ' time <■!' ' !, Brill!.. ’' 11 '"e - t i ea t h ■ 1" I'hureh a -i.'i n;i t i m h 1-1 ',- a .,ri-ti;i ■ ■ 1' n l-i';e ■]. T' ' 111- ] :■. ■ a- .a iiiismn ! I ■ 'id .ar.d ■ f '.N nii^-ed, H. a- left - ' V i .1 Ul'llCl - t! ; wall e’ . ■ "1 'n_:t hen oui' a .It-, and ' t h, 11 will 1 e I.’ ^-t'd hy 1 s-rvcil .and he: led in life ' h 1'ik into the L.i a • ]:ea vei.- ith morniii”' ;_dia'y. and .-i '■niiif,' our he- : IVI d : --He - ■ i e Lfrave ; he ,- r'i en." M;.V o-;r Ih ‘•'.'ith.'r dtail ^'eiitly with 1 i ones while lla-y t.'irry i'- 'V m the shad- I 1W- t let 1 ire a ra'e til meet h’-i. .1, Pi, ( tWKN. SUNDAY SCHOOL INSTITUTE h was tint ■ tile annual . ,f the last St - ■ Transylvania P,apTi>t A>-| ■ ■ * 'it Prof. Mitl- .llct"n won le Thi- week— fir-t Tii Al*ril — .'n 'j" a nd holtl inj' in-titute- . . a I'll lUs ^M’liups ,,f churches : 1 / tlie entii e -tate .as a l;"l •-1,- he canii' >t ,P-V ite -o lo’;.i ;n one ])laee. la-nee this na ’I t )i ree da s ;i t 15revard. beirit ■ ' ' I'rid.i \’ I'veniniT. take- the ])lae, ■ ■' t.;i' fi'ianer .an- ntiunci'nu'Tit, 'I’he \v( .rk til . r-'- will eiinsist 1,'irL'ely ur l-cta.irni/cd taxp ’ ■' in t heir res])fc- tive lint's—I’l- ' !i L MiiMh'ten ;jnd lieV. 1' PiLrncd for tlu' i.s])t'(‘ial b(*n. t ■! jnstors. siijK-r- intendcnts, t hers and gent'ral •\v'orki*rs, and ley a re urgi'd to be pr.'sent for tlit • entirt' ct)Tirs(*. All others who mav tli-.-iie to know more of the '•''■''I'l: and the best methods ot doin'/ it will llnd a cor- pl<“ ' >f Ilnvard. Other (ienoTninations are invitt'd with the same cordialit\ ONLY NEWSPAPER IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY A iioMi-; I’ok* kom!-: !m:<>im.i-: ai.k iio.mI'; I'K'ix'r r.iiKVAKi), Noirri! ( ai;oi,ina, 1'I(ii*ay. aim;!!, I'lpi. NrMiiKi; Sr.'iti' V. II :\i‘! t>‘ 1 ■>:! VI rl, I'.i; 1 lire {. > li'^l ‘ ;i < '' • ii: mhu■!!. Stnti' I'l’win. l;irci'iiv. WHEEIS OF JiiSTiCE s v'Esy fftSi SPE0!;-L school m pul <•■ ■ II1 iTM!‘'(1 ; s!i' ' iMin'i Vi•• I’:ii’<'(1 ti' >' ' A' •’■i M ;(| I ii \ i> i;-. AC; ! ION - i Vi •!! ) ;ii-: ;11 , Ilia I ■ - > ( . I ' 'I• t I I'l t I I i ( V Ilia ! i: ‘ ’A ( ■]' ; ,!■!• tlii'ir (IikI .riti W'lr!' ill tfii‘ wi'cl i >!)()();■! I,;:'. ' ()]' ]''•>■! Iirii’i t., t i,( 1, t., ]). I'lU" i jilt- any >‘iln !' c!; i li i I; i’l •in;-' oil;. |- «•. Ill III mi: i t V 'i’l CW.VVMT SFfJCA WANT j i,r ,.,^,,,1 l.ji.Ty, .h’vy {', inml (lfi'c::;’a^!t ::ril;y. : 'TO \'C)'!'(-’ ON 'TAX' j iM'.Mor 1 !ic:r cli'.i i ■ m a^id llicclii! I Sial.' i; il'. rt i ■ r.t ■.'lii ill, I'ni' . 'riniiiial !){)okv.’t W ; > l*r:ic ticnii' LiiM V. ('nnia-' and cimtinurd. Slate V. .lolin (larr.-n, larct'i'.v. (:!c;ircci Mojuhiy. 'I'ry- | ,'ajMas and coniinK.-d. iii;.r ("ivil C.ascs. j Sfatr v. 'I'ayl"r i^.antli. r. distnrli __ i iiu'' rrliLriiMi'^ \v<'j-;-lii)>. Nw] 'The reu'ular s^u'in ■ r .1 I State V. (’arl l!antlier. dvr.nk and \ ... ,• '.r tfvni ut the; A naml.e.' eMi/ciis t v» I ■ i i’« n < li ; ti '] ■■■ 11. ■!:: ;i :,(,,,i j iniT l'\' "iir iM Hist i III (i - )ii -.viiicl. -a vs. S'.'lk'il Sclu'!)r,s Deht 'Take I--Kt ]i-::<>ii. an ! i-i Most of S-hool Money if Spe- Ti<'ces~ary t.. .i -uvern . { nieiit and tlie l;a]i]iin ■>- i,*' man c'ial i ;;x IS 1 akon Oil i i .. i ,1 j :vll. ami tile ii'i aii- 1 I edwca! i<»n s!i;m1 tii! e\ e[- ])(■ cf.r'. - i‘-''d. it tlie d< >\\ liv.'a I'll -~teii S’i])eri«ir ciir.rt did n-it eoiiveTn di>nTder]\-. ( 'unlinut'd. vom Cal- ^ \ev!. S.-I.iea anl Little IJiviM' p. ‘ "’‘"’-d 1 ' ta 1; n. la v in: >riiin_r I >’! a''I'!Tit I li 11 le State \ . .1 ei'>'\ !>.ai retilinir, ]lea ’•( d • u -11 »;'e 11 le I’.i .a ri 1 i it !'(Iiiea - i ^' ’'dd 1 • a n111. e f i < i:11 t,le t'ailured! .IuiIlt.' I.niiu: 1" a ri'i ve i n , ^-T'dlty. 151'evard etitinie. 'I'iie iiidue wasi l>reve!;te.] l'rti:n arriviim S:niday on | :i"eiiij;it u! two i-ailro:id wn'iksi v. lri. li eau-ed him To iii!s> euniiee-j tion with tlie ti’.'lin Sunday aftei'-j :iooii. 'I'lie j!;.l;'e ai'i'ived Munday', BOB IS GONFiOEKT iion. Riiliert II. I’■ v:',I>idor as ' ;i.,!i !a~-t Mor.dav-some in 1 lie in- I‘•5nM'-"n t 1 erest I )l' ednea t mil and some oppi I ' 1" di>t i let > w • eild ni".. r I'eei i ver i:,:- It. From Little l:iv(M- were |:i townsliii. < atli..y^ ( n■,.k lias eiti/.e’l'^ liskifii-- Id;- a tl eleet ioli i ill ^ ^ d i st . ?K ' 11 oP. and de-er'. e> lh« tl,.' ,,r a h.eal seii-iol ta - '"-'i in r.'f tliat comm nui ;y. 'I'lit* ]»etition "* ‘‘ t "f >''lioi .K, it I lieinu: tile 111'.-! t.e.vi.-Mi’. in the diortlv a Iter liiniier a nd ei >n veiled ! ■lie is known in this jr.dieial dis-' 'Aas ajiproved hy the })oard and eoVirl at ah.oul one n'eloek. and ■'vhen ciiiiri ad ji I’.irr.ed >Ionda\- a:)oi;t 1‘i >ur t hi :'t V the eii t; re er; mi- nal IP', kei v/as jn'a tiealiy eh'ared. ■ Ir.du'e Lo'iuand S'Mieiim- l-iex tiolds mak" a Li'neil vvnr'Kin tl:e r:'eovd made .'.l.ind jtrict. Solicitor ••!’>.ih" l.'eyni ar li’ed v.ith the ](oard of eoiintv eoni- • nnt V to Vote t’'.e 1"| al -| honl Tax ^ ^ nn->lMner>. wh. i.rdM-ed the I,.,-- ^ tll“ whole t.,^^n>lll-^ 'i'hev nvi d in lirevard Siindav at ternonii . , , a’-e -n iw i n i ■ t; , {■• .,1 To :ie h . i on t !i'‘ , I n ot ?\la v. ‘ ‘ i> i. i.i . • i „ ■ . ’ i • ? to ]ii'osei'Ui(' on hi lialt n! tli.'sl;ite , , ,, . - l^li • 11. 1 ■! I , , , , . - , i^i: 1 !e i:i VI' imaneiallv. the i„'-t .i . <. u< t n iia I al.,.-i,._e> ,I...:al,I, f'l-.-' i nnv -,.. h "n.,i i..nvi.-iv.-iii.. i..-,nas r..rni.. "oi> -my ^!!'i t. iiearidin his n,--;ia I u'"od-jii I'l ts. a lui , , , , . . -.mv' tea.m. and ' •• • , --k-oN. !: seer.,- tliat the -"od " '' latter ne had hni.-ln d his i>!ii.'ial , , . st-ite ('ilv, r* ,■•01 '■ i.mv.. • lav was a. , . . o-.: i,-,en> 1 n t seel-,n i-eali/.- t hai (an ,,.i.. !M\e a. eiinrt dnti.'s v,-;:-- seen -diakiM Mew otie I'l If the.:ii v i II t he tna t - : , , , t' ! ;;:'tl:er in-re'i'.' t ;.e ef'iii-ienev Ilf '• nio':’;-- '••■h'>'11 er|.-h teri't Sliee:: in (1 . "■! >e li-.1 !1'.r iHstlCe.i , ' • • I T he ill.VS. •luilire L"ni: has d- ;;e ni'ir--. ]i i>-i j hands and k i' ami'i'u heir x'hiii.l a>,.i i.r..\;t]e the meat-. *e..'d; 'rin 1, \-Jiei'-',v e^i’.:v,.,i may he "f only a fi.Mi-I'l'i’:; 11- : klv. n.in anv I,:i,i :• ,hi- i -• '• ,,,,y ,, , v.-;tli a le-. ..„mv t 11, tea ■!: -. , ■' .'-■ntatl\e ot th." :!M \ a I 1 e, v-'.l,.- IS ■ r .' , -':ite ’.n e.i'inn'j: t'..Ki'l\shenl.. , . • , , . ’ t ll>‘ 'Oea 1 I e-.', -M'-. : I , 1 Ue> t ,1 li:eane. : ■ , II' 111,.' -I -'.I . ,.I ' .M".v> a- T. > Til;' p.'.’.ri ': 1 ill e.’-i ' :,i :a: ;i ■ I ■: i:e • :Lriin their h'.-,t lie. .d’di:e in-pire- thera to ire:'eae;i\- : ’■.V \‘>ith a ;'ew iii.inte'l \\i.r'i-iie livei'ed in a ni' e hut 'iiin manner, : After the (•’■imiii'i! ihniM't -Aa-i !iir.--hed I I'ai-iih-ra hli- tiii.e waS: t l:e e. .n-l e- ! a na iment r: '■ ■ 1.!', \\ It i:‘ aiT '. ■ ■ ■.: Itile ; ’' . pre ■ ■ 1,1''■ ■ - ■ li rtaim;:;.: ei ■ '■' * li I’l. tile/ ea n i>i’ •ral ta'-;af 'M . i'.‘ a Il- rom !■ lea i ' , ' •di'ieiil Ilf ii.i'na;; mi ; .ut I'tii ; n ■! tr.iinu' t'l let e. eiiiden.-i' »!;n a-'.av v.Mh n;-,' liette" j .ahr’iieii;, , , , ■ , . tlie I. IJ-11 ' I;:: I ■ with a : ’ • ■ t a , and t 11 a- 11 i 'i■ their e, e;iai ": v,- . ai ^an^la" a e, m-e-. -nee a’u u' >;H'-’’ 111 ' . ' , , , . 'a ke;i 111 1 lie liea n n_: I t la' ea -e i it : , , . , . ,, ' '1 - r ^ ^ I’a m i:n. t w me a a i . ... , ; 'K'.'Cp on the l-.h tre’;l Ilie.V till . , , 1 , M. L. •>wiiii V.'. A, il, < •'Ai'ii I't a!, ! • n i , , \ Oed ei; ae,. t a .:ia 1 ta, ' ^ - ' a ! 'er ', T - a II o ve>- a M 1 ; la - * e' I’ln f ' 1 iie e-vi’ d -I 'A l l IM d :’;'i; ].,• , , , , , o':'i!. - . . , , : ta ;e", I \a ■ . " I el' ' I, ■ e>;- , ■ •leaV'U t- tia- :ii’ ,i a >•■■■: . ... , . i"ij*i;ie i eia a a no o''-i li iiea: v ai town i‘ ri- 1 .a ill! 1 a .ii i!■ isi t i \v ' , ‘ t . . • I / • * : ■ t ha t :. • f J'ieads a r. ■ <^i a ;i l; 11 > 1 he i . . I: l: er; I;.. , .i.-'i - wi ' .av.ina'e me, I -a\’ 'fri-ad-' he- d;."]'o-"d I'l : ,(',iu-e I ean't nominate mv.-elf : mv .^t.ate \ (iy.' i^n’' • ■ ti. lareeiiv. tr’a-nd-' iinl\ e.'iti di> that, I can ! >efeiida n t t ■ 'i.dei". d 111 t he -t ;i t e a i "n 1 V de I 'He m.'i n s 1 i;i rt. N i ai ma v ' t eae!' t' > Mieel t ia' denia nd- > •!' the a ■ ! I e‘ ' , , I •! i':' "11; < 1?; ot a ! i I ' ■ ehihlren. 'l .a! d’.'-’ri' t ha-'a lar_;e namiier e’’ hi'iLrht h. ivs and udrls mil ler t ^ I a; j ; Hi the hai !di tiu' a !!■: >'■ i atp] : i; a e' t hei r s dll • i! la i’i>, ■, la■ i.' t' j I * I'l in1' a e : : ■ n t''i , !.i i i;.; '; and ]i;'r-a-:"M‘ in ti. ;>• laoa''.- t' h'did up a - :a .. 1 ot r. a 1 \.'i >ri h a nd elai raetei- .. i' t ! >■ e'.;' ir. n ^ f 1 la ('■ iTlimUTlity . -y h :'.■■■ ,t ■ ■ n ' M ■' pi '-i t il n! . h.-_r;n t ■ i -• -• - hi . • ■ • a ■ at v. < - . a''-: e . . a a ■:a i; • , ,i - . t ■ a o ' ;i t lie j.,a II ,'oiil i;i| \-, i';i a ’a;i'- ' (h)llar> i. ; t i ■ c;' ;. i i • e-i rri. ,i t'li'Ward fi>r ir,\T v» ar. th-v a, :e in .'111 eii' 1 irar - 'la 11 >1 a wa 'v' t rom la aile : '* ]'■ i.-i 11< 'il i ■ ha \ e a . ■ .t a pha'i'i' ir:;ilty Ilf fereihle t i-e-’.as-, I re-,t sure that i am v.a .■rl;ini.'- e\-Ty wl.i.'h ])!ea \\,a- ;ie,—] p d hy t he I'ii inn-n t. a nd wlien Tin neaninati'd -tate. the daa'e’iilant to ]iav The'! >hall .attriha.le msncei >>s 111 t he ! : whii'li ]a'i i\ a ■ - t !ia t T’ler.area LTimd na’a'M'l’(li ’ !!•■ ,aTi/.en> i'f tnee.,m- Mriii'il v’ w i.o a I'e hi jl:iin i'avnr of iMon t h> ^ela . riii '. a'-h \'ea r. 1: i the loeal ta re r. \ -i;- I it ■,':i aihi !the educatiiiii of tla.'ir children. ^e hvt' year- M.-fm-" they lhave a t'oiir mnnt!;s --a.m.l t*'":; |e|^.rt> "1 niv Irieiid- and m.t to my are-letermined tuM',. | unless the >t 'Te >h..;!:d incre'i>e it- STate V. !;-':li ilolniisiHi. lare, ny. :iTi'Hvidnal etinrts It i'"’"i-j t hev a re ed I’a-a 1 ed re^ariile<-i te. elenientarv I >1 •'"Tai.int ealle.! ;in.l f.'iia d, t'api;!-"T,1v ret.'iin thep., , p,....n.i,,,- , p, ^ I ^^ d! li-ih.at li-ii' h. 'rdel'eiL I t.feialart t.i he lil'icai! 'leini.ev.acV i, Withtla' ]. ,cal -eln ^■de-ait'',,; '.:;der sv-o hon. 1 t m a ; .pea r a i la t ' ^ 1"*’ every el : .rt ti ■ ^ ai-e. r :■ ii 11 v h.maT ' 'i'l'o --a. i.in t - S. ■ a - : term 1.1 e.iurt, , uie-'. a-.- th,- m'mi.m'ata- v..te in sa' ne hov> a nd |= — .''^i.'it' v. .ii'lin I), (i.'Tlli i\\ ay. .o.nl\o lii t. t.i^r.'thir wiMi tlie ot he:'- in ;.ii. , I 1 1 , »i 11-^ 11 leii (I ne I it 1; i > t i"!' - nd. - ! I'l in 1 , , . I S PI t'.; I • 1 a ' ^ X' • ; •. 1 ■ v ■ ! . I pearaiici' to show l'oikI neh.i;o:-. i i lie cwmmiiniiv v.h.'i arc noT in ■ ■ I Jcfi'TKhint called and t'aih d < a - ;i('ro,'..s th ‘ street ycllci ••ilowdy. B'lh." and Th • press rejire.-cntati ve or It'- i was left staiuMii!^ hy ;i ];est holdin:^ school, may ohtain a ]ircpar:ition T''‘"I'‘ni^ihh* t for colle_re or a better ]'reiiaration Ideht-. and the tore_roin!.: for life at heme at nineh lc>s e.v-!t'ai'l hy l>i:;> ordereil. State V. M. !•'.< h.llowa V. fraud. ' , . i i i i , ■ -i i i i ' ' — iieiaal aii'l t.ilu't in hand while* t i tlie di I'l-.imthe cimtinuc'L , , . . . , , Tienst> t h.aii s’l.di ]»!-e]iaration coidd ‘‘‘ Tinr m i ai Man immTUt. , -1 LM'ccted his Inond in tlie,, , . , . ,,,pi.. ,, f,.xv ilie i''-'d.-ir a]iporiionmcnr to the di- State V. 1/inilrnni Saiah'i--. re'^ail-i - j -v,- o.n.ii.n a lei oni\ m j. w vu ine, '’nidlleot t hi' street wit 11 .a ‘A\(dl.| , , ... ... I trict ini',', nol -|iros, .. |e!nldrenoi tiie community a t ]irc- ^ ‘ ^ • State V. liessic ('lark, .'ihoi'tion. I .^'>n. ip:iratory hnardiiiu^ schonls awayj Archhish.op Ireland spoke ih*- r.ol jirns j ~ ! trom home. Whenever tlu' ]ien])le ; truth aTid >j)oki wt-ll when he .-aiii St.’tte <'ainett ('>■>.,-n two Qfir&D RP**T T YD?R!M'‘MTC' i**‘ cnmmunitx t.a to' on the true ] thin.,, aii. i n. it thu. .iiu. cases. rctailtn:r..'ontinued, | tXPcRsMcNTS ! sp,,,t a nd pnde ..f the ,'ivili/ation ;ehihlreu will not he instructed siat»' V. <;cor.:re l-'ortune and | i that surrounds them, tl.'cy heLcin to |’d' pan'ius remain solely in laiar-e Hu-h. Sharp. .uMUihlimr. ].lea.d ' Dunn^^the ],ast yar tho North ' ne-lect 1 ..ward ■ 1 h“ state !un>t eon." :.ruilt_\’, .1 iid'-Tnient >>!' i a nd cn-l s. <'trolina A‘.iricnHur;il l-'x])ej'iment M sehmil lh.eyha\e heen j ai..i„iii. . i.rt.a .. ai. ■nt, Station and the rnit'‘d Slatt's I )c-! once hi'Lrin to ' i.-^noiaiUi x^ill ]>.. .»i.l, .t.iti action in favor of in-trueti-m helps to hriiiLT in>truetion within th;‘ rca‘Tature is ah'»uT Tii State V. 'i'hci'dore A\ikenand Lr-, de_rree.'. "Plie co’intie,- of I’.un- comhe. ( al'lwell. Maddson, Swain and '["ransyl vania ]»retlueed heels h.wnv called and tailed to :ip])car, ' with, ahout 1".' ])cr cent of snirar, State V. Hosca Blvtlie. Inrcenv. wairk to inij.rove educational con ditions. From ('alvert ai’al S-.dica were several citizens, some with p,.ti-M*^‘'''t, indc“d. is the nati-.n 'a lio->' ti'in,- askinir for elections to rcvekc i ’'’'des .and liill-ides tla". ad.orn. and their local s(dio,.l tax. and some h'^<'>t tlie -eni'ration ui.on wlm.-e t'arnestly ur»'. Xo elections, ]U'a'.in',^ the hoard to:''*'^ Ti’-ore hari t ima T.“ tii:in tha. which is levii'd for the di-jielliu’j: of tnental e.aT'knt'ss. atul the huiid- stand firm for tin* (dnldren, many and the countitas of .\slie, Avery, j*’^ \slioin, it was slated, ‘’ari* or- Ilaywood, Henderson. .hick.son, i worse', and tlie })oard of i a natmn s l.os.an ot Mit(diell aiid Wautan-.'i produced <'dnc;ition is their leiral (‘ ! nianhood. et'nt and more—verv satisfactory !>et(‘ndaiit to ;,dv(‘hond foj" ii])])i“ar-' for distribution to farmers livini; ance. ; in th(‘Si‘ counties who wish to learn State V. Will (Jaston, assault with, deadly wea])on, (Jnilty. .lud;.^'- ffiiled, and all were lined ^s(l. In- stiint(T Cii])ias issiu'd for \vitn(>ss(*s, to fxive $50 l)ond for }ii)})ear- tin('(*. at iit'xt t(*rin. whetlier rlieir lands iir(> suitable for snu'ar IxH'ts. Tlie.so s(‘eds inay b(‘ obtained n])on a])])nc*ation to I’rcd". W. A. Witliers, (diemist of the ex- l)erini('nt station. West Halei^'li, N. Tht'ri^ Avill 1)0 no (diarj^e for them and analysis will bt; made of tlu; b(‘cts free of oxpoTise to the ;^ro\ver. Full directions for ]»lant- inii and cultivation will be* s(‘nt with the, seeds. It is lu'st to plant the si‘(‘ds dnrinir tlu* earlv part of wliicdi will foi'Ci' these ;diildri'n to ^row uj) in ignorance to luM-ome a nn-na<‘e to society.” No man or set of men has any rijrht to con demn tn\y (diild to the slavt>rv id’ iij:noranc(*. Tlu' ]»etitions wi'n* tihal for con sideration at a future meetini^v It is to bt' ^7a‘a{ly ri'j^retti'd that some of tlu* iH*o]wen sidiooj. 1 >ist: ict Xo. I. (Tlou(*i'st('r Township, c'h.si d Fri day, .Mandi -V. Tlu* program ]'.r(*]»ari*d by 1). M. Hoo]H*r, teaelu'r, was successfnlly nities have scon lit to makt* this j carried out. The lar^e crowd was attt‘in])t to d(‘})rive their children I ^v(»n t>ntcrtaintMl ])v the actois and of the advanta.i^os of ^'ood schools. ! lii^sicians. The irood women of 'Phost* who arc* in favor of JJoin^ j fij,. ^ceini: the net*d of forwai-d inst(*ad of backward in tlu*ir s(du)ol liouse ln'ini: ]iaint('d, these cominnnities rt*ali/(‘ that ^ ])r»’i>arcd a box su])]u*r whicii their childn*n arc jnst as bright, bnnpuht ^11 .-I-'.. \Vt‘wish to tluiuk A])ril, or as early tlior(*aft(*r as jjos- j brainy, just as deserving as ^ f]ie hoys for their .good conduct and sible. Those who wish seeds should children of any other commu- j liberal contributions for the cause. a])ply at once therefor. nity, and in order that their God- Vanck Li,\L1,OWAY.