VOLlIMK-XVn ONLY NEWSPAPER IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY A IIO.MK I’Al’KR li()MI<: I’I'X) 1 llO^nO PRINT 15RKVAR1), NOltTlI CA|;OLINA, 1'1,’IDAY. AlMil!. 1.'. 1012. niliKH UNITED CONFEDERATE VETERANS I’rovjird (’ani]). Xi). V.. Urovurtl, N. Hi'iulqnavtr r. 1 A])iii i'>. . ( No. t>. Wlu'rcas till' conunaiidaiit was inithorizcd ti> .ijipnlnt (l»‘lcirati’s to Til Tiational f.'UT’it'n ti) Ix'lu'ld at -Macon, (ia.. i. ])i-ux., and 'vli('r('as ('(niirMtU's iv M. Allison, H. Davi-. r>. -K Wilscn and -los. -^1 IviM’n f\i>i’t'ss(*d a d(‘sir<‘ to !>^trnd. 1 (’oniradcs Alli- n and ! >:i di'lr^^atcs t 'adt's Wii-' As a Ixiiv: il:*' !)( iT !, . '! u>tns. U is nct'i > LM!('s and a])])ointrd as tlu* v'ani]) and ('oni- I Ir.d alternates. I' ' all to ini'inory oi' ;i Jiii’ion^li aTid fr»'(‘ • 'I -i !Vi ii di'd a soldii'r in • I"’’ twin;; detail is : Tiiids S' > as to i'n;;1)lt‘ ■ve its T'(']tr(‘S(‘nta- : ■ ' and a I'nrlonLrh- ■I'-'ion to Macon ; S. W. lii-ooks. \V. !•:. h, .1. M . Soutli- < i. W. Wilsi »n. Moss and (i. F. !'! . ' ' M'tl i'. .1 , i: tiesired on tlu' e r r. i). (’. to I'. It ;ii:iinL; vett'rai'.s ve '"Mry that tlic'Si? di-U*- aUei'nates r< ])ort at ih' se lieadnu:!T'tei'-; t;> reeeivt' tlieir » r. dential". ’’ Ijes aTid ]>urses, and tlif above dcl:i;-l;ni''nf the sTiceess .ts ('jYo:-t" t'-. ft of tlie ( i''-"iate tlie ■ 1." liave Ti. t r 1 iioiior. It ‘ i irades ( V, 1 ■ r their lm .i . tI'K■: 1' ashes. ini: ni)on llie an.i ]tnt into eoi!i]>leti' anil lea>t) of all t 'V,nty \vho jt•• tlieir all "h names .-i\« tli ^ i< f V('T d> ■' u.'. it n;u.'t ■ a their erosM > ' a dnty th(* livinic il t il' dead to look ! ' nd do hon(>r to !'■ he’- duty v^evol V- . i t':: IS to collect r:!i;;nent form a >'ri-ecr r>>s(e]’ ,at M ,->iidiers of this ■ ; a ’ (ii/ed t heir live?' i’ i- tl.fii- conntry. •■.M n- 't h(‘ lost. If ]' • ’ ! niiist he doni' ■1- !1'- < \ v. In corsiderat;m of tin* iin])ort- anet* at least of the last the ('ojn- 'iiandant as-^nni •'> tlu- ies])onsihil- '.ty of orderi?;:,' the ( air.]) to meet at »>11 Hi-( yard TIT’ i \.. at lail not." M Ki; ’’.rslay. May 1th, '•1. !n. “Ht'rein • !. M. Ham I.IN. < 'ommand’t. .lant. EX-GOV. C. B. HAD MANY 1RH:Ni>S THIS COi XTY otic .‘^tati'i-rnaa. (lid all in liis r-ower to ' Court Adjourns Out of Respect to Memory of the ex-Gover- nor—Resolutions !\".ssec!. pnnnotf the 1.aji]'MU f's, t'k* t dut'ation uii'i ircm-ral \V!.'ir;ir(. ni" tlic of his st;ito. “Rfsolvi'd fin t'i’.iT, that these resdlutior.p iir sprr.al cn tlu' i.’.iauUs of the roiirt ;ind a eopy I'onvi'nled hy tlu* clerk of tliis cov.rl. j to his widov.', ;'ai:l that t!'.i-y h:- i'uriiished | to ti'.e [i:ess f( V ])i'hlicali >a.” MISSISSIPPI RIVER GVlRFLOWS COURT ADJOURNS AND roriner (loviMTMr <’i;as. 1^. Ay cock, tile educational irovcrnor of North ( arolin;i. in-o]^]ic(l dead a1 the .It !‘ft rsi.n theatre, in Ihrminir- ham. Ala.. 'l’luir.~-da\ niirht while addi’cssinir the Ahihama Kdcicatioii- al Association. Mr. .Vyce.ck was sjx'akinj.!-on ••rniversal Kducation. Its Necessity and P.enefit.” Ih' liad het'n s])('akimr only a few minute-' and while in the midst of a h('auti- ful sentenc(‘ ln> was si'cn to stau'irt r backward and fall to the staiie. Tln' 1ii-.''t to reach his sid(' was (iov- ('rntu' (>‘X('al of Alabama, who had just introduced th(' sja'alcer, ])ayin.,LT a hiiih trihnte to the man who was i lo sjicak to tlu' biir audience that had Lrathered to hi'ai' hi’ii. An i fioi't N.as made to revive him. but 'I'l’.ii'ly thousaiiiT ]';TS:ms hoT;ie less, I Vv'o thonsar.d x|:iare miles ( f coTjntry ijiiindatisl, thirty ]!ei'son:- drown('d and a tinaiieial lo^;s <'■ ti- malt'd at s] o.oc.d.oi)') c(,r,.'>titnte the ; result of a tv,’o wei'ks' fiood in Hie I Missi--si])j',i valh'y. 'These ti^rurt's I have bei'n driven out by irovi'rnmi'nt ; er.irineei-s and ofiicials of «tate levee I be,:irds ('nti'au's'd in battling" the rav-!,, ■aiT' Sof the .Mississippi river li’oni !])oints in Illinois to thrcati'ned I ])lac(‘s in M issire The s]<]-inir term of Sn]ieriov conrt j caiiie to an end Wi'dnesday morTiini; I w lien th(‘ jnry iu Hu.* cas(‘ of the I Hrr va.T'd Land i!> 'L'im])i‘r Co., vs ]\L (ila/ener, came in and V(‘]H)r1ed .iud!/(‘ Lon” and th(‘ nnstrial. Report of Grand .lury. To his Honor, .1 ud^^e J^on.'; sidini^ at the s])rim,'t-ri.i <(f S.u-e- rior court for s ii'l state aral c-rin tv, r.n-.'. All the un-and jury oi‘ said >■ ;':ft h<‘^^ leave' to re],ort that v.ehav*' lini'sh.ed the wo)-':: subn;iH> Ti to ns and res))(M-t fully ask to ];<■ dis- (diarL'ed, In sub?iiii iItvj: this o::r ti .ai re • ]>ort AV(> be;r to .'ay that l.y co;;ii “it t(>es we liave vi.-ited tlie ]) 'bii(' oIVkm's and jail and couTity h'>me. We find tin- I'lt'i-k's. the rf-isrer of dci'ds, th« and othe7- (hnitrer irround becaust' death was almost instaiitan m» tlu- resrdt of heart fjiilui’e. I Tlu* dead statesman h.ad ].lanned ; to oT.'cn his cam])aiLrii for tla* Tnited states senate on .\]>ril I’.'. He had d( laved o]>enimr his eam- ]'aii.;n .'U account of bad healll!. The pa])ei's of '’I’uesday c;irriedlh(‘ statt'meTit that Mi-. Aycocf: had t'c- turni’d Irojn a sanitarimti in tlie north and v»as in irorid heallh. K.\-(iovernor Aycoidc was a man with many fi'iends in thi'^ i-or.nty. and it is conceded by;;'' ;]’at he would h ive i‘(‘ceived n,' ■ vot('s i:i this co'.;nty than :*n\ ■ ' '-iindi- datt'. It v.ill be rei-."’ < d that in j sisted u])on I ]'roiiei'ty. Houily tli( Us way s reaeiies o I'emaininir danu'c they in to ^uard tlu' ri'cent straw v this -jaiiier Ip* re( e. d many votes as ,'':inmon- and ('lark c;.mbir;c 1. Wlien the nev.s i'('ac!;e tak'en by tVv'iC(' I\ it chin 'Tie m:;rl . . i •• • ■ 'H” i-; a.t a j stanii'-'till. '^^I'lie ]io\v ,'s ex“rted on the dii:es troin the ' Missouri lint' sonthwanl. ] i 'riiero lias been su;fe)-in t hou^alids of refu:;et‘S Lrathered in j jibe biirhland tov.ns of iht' llood’sj !rt‘ach. llovn'ver. tifd'dals t,f tht'j statt' an.d feth'i'al i^ovej-nment art.'| , v>'orkin'..r to cai’ry ft)ti(l to tlu* homt*- j : le>s. '^i'hi' Lireat(‘st menace now i-; ; directfsd toward those ])ei'sons ma- j ro(.tned in the inundatetl tt'rritory. ! Si t)res of boats manned l)y rescut* i])ai'ties ar»‘ hnrryin;^ to r('li<'ve v..>i;iii,'r attorneys left on tlu'morn- in'_: tiain W'edr.csday f< t tlieir homes. '^I’ht' follov.in^ cases were tlis- ])osed oj’ ; Statt' vs. licnrv ?.Iills, larc<‘ny. Tilt' deft'iidant, I)V his counsel, waives a trui' bill nd tentls to 1 he state a ]ilea of miilty of ft»rcible tres])anblic otfici's in uood con.diti'Oi and th(' I't'cortls Vv t'll !■ 17:LT the coui’t lutuse. whii'h woT-k \\<‘ ai-t' yla 1 to r('commend. We ha\a' examined tin* jail an'.' wt' reco7)7m'‘Ti(i that tv.o iro.i dMoi':- b(‘])h>.c,‘d (^n the t-.vo fi-om i-i-.orr.- oi th(' jail. 'Fin're are four i7imat(‘s i.; flv C )U721 'me '\V •;d I h-'Ui A t V a’.'m(‘7’t of the j sus7'e7lded U]).; I CO.'^i I Sfati' vs. Lt'onartl Owen. ; iiiiLT stock to iM^.n atlarm'in imonu'iiai^v liouiular.'. Nol lu'os. j\. H. < )\v(‘u et al. A'.' . - i )wen et al. Thi> act m)|; i cei'tain lands in ) ilo\;c,>so slii]). The jury 7-entleretl a in fa v >r of the d.-feivlants. i\l. L. < >wen t‘t al. vs. Sam ( >wt I cared fo7‘. a7id tht' buiidi7i tortalfb' a7id i!i ltiio.i, ’c.iaii’. t'' a leak in ] ii ‘ t ! ul 1 \' > U ; . L. i?i ! ! c‘ nil - •cccTii l-ee.. ac; . ■II lilted, i'' I'l-Uia ill and BREVARD [l^UTE N0TE3 Tlie >]):ini: suu>bin ' is bi'imriirr lUt th'.* iri-een of tip- covi-r c'- >: - on ta rm. ■at 1 ii. VI t . > \'v' 1 1 ■ e i'( L i I • I has all-'‘ad;,' bei-n d.a'.i v.-ar' show'n.; ■. e ii\- I the nieaiitill. ' VI I. 11 1 lir FRcr/; umm\ ■i'lii-ouuh tb-- kii’idness ttf my :v ]!liew. .1. K. Ha'irim. jr.. I am a ri ader of tlu' Ni ws In your isstK' .if March the Ib'V. F'. ^L .Jtirdan ha> a commnnii-ation on Sabbatli ob'i'rvanci', and '-fiid he wo’-ltl wi'ite an article oi‘ two <>71 tlu' Sab- it was at onet' C(immnnicated ti'i j .lutli^t* B. F. Lo71^'. who was ])resitl- [ inix over the Suix'i-ior coui't. ami he; I i immediately atljtunuted court, by | ! co7ist'7\t of the ba7y aid to tlu' nieirioi-y :hese ■]tiisi)7ters. ASSGGIATION ORGANIZED bath (jUestitni. Now a.'' I)i\ .Iordan an old Bible studc 7U anti a theo- ! ^d' tht' I'X-^'overnor by .Iud,<^»' Lonir, loirian of no m.-ar; repute. I ho])e he Lidi:*' Mnr])hy, Welch (4ariOway, %vill throw >..?!!.• lii:ht 071 that ; W. K. B7-t'ese. .1r., ’•I oted tjuestion. J will ]iut mv i \\ . \\ . St7'inirlieltl a’ul ,]U< >ti'>n in numerical ordt>r: | Faulknt'r. 1, \\ hat da% art' \\t‘ oljsei-vini,^.-' j The followinLr resi.)lutions v.’c’-t' Is it a new Sab]:.-iTh, tu' ' ailo])ted ; “Whereas, durin«r the sc?sit)n of the Is it in fact the oriirinal sev- . nt^’ day Sabbath? };em‘'nibi'ri7ii^ that betwt en thi' _M\ i7i!r of th(' law on •■.Mount Sinai" ;;n,] till.': l-e'Uri-eetioTi of Cln’i.-vt was a day lost (set' dosh. lU; sc?su)n 01 coint, and while the same was sitting;, .Judjrc IJ. I'. Lon;^ presidin.if, the sad intel- lif!;ence tjf the sudtien ileathof cx-rfovernor Charles B. Aycock was announced, vvherc- upon his Honor adjourned court as a mark Now if ( 'hrist in rt'storinu’ of respect; “all thinizs" 7-t‘stored th.at lost day. wordd ho not the7i have I'isen 071 original seventh day Sabbath? >ow. 15ro. .birti;i7i. please strai.Lrht- cn out thi' kink.- for us. .1. R. Ha.mmx. Loiinn St.. Sj)iin'^fit'ld Mo. ETOWAH NEWS Mrs. W. li. I’less lias returr.('d fj-oin vii^itin^ ht'r tnotlii'r at Ath- cns, Tonnesst't'. (^nit«> H nn7!iber of onr people have the jnea.sles. “And whereas, on the re-assemblinr^ of the court the members of the bar, t)t]icers ' • t)f the court and the citizens of the count) present held a meeting in the court house and unanimously adt»j)ted the followinjr preamble and resolutions: “Whereas, ex-('iovernor Chas. H. Aycock was a man belovetl second to ntme by the pct)pie tif the state forghis ^reat ability, untiring" interest and unselfish devt)tit>n to her p'.'ople in every walk of life, always advocatinjf measures that were for the uplift and betterment of our citizenship; “And whereas, the many shoot)! houses erected in our state within the last few years speak in words better than we can utter; his devotit>n to the i ause of educa- A ft'W f hu7T'lies of Tra7isy 1 vania Ba])tist Ass(;fiaiion m; t with v'atii- ey's ('rei'lc ••iiui'ch on Iht' .'’.{ith rdt., and al'tt‘7’ .“tol Associatitui. A consti tution and byd(j ws wtu’t' ado])ti'il. ()ttice7's were elected for tmt' tjrar- t(‘i’. Tt is ex]K'cted or desiretl th.at all th(' churidit's will U7iite in this movt'ini'nt within this time. The assoeiatio7i will 7ni'i‘t on Friday, rlrint' with S071K' church ht'reaf- t('r to b(' seh'ctcd. Thi' ft)llowimr V 1‘iicei's and c-t)mmittt'i s wi'n* a]>- ]).)i7iti'd ; (’. ('. l)uckwt)rth, ])ri'sid('7it. .1. .M. Hamlin, vice pr('sid('nt. Luke Osteen, st'cri'taiy and t7('as- nrt'r. Lxt'cntivi' (’ommitti't' — W. M. fit'nry, ('. W. Henderson, J<,)hn Waldrop. l)Ki*.\ K'lM F.N'iW I. ( OM3in TK.KS. Teacher Trai7iini;—J. R. Owt'n. Oi'SJTtinized A‘ t.( tio .'imiiar w .;eir fatlu'rs at hottu'. ^’hin ('ry is taking,' advant.iL;-e of tb" -lii" of tht'Statt' 1 )epa 7't .'uent of culture, and is s.-n.lim: s;n;p .-■- . soil to iJaleinh for analvsi'.. Tht' twelve Weeks' C. 'UVSi tea(diers is accom])lisliin*j: more tlii' yc'ar than at any ])ri'vious tinn t:! km ai i va.n Primary Teaching—Mrs. (). L. Jon('s. Honu' Dt'i)artm('nt—Mrs. (^eor^ia (lallowuy. (’radio Roll—Mrs. J. R. Owen. The association hoinu: or^ani/('d for institute work awaits invita- I tions from pastors and churches. H. ROSMAN ELECTION Tlio tarniers art^ far hchind with tjon y^d his deep interest in the younj^ tlieir work, 1 h('y will lie very men and w’omen of his beloved state, in ])lisy when it "to])s raining. ^ whose advancement and future interest he Liddle . if ('harlotte is visit- had spent the better part of his life, iii.r frionds at this place. | “Therefore be it resolved, that we, the |it*ard<'n Pr('ssh*y of Horso Shoe officers of the court, attorneys, jurors and piissod throuL'h i:tr)\vah Saturday on Mrt'vard, where he wont on busint'ss. >Ir.‘^. Hyrd and danjjhter, Miss Lon, Horse Shoe, visited Mrs. Annie Oi’i* ^^mday. iilLl. WltAV. citizens, bow' in humble submission to the I sad dispensation of Providence which has taken away one of the brightest, noblest and best citizens of our state. “Resolved further, that in the death of Governor Aycock the people of the state have lost a sincere friend and the state a brilliant lawyer, eloquent orator and patri- The followinj' niunici7)al election officers have been a])])ointed to hold the election for town olficers May 7, 11)12: A. (). Kitchen, registrar; W. F. Garren and W. E. Shipman, judges. The registration hooks will open A])ril 0 and close the 2flth at A. O. Kitchen’s office. All voters are required to register. The polls will be open May 7 at 1 o’clock p. m. and close at ariio p, m. The election wnll be held at O. L. Er win’s store. W. P. Housed, Mayor of Rosman. '■t al. Wash l;aiitlu'7- called as a witness anti failed to answi'r, wdiei'e’i])on he Was lincti sse. .1. Wike and .1. B. Neal vs. .T. A. ^!c(-;uii-e a7id tht' Mt.ntvale J.um bel'('t». Sixty days W(*i't‘ givi'ii .1. A. Ml (luii'i' to tile his answi'r. (!. W. llolet)7tdie vs. L. H. Mor- ira7i et al. <’onipi'tiniisctl. I’he ])]ai7itilV to havt' t)\vnei'shi]) of ;i '■ei-tain tract of land in Ka.-'tatoe towmshi]). H. W. Nt'i’ton t‘i .-il. vs. .1. B. Al lison ('t al. ('ontinued. .1. li. Za(diai\v vs. (’ham])ion Fibrt' Co. Rt'ferred to Mid^. Ray as r('ft'7’t'e. Report to bo madt‘ at m.‘xt tt'rm of Su])t'rit)7‘ ct)Ui-t. W. 11. Fanlkru'r vs. Sylvantis Mc- (’all. This action i7U'olv»'d certain lands in (^loucestt'r townshi]). .lury's verdict in favor ttf dt'feii- daiiT. J. P. Lowry vs. .1. M. ZLichary. Agrt'od by ]ilaintilT that this action b(' tlis7iiiss('d iit 7u^xt tt'rm of Su])e. rior court if deft'7itlanl fails ftt a]>- ]H'ar and ]n t)st'cuto. J. W. Duckworth vs. James A. Mull. Plaintiff called and failed tt) ])rosecuto his a'/tion. Xon suited. Judirmi'nt aiiainst plaintiiV and his bonds7ntm for thi' costs. J. ^L Lamanct' vs. .M. F. (Jallo- way. Jury awai’ds ])laintif1' $! (> for ^ I’iano Sol somo hogs that wt're in dis'pute. I T. Keith Legaro vs. ]M. Doyle, non suit. T. Koith Logare vs. Miller Sup ply (’o., non suit. T. Keith Logare vs. W.E. Bisho]), non suit. j Adolphian Society, i»r('.M'ntir.g the J. R. .^Ic(..all vs. M. . (:itilloway. ft.)llow’ing ]>r()gra7u : Continued without t)rejudice. i sketches From The South Fifty-One Year.< J. Otis Boling et al. vs.Tol Whit- j Ago. iniro Eliot ot al. Continued, Plain- Devotional Exercises Ci^apla.a titl's allowed to make J. L. Whit-; 1 he Coniederacy 1'ornud (lirls I Debate - Aflirmative: Coleman (ialloway. j Mary Harrell. Negative: Haskell Alli- j son, Mary Breeze. I Piano Solo—“Old Kentucky Home” An instiintcr oipias ^vus iasneil | ' Vernie J„hns<.„ for Blythe McCaU for his approach-1 «xhe Lanier” Ada Blum ing and having ini])ro])or convorsa- j “A New Experiment in Matrimony During; tion with one of the jurors in the i the Civil War.” case of the Brevard Land & Timber Act I. Co. vs. ^r. J. (Tla/oner, and it was Scene I—Mrs. Gaston’s Sitting Koom. ordered that McCall bo placed un- Scene U -The Soldiers’Return. Mort' t(\;ciii'7‘s are tage of it than last year. ai;d tl. courses oiVere I'arin:. ;tl a ready has two or 7uo7t' ]i. i>; r iui": ■■■ 0])en to ht'r. Miss .Mt'da Pe7-iland went to th-' Mission hospital ri'ct'iitly as was tlir>‘atenti with a]>])cndicUi>'. She stood the o])c;-atio7i remar’cabl W(dl and will doubrles.-' be muci'! boni'titl'd by it. The Adelphiiin Literary Seei(>+\- gavt' its second cTitt'rtainme'it t • the Lanii'r Society Satu7vlay nigh: . March Tht' ft)llowinn- ])rofjra”: was followed : “.\micitia et Si ientia Triumphan ” Invocation t.'i'.aplai:t Piano Solo “^'o San” Anna Nicho.-. History oi' .lapan da i’eniain! A .lapanese National .Anthem (iiris Discussion . M. W. Mann and tClmo I'lanevy A .i.\r.\NKs:; wi:i;!)iNi:. Act I. Scene An .American College (kirden. La Mousir.e"..Florence C:irtt. r Act II. Scene -A Japanese liarden. Solo—“A .Japanese Love Song” Dora Bect. “Lankford Avenu*..' Journal’'.. Nena Palmer Presentation of Banner. On Satui'day A]>ril the Sitlney Lanier entertained in honor id‘ tht* mire party di'fondant. The Toxaway ('o. vs. Lee F. Nor ton Non suit. der $500 bond to appear the court and show cause why he should not be punished for contempt of court. In case of State vs. Freeman Fra zier the verdict of the court Avas Solo—“Let Dem Yankeys Pass”. Floy Clir.c Act II. Scene I—At the Cabin. Piano Solo—Old Black Joe Variations Marguerite Galloway Scene—“Tenting Tonight” Beys