VOLUME--\'VII ONLY NEWSPAPER IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY A noM!-: iv\im:r i-’oi; iiomi-: tiomi-: iMvMTst F.IiKVARI), NOIiTI! ('AUOI-INA, ritlDAY. AI’lilL '?li. VMt > i’J > A MODEL TEACHER ‘‘Whatsoex.M- tliinirs aro trni', ^v]lats()^‘v('r art' hoiu'st. ’^vlialsof'vt'T tl ' > iiT>‘ wliat- S(H>V('V tliinirs ac ]»ur(> wlialsocvcv tlntii^s arc '.vi'ly. \v]ia tsiu'Vrr tilings art' ft' ^>1' any virtin'. ]»raist‘. tliinlx I'l'is (|notati •' niiiuls a- tlnn.LTs wliii-h : '>lMr. (’. .M (. alal co lal><un v '■atutnal act, ^vas a man ^ ; ’ an adv' !nn])lt> «>1' ])ni ^oott rc]tn!-t hini, cspcciM. liini well. !; llU' Ba-|»tisT ■ . ycai's ttinlc u'- \vttrk .if tl.c Hajitist association ’> tics t>1’ ir.cn' Board, He si'i'vcil ’i:' years in t! sclh M >1 t ca c; I ’ Ills kni twit (1_ a nd ot (T(id the nn'niln'!',^ for till' mas? licviltics, t ri-'i ’ life. in till' V.' I < lallaniori- l- i mere than a ’ addition to III' has scr\. ti iidcnt t.if al> ) as cliav ' } H rj vd ot C J ■ ]>n]>ils have td' I'l’ansyl va i In adilition t connty. he a ! - Si in : i >nnty -t lnn_' had th' t],c liest ci'Unty. ir nnruly. si)’ut■ to insnhiii’di!! \v- inld at I >n^ •• to LTct 31 r. < i jr tlicy sn<-c. . order would Inim the tini<■ aUvays mann. and did it v clViirt. \Vhlle we I ' ])rt'scnce and fulness as >■ OUT' tcatdiin'j mains to ii" (dean life, h hi> forceful ’ an cxam]ile .. madt' t ht' W' ■' lift' cx('m])r:' will 1 mr] n IM seek, to Ihu: tliiisi' ^rt'at ; vatc niankin i and ht'tti'V h i -His lift.' was • • So mixed in slarid up Ami >ay to all i Ih' was a r • ])lit'(i his duties of lilc. cd report, if tlu'rc d if thi'rt' he any tl'K'se thinurs." : ’-les itself into A ■ think t>n tht‘ a' tei-l/.ed thi> lift' inure, onr frit'nd ; !ic liidd td' ('du M r. (ialhnm n‘c ' a man of hon t justict*. an e\- ;> lile, a man ol' I ; t hi ise will I knew •'"e who kni'W a mcmher of r M. and for many ■ :i\e ])art in the "\l\Mnia ('ounty • 1). serviiii; the \:irio' s ca])aci- ■ As.-icia tional \!iHli‘rator, etc. ■ h a number of •ty of Sunday ■ which ca])acity I -n. i>f the Hihlt' him to ins]iij'e clas> to strivi' i i- till' ni:t!»y dif- : lcrn|)tations of ;dar t'tlucation n a leader for : a century. In K as a tcachcr I - >unty su])ci'in- m this county. ■' the cDunty Ann»nLr his ’ i.mhci’cd some adimr tea(dici-s. SURVIVORS TELl OF VlfREGK OF TITArIG ■ t^'.c ('ar]>athia itrcparcd the folhiw- ■; iuLT st;itcmcr;t fithe in-t*.',' in n - '' irard to the ca t:;st ;'o}'hc ; ^ “W’e. tht' undcrsiu'ni d survivin:,^ _ ^ ])aS'('n'j'crs fr.mi the .''feamshi;! 'I’i- *» /'ii i f tanic in order to fni'c^tali any sen'a t ii iTcil iir rci-a ted st.ate- woRST marim: i>isasti:r IN HIS rollV Over Sixteen Hundred People Lost ri'.eir Lives When (Jreat Steamer Sank WARM riLT WITH “I NCLIi 'Plu' steanishi]’! ('ar])athia \\ith| 7 I") survivors of the Tita.dc. that j ran into an icclicru,- and sank, ar- j rived in New Voidc la.«'t'riiui->day j niuht and then for the lii'st tinu'l the real truth of the irrcat disastt'r; was t'lld hv those who saw tht' hi^r ‘ ments, deem i; our duty to tin* prc'S a st itcmcnt uf fri-.d which havcC'iM'c t'li.iir IzU'»\v1cdj_"e I aiid wliich we hc'icvi T > i)c tnic. ! ••<'nSundav. A]>ril II. at ahout Favors National I ll:h> ]). 111., on a cold starliirht : ni'_'ht. in a smooth sea. the shi])l >tru(dc aTi ictd'ts'ii’ whitdi had heen ; Tt'portt'd to the I'ridu'c hy the look- I outs, hut not early t'uonuh to avoid ' collision. Steps were taken to as certain tht' damaixe anti sivt‘]>as-i stMiu’ci’s and shi]). ( >rdci‘S were i t:iven to ])’,it on li*’e htdts and tlie' hoats v.'cre lowt'i’t'd. 'I’ht' shi]»i i sank ahout ‘.’:.na.m. Mondav, aiuli CANNON Ait! for Public Highways—His Speech in Con‘rre;s. not the 1 ational ?^overm n :’:->isl the ])copl(> iji kci'jiiuu: i;]i ihc pub lic rtiads o\cj- wlr’ch f h: - nia 11 s ]>a ss Mt'. Maddt fi. yield for a : jito M r. (!uduc)-. .Mr. Mnldcu. Will +hi- .'e itl.-Miaix : ion V < '-.‘rtaii.ly. 'riie i:.':)* I'-man i.s in fa''or of huildin'' Idj.'):' .Ill 'rile followinix s]iec(di by Rc])re- si'ntativi' .lames M. (iudy:er, .I]-., of til.‘tenth con:^rt‘s.^ional district, is taken l i'oni the ('om^rcs.-ioual iit'c- Iu'd Iil .Viarch H>rh : a r." out of the fi dcral t’•er! ■'irv. .iii ’ i w >n- del- if lie will lie in. f;. , (• >. tcitdinir the h;;j:l;\va\s , > :iu‘cii\ istrctds all over the rndori? 'i'he\' a re all ]). >st n ):t ds. Ml’. (iutlL;'er. Mr. (‘hairjnan, you <h) not even v.'ork the s’rect.- of a municip.al cov];oration I’ndei' tb.- st.ati.-. laws. ’'i''i!ey are two'.-i.lrd foi by till' muiiicipiilities. Mr. Madilen. < )h, v: shi]) ^o down. Till' «'arpalhia wa>| a shi]) of Ldoom. .Many of the sni‘- vivors on hoaril wt're ravini: luna tics, and manv mm-e wt're in a verv t he n.sual ilistr siLCtials wt'1-e st>7it •• lm])roviniX Boothbay Har'nor. \!e. ; (’om])l(‘tinvr imj)rovement in accoi’da nee with th.t* rcj)oi-t sul>- j tirt'd at inti'i'xals hom tlu' shi]). | Ilousi' Dicumi'Tit Xo. s.>, ' Foi'tunatidv tht' wii‘elt‘.--s nu'ssairt' was rccei\'t'd by the ('iinard steam- o'tdotdv i ' Si\ty-s('i*onil ('ttnirrt'.vs, tii >t ses.-ion. serious conilition. I'he shi]» was , 1 1 ,-lshi]) <’ar])athia at abtmt met 1)\' the Incntlsand rtdativcs ol ' * ,,'.11 111' midniL'ht, anti sht' ai'rivt'tl oti tht th.'^se on lyoanl, who were allowed i t,> vii- tli.sastt'r cit al.out 1 a. Mr. ^ woi'k in tl'.is v^ht in Hi'udej-- ^vvain. lit' has 'ion t)i' beinjx na;^t‘r in the ■1 was a little pupils tlis]»osed the committet' W'e Wouhl like ■ next _\ ear." u'ettinLr him n tht' stdiool ‘k idiarLTt'. lie " stdlools Well. ■:inv a]i])arent ’he loss of liis r'/ict*. his n>e- 1 • membei-s o{' yet there re- ■ \ample of his : . lit (diaracter ' iity. lit' wa> " ' whost' li\ iuLT ■ * r. who in his trui' man, •' ••to strivt'. to '■ot to yitdd" 1 ,1s whitdi elt'- ad ti • a hiirher to <:o to the ])it.‘r, and many tht»u- sand ])co])lc waitctl i’’ the strot'ts to iri't a ^zlinijist' of tht' survivoi's. (>f the nnmb.'r lost w down witn the shi]». one fi^o/e to j ileath in a life boat after ItciuLr res cued, and livi“ tlietl on board t!;e ('arjiatliia after bcinir taken I'roni the life boats, brin_rint:- the total IT]) to 1 !|01 ]»ei > h‘ lost. /> 1-41 . 1 .1 • ''I'hc ita.'isenLTcr.' (>nc ot tlu‘ most 'j;lia>tly Ihin'j-S; ‘ rc]»orted was the jokiuL: by the ]>as- : scnui'i's anioni; tliemst'lves ju^raf-' ter the boat strufdc tlu' hi^r icebei-u'. , S])lintei^s of ice ftdl U]ion the deck' of the bit: ocean liiu'r ami the ]>as scim’crs ])itd<ed them U]i ■•to keep j for sonvt nirs." not reali/.inLr there; was anv itanLCcr. ''I’he I'itanic was' i the biiTiZt'st shill alloat aiul was sun- ! I ])osetl tt> be nnsinkable, .Many re-, flTSi'tl to enter tht' life boats be- j cause they th.)lU’‘ht th * boat v^•as ; ,.alV. I '’i'hc irreat liner weiit tiown wit!i| her ba)id ])layiti^' ••'oarer My(Ioil| to'riit'c." takinir with her toth-ath; scciu' of th m. Monthly. Tht' oi'liccrs anti crt'W t>f the .i_nt ; steamshij) ('ar])athia had bciui ])rt‘- jiarinu'' all niirht ft-r the rt'scut* and comi'ort of the survivors, anti tht' : la>t mentioned wt'ic I'l'ccivctl on jboartl with tlicmo>t touchinir care and kintlnt'ss. t'verv attention Ix'iuLr lU'ivcn to all ii'rc.'']iect 1 \’t' of class. otiict'fs and crew ;ra VC r.]) irl.'.d V'v their >tatt' rooms. flot]nn_r aiul coi.iou t- f ic o ir licne- !il. \11 hono!- to til. 111. ■•'I’he I'uLTlish boartl of ti^ath' ]>as- seUL'’- rs ccrtilicatt' on board t lie 'i’ilanic allowctl for a ttital of a])- ]noxiinatcly ;;,.'io0. 'I’he same cer- tilicate calictl for life boat accom modation for a])]tri;\ima tely ‘.'-lO in the fi 'llowinLT boa ts ; “Fourteen htrire life boats, two < ludirer. Mr. ('hairman, 1 t' t)Ut tht' last w<»rd. I Vv'as nna vi iitlably a.! t lit' Na vv 1 >t'- t!: an atr 1. I w Mr. (Tudirciv if it is Lrive the citit's a ]'!'(:])ortion of thi.-. money. 'I'lit'citit-s of th!.'conrtry U'et all tht' a])})ro]iriati"is foj-jiub- lie buildinirs. 'I’he -.^reat v,a t,'fua vs of this country )‘ccciv,> ar''; :nlly lar^e ai'iiropriation.-. aniowntinu' to millions of ilollars tlnrinir the last ti! ty yt'ai’s, but when t i!c i opinion ])co]ile, the ])co])le of the !T.;‘i.l dis tricts. come and a^l 1‘i ;• an a]) l»ro])riation to a>>i-t thc,;i i . nak- more valuablt! their ].!••■:■;'/: v by ])artmcnt a ft'W niomen.ts airo v.heii 1 i , -i. i-,• / i ' ilcniuinLr '.rri'at i»Ul)1ic in j,!iv.-a till' bill il. li’. ‘jr.M 1 was lia.^setl, ; , , . , . I ! t lien t iic]-e IS an (d>Tectj"n on the j i^cLTret Very much I absent I in buxine :nown as t iic >]»ecial e\ci.-.c-tax liill. | If ! hail been ]irescnt I would havi Voted for till' bill. 1 havt'noob- iection to the -itrt'Seiu bill rinth'r . con.''ideration, a.■> I timl that Noi'th <’arolina has hei'n well ].rividt'd j i'or in thisbi!]. I rczi-et very much jto say. .Mi^. < I'airman, that tliis! I hou-'C can not hnd time 71,ir tioi > it ; ■ set'mell inclined to ma l;c an a]ciro- , ]iri;itioii for , ne of tht' most i.;i|>oi-- ; jj.jj,., tant intcre.'-t.'. alVccti?iLr tliis c .un-! , n : I licei' i ti^v, namely, the ]mbiic lri_;hwa\s i of the country. I l;uo v that a irreat ma jorit \' 0} th;s bod lioth I upon the .•e))nbliciin ami dcmo'ciat- ; ic >ides, favtif national aitl tor ];’il)- lic riKC.ls, lji|t it seems that i! i ^ i]>art t)f sonic ]ico])le ;■> (]|> I'peid i that it will ile>t I'oy local .'-ilf-;4ov- j erniiu'nt. I Why, my friend ('.ninon I talks about betUL'f: on; ,rt') *'aro j lin:i. Wiien he war- hi 'V' , (’arolina he v.as in rn ui I'S of thi Ir is UT^eat I 1 ;t O i !C ,U'!-ea(cst >t: .\.]>] laUM'. ncace and 1 1. i'icei !s no I i ■Jieopl. ■.ar. N' I ■ en>c a t 1.1 1 ''<11. v:a r. d a I e dicr.' i he!i l.;"n o'l 1 ici i;;n Mils. Snrvivoi-s in the lif ! >ni,a 1 ier boats, anil colla]>si tde boats. Life i.n'servers wt'n> acce>Mbh> and > = to ^,ret a bill n'l.ortd to, a];])arcTit1 V in sutVu-icnt numbers I i think that it t ithei ftn- all on board. ' proi.oM' a bill | ••Tht' a].].n.ximate number of nationt.l aid for ].ublic carru'd at the tinu' of =‘’^'M>f-'vide for a vottMii 1 1: 1 V'. hen thi'^ count;-;,' N'ortli (’a rtilir.a, ' o >‘‘.1. furni.'hod r- ! or t he ( \ iii i't .h-: Were voters Til North < a'•!>11!;a .• > l;:’’in.f tiiat war tl s'l'a te, aei'i irdin:: t ^ 1 ''orth f the ntry. ■ -. •> I it ’e ii; dina in tl, t;ia: . ,1 I,..,- First .-l.ss "■••''''1 bleats hudtlled in the darknt'ss at a safe distanct' from the stricken 1 • 1 1 ^ \ , 1 Tot a 1 > I i *. sill]) and saw her ;io ilown._ A>to! tht' scene on boartl wht'n tiu' linei tliinl class ::,o_ Itht' Anicri- ()ftici'rs anti crew lo. | i Mr. (\innon. Mr. ('hairman. I I ()f the forcir(-)in<_: the followim; ' vise for just a moment to ojipost' seciind cla^ !total I.ino. 1 V. ,.-^1 1- ! were rt'scucd hv the stcanishi]) ('ar- sank. acct)nnts dir'ai^ri't' wnlely. ; • ' • * ■ .n ^ ,■ ])atliia : Fir.-'t tdass Vlo- .-econd SoiiU' maintain that a comparativt' ' .. . ^ -11+1 ♦ 1 .i class ; oliicers 1 ; st'airen : calm ]>i-cvailctl, others say that the ];ro forma amentlmt'Tif. I liave listened with much interi'st to tht' U’cntlcman from North ('arolin:! wiltl tlisordei’ broke out and then th. for if’ with his i'cF:'• by tirm. fun' uctei'. 1T sct'ins to ’,- life as it i> ' that he (lied ■ ])rinit‘; but ' riirht time to knows wheth. r l(>r t<> tiill in t];“ ian of ’ ' ns rf'mt'mber ■ t(j fadt* and iin i its ('Vi'niiitr, whi ■ l(»ni^ drawn and erythin.^: that m:- und mnrks tor i:^ tl’e shadows are ^'•hen almost cv- ':cs lift' attractiv(^ it.- achit‘V('m('nts lon^ sini't' ciah'd? “Old am' oftt'H is wi akni wiiht)ut its win- sonieness ; ;t i> childhood without its charms. The memory dwejls n])on those v.lio have di'])arted as wo knijw them in.'t bt'fon' the ('nd, tlie tinier ot theii- d.'])artnre. Mr. will dw.11 in tlu; mc'mo- of those who knew’ Inni as a mull fully ci(ni])]it d and stron.i,', Continued on i)Uf^c 3. was a maniacal sti'iigglt liftd)oa1s. It hail bet'n rc])ortt'tl that Ca])tain Smith, the first matt' anil the chit'f I'liLdnecr had eommiltt'tl snicidt' befoi'c till' boat sank, but this was denii.'d by some of the ])assemrers that wei^(' resent'd. Ri))])ed fi-om stt'ni to t'nu'int' rotim by till' uvc'iit mass of ict' sht; struck amidsln]), tlu' 'I'itanic's sitlt* was laid o]K‘n as if by a Lriirantic can o])t*nt'T-. She (|uickly listed to star- b.iiard and a showt'r of ice fidl on tht! fort'castle deck. Shortly l)i'- fore she sank slu' broke in two nt'ar tht' enuint' room and as slu; disa])- ])carctl bent'ath the wati'r tht' I'x- ])losion t)f ail’ caused two (‘xiihi-j sions which wert' ])iainly hi'artl by the MTrvivors atlrifi. A moment mon; anti tht' Titanic had gone to her doom. The owiK't’s of tlu' White Star ! lint' will no tli>nbt l)e ])rosi'cntt‘il for Mows when till'j nt'u'lii^t'nci'. AlthonL'li arrived.-' W ho j shi])'s otficials had bi't'ii v.-arnctl by wirelt'ss that tin'rt' wt'i'c numer ous iet'ix'rixs in tln'ir conrst', no I slacl: in sj>t*etl was made. Tlu' t oiir bt'st, than I makinj.^ its ilrst vo^'a.:^^' ' ilk tl) rt'st ni tii(. ownt'rs wern anxious to estabji.-h a ([uicd: run and w(*r(' forcing the (‘ngines to their ht'st s])t'od nothwithstanding tlu' wtii’n- ings. Tht'rt' w(*r(' only fourt('('n lifi;bt)ats, ('iiongli to carr3"()ff abtjiit s.')0 ]>eo])lt'. Tlu'st' w'ert; filled for the most ])art by wonu'ii and chil dren. Unndrt'ds of those wiio wt're unable to get in the })oats ])ut on life i)rt's('rvers, but thost' ]>roved unavailing by n'ason of the fact that they were drawn down by the great su(*tion caused by the sink ing of tlu; ship. A nunil)ur of the survivors on I rd'-wards ; hrt'mcn i j of tlu'crt'W. Tlie total about I sa veil was about so ]H‘r ct'nt ot tlu' ; maximum ca])a(dty of 1 h(' lii’t'boats. “W't' fet'l it onr duty to call tht' attention <d’ tlu' ]>ublic to what wt' considei' tilt; inailt'i|Viat.' su])])ly of lift'-saving a[)])lianct's ])rovidt‘tl for total •Jlo i V\ht'n lu* so earnt'stly t'X'i)ressc-tl his '") satisfaction ft>r the ])rovision for North t'art>lina. I want to conqdi- nu'Tit tlu; gi'ntleman from North (’arolina (Mr. (iudgei-}, coming as he dot's from the statt'In which I was born. I was not to blame for that, nor am 1 to ht* ct)inplimi'nted I -. I;; -T-'at M- >ri ■ ■1 ,:11\ > Ol Ipu ar.d she jusTl\- ],.■:> ho i-ecoril of b ’ing ••Fir>l a. iiv-t’.iel farthest at ^ ic'-tysbr.r'j;. aii'l l:i.-' :it A|)]MiK -ittox.‘‘ AN'hen the war was over and I'cace ileclarcd .--I;.' ■■.vt'n^ to woi'!: to b.rdd U]» the waste ji’accs ar.d camt' liack into the ;.ic.. :i as one of the grt'at state". Tllei’- foro shi' ucv tl> no tlefi'n.-M' at :ey ha:al>. 1 am '_rlad tlu' gentleman iiein Mi- ni<is Mr. < annc.n) w;,.- iioru in Nortli <’arolina. 1 only •-■ Ih.a* he h'ft tin- state and t];ai h ■ is uot a ^'reat democrat. HENDERSON-WiLSON on modt'rn ])asst'ngt'r stt'amshi]>s I for it. In ai'ms 1 was carried over and rt'coinmt'iitl that immi'diati'I the mountains to Imliana. I am stt'ps be taken to com])t'l ])ass.'ULrt*r ; ])roial of the oltl Noi'th State and 1 i i steamt'rs to carry sufticient boa ts i :ini glatl It) havt' been born fh.t'rt'. tt) acconinioilate tln' maximum. But after that great contest for The folhi^ving account of ding will be of interest to bt'r td' IJrcvartl ])v o]de. of the t)]-i<ie spi'nt la>t a v.i'd a ];am- i'aiail \ i.ier i/- nea; tl!' ■ tl'.f fknu'nts ’ Xaturt- ■ nii;.dit .. 'i his is a raanl' " . o steadily an- i l.eart to till' Vi his rclii,tions n -«vas ( Imt fol’cd 1, mi iral char- a^ni-inic human irdy nit'asured, ■ urelv and in his ■ ' not really bi't- prime and nit'rid- ’ 1' ise who cstt'cm numbi'r of ])co])h; carried on board, i state rights and local si'll-‘govern- j frit-nd^'^ of th. II. t ci-’;p\'iug a cot F;^:.nl'.lin. lake : wt'ddiuL'- of ■UTir.siial interest t 'Idit' following fai'ts were obsei-vt'tl , ini'nt during tht' war for tut' union, anal should ht' considered in this j I am sur|)rist'tl thai tlu'genth'nian connt'ction : j dt'sirt's oiu; td’ tlie great ])arties to '■•Tht' insutVu'it'ncv of lift'boats. I succct'a in t)rtlt'V that it may ('nter ! rafts, t'tc. ; lack of trained si'ameii ! to man saint' (slokt'rs. sti'v.'artls. etc., art; not t'ilicit'nt boat hand- h'rs) ; not i'noni;h ol'lict'rs tt> carry out I'mt'rgi'ncy ordt'rs on tht' britlirt' anti su])t'rintcnd the lauiudiing and Control t)f lift'boiits, and the absenc-e of st'ai’chlights.'’ 'j'his commnniciition was sigtu'd by twt'nty livi' t)f the survivors of the Titanic. DON’T FORGET T^SE DATE (^n(' indication of age is forget- fuhiess. Some peo])le would havt' tlu; world bt'licve tlie old veterans are old indeed. To prove this jilh'- gation untrue let all the members of the < 'amp bt'ar in mind the mt'('t- ing called ftir May Itli, Saturday at '2 o'clock p. in. and be then'. Th('i*(' is business of importance that should ap])eal to every veteran. Tht' few mt'etings held through tlu' year could Ix' made interesting and l>rotitablo if all would attend. Time will soon ftjivstall these meetings. With an eye to this fact a few things in iustice to the veteran himself should be adjusted. H. ties Took {>;ace l!>. at the home A. [Iendcrst>n a! n])on a systi'm for im])roving the ’public hiirhways of tht' counti^y from tht' natit»nal treasury. 1 just wanit'tl to sa V t his much. I wttridi'r i t how’ men within tlu' soiintl of my j voict' could mistakim'ly 1i'.rlit for! wdiat tlu'V call l.)cal st'lf-govt'rn-! HH'iit ft»r fv)iir long years anti then i .stand without ])rotest and sit with-1 out ])rt^te>t anti listen to such a i doctrint'. Mr. (iutlgt-'r. ]\lr. (’hairman. 1 havt; no a])ology to make for my l)o.'itit)n favt>ring natit)nal aid for publi(‘ roads. I have saitl, and ij do not wisii to takt> that statt'im'nt back, that if th.e memb('rshii) of ' j'arti •ip.'it’n^- j.ar Wt'dnexi.a V, Aprii if Mr. and .Mrs. D. [Iendcrst>n at Jvlint I‘11. N. wdien ^Mss IJleakt'!’ Ilcnder.'on lu'- come tlu' l)i-itle of Mr. .hdin il.-'Oii. 'I'o the strains of Mi“i;d‘'’.".-'oim'.- wciblin.i: martdi, i>la \ ed, b ■. ^Niis.-- Munde Mann. Mr. \Vi!>. ti -■nlcred thi'i'-.'om acv ompar.it-il b\'h.s h. s! n;an. Mr. Frvd Smith oi l>;-cvanl, an;l was met at tlu' altar by tin- bride, who was acconrpanied by ht*r sislt'r. Lola 1 i.'nderson. The t t'l^cmony was ])crfonned by Rev. i\. A. ('ampbell. '■{■'ht' brith' vs'as attii’ed in a vi'ry becoming costi^jne i>t \>hiv- l -iti.-te, wdiile ht'r sister wore ]>ink crepe di; c‘hi*ne. 'i’ht'])ai^lor was ilt'(*oT'ated in izret'ii anti w hitt'. Delicit)us refreshnu'nts Avi-re st'rvetl in tlu; dimng roi'in. this lu)use could he ft)rccd to vott'! af.er w-hich the ha])])y coU].le dt'- + 1 - .f,- ..^,1 ! narteil for the homt; ot the groom's U])t)U this (lui'stit)iT national aitl to i * -i- i ai .. w' ii- w-^i ' ‘ i)an‘nts, Mr. and ]\Irs. \\ alker W il- ])arc‘ son. A largt) number of guests w:'re ])rcst‘nt. inclntling a laige numher from out of town. Mrs. Wilson it^ one of Mint Iliirs most pt)j)ular and attract! , c young ])ublic roads would ht' granti'd in tlie sixty-second congress. Why, Mr. Chairman, I'vcry mail routt' in this country usi's tlu; ])ul>- lic roads for thi' trans])in-tation of the mails. Then why should not • hitlies, and she will hi' greatly the national government assist in! ndssed in tlu' social lite of tin kee]iing up the ,‘<ame‘;' If you transport the mails over tlu' rail roads, you pay the railroads ft>r tint i)tiri)ose town. Mr. Wilson ha^ a largt' number t»f frit'nds lu're. Hi' is an (,'iindoye of Ivey’s l)e]!artment store in ('liarlott(', where the young Then why should couple will make their home. *

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