Sylvan News ONLY NEWSPAPER IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY A IIOMIO 1*A1*ER F<)I>; MOMK 1 >1<:01 >M'2-A 1.1^ TIOM l<: PKINT liUEVAlU), NfllJTU CAROLINA, riUDAY. .MAY 10, 191^ VOLUME-XVII MUCH EXCITEMENT IN .TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY POLITICAL PO r BOILS OVER INTO Tin: FIRE Prominent Republican Makes Some PertiniMit Remarks on Situation. As Thoro is inr.i h In-ini; siiid roii- t*t'rniii'nl'i <>t I’ninsylvania county not Ihmtil: liis ofUce on Tursday. A])ril M<*. :»n«I Wi'dnt’sday. Mayl, so as 1o and rt‘C(‘i])t for ]V)11 taK inonoy from tlu' ])i'o|)lt‘ who df" red to ])ay tlu*ir tax on or lu'tot-' May 1, I fonsidor it my dnty to tlu' tax pay ers of Transylvania county, ro- ^ardlrss of ]) atliliations, to state all facts that 1 may know in r('ft'r(Mi(*o tlu'r('t>' :Md add a few remarks. Early on Tncsdav Tuornin^'. A]>ril I'.'l'i, I sa w Shi'rilT Shnford (who hy virtue of his otVu i' as sherilf is tax collector f«>r Transylvania county) j)ass back "f n^v home in Krevard, drivinir in iiis bu^^y towards East Mam striM't. After wards I \v<‘nt to n;y otViec to work and U]) in tin* tl.iv 1 wt*nt to tiu' court house to l somt' ri'c- ords and I noticv'd ‘ >ran!^t* Mooney, a colored man. and .1, MareuTn and two othi'r wliitc mc!\ sittinij: at th(' court hou>c d nr. aiid I .iocu- larly remarked t" tlu-m: “What are you fellows la . inu‘ around here forV" or words t" tliat etVec*t, and they Informeil me thai tlu'y W(‘re waitin;^ for the >' riiT to come to liis o11ic(‘ to ]»ay tli- :r taxt'S. Later in the day. >eein^' them still waiting, 1. siTu])ly as a matter of accommodati'in. told some; of them that if it w<>aid 1)0 any ac commodation to th' in tliey could l(‘av(“ their mon< y w tli me. with a written aiithoriiy t> ]>ay their taxt'S and when ii>i' sli rilV returned I would ])ay tlie;r tiivrs and .si'nd them the receijit- and they after- svards cam(‘ to i;i\ otiicc and h‘ft their nion(*y with \m iften authority for jne to pay it o\.-r t:> the sherilT. Tini(‘ afti*r time tliat ai'tc'rnoon I went to the sherilT's i Hire and each time found it clns. 1 ;md locked, und on inijuiry failed to locat(‘ the sherilT or his deputy, 1 saw E. A. Hi'ath of (^‘dar Mi ;.main who said that “lie had me’ tin* slu'riiT on Mill Hill ^oin'jr toward.- South Caro lina, and that li K. I’axton, his deputy, was witli l.h/i and tliat th<-y said they wt're t:' inir after a col ored man who s'mic two months before had eseajc d from Transyl vania s countV jjt'l, or words to that (‘Hect ; and 1 \va> als(.) informed at the samt' tinn'. ; it}i.-r by* Htnith or some oni; i l>i'. that \ . B. Mc- ril oO ])asscd and no .sherilT or tax collector sliowcd u]), and it ])ejIHn to he talked that it was a trick, bnt I pcrsi>icntly told tlu'm that I coul'l not Ixdiove Sheriff Shu- ford wonld enter into such a trick. May first came and more men came to pay th(4r taxes, bnt still no sheriff or tax collector ; and that day passed with th(; sheriff’s ofliee still closed and locked. I went to the rej^ist^r of deeds and asked him if he eonld not take the money for the sheriff' so that tli('tax payers could iU'et their rc'- C(“i])ts dati'd on or bt'fori' Mav !. so they W(Uild not be disfran chised, but he stat(‘d that ln‘ coul»I not aecei)t it. The most diliirem" intjuiry faih'd to locatt' tli<* .sheriff *>r any' deputy exc'ept, I learni'd. thai .1. A. (Calloway, tlu* jailor, was a sworn dep\ity*. and I wi'nt to him on May’ 1 and t<'nd('r<‘d to him. as di'puty, the mou(\v that had bi'en left with nu‘. so that tlu' slu'riiV on his return, even if tluMle])uty couhl not write' me the n'C('i])ts, could write tlu'm and dat(' them on th<' day the money was tendered, I still bt‘li(‘vin_u: iit that time that thi' sluM'iff would do tlu‘ straight thin^ about th(! matt(>r, the tt'nder heinir mad(‘. so that the sheriff in makin.u: out his c(‘rtifit*d list would not have to ct'rtify to sonu'thin:', th(‘ ttMider hein^ made within the tini(\ I undrstand a re])ort is beini; (*ir- culated that the money I had was furnislnnl this county hy Mr. (irant or Mr. P»'arson for a fund to ])ay ])oll tax(‘s, and I dt'sire to say that tln*se statenu'nts htive no fi>unda- tion in fact, as the following facts Will show ; FolU)winjjj is the list of those who left money with me iind the amounts left, viz. : Orantre IVlooney, ^l. loto pay baltince on tax of Ida Sandford (or Ida ISummerfudd); $;?>^neft by ,1. M. ^larcum ; l(‘ft by Horace Mc“('all ; li>ft hy John W. .loiu's; W. E. T.atrick, all turned ovt'r to me bv (>. \V. ('lav- ton ; sii.o.') li'ft by’ ('. .AL Doy'le ; \V. L. Pii'rson left with me Hil liard liracken left with me to ])ay’ his own and his brother Euj:t‘ne's tax; Dr. Eni?lish left with nu! ?:').(>.■) check to ]);;y William Winn's tax; Horace ivitchen, a twt'lvt' or fourtetm-year-old boy’ left with me for .1. Owi'n ; W. F. Hollinjxsworth s i, left with ni(‘ by’ Davis (Tla/ent*r. who issued his own chc'ck ]>ayabh‘ to F. E. j Shuft)rd; F. M. Kinu; *-.]•'). h'ft j with me by his fatht'i'-in-law. .1. B. I’erry’ ; T. (4allowa v .'ro.oo, left by hims<'lf ; (t. W. Whitmire left with m<* si5.00 to ]>ay his own tax. and ^17.00 to ]>ay the taxt's of .T. B. Davis. T. H. M*‘iton. H. H. Xel.son. C’. i‘. Hof^sed and .1. B. Mct’all ; T. I H. Ham])t(m $().10. to ])ay tax of ('. j E. Hanrpton and Thos. Dodsworth ; [ W. H. Harris, to ])ay his cnvn ' tax ; Fred L. Smith h'ft with nu' $;>,<>,■) to pay' his own tax; Whit Henderson left witli T. T. Loftis to ])ay his tax. This ])artj is a candidate for tlu' dt'mocratic nomination for treasurer, and it is now Sf^id that his taxes were ])aid but he today stated to me that he had not j)aid them nor authorized any one to jjay' tlu‘m for him ; that he does not ap])rove of tlu* mt'tluxls that have been em])lovi^d in this matter, and that he is still a can didate for the nomination and asks the su])port of all good, honest democrats. I tendered this ?noney to J. A. Galloway', who refuscnl it by w'rit- ten s*^atement as follows : I, the underpinned, refuse to take the moP'^y tendered as to each person named on the two sheets hereto attached for the reason I have no blank receipts, and was not directed h/ the sheriff to receive the same, and have no access to the tax hooks, same being locked up. .1. A. Galloway. This May 1st, 1912. In justice to Mr. (ialloway I de sire to say tliat I do not believe he knew one thing about the scheme that was being worked. The morning of the 2nd came and the sheritf and nis office dejmty came, tind I at once took tlu‘ money above set ont and mentioned and went to the sh('ritt‘\s ofllce and told him I had the mcmey, and to be in time I had the day previous ten dered it to his sworn deputy, J. A. Galloway, so that he could date the recei])ts as of that day, or the day the money w’as tendered, and he at once refused to acce])t the money and give the receipts, but stated that he would accept it and give me receipts dated May 2. I informed him that I must have the receipts dated tlie day tlio n)on(“V was ten dered. and again took each man's mon(\v, (‘xc(‘])t in two or tliree cas(‘s, wlu're tlu'y'had given checks, just as tlie money and ch(*cks had bei'n turn<‘d ov(“r to me as abovt* stat('d, and tt'ndered sam(‘ t(j him aTid h(' r(d'us('d the tender, as tc'n- d('n“(L Tlu'n it was that 1 was brouirht to the ])lain knov/ledgt' that it was a sclKMue or ]>reviously coTicocted ])lan, entered into to disfranchisi* tlu' voti'rs. I do not yet lielieve th(‘ sheriff’ within his own judg- iH(‘nt wre is lie':' Tell the ]u*o])le why you W('nt aw'ay’ from y'our ollice, but left it clo.sed and locktMl? Tell tlu'in why' y’ou could not date th(*.s(> tax recei])ts on the day the mom'v was t(‘nd('n'd to your sworn de])uty’. Do you think That would havi* cans«'d yon to state fi falsehood in certifying the list of ]said ])olls'/ 'i\‘ll th(‘ ])eo])lt‘ wh(‘th(‘r or not you wrote out and dat(‘d tax ri'cei]its beft)re y'ou went away, on which the money had not Ix'en paid, and wlu'tlu*r or iu)t tlu'se are includtnl \v. the ci'rtified list you art' rt'- (juired to file on or Iteforc* .May' Kith. Why tlidn't you have man hood I'nough to t('ll the bosses you would not do tlu'ir bitlding';:' Now, Mr. Sheriff, I th'sirt' to say that I know of several men v.ho st'nt the money or canu'to jia v tlu'ir taxi's whilt' you W(*rt“ a wav wliost* names do not a])])ear U]>on your certilieil list t>f uu])aid ])olls, and must be on the certified list t)f paid ])olls. If you could issut> r<'cei]>ts and datt' tlu'in b(‘for(‘ you went away’, when thi\y (thc! tax ])ayers) had not })aid the money, wht) ])aid it, or has it bet'll paitl':' My friimd, you have jdainly and a])])art*ntly inttnitionally’ violated tlu‘ law, and the matter shall bt> brought to the attention of the sc)licitor of this district, and also to tlui attention of tlu' next judge of the sui)erior court that comes to this county, just as the facts are, and they shall do what they shall deem jirojier. If a single man who has tendertnl bis money within tlu^ time alltjwt*d by law in Avhicli to i>ay sanui to en- titlt* liim to vote is rt'fused a vote next November on account of your acts that matter shall be called to the attention of the U. S. District Attorney, with all the facts, and he shall dti as lu? may deem ]>roper. I a])])eal to the good people of Transylvania county', not as a re- })ubliean, but as a citizen, to give us a sheriff' and tax collector in w’hose hands all the v(jters most sacred liberty—the right of fran- chisi'—is safe! Suppose for an in stance a republican sheriff had been a party to what has occurred, I ask you, my fellow' citizens, would he have survived? Respectfully submitted to all the people. This May 4, 1012. D. L. Extu.isif. A Trifle Caustic. A man who is tbe manager of a store in the shopping district is notod for his sarcasm. The other day ue observed one of his salesmen gazing abstractedly out of the front window at a passing pretty girl. “Guess I’ll change you tc th« flower department.” said the manager, cross ing over. "Why?" was the query. “And stand you,” continued the boss, not heeding the interruption — “and stand you with the other rubber plants.”—Philadelphia Times. REPUBLICANS WANT TO NOMINATE T. R. COUNTY CONVENTION IN STRUCTS FOR TEDDY ALso Pass Resolutions that De nounce and Condemn the Sheriff’s Actions. Pursuant to tlu; call of M. L. Hamilton, county chairman, the re])ublioans held a county ctmven- tion in the court house Saturday aftt'rnoon. Abt)iit twenty-five dele gates were in attt'iidance. The mt'eting was for the pur]»ose of (dt'cting dt'lt'gatt's to the statt;, con- gres.sional, jutlicial and senatorial conventions. The dtdegates to the state con vention were instructed solitlly for Koosevidt, every' delegate voting f(»r the instructions. The following tlelegati's were electf'd to the state and congres sional conventitjns : S. T. Eyert‘tt, W. H. Faulknt‘r, H. P. Moore, W. J. Haines, W. 1^. Pit>r.son, W. L. Talley and J. H. Pickelsinu'r. The following dtdegatt'S were t‘lect('d to the judicial and senatt)- rial conventions: D. L. Englisli, liobtM-t Orr, H. A. Orr, G. E. .Mc- (ialia. .Tudson <’orn. O. W. C'layttJii and T. H. Ham jitou. Tli»“ met'ting w;is ])r(‘side(I ov(>r by M. I.,. Hamilton, and (). W. Clayton was elected st'cretary. The following ri'solutions wiM'e rt'ad and unanimously a])ted : Whereas, our statt' ca\' their ])oll tax on or Ix'fort' the first may’ b(\ to stay at his t)f1ice in iH‘r. son or by tb‘puty. on the last ])t)ll tax paying tlays for tlu‘ ])iirpose of issuing rt'ct‘i])ts to tlu^ voters : and wlit'reas, it is a known fact that tlu> sheriff t)f Transylvania county has issued ])oll tax receipts dattnl ])rior to the first day of May’, l'.il2, to vari(ms tax ])ay’t*rs of Transy'lva- nia county, who havt' not to this time imid the sheriff' the numt'V thijrefor, and from ^yhonl lie, said sheriff’, has not yet receivt'd the money for said taxt'S, thereby vio lating the criminal laws of the state ; and whereas, the said slier- iff, ])resumablv to di'fraud some elt‘ctt)rs t)f their right of franchist', did on the morning of Ajiril l‘.il2, leave the county and the state and go to South Carolina, and take with him his office d('puty, leaving his said olliee ch)sed and locked, and remained out of his said t:)tfict' and so far as this (*on- ventitm knows, remaint'd out of the state the last t%vo poll tax pay ing days ; and wlit'reas, during said time, to wit: A]n-il liO and May 1, li)12, various and sundry taxjiayers came to Brevard to pay their taxes during said days, and within the time allow’t'd by law to pay same, and by w'ritten authority^ tendered their money to a sworn dejiuty sheriff, who could not receive and reeei])t for same, the books being locked uj) in the office of the sheriff', to w’hich the said deputy had no moans of access ; anti whereas, the said sheriff' on his return refused to aece])t said mt)ney, both for prop erty and poll tax, and issue re ceipts as of the date same was ten dered to his said deputy; and whereas, on said two days while said sheriff was away, and no one in his said office, other tax ptiyers came to pay their tax, and were told by some of the bosses to go back home and they would be taken care of ; and whereas, it now appears that said persons have b('(?n taken caTV* of as it> l’iu‘ issm- of their ])oll ta X rec:'i])fs. ' bt - ing dated on or ])rt!vious to tht; first day t)f May, 11*12, in the of which rec(*ipts di.^crimination has bt>en ])lainly jmicticed. and f]i(‘ law ]»lainly’ violated ; find wheri'as. it is a known fact that this fraudulent att(‘m]»t to disfranchist' tin* white mt'ii (tf Transylyatiia countv is des])is('d and coiidemiK'd !»y all the. f gotxl and honest oi the county', and was altog(“tlu‘r dcivistMl and t'Xt!C*ufed by’ a t<‘w designing bosses, W’ho made the; shi'rilf theii* willing tool: ^Jlu'refort' bi* it rt'solved by tho i'(‘])ublicans of Transylvania coun ty, in o]U‘n ctmvtmtion asM*mt)lt}d, that they as eiti/t>ns, tax ])ay('r.'-- and libt'rty-loving mt'n (b'nounct.* and ctmdtMiin the .said slK'rifV and liis lew ])olitical bosses for the un lawful and wrongful acts herein before st't out, and retjuest all good citizens, rt'gartll -ss of their ])oliti- cal faith, to unite and assist in nominating and ('It'cling good hon est nit'n tt) fill our et)unty oflie(>s. Re.solvtMl furtlK'r, that a co]>y’ t>f these rt'solutions bt‘ ])ubli';hed in th<^ Sylvan Valley News, so that tlu‘ true facts of this matt(“r may ])t; made knt>wn to all th<'])eu])le, and also a coi)y filed for fnturi* ref- t'rence. lieatl and unanimously ailo])tet.l. in o])en conventit'ii May’ 1, TAR HEELS IN WASHiNQTGH The Xt‘ws has begun to make its regular weekly visits to oni- hoitu^ bert'. ()idy those who have been for som<‘ time away fi’om tliosc' sceiK's and f riends held n)ost dear can undt'istand how much we a])- ]>ri'ciati' its visits. We read every ^ word that has reft'rt^nee to loca'i j affaii-s and people—even tli;' ads. I and notict's. i But some fimt's wt' wonder if t his state sht)uld not be callt'd the- wt'stern-most (‘ounty of North ('arolina. In ev(>ry' ]>lac'‘ I liavt^ bet‘11 here 1 have, found pe(t])le froii: till! lu)mt‘ statt'. In some ]»iaet‘."; mor(> than half the ]i"])ni:i:ion ir»-’ 'Par Heels. in t)iie villaLrt*—(Uik I’oint—among others tlu^re ar.- T. (-Jalloway, .loe Tt'agui\ .lact>b Millt'r, Will. Hamlin. W. M. Breed love, T. H. v)wen. Maiinimr Jib»ore. Warren and Wilbern Lowe and tlu'ir familit's, Thos. Pov>ell, (’has. Davis, Mr. Smathers. Robt. Craw- ft)rtl and othtn-s. And thtu’t' are other communities wher(‘ one from “Down Home'’ feels tM[uall\’ at ease. And these brothers of tjurs are gt'iit'rally doing well. On(‘ of tht'iu owns more jiroperty here than he anti all his family owned in the t)lti home. All are doing wtdl t'xcept those wht) would not India ve them selvt's and w'ork. And they are tloing wt‘11 morally and r.'liLriouslv, as a general rule. One who laitl no claim to either religion or mor ality at home is now a lieensetl minister and the leatler t>f tlu; mtn-al forces of his ct'mmunity. But we all hmg for home We rejoice in every evitlt'nct* t>f tht' pros])erity of the home ct)unty and statt*, and when the news comes ot the death of good friends our heart.^* grieve. To some of us Brevard will be much poorer withtiut ]M. Gallimore and Asheville without J. H. Tucker. We all lotjk forward to the day when we shall be able to come home. In behalf of a host of exiled Tar Ht>els I salute you. Yours sincert'ly, J. C'. OWDN Tacoma, Wash. An Achievement. “I don't see why you should be so proud of winning that cast',” said the intiinatt? friend. “Yon wore plainly iu the wrong.” “You don’t understand these things at all,” answered the lawyer. “That’s tbe very thing that makes me so proud.”—Exchange. Faith and Works. Faith without works is like a bird without wings, who, though she may hop with her companions here on earth, j yet, if she live till the world’s end, she I will never fly to heaven.—Owen Felt- ' ham.