ONLY NEWSPAPER IN TRANSYLVANIA CGUNTY A IIOMIO I'AlM^iv’ i^'Oi; IIO.Ml-: I >!:<)I »r>l V~A IjI J liOMlO IMvMTS'T VOLU.ME-XVII BUKVAlin, NOl.'TII CAROLINA, FIJIDAY. MAY THE OTHEB SiOE Or THE POLITiCAL ROW ( hairman brfj:si: shows HIS Sl!)l OF CASK Also Assorts 1 luit No I'Viuul lias Been Practise 1 ami I'iiat lie Has N(>tliin<j: to Hide. 7 m <•! T:'I II.''ill', 1,1, , , , :lifl l“'llil'i,: 111 last wt'clv'- i-s’ai' of tlii' Svlvan Vallry New.-' 1 .--tah tl lliut I would ill this issue Hit* ]>osifiou of tlu‘(l(>ni()cr;i 1 ;«■ iM-urani/atioii in i-(>- to tlu' i/ivtii'S who faih'd to l>:iy tht'ir ]i. 1] tax-.- tiniv' ])r','S(,'i'i. iiow do so. 1 statfd i’l tlu‘ artich' iu last AVi-rk's ])a]i‘-r ! want to niter auy controvi'vsy with llu* rt‘])ubli- <‘aii< ahont ’ inti nd to n.M' within tlu' liv la w. and I will veft any v.’’i l"-'en f;isteri'<: ■ dent ])ii]it i. : VeiMli’iican-- a!' tl.;s anil < itl.ei- 1 !■■■' ' an ■ niattei’, hut only .'-tatt-nient to ci m‘- ideas th:it havi' 1 circulated hy ar- ; j M 'Uent s. 11 1 lie 'Thesi' are the' t’aej as f(.llows ; 'I'he law T(‘(iuii‘e: '■fi. la \v is j (‘sca]n d ])i isoner who l:::d ni'arl; I hunu'd u]) the cou-ity jail and wh< '.nr. IPJOES :ill 7nen liahle i had t nda7’.'.’er(d the livt <) t 1 h e I for noil ta xes to ]'.ay t lieir said n<.ll j jaih-r and his t;nnil> and also oi tax<‘s hi'fore th.e second day (^i:.y | the (>t I'o-]>visoners (•-)nfi’'.ed iti th. of till'Year ir. which the (1 'ctl in ; count v jail. i is t(» he held. '-'or iTistane-', 1'.'“! And I’U’-ht h«'!’t‘ we t > as!; | ]>oll tax Irvied for thr yeai' 1i ! I if tlit* re]inhlicans would not iiave: must hi'])aid Ix'foi’i' .May I'.M -. in j ht^t'n holh'T-inu: just as loutl if thel ordt'r to fjualify a votc'r to ea^t his Uherift had staytd he]-(> to colh'ctl iM i:i<i:s riNG i:ssay by in- S rn i E K STL i)ENT hallot, if cltallenu't’d, in any ele(*- tion aftei- Jhi' tirst (»f May in sa:d year. r.i’l ]»oll tax hi'conu'S duo and ])ayahle on the lii'sl day of (icttdH-r. i'.M !, an<l the shiM'ifi’ i^i 7'e- quired {:» l>e in his r-llic-e for tin' en- 11 ro nunit h.s of (>e11 >hcr and I )ec('!n - ! < irder to stay aI’ound and ci>1 leet all Ihm‘ to reci'ivi' taxes. Me can not j the democratic ])ollsV Certainly leav(‘ his otlic(' va(‘ant for a sinLrle|they would. Somehow a (h'rnocrat- da V. '^•1 - i}., l.'-c ■ t lie I !l. iler th(“ ])oll taxes of the ih-moci'ats v/lu.) | faih'd to ]iay up in tini.>, and would Sliowinjj^ the Rapid Strides Made I not they haV(' hci'n cli.-ir^inii: tliat I he was allowinLT a danuM'rcms and i the Women's li-'tte; ',-,. tit a 1 inn was (ir‘’’a ni/i d ;< > '- t. / s'i'iirit of ]iiiblie (' ioTi, i^.-i the l.-n-rth of terfn-. i! ' t ■ walls with ])ietlH‘e'-, ixi'ounds. hesiih'S I'nco’.ir.uJ n ])Ul)l‘C 7■■(•(•‘Is. '’I’en ye;i rs au'o 7lol n;c,;-e than t'.V ) r('Sj)cc{ahl'‘ school li< -- ( • >::M h*; found in the Cl)i!n'.y. 'i’!ie ( Id ,itk1 inc(»nveiiiejir hou-e--hi\. !..(!!]•(*- ]>lace«l hy 71CW 'iT- ' . iMe des])e7-atc crimi7ial to esca])0 whc7i he Could hav(' cauirht him jost i7i in I'diicational Lines in tliis CouiUv. 'l'li(' law also 7’c(|ui7-cs th; I . 1C ofiicer 7icvt'r does to suit ou7’ shci'iff to advf'i'tist' for I.-)da.vs he- forehand and havi' Tiot h'ss thati 071C ])laci' in cMcli townshi]) sjx'ci-i littliMliffe;-c7itl.v f7‘om th tied to I'ollect taxes duri7li^ the 7uo7iths of Xove7nher aTul .Ma7’ch. a7id She7'iff Shuford tracked the law i7i this. lh‘ staid i7i liis ol’lice 7-adical frie7ids. It set nis as if our! ilemoci'atic slK'riffs do business a c>.,;iy of Sallic S. Mcrrih, I’.rr- v;ir(i liislitutf, .May 22. i‘iU. In till* T’ich 7nou7itain ]>latean of \V<sier7i Xorth ('aroli7ia lies the small cou7ity {;f ''l’7-a7isyl vania, whose 7'iild cli7nate is exceedi?i;rlv 1 • me e]eve7i oi wlii wli the the e!i c. ^;ts .it two S"’ifi fr< in lla ir i iUtid o; :i 1;: ;; i h-i 1 hild7’C7! it i-i '-'■’■('/ol 'cv<‘nt Ii VC t i; ])a i nt to'A’Cl-.'. wa i'7is ti77ie. houses -are s\ippUv'd with ]Knent desks, l-'i ve-sixths are sn Hie’ei’.tjy sii}>])licfl with hlaekhori7'ds. the h('u:i 11 (11711: of tlic twe7iti( th c- Mtui-y 7\ot a sin'.:!*' school lihr iry cex'id hi\ re7,uhli-|f.,,.o,.ahle tor lu'alth a7id rccivation. county and only t’ can shei’ilTs an> how. 'riu-re has;-^^^!^ rt'liuhlican she7’iiVs faili7nr to collect ruLTired mountains arid i 171 the vcar o W never he,-n 7nn.-h co7n])laint i withcdcr" ^ift.'cn. '(■me (»f the-c the taxes, hut the7'c has hecn co7i- ',\ious to <liscuss I I • -7 S We will offer ■ ty fo do so in a joT7it eampa^'rii t.\er the (*ou7ity he- fi ii'e eiection. 1'Ley wei’(‘ afi’aid to have a joiT’.t c. ;iii;iiLr7i two yea7's :iL'o. hut tins iw.;] tax discussio7i durinir the 7no7i'ihsof (Ictohcr a7id : sidc’-ahle co7n])lai7it ahoui tin' ' poT'tation and therefore i7i educa- j)cc(Mnher, and wi'ut i7ito (‘vci-y tIn' way they st'ttli* afti-r their eol-ij^j,,^^ .\7iv countv which is hehind townshi]) durinir the nionths ol h'ctions. j in t7'a7is])o7‘tatio7i is rcsti'icted idu- Nove7nher a7id March. thcTi'hy j;iv-1 A nd it does scc7ii as if those i'('-1^ j, ,>,1^,.;, tion de|,cn<ls i7i'j: cve7-y citi/,('n a7i 0])])07-tu7iity to ; ]>uhlicans who wt'rc so anxious to tran.-'])(.rtation. As this is an I’a.v t heir ta yes. j ^^ct their taX(‘> ])a id ''A ould ha \ e i\^-, county, (diildren have* In a small county as this is the ' mcmhered liow slow some f n-mer shcritT and taX coll-. ;or ai e usual- rcjtu'olican tax handh'rs were and ! ly one and the ?-ame man. and as w</nld ha\e sent theii- nn^nev the law re(|uires th-'sheriiV to l:!ve strai'^'ht to the sh.eriiV. for if tli -y f<.urmo7iths out of tlv '-even he- t!ad (i'»ni tins, oi- if tlie 7ne!i 1 hi^7-e are li ’ T;i ries 1 ■ i 1 „ .i 1 1, „ ! >« I e > '■ I ' :'iim o . Dill I ]: ;i r< • hi - j ]lir , 7’7j)|)lini;’ sti'('a7ns. she must lalxn ! • ■ ^ 1 .V ■ 1 increased hv ]))-i va te liouat ;■ .-n- airainsr nuniv ditticulti ‘s in trails- ! ■ ' te7-tain7n('7ils and a special f-nvl tr, I . I are vei'v small, hut to 1 I-;| N'el lor!'.T dista7ice< to Teach ll: >o Up. a7id we will • • si T'.m]>. a nd the d"’'oc7-atic ])ariy i’i.M al (piestioii . if the county. s< I anv c< introvei'sv may hrace t-s'tu int'ct them (>n t’ IloniiUecS of th- will ai’LTUe any hefi 'Ti' t liC Vo! ■ •r" we will 111 if ha \ I now. hut will Ire.'p :lris <]uestio7i to force the ■'•e'|)’ii>licaI -' to meet us 071 The stum]; h.ter o7i and not let tliem t'unk as th^'y two years au' in ordt'r that tlie citi/e7\s may he ahle To jndL’e this poll lax cpiestioTi fairly and impir’ially without ])7'i jr.diee it is la- i >--ary to liT'st state tilt' facts, !hc7i the lawa])pli- cahle tlu'i-i'to a7:d ii tlic moral aJid jMilitical ip; *"?: c " involved. M'he facts are l]i-;T Sheriff shu- f. I’d was n')titied li.'it a ne^n-o ^vho i had set iii\‘ to tlie jail and hvu'Tied | )ii-> way o!it was in (irct'n\ i]le j cou.ity r.i'd t i c >i(;c ('ver iind L'et him, and lu ]»erfor!i!in'_r one of t!i“ duties of hi" o'lic.- t' l -heriff wen* aftc7'sai<l ncL'To ; T'’.tt durinir the , ahsei;c('of tlu' shei'iff. o7i tlic iir>t day of May, one 1). ],. K’lirlish, o7ie of t lie r“]iui)li-a :■ lea.:, rs. alleirin'/ to 1 a\'' in his ].os-c--;ou the me.ney to naV the t iXe- o;' ei-rl- i71 le])uhli- calis ^sevci'al o!’ whom lived i7i r.i>‘Va7-d and had hu'^:iess there' loole. d ai’oUiid ft 7‘ the slieriff aiK mad' h'ud :;nd lusty ]'rore>ta1^oi\ th-t h^ i«l many of 1 hem a vo de prived of th' ir s-hool advantai^ s which has iieeii set apa.’t hytli eonnty and state. Xot a scliool i?i th I over f< >’ir months h >r I Si7ice then t;ie citi/ -; : t< I 7’cali/,“ '.vIi'Tc t h“'.' . icatioTi arni v.hei-e i'; >ni!t \ ,nnl h.a Vi ■ ■: i vras ' H li’i inie will pia'-ed. 'Ph ahl ll t v.'cen ()ctoher and ''!a.v to the du ties of tax collectin’ il iloes not re- (|nii'e him to ;j;ivi' a7iy 7nore, a7id the other tlu’i'e 7n"7iths he is re- (plil’ed to ])ci'for!ii Tile duties of the ofli'-e of she7-ifl'. A7iy citi.<'-n of the conn.ty or .•-t.ate could )-.(p-ii''e <h-' she7'iff to leave hi.' o;‘!ie,-at any tinie c\.'e])T duriii'j; !lu' four months 7nentio7ied i7i ordt'T to have a ])a])ei- se7'Ved. If lie should stay i7i his cei VC ta xes instead of ture an illicit still re-' v.hoTii tlu'y sent thei7- nioiu y had T'.ot held it hack, there would not lia vi' ln'c7i o7ie of them that Would 7iot ha ve had ' i- t ; X' s ]>aid in t ime. Sli.TiiV Shufc »i d heea use it his impei-ative daty to h'ave —it was 710 tri>-l{ ; ii wa^-; not do7ie nndei’ the covei' of darlcnesS nor behind the hack, hu’ it wasd‘>ne in ae;-o>-(hince with his views as heiiiL: a ])art of las (.tiicial and swinai oilice to 7'e- |duTy. If lii.-' action was illeiral any ■fi;.: t o ca])- ] >e7'so7i who alh'i''es lie is injured : ted to liiTii , h;i''isiiiph' time to hi^ (‘ase disfa7le ■n-'e it is easv and had n.ids. set • v\'j 1 ed aea - j iiot he leni:i!'. neii Wo. I ta X \ ' ited ; V. ea> 'that ]>rr]>ose. 'I’i-i-- ^ tion has 7iot 7iiade as 7'apio p7-o-re>s : ' tricts to I'.e lenirt la r..- i to six or ei'_:ht moTith". Since tiie vear ! counties of K'-Lra7-dles Me of ( >1,1 : lu r ^ a^ in othei No7'th State, di'-advantaire.-- --he is 7nakiin.’, 7’apid j ■ad<. I :a I hd t: I i'l' r< I , im])i-o\ eTIle7lt m pul ! hi r sch.ool pi’opi-i'Ty an i hei‘ si ' teacjiers. ) ' To ;d: '•w the i:n]n’ove7n"nt it i> iUecessarv to ui ve a sketch of tli, I . schools from '"'•'.oto I.-''. j year." a j:o Ther,' was no '!'ra nsy ! v;; I *iia connt.v. This was IJnncoT.he 'The first and oldiest school to In , me7it ioned was situated on ion o| 1.. 1 j su]>e?'i7itend‘.'n;, '1'. ('. 1 n !• ur ■>unty ni :?ld Tii- lei: he v.ou'id lo-,' his staiil in his otVice iii- r 1 o MTV,' an at tach- ])7-ocess he would he sus- the the law says ol’lice. If he stead of ;^oi7U meiit or oTher liable ,ill his honi] for dama.Lre tained by the pai‘t\ wanti7i.t;’ ])a])e7‘ S,‘7‘Ved . 'I'he lawmakers, thi'rel'oi’e. i7i or der to ijive evei-y ni'i7) a cha7ice to iiaN his l.ixe.s—liis nc.ll tax—um \ e tried a7id setth d in eithc7- the state oj- federal conrt hefor..' ehctio7i : 7io ma7i ca7i he de])rivc-d of leiral I'iirhts in North ( a.roli71a. ,\nd 710V,-. ha\in>.r linished v.ith the h'i:al side, h't U" tuim to the 7iioral auil political siile. We can di>cuss t he."C two Tiiatters jointly, to7' ]>olitics withour 7n.o7-ality is ije- neath. tlie ciaiteTni/t of hono7ahle him fou!‘ months in whicit lie couhl always lind the sherill in his ol'iice . t rickei-y a nd the low pi'aclices of o7-i7iTi'.e 7na7i's towns’ii]*. hut t he ' of t he ward heeler, iw also ira\e the citi/en tli,' riirht ’ 'idi,* democi-aiic ]tarty has alv.a\'s the se!'viee of the sheriiV . stood i'l )7- v.'!iat is i-i::ht and iiist, it wiiat i-' l\7iow7i as (lailamo7-e I!,... 'I’iie li'iuse \'.as nothiiur hiU a loir cabiTi, about t velve bysixtee?! feet, furnished with slab 1*-'iich: and a w7-iti7iLT de.-lc which i-xtendi'd throULdi th(' 7iiiddh' of the hinise. Th.i? course ot' study was s]ielli7n:’. ’.■eadi7'.Lr. W7'iti7iir a7id cii»iieri?!;^. I )ne was co7isi«lereil educated if he was a jiood s])elK'r. coul,i wi 'te a iib'iiand residts in <ie!t'.a'^o_M:i‘ry. | ;i,[ -^-oidc all the]iro')- le;:is th.i'ouirh the doubl,' rule of I 1. I ^ ■ ' to rt'ouir, fill- the other dutii In th. (lavs the teachi'rs »f his ot'lic,' ]ias d fi >]• 1 i'.e eh vatioTi of t lu' j i during.: the othi’r thre,' 7uonths. j wliiti' nuni. f <r the iprotectioii Ihei-efoi'i' any citi/.en who does ; tlie home, foi-law an:l (U'der. of I not ]>ay his ]to1l tax du'-inir tlie , months o* < )ctobe7', Novembt'r, De- i cembe7‘ a7id Mandi must take tlie ' (d:ance ,»f lijidin;^: that the sherilT is I (Uit of his oilice atteiidiim to the ^ jmaiiy otiicr duties inciuiih.nt on i him. \Vhe7i th(' c,institutio7iaI aniend- me7it v/as ])assed a few years airo three. of \V;^ste?‘U Xo7'th ('arolina thouLdit the I'-upils wei-e 7iot studyi7m unless tlh'y could b,' hea7-d. In 1''!'), six yea 7’s a I ter {he foi'77iatioii of Hen derson c,ea7ity fj’oni nuneombe, the lirst deno7ni7ia tio7ial '^chool, k7K -wn as the Davids lU I{ive7- Acad. ii'..v, was foundt'd at I>;'ividso7i Kiver bv , the re])ulilica7is sai,i that it wovdd ;7esalt in iiie d'.si raT;chi.-'(‘7nc7it l’resi>_\'terian.s inidei I many white nu'7\. O’V'of'I’rausy 1-! aa7ne-; , xania s uilteu S071". H-)n. 1\. -ll-jAl'out the .-iatii'' time a jZaidiary, v>-eiit over this county and j I established neai the lea. 1 ! I'hii-di-l want,‘d to ];ayj bcf late. Mr. Luirlisli I 'i'ln'7-e is. h-iwevcr, (•ne way that; on every stum]) ]!i-oidainied that io rcimhlK'an poll taxes b,'fore if , ; ‘Statement as bein- false, and that time and s> cr.r“ all the beucii 1 s of tii,. ici-.-iti.- nartv would n/vei- had be. wa- 1' hecn ni Brevard all th,' w, loi'c —all da.v ?'londay itreviori-^iy hut made n>) efi'ort oj- atte?7i])t to ])a\' > i;d ]»oil Ta.xes ’mtd he *oii7id early ]'.avinent of his tax,*s—a way j dist'i-aTichis,' a7iy xvhit,' man wIk* so simple ao'd i7iexnen>ive, a way wa-entitle-! t" V'>1, 710 7natt,'7‘wh;-1 tliat has been so(d.M7'ly ■)>assed upon ; liis p,>liTics wt'r,'. ai.d what Mr. by tin coU7-ts of thiis land that i'v,>n ' Zacha7-y said was the truth then, the yoimiresl- law student knows o!'!a7!d is the truth now, and no white it. a7id the way whicli would h.ave ! man wh.o is a h'lral \dter will b»' heeti suu’L^ sted to j). Ij. Ktiiilish ^lisfraTichiscd.;'tII.'r lu'he a re- had he coiisulfed a lawyer :;s to | t);-i],]icau , n; ,h'iiiocra t. Vvlait he should d,). a7id that way I Mi-hr-li^h and other m,‘mbers won 1,1 h.a v,‘ been ioi’ caeji man in-! I t,'rest,'d to hav(' mailed a (du ' tlu^ money to the sliei'iff for th,' a' n-i1 ;»i 1 .. ! Sinikei*. ]'lihli • ' Dan”.- IJoelc, known as the Dunns h’oc]; Academy. M'l'cse s(diools c;i7ttinu,'d top7-os]>ci- until the hnildin,:s were desti’oyed by lire durin;.!; the i-ivil war. ,\ft('r The clos ' of the tlie s;-hool at Davidson !-{iver was ! re-i'stahlished by llev. (i. t’. i’oh- I ertson and Mi‘. (.'haiinu!n, but ih,\v {did not nu'ct success. In tiie fall of l-'i! IJ.'V. K. Allisim ,)f Xorth (and the hi >a I'd ot' ed ;; t j 1 It “Cn Wor': '• illT t' ! Si ■! ■ 1 .-I I hel]» th.e i done ny ti •ael ,ei's' i n-f ■ : i 'nil I’it'id V mt',;tini:s. I teacher has an opj'o"; uio ! her ti'oiililes and r,'ceive s';_:_'e:, tious that will aid lier in .'Me- tinj: ''■e ]»U]'ils to riiih; iivi'"/ and i.iu’her ideals. She can h . ■ .• ]. -u-e ■ co7itrol OVC7- the ])U; '.' t]r!*i any ot he7‘])ei-son. If Thi- i”' ; ■ i^ 7\ot for !,'ood it is ' r ’la- bail. Kverv tea(di r sh-.n![ I-.- a coi'secrated ('hristian. foi- her iu- !lue7ice will last wh -71 -lie i- _’on.'. 'I’ht' teaclier d leS 7lot 7-'.m''-: ■ , ■;:it sh^ ha> don,' until it i' ■ - ^ t l-'ro;;i the In:]ii’ovenleUts :dre. ,1\ mentioned it looks as i:' a c .ni['ul- sory sfdio('l la\v is tlr^ t^ : t interest the pati'ons. Ii 1-1- b ,n foun,l tluit in the y< :.r' . ■ ’ was an avei'au',' attendari; .• of a' oiit all ]>,-r cent., and an enroih-n'n’. of 'ila • iren ih'- ‘ t' i ■ i * 1 •, - : ■ an ; ].,'r cent. ,,)f the s-In >. >1 tion. 'I'his shov.'s tha.t stai t to sch'i )1 out for s ,h; not ,‘ontinu.'. i! -e i n,-ed of comii'dsory’' edi.c ;t: better tlie m.-isses are I'l:":, less the : x]»eavliture of 1 monw,*alth will be ior rel ries. jails and ])e?dleri\, ^ appli,‘s to 'i’ransylvania e- ■ aweiI as to ' h- • n;. i . . tilths of tli,'crimes in t. i: can be traced io i'.’-mil a 7:> • lessn,-'^', ai'.ii eith,'r ,ai.- i. bv hl(dv of educatio7l. \s >11. j ,)f til,'rc]'nblican , r'.’:ani/ati,>n did I n,)t ap])roach or C'onsult v.dth the lie>-s of t:((> democrati(‘ orL'’:’.ni- I mt'iii!), 7Uount oi liis ] oil tax stich a | .yiff ^]i’ij\,rd% |,hit,' that in ihi' ordinary cmrse <'i'! lowav was n<d a lax collector, b ;t ^ oTily s\vo7-n in a- jailer. \Vithout B!’eva7il tau'j-ht th.t' 'va r. l^nown as tlui' tlie slieriii was a'.\av. waitinu’ until the last twodaysto cveii o'fe- t o ] lay t h,' 1 aXt s a n,l then ,Mi'.^ri tli; to p .y some thi'-'y od 1 polls. in the eveninir '.Ir. |-inL;lish w( n: to tlie jailer, *f. A , (.'alh; ,\ay. and 11 i d to .iTct (ialloway to issue tax r ■- c, i])t-and acce]i1 the nn)ney there for. and .Mr. Ihi'.'hsh knew, or shoulil have known. That Mr. (;. h ie,mrsc ot 1 , rp, hn,ns,„.v,..,i.,„ i, w„„Id r,'a(died th,> slieriff l.obnv Mav V. I = that woidd liav,'s,'ttlcd til,'maVtcr i nnd,‘r the | irani/at ion e.xtmdcd tliruu^di a })e- Tii ' sli • . -f . 1 '* ■ I l’-‘i^'('il'^‘‘ “tii:it th,'LTuilty 11,'c'will'll I riod <'f alnmt thirty years. Dur- . , • J' i no man i)ursu,'th,‘’ they ran up aiid ! iTiLC this tim,' the ])eo])l,' r,'i;ain,^d not claiTU to ])e a. lawvt'i' a7id <lidi i .. ' . . . . ',-,.0... ^ .di'\\7ittu' county (‘ryinir “i r;; nd.'' i t lU'ir laith aiivi be^j^aji-\v,)7'k aeain. ,'i nor Ay, of ,'v,'ry ii{)on the ■iH-k .-ays : c*o7ii’nunity avi'ra::',' of 11. tl;.' '. a 1 - ‘itv jr:st ■ >unty ■ 1 I',' r o .-.e,l * ' ; > - rei:_th. ei'dent ini,'ili 1',7‘st school in IJethel ];ublir -chool. '’i'i’.is was the y,'ar of the I'ormation ,)f I’l'ansylvania cou7ity. Th,' ma.7iy ditlicultii's and hnrdshi])s of the ,'i\il v^ar caus,‘d a declin,* in •ducation wh.ich could not bv' over- treiicv' of etnmniinifv. a’ai. this I '. >eimen: ,it t’-'r ^^Ir. Knu'lish 'aakdync any effort to ]iay the J'loticy to se\-,Tal cither k7i()wn di ]» ;’ i, s who v.’cn- in town, namely [> Siinnneyand 31. W. (Calloway, or withmit ))ut- titm'the iii*>^<’.''' or (dieclcs I'liniva- lent (hereto i’7 a 1. ttej- aiid maili.nur itteth' - herill. M i‘. laiLrlish let the niattcr < ■"]* the shcriilt" re turned 1r‘ -1 Sout-i <'a.roli7ia. and t]ic7i iMii^lish tried to ir,‘t th,> .'-^hi‘7'- jjf to issu,' tax receipts dated back', jje tt'ic'i to do lh:^ not in ari and \-i- l)!,' niMini'*^'' but anpj'o;i(di,Ml the shcrilf from the start with “his lioriis oii< ’ they say. and tried to ohtiiiTi the rec,‘i))ts hy IdnlT iind bluster. not know v.hat to do ub,)ut tlu' oiK' 07’ tv>'o ehc(dcs he found in has oi'liec ,,ji Ins ri'turn from South Carolina s('nt in to ]»ay ])oll taxi's until h,' consultcl liis attO’iTiey and found out v/hat tie' law was. .Frotn the h'U'al staiidi)oint tlu'r(‘- foi-,' Slu'riff Shuford had complied with all tlu' ref|uir('in,'nts as to stayinu' in his ofiic,' anil,<;oinL; to tlu! dilV('T('nt townships to c-oll(*ct tlu' taxes, and liis t(-ni])orary ub- sence was caused l)y liis tryini? to ])erforni one of tlie otlu'r duties of tin' sheiiiV. namely, to ca])ture an 'riiis cry of fraud. liov.-('V('r, is no | Ii<‘V. Fit(di Taylor of Aslu'vilU' i7it,'lliLreiice is di education I.»f tlle 111 >t th“ fl'W." entire ilic ain! n,'w thiii'j; tis coming from tlu; re- ])uhlican leaders. T,j lu'ar them talk th,\v hav,' ni'vc'r be,'71 ^.','aten in any I'lection by th-^ d(nnocrat’s except wh,'n the democi’ats bonirht or stole the el,'ctio7i ; in fact the re- ])ublican l,'ad('r.s art'so fond of tin' word fraud that they accnise ,'aidi ,)th,'r of it. in tlu'ir own party s((Uiihbles ; tlu'y ('V('n i;o so far that the ^ood i)eo])le of United States ar(' now hein'j: hnniiliated bv Continued on page seven. I cam,' to l>r,‘var,l in 1 and f,)und- ,'d Brevaril Kpworth School, now Brevard Instituti'. In i''!).> the Ikqitist ass,)ciation of 'rr.aiisvlvania county^ m'i^ani/.ed Br,»a,l Valley l7i- stitute, near l\'nros,', nndt'i" the dirt'ction of 11,'v. S. W. Hall and l’r,)f. J. X. liradh'yof Wuk,' F^lr,'st Sine,' ]i)e>' this .scho,)l has bc('n a state hiijh school. The seliool ])ro])('rty of this coun ty has ht'en {greatly improved, but still move improveni('nt is needed. Ln tl'.v' year a local bran.chof! PENRCSE mmm Ml--;. \V. L. Talh'y ai'.l s,ni re turned liome f7'o7u a vi-it to Mrs. 'I'alh'y's father last Fj-i,lay. .laki' Bc(dc i*f Asheviii • !■■■.■ , ni'd home Sunday. 11,' ha' e, , •; ., ork- ini;' ,)7i Ij. F. Lvday's lioiise. S. Shtiek a.nd Z\lark ( la ,,’f -n n?- turiK'd ho7n,' from Mars Hili eol- h'lX,' hi-t Saturday. .Mi-s. A. Clayton is icp-'.-,vi7^_ h('r lunis.'by till' ad,liti«..i , fota new r(K)ms. • \V. Ij. 'jadi'V i-add in”' liv(' nior,; rooms to hh- ho’as,\ a7id A. 1..I. T.cdbi'ftt'r is l:n'l.Iin;4 a new hous,'. .!,)s;‘]:h <’lt!yton, of Mars l.Lill eol- retnriK'd honu' MoTulay. With best wislu'S to th.e Xew.s and its eorrespondt'nts.

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