Sylvan Yalley News VOLUJlE-XVIl ONLY NEWSPAPER IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY A IIOMK l‘Al»KR 1<X)U IIOMK IMOOl»IJ<:-A 1^1^ 71OMI0 PRIIS'T RKKVARl), NOKTll CAROLINA, FRIDAY. )IAY ‘U, NUMBER-21 MR. D. L. ENGLISH ADDS A POSTSCRIPT also asks a few PERTl- NEM 01 ESTIONS It Appears 'I'liat He Still Has a Lot of Curiosity in Regard to the Political Situation. I'oflii r •Hsiih'diiid As Mr. \V. K. Bri't'st', Jr., in liis article v>f iXlay 1has takon it n])oii hi!iis('lf to answer llu' ]n'0])le’s cluir^os a.Lrain^t tlu' slu'rilV, uiul has uiulortakr]! t" tho issm* and utterly tailfil to answi'r a sinj^le (‘harj^o as io tli.' acts of tho sheritY, l)ut on tlic other hand has at- t('Tii])tcd tt) mislead and di'fc'ivt' the p('0])le hy devntinL' his answer to otht'r matters, a ])ortion of which was a huT’l'Xjue on ?n(‘, J sliall call lii> attention ti) a fi‘w facts. In the tnst jilact' I d>'sire to say any c*itizen wlio may not believt* what I stated in niy statement of facts of May 1 if tlu'y will call at my olHci‘ 1 will ])i'ov(‘ to them all that I said hy the written antliori tii's left witli n,e :ind still in my ]>ossession. aiui if any bn»' thinks it was campuiLrn fimds. 1 can fnrnisli tluuiHidavit ef tho.^e who l(‘ft th»' money to show whose money it was, and how it came to be left with mi*. Mr. Bressc doires to avoid a news])a])cr eontrovcrsy, and 1 do not blame him alter what has oc curred and froDi the looks of thin<;s, ])resnmahly u])on his ill ad vice, as he has as>nmed the burden ef att(‘m])ti7ii; to an>\ver. and his .so doin<]j shows to all fair minded men who was b;ick of the sclieme. And it was such a >illy one. Any four- yt'ar-old polii’ei.m would have known better than that, Mr. Breese, but I ktiew if the people just let you r;in tlic thin”; awhile you would ])ut ' \ in a h(»le, and into a holi‘ you have tli-iitxired it. and in your article you liave tried to pull the hol(^ in al>o. I did not say a sin.i'le word aliout you, but it is said that the •■hit one hollows,” and yon mns't )\nvr been hit for you have hollowed irood and loud, but you did not answer the charges ma<ie aj^ainst you l>y a ^ood demo crat. nor the chanres ai^ainst the sheritY. Y('s, you would yell out "fire” and try to maki* the people b«*lieve that our jail has been ut terly destroyed and the, lives of a family seriously endun<;(*red, when in fact the neirr< <tnly burned a hole in the jail with a nail or some instrument of that kind, and never set lire to tht* jail at all. And you ^vould hollc)w; 'SlieritY, run to {south Carolina (luickand take your office de])uty with you; don't take time to leave utiv one in your otllce. Your ne^^ro is right ovt'r there. Don't leave any one to pro tect the homos and ])oo])le of Tran sylvania county or your home du ties, but f^o, sheriff, and go now, even in the wee earU' hours of the morning. Have tlial negro at all hazard.” Now, Mr. Ih’eese, where is that escap(‘d ne^roV The sherift' can’t tell—probalily you can—and all the good citi/ens want to know. If the sherilY had to go, as yon say, "wonld it not have been very easy for him to have loft a deputy tax collector in hi.s office? Oh ! but you say he left two dt*])uty sherilTs who arc tow*n tax collectors. That may he true, but the gentlemen yon name w'ore not county tax col lectors, and that yon know, and if one deputy could not take county tax money* two others could not, that is certain. They were here in town those two days, various peo ple were enquiring of them ahont the sheriff, both democrats and re publicans, and they never once breathed, so far as I know, that they could take the money and issue the receipts, nor conld they any more than Mr. J. A. Galloway. You can’t fool the i)oople \vith any such a claim as tliat. If th( y ar(' county tax (‘ollectors now they must hav(‘ bc('n a])])ointi'd after tlu* sherifY's rcdurn to covi‘r ii]) tin' oversight. I ha])]M‘n to know some tliiiiirs abinit that conti'ntion that i Itavo iU)t yet made known. It is true, however, that yon havc^ been fool ing some of the ])i“o])lo a long timi* with just such atteni])ts as your oni‘. but I am of th<^ o]>inion that tlu‘re are many goi)d democrats in Transylvania county that you will not mi.slead lu'ri'afti'r. Tht'v don't stand for that kind of ])olitics as you will .see and feid to your sor row in November. Now, Mr. Breese, as to my aj)- l)roaching the sheritY in a blufling manner, you are seriously misin- form('d. I a])i)roached him in an amicable manner, just as I stated in my other articl(‘, and I believe yet he world have given th(' re- C(M])ts had he not b(‘on acting upon the ill advice of . Now, who advised him. Mr. Ureose? You know. Tell the ])oo])l(‘. As to till' law a])])li('abl(‘ to the cas(', that ought to be wtdl known. Hut you must not have known it. or if you did you were afraid to risk your judgment, for as soon as the tender was made to the sherilY on tho morning of May tlu^ *,?nd, YOr, yes ytm, vvt're running to counsel to know wlmt to do. and it you had taki'U tlu* ct)un.sel given y(ju by a loanu‘d and honorable at torney (who is a democrat) all trou ble would have bec'n av('rt»“d. Now tell the ])oo])le what that advice wasy If it was not a trick, and y(^u did not know of it, why were you running to counsel so soon ; why didn’t you let the slu'riff gt*t counsel I It is W(>11 known that if tho moni'y had btMMi mailed so as to have reached tlu; shorifY b('for»‘ May 2nd he would have Ikh'ii com- ])elled to issue tlu* roc»'i]»ts. You know’ that, of course, and most likely that is the reason tho sheriff left; anyway he left and did not leave his address, and the money could not find him within the tinu*. As to what the Hon. R. H. Zach ary .said y(*ars ago. He said it, many lu*ard liim say it, and 1, for om*. bt*lieve he was consciencious in what he said ; but if I wore you 1 would not (luote him. If Mr. Loftis’ charges of May lOth an* tru(‘, and we are comi)ollod t<j as sume them true as you did not an swer them, nor have you i)racticed what he preaclu'd, wlu*n on elec tion days you have challenged w'hite men who were regularly reg istered and because they did not have their tax receipts with them were not allowed their franchist'. No, my friend, your rugged politi cal honesty may be all right, but from what I know I must say it laoks dusky to your “Uncle Fed.’’ Mr. Breese, do you set yourself u’'j as the democratic organization? If you do, and that really consti tutes the organization, I pity it. I did not approach you about the paying o« those poll taxes, but many other good democrats were approached, and elYort afte^r effort made to pay the tax, both property and ]»oll, but they had not been ap pointed and could not take it, nor could they tell where tho sheritY was. So it must be presumed that Messrs. C. C. Kilpatrick, B. A. Gil lespie, Cos Paxton, J A. Galloway, T. T. Loftis, the Whitmire boys and many others that I conld men tion are not members of the demo cratic organization, and the next time we republicans and democrats can’t find the tax collector, we w’ill take up and down the street crying and calling for organization deaio- crats. Yon need not try to make past events the issue, Mr. Breese, and if you attempt it further, you will force me to call the people’s atten tion to some matters of less than two years standing, that have not been kept entirely secret, even though the attempt to do so was desperately undertaken. Your promise that the boys will not be challenged does not constitute law. Their names not appearing on the Continued on page three. BREESE WINS IN tHE RACE FOR THE HOUSE REYNOLDS CARRIES COUN TY—LOSES DISI'RICT Impossible to Get Exact Figures From Many Precinsts for Pub lication in this Issue. Tho ])rimarit'S for P.r<*vard town- sliip was op(*ned at ‘A o'clock by M. W. Galloway, township chairman. T. II. (lalloway was elected as tem- ])orary chairman, R. L. (Tash was ol(*ctod S(‘cretary, and A. M. Vor- dery and Ora L. Jones were made assistant secretaries. Locke Craig was unanimously endors(‘d for governor bv^ a ri.^ing vote, as was also Judge Frank (’ar- tor, who is a Candidat(‘ for judge. It was decided to take no action on tho other candidates foi- stat(* otVices at this mt'etiiiLr, tlu* matter going over to the county conven tion next Saturday. No nominat ing speeches wore made for the ditYorent candidati's. A ruling was made to clost' tlu‘ ballot boxt*s at t> o'cIock. ('. K. Osborne, H. K. Paxton and (tJ. C. Kil])atrick w<‘ro a])])ointed as judg(*s to .-^u])ervi.s(* tlu* ballotiuLr. After' matt<*rs had bt*(*n ar ranged the box(*s wor(* o]>on»*d and voting continued witlu)iit any h:t u]> until tlu! timt* for closing. Ev- ♦ ■rything wont oiY v(*ry smoothly for the most ])art, there bt*ing a few little argunu*nts about tlu* rights of certain men to vote in tho ])rijnary. About two hundrcHl :ind fifty vott*s were cast. After tho votini; tho following committee was a])])oint('d to select d(dogat(*s to the cotinty conv(*ntion whicli moots n(*xt Saturday : W. W. Zachary, T. \V. Whitmire, \V. Henry, A. M. Verdery and W. L. Wiley. Th(*y rocomm(‘ndi'd the following d(*l('gat('s : W. H. Allison, J. W. McMinn, T. H. Shi])man, W. W. Zachary, T. W. Whitmin*, W. M. Htmry, A. M. Verdery, C. K. Osij(n-ne and T. T. Loftis Tho following township (;xoou- tiv(' committoti was a])])ointod : W. M. Henry, chairman ; T. W. Whit mire, J. M. Kil])atrick, C. K. Os- l>orne and W. H. Allison. Tlu* votes w(u*e then counted with the following rt'sults : For Rejiri'sontatiVf- Wliitniirc 52 Hicosc l.S For Slicriff Shu ford 6f I-'<T iit'^istcr of I)cf(!s Nicholson M (lallov.av 12 For Tn-asurcr Nichols 71 Henderson 6 For County Commissioners — Lv(hiv Reid U2 Hrooks f)l Denver 27 (’lallowav 7 Kd Whitmire 7 Henrv 4 McCall 1 IllUSTRtlEO LEGIUilE ON PUBIIC HEJ.LTH SECRETARY STA 1 E liOARD GIVES FACTS I Common House Fly V\^is Com pared to Bed Bu<4 Witii Every- thinj^ in the Bu^’s Favor. CHILD BURNED TO DEATH For Confjress— Total Vote Conven tion Vote Reynolds 137 5.29 Gudger % 3.71 For Representative— VV. E. Breese, Jr 141 5.42 W. P. Whitmire 92 3.53 T. S. Wood 1 05 For Sheriff— F. E. Shuford 183 8.23 J. C. King 17 77 For Register of Deeds — B. A. Gillespie 122 4.77 Colemen Galloway.. 66 2.58 D. D. Bracken 37 1.45 Z. A. Nicholson 5 20 For Treasurer — Z. \W. Nichols .182 8.71 B. W. Henderson . 6 29 For County Commissioners— G. T. Lyday .166 7.70 T. B. Reid 145 6.70 L. W. Brooks 136 6.31 R. R. Deaver 56 2.55 G. W. Wilson . 32 1.49 T. C. McCall . 20 98 C. K. Osborne . 8 39 W. B. Henderson.... . 7 35 T. H. Galloway 6 33 W. M. Henry . 2 10 L. R. Scruggs . 2 10 For Coroner— Goode Cheatham.... . 14 4 84 G. T. Lyday . 8 2.77 W. J. Wallis . 3 1.00 Walking Bear . 1 39 For Justice of the Peace— E. T. Henning .117 9.00 For Surveyor— A. L. Hardin . 13 5.95 Carl Wike . 8 3.05 The house occu])ied b\ Pol Kil lian. C()l(jr('(i, n(‘ar tho railroad on Oaklawn av(Mm(“ was t*ntir('ly de stroyed by lire (>arly Tuesday nutrn- ing and his six year old daughti'r was burn(‘(l to death. It is not known how the fire started, and it had too gn'at a start before b(*ing discov(>rod to save* tlu* child or the hous(‘. Tho fir«' company madi' a (|uick run to tlu* bla/.e, but the distance 1o ])e ti'aveled and tlu* lon;^ striniT of hose to hv. laid caused (;onsidor- ablo delay. ('ompany numb(*r otu* did not luivt* eiuitigh hose t<» r(*ach tho fire, but this was i-(*modi<*d by tho arrival of company number two. After the hose lino was laid tho flames were extinguished with out delay. "^I'lu; little child wa*^ sl(*(*])ini; in tho lower rooTu of tlu* houst* wlien the fire broke out, and from tho position she was found it is Ix*- li(*vod she had crawled out i)f tx vT and madi* an (*fYort t(j oseajjo. When found her limbs W(‘r(^ i*n- tir(*ly burnt'd away, and tlu* trunk did not have the appearance of anything human. It was a ptitetic scone. Tlu* child on tlu‘ inside* of tlu* bla/ing build ing screaming for h(*l]) and tho mother on tho outside wailing and moaning, being ])rovi*ntod by strong hands from dashing into the build ing to save her child. There w'ore many men tlu*re willing to render any aid possible, but all wore help less. After tho fire* was extinguished a collection was taken for the relief of the family and a tidy litth* sum w'as given. PICTURE SHOW OPENS Catheys Creek. For Congress— Gudger 54 Reynolds 43 The Brevard Amusement (’om- l)any ojjened their moving i)icture show’ last Friday night by giving a free show. The pictures were good and vvere very favorably com mented on by the crow’d present. Two reels were shown, “A Board ing House Mystery” and “The Hero.” Both were comic. About 450 people took advantage of the. free show and standing room was at a bargain. Saturday night the first paid per formance was given, “A Midnight Adventure” and “His Fidelity In vestigated” being the films show’n. A good sized crowd attended. There will be shows Friday and Satui’day nights ot this week. It is not known at this time what will be shown, but the management has been promised something good. On May the picture show* will open, and after that date there will be a show every night through the summer months. On the lUst the management w’ill have a feature film, probably “Temptations of a Great City.” The management washes to as sure the public that nothing objec tionable will be shown, and every picture will be of a high class. The Auditorium has been fitted up and makes an ideal place for the pur-' pose. The various shows ■will begin promptly at 8:15 p. m. and continue as long as the crow-ds justify. On ThuTsday niuht of Iasi w(*ek an illustrated lecture on (lis<*as(*s an<l sanitation was delivered at the court hous(^ by Dr. W. S. Hanldn, secr(‘taiy f stat ; board ofl(*illh. Acct)rdini; to ]>r(!vious annonnc(?- nu*nt Dr. A. A. Kent, i»residi‘nt of the N. Medical Soci('ty, was <*x- ]u*cted to take ]uirt in tin* ])j-ogram, but lu* was not ])rosont. The locturt'r followed in his ri'- marks a .■^(‘I’ies of viev. > t iirown on a scrc'cn. L’-ivimr })ictii7'es, di-iu’-i'am< and statistics iKri.stratiiiu tlie causes and cfYects of \ arion.'disea:^. •; and the results of .--anitary i!u‘asur<*s. The illustrations made those im])or- tant facts much cl(*ar('r to the i^on- oral intellig(*nce than any numb<*r of bare soioniilic statenu*nts. Tho whol(* loctui-c*. froTn beLrinTun:.: to end, was full of us»‘ful information. Amoi'iir tlu* diseases whicl; make ravages on humanity hen* and el.M'wlu-r*', a uood deal v%as said and shown about malaria, yellow fever, ty])hoid fi'ver, summer com- ])laint, small ]»ox and tuberculosis. In the diseus>ion of tlu*st* dis(*as(*s much stri's.-^ was laid on tlu*ir causes. The niosfjuifo was mad<^ t*) boar liis iniciuity for s])]-(*ading ma- laiia and yellow fe*vei-. 'I’hese, j)i*i'ha])S, did not a])])oal so much to mountain ])oople. But when the ^'v was introducf'd—though lu; needs no intrcjduction—tlu* s])t'cta- tors had tlu*ir (*y('s irlued to tlu^ screen through a s(*ries of scones whose fascination consist(‘d in their disagrocablonoss. Tho l!y was char<rod. tried and convict(*<l of s])rt*ading many dis- oasi's, es])ocially those* which attack tho intestinal or^rans. Tin* ])ic- turt*s showed the ])la(’e of his birth—the horse staT)l»^—and also his favorite ])laees of rt'sori wherever filth is found, I'liding with his invasion of tlu* kitchen and dining room, w'lu'ro lu* do])OS- its his accumulation of dis(*ase seeds on the daintiest articles of food. Dr. Mankin spiced this })art of his lecture with a coni]>arison between the homely and much de spised bed-bug and the free-roving, happy-hearted fly. Every house keeper, he said, would bi* horror- struck at the sight of the former on her table cloth, nor would she rally from tlu; shock in a week ; but she can view the excursions of a fly over the food she has ])ro- ])ared and remain undisturbed. Yet the unmentionable bed-dweller, spending his life to a great extent on cold iron, is clean and respecta ble in comparison with the omniv orous germ collector. Parallel col umns t>f figures were thrown on the screen to show’ the close rela tion between the presence of flies and the number of deaths. The subject of careless spitting in relation to tuberculosis was also dwelt upon. Polluted water and milk were discussed. The impor tance of vaccination was illus trated. The dread wdiite plague was shov.’n to have more victims than war. In the list of mortality from various diseases the surpris ing fact was brought out that scar let fever, so much dreaded and quarantined against, is less fatal than either measles or w’hooping cough, both of which are treated with comparative unconcern. This lecture on the public health deserved a much larger audience than it received. It Avas hardly possible for those who attended to go away without having their ideas of the importance of cleanli ness and sanitation ;n general ’ strongly reinforced.

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