ONLY NEWSPAPER IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY A HOME PAPER FOR HOME PEOPJ^E-ALL, HOME PRINT ' VOLUME-XYII BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 1918. % 1 NUMBER-45 mm AND CRAIG BY A BID MAJORITY Democrats Carry Over Forty States and Get Control of the United States Senate. Simmons Majority About Twenty Tliousand. U. D. C. BUYS BUMGALOW The election of Tuesday was a general Democratic land- slide in nation, state and district, but when it come to the county—well, that^s another story. From the latest returns it seems that Governor Wilson of New Jersey has carried 36 states, Roose^'^eIt 5 and Taft 3— giving Wilson 389 electoral votes, Roosevelt 99 and Taft 12, with 33 electoral votes still in doubt. Senator F. M. Simmons has been re-elected by a majority of 20,000 or 25,000 over his opponents. Governor Kitchin and Walter Clark. Locke Craig^s majority over his two opponents will reach 60,000* His plurality over Iredell Mcars, the progressive can didate for governor, is 100,COO, over Thomas Settle, the re publican candidate, 120,000* Congressman Gudger's majority will possibly reach J,800, while W. J. Hannah is elected to the state senate by a major ity of about 500. About 37 democratic congressmen have been elected in dis tricts heretofore republican, and all indications point to a good democratic working majority in the senate, which will give President Wilson a fair show* As to the county matters we have nothing to say just here. Look at the table found in this issue. It tells the whole story. W. W. HARKINS SHOT William W. HiU'kins, son of Isaac Harkins, of this connty, was shot by C. B. Boyd m the Eagles’ club room in Asheville early last Sat urday morning. He died at the Mission lios])ital f^nnday afternoon. According to the evidence brought Gilt at the coroner’s inquest, the two men had had a disagreement about an automobile fare some time on Friday and when they met at the club rooms they again took up the matter with the result that Mr. Harkins was shot. The bullet entered the forehead just a little to the right of tlie center, and although an operation was ])erformed he never regained consciousness. The body was brought to Bre vard Monday night and was taken in charge by the Masons of Dunn’s Rock Lodge No. '267, and carried to the home of the father, about two miles from town. The funeral took ])lace at Cath ey’s Creek church Wednesday af ternoon, and in spite of the heavy downpour of rain the church was crowded with rolativfS and friends of the deceased. The services at the cliurch were condu(;t(Hl by Rev. R. D. Cross, ])ustor (^)f the Brevard Baptist church, while the Masons had charge of tiie services at the grave. The deceased was forty-one years old and was a native of this county. He has been employed in the reve nue service about two years. He is survived by a wife, who was Miss Jessie Allen of Candler, and an eight months child. Two broth ers and two sisters survive—John and James Harkins of'Easely, S. C., and Mrs. R. H. McCall of Brevard and Mrs. Ida Young of Lake Toxa- \vay. '■•It!--, isatic lives neai drevard. RCSMAN KLWS Mr. Drayton Randolph attended the quarterly meeting of the ]\Ieth- odist church at Pint?y Grove last Saturday. He re])ortsgood att(*nd- nee and an able sermon by Pre siding Elder f.'ordell. The republican candidate for con gress in this district, Mr. Staton, made an address at the school building Thursday night. The Hallowe'en entertainment Friday night, whicli was given through the efforts of the Better ment Association, was a grand suc cess. The proceeds amounted to S20.07, which will help defray some of the expenses of the school. The order was good and the peojile of Rosman res])onded liberally to a worthy cause. Several out of town visitors were present. It was suggested several days ago that a singing school bo started in the community. But since it is evident that it would interfere! with the work of the school, as all the children would want to attend both day and night, the people kindly consented to put it off until the Christmas holidays. The national election is creating a lot of interest, and I suppose by the time this letter is printed we will be cognizant of the true re sults. Elmer. HORSE SHOE NOTES At a sheriff's sale at the court house door on Monday morning, November 4, at 12 ni., there was exposed at auction, among the oth er effects of the Appalachian Club Estates, their beautiful office known as the “Bureau of Information,” which was bought for cash down by the Transylvania Ciiapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy, they being the highest bidders. The office, which is now the new home of the cha])ter, has a charm ing bungalow character. The roof is a high-peaked one, extending down and over the wide nine-foot piazza which encircles it on all sides. The pillars of the piazza are native rustic columns, joined to gether by festooned massive iron chains in placQ of a balustrade. All of the inside furniture is of handsome Mission order, while rus tic porch chairs give comfort on the piazza. The approach from Main street is terraced and has col umns at the entrance that will bear the chapter’s name. In the rear there is a lai’ge lawn, with fountain and rustic benclies. The latter can serve for for o'at-of-door fetes and lawn parties as contemplated. The chapter will install and transfer at once their ]il)rary of about noo volumes, which library will be open to the reading jmblic three afternoons in tl)e week, and books can he rented out by the week at live ct r*^.-; a volume. The chapter In.Ids ever in mind the glory of the story oT tlieir fath ers, and with their enluvged o]>por- tunities the question of a Confed erate monument has already been hinted, and with a site for it in the centre of the square, i)referably, or between the ciiapter house and the court house, all that will be needed is the co-operation of the Sons of Veterans and a generous public. Don’t wast« your money buying strengthening plasters. Chamber lain’s Liniment is cheaper and bet ter. Dampen a piece of flannel 'with it and bind it over the affected parts atid it will relieve the pain and soreness. For sale by all deal ers. • adv We are having some very cold weather at present. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Reese re turned Saturday from a few days visit to Asheville. ^Irs. Lila Ledbetter was visiting at Rev. T. C. Holtsclaw’s last Sun day. Carl Orr has bought a pair of mules. V* iii Simpson is the proud father of a baby girl. Capt. C. T. Rankin passed through this vicinity Tuesday. Rev. W. H. Davis filled his ap- pyintment at Preston last Sunday afternoon. There was a candy breaking at Jasper Bannin’s Saturday evening. Gypsy. MISS WIISON WINS TEN DOLURS GOLD MRS. CHAS. JOLLAY STANDS IN SECOND PLACE Read About the Extra Bonus Of fer for the Next Thirty Days and Then Get Busy. Chapter House and Library of Tran sylvania Chapter No. U. D. C., Brevard, N. C., No vember I, r.»i2. At an informal meeting of the chapter, held immediately after the purchase of the “information bu reau” of the late Ap])alachian Club Estates and the delivery of the keys to iis through the courtesy of Mr. Branch Paxton, deputy sheriff', it was resolved that our thanks are due to the men who so chivalrously stood aside and made our way easy to the purchase of the property. Where there wei’e so many acts of courtesy and kindness shown, it is almost invidious to specialize, but yet there are some who ijarticu- lai'ly deserve otir gratitude. To Mrs. John F. Henry and Mrs. M. A.'E. Woodbridge we ai*e spe cially indebted for their handsome aid in su])plementing our own funds by loans to the extent of over one- half of the purchase money. Their co-operation made it possible for us to ijav all cash down. We will always remember our county commissioners, Messrs. L. W. Drooks, George Lyday ana Ar thur Miller, who met us more than half way, giving their consent to our inirchase, thereby insuring our possession in perpetuity. To Robert L. Gash, Esq., v:e owe much, his active interest and quick efficiency in arranging and master ing the details and bringing all to a happy conclusion wnll always be remembered with gratitude. To the whole community at large, women and men, who by their sympathetic encouragement and countenance of our chapter have given strength to our aims and ob jects, we are indebted. Daughters op the Confederacy. Is your husband cross? An irri table, fault finding disposition is often due to a disordered stomach. A man with good digestion is near ly always good natured. A great many have been permanently cured of stomach trouble by taking Cham berlains Tablets. For sale by all dealers. adv The first count in the Sylvan Val ley News popular voting contest occurred on Wednesday evening. The judges worked very fast and made short work of the immense ]>ile of the little pasteboards. And before we go any further let us state that Miss Gertrude Wilson won the ten dollars in gold, and probably Miss Wilson is one of the ha])])iest young ladies in Transyl vania county this week. ■Mrs. Chas. Jollay ran second in the contest. It is practically certain that all those ladies who do any work at all in the contest will be accommo dated with prizes. It is not too late to start as many a girl has won the elegant Obermeyer & Sons l)iano by starting rather late in the contests that have been conducted ov(;r ]>arts of the country. Start todaj" and try for one of the valua- bl(5 merchants ])rizes or the beauti ful upright for these prizes are wortJij' of your best efforts. The second count in the News po]>ular ladies voting contest wil] be lield on Tuesday, December ;h-d. On this date the contestant making the greatest gain in votes from the date of tbe first count to the dt*te of the second count on DecemluM ord will receivt^ a ju’ize of teii dol lurs in gold us a gift from the tdi tor. Ui‘ijieniber this ]n-ize will noi be !.ivt n to that contestant wLi lias I he greatest vote standing at the date of the second count, but only to that young lady contestant who siTcceeds in making the great est in votes from the lirst cour;t to the second count on De cember .3rd. Nov.' kindly read the following carefully, as the new bonus offers are wortli your time and a little study. Memorize the following new bonus offers as this is the most rapid method of obtaining a good vote standing. Bring your sub- scri])tioiis to the office of the pub- lishcr in clubs of seven, and take advantage of these new bonus. For ('Very seven new subscrip tions 10,i:00 extra votes, making a tatiil of 14,;iOO votes. For everj' seven renewal sub scriptions N,f;CO extra votes, making a total of 1 l,rjOO votes. For every bunch of forty merch ants couiions that are brought to the odice of the jiublisher and counted an additional bonus of iiOO voles will be allowed, making a totul oi 1,500 votes. Now girls it is strictly up to you as to whether you will own one of these valuable jirizes or not. De cide right now and start in today. Those who desire anv further in- I formation in regard to the contest will kindly call in person at the ’News office. The standing of the contestants at the first count is as follows: Miss Gertrude Wilson, Rosman 21,650 Mrs. Charles Jollay, Brevard 11,725 Miss Agnes Kilpatrick.. 4,250 Miss Emma Osteen 2,100 Miss Mariah Inez Loftis 2,000 Miss Daisy Holcom 1,950 Miss Florence Hawkins 1,675 Axiss Helen Hamilton 1,375 Miss Lelia Brooks 1,225 Miss Maggie Deaver 1,200 Miss Nolia Bryson 1,150 Miss Margaret Breese - 1,100 Miss Grace Calhoun - 1,075 Miss Ollie Perry 1,075 Miss Vera House 1,050 Mrs. C. R. Sharp 1,050 Miss Adeline Patton 1,025 Miss Dora Nicholson 1,025 Miss Rena Harwood 1,025 Miss Florence Aiken 1,000 Miss Beulah Whitmire — ' 1,000 Brevard. "Margaret W. Breese Daisy Holcom Agnes Kilpatrick Florence Aiken Flora Duckworth Mrs. Charles Jollay Dora Nicholson Mariah Inez Loftis Allie Belle Cloud Daisy Orr Grace Whitmire Grace Calhoun Olivia Hancock Frankie Kilpatrick Hattie Aiken Ava Ashworth Brevard Routes 1 and 2. Irene Ashworth Maud Case Sallie Osborne Nancy Clark Florence Hawkins Bessie Lyda Jim Neil Maggie Deaver Cleo Morris Bessie Hayes Annie Allison Bertha McCall Geneva Orr Flora Tinsley Lelia Surrett Annie Davenport Julia Deaver Cora England Ethel Boggs Horse Shoe. Dovie Shipman Alice Banks Emma Reece Lou Byrd Etowah. Effie Shipman, R. 1 Annie B1 /the Annie Lance Bessie Orr Nannie Lou Moffitt Annie Duncan Minnie Sitton Neta Allen Selica. Peari Alexander Emma Osteen May Bryson Esther Grey Nolia Bryson Rosman. Clessie Whitmire Annie Patton Georgia Burrell Lenora Lanning Mamie Justus Beulah W hitniire Gertrude Wilson Mabel Carpenter Penrose. Maud Shuford Ina Talley Lena Harv/ood Blantyre. Beulah Shipman Emma Justus Dovie Banning Davidson River. Bertha Hudson Adeline Patton Cherryfield. Bertha Batson Ida McCall Pisgah Forest. Mrs. Thomas Wilson Bessie Patton Mary Maxwell Anna Gash Addi^ Wilson Pearlie Baynard Jeva Pickclsimer Lula McCail Balsam Grove. Vera House Lake Toxaway. Leila Brooks Mrs. J. C. Wike Calvert. Mrs. C. R. Sharp Ollie Perry Mrs. Wade (larren Anna Jordan SCHOOL ENTERTAIK!li!ENT An interesting program will be rendered at Penrose, November 2oi-d, at seven o’clock p. m., by the pupils of Penrose high school. The Sunbeams will play an important part. Following the program at eight o’clock will be given a box supper. All boxes will be well lilled with delicious food, such as the Penroso ladies always provide. Cake for sale. Evei-y one in vited. Entertainment free. Funds will go for betterment work in the school. Only a woman can understand the prostrating effect of disorders in the female organism ; llie misery of it and its depressing influence on the mind. I\Iany women who formerly suffered from those dis orders owe their present health to DR. SIMMON’S S^UAW VINE COMPOUND. It exercises a power ful restorative influence on the fe male generative system, builds up a strong body, restores healthy regularity and promotes cheerful ness and a clear, rosy complexion. Price SI.00 jjer bottle. Sold by S. M. Macfie. adv Notice to Tax Payers To the Taxpayers of Transylvania Co.: I will be at the following places on the dates mentioned, for the collection of taxes: Gloucester, Macedonia church, Nov. 18. Hogback, Quebec, Nov. 19. Catheys Creek, Erwin’s Store, Rosman, Nov. 20. Eastatoe, East Fork Baptist Church, Nov. 21. Dunns Rock, Garren’s Store, Nov. 22. Cedar Mountain, Burns Bros. Store, Nov. 25. ' Little River, Williamson’s Store, Nov. 26. Boyd, Talley’s Store, Nov. 27. Brevard, Court House, Nov. 28. I will be at the above named places from 11 o’clock a. m. to 2 o’clock p. m. Respectfully, F. E. SHUFORD, Tax Collector.

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