ONLY NEWSPAPER IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY A HOME PAPER FOR HOME PEOPLE-ALL HOME PRINT VOLDME-XVII BKEVAKD, NORTH CAEOLINA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1912. NUMBEE-46 ROSMAN NEWS Miss Ethel Leather wood of Bre vard Institnte spent the week end with Miss Mabel Carpenter. Mrs. Garren, danghter of Mr. W. P* Hogsed, spent Friday with her father. Miss Nettie Bumgarner of the Qnebec public school, was a pleas ant caller at the Bosman high school last Friday evening. Mr. Q. H. Paxton, of the drug firm of Macfie & Paxton, had an attack of appendicitis this week. It is Mr. Paxton’s intention to have an operation performed. Quite a sensation was created in the village Sunday afterrioon when two men who had been arrested and placed in the calaboose by Chief Singleton sought to release themselves by setting fire to their lodging place. The smoke poured out beneath the edge of the roof and the building would have been afire in a few minutes, but several citizens rushed there quickly and after bursting open the door dragged out the flaming bed quilts and blankets. The prisoners showed their intention when the door was opened and gave the oflQcers a live ly chase before they were finally brought back. After prayer meeting at the Bap tist church Sunday night the con- congregation went over to the Methodist church and heard an able sermon by Brother Jones of Henderson county. There wi'l be a singing class at the Methodist church next Sunday and everybody is invited. Elmer. FROM BOILSTON Otis Morgan has completed his new home and has moved into it. Mrs. Rebecca Galloway and grandson, Carl, visited at Weldon English’s Sunday. There was singing at Boilston Sunday afternoon. Lee baynard is the smiling father of a baby girl, born November 8. Charlie Reese and Jack Shipman went to Hendersonville Saturday. Mrs. Sallie Scruggs and Mrs. Jake Simpson have been on the sick list, but we are glad to say they are better. Miss Neta Allen is teaching school at Weldon English’s. Stanly Allison, who has been working on Davidson River, vis ited his home Sunday. Rosebud. AT QUEBEC Left out last week. Jack Frost is a very regular vis itor with us of late. He never fails on a fair night. The baptismal service which was held here Sunday was very nicely conducted, Rev. A. J. Manly, pas tor, officiating. The service was well attended. Something over fifty people from Rbsman were present. Brevard and Lake Tox- away also were well reijsesented. Misses Henderson and Earnhardt of Rosman were in our village Sunday, Mr. Lewis Hamlin ppent one night last week at Queb> c. Borne of our people ai e planning to go to Selica Saturday, November 9, to the Farmers’ Union picnic. An entertainment and box sup per will be given by the Quebec Literary Society in the near future. Watch for the announcement. We hope to give something interesting. The Western Union telegraph men are sidetracked here for a few days. They are doing some thor- ongh work on the telegraph line. Mr. Looney McCall is at home for a few Whoopinsr cough is abroad ii* coiuixiuiiiiy wiicic lie has been ttmching, but he expects to be bacii at work in the near future. Johnie Whitmire and family are preparing to move to South Caro lina the latter part of this week. I^iga Florence Tinsley and Mrs. Eliza peek of Brevard were guests at W. B. Henderson’s Sunday. Mountaineer. ANOTHER PRIZE WILL SOON BE AWARDED EXTRA LARGE BONUS OF FER NOW IN EFFECT The Contestants Should Renew Their Energies If They Want to Win in the Contest. The time for the next count is fast approaching and with it inter est in the result is growing daily more keen with friendly rivalry among the contestants for first place. The remaining days will witness an active campaign for more votes. New subscriptions are coming in and the merchants are having wide and active demand for the merchant coupons. If you are not a subscriber for the News now is the time to pay. You have no doubt a friend among the contestants who would be de lighted to have your votes. Ten dollars in gold is worth con siderable effort and the energy put forth to secure this lands the win ner that much nearer success at the finish when the piano will be awarded. There is nothing worth while obtained in this world with out energetic and thoughtful effort and to become victor in this con test and to receive the reward that goes with it, is certainly worth while. If your efforts heretofore have been spasmodic, from now on make them continuous and deter mined. Enlist the men as well as the women folks in your behalf. They will enjoy the News and will be glad to help you along to vic tory. Speak to your friends and neighbors and see how quickly they will respond, bne of the beauties of this contest is that few are dis appointed—there are ten prizes. It is a time when you can ask your friends to show their friendship in a substantial way by assisting you. The count of December 3rd will be decisive as to tne $10, but its importance must not be overlooked for your standing on that occasion is a sort of barometer to your fol lowing of friends and, if you win, it will be the result of the efforts of yourself and friends. The News has the laudable am bition to improve right along and go regularly to every home in Bre vard and vicinity; to stand for and promote those things which w^ill be for the good of the community and and to wield as great influence as possible, for the upbuilding of. the town we are justly proud of. For every seven yearly new sub scriptions we will give 10,000 extra votes, making a total of 14,200 votes. For every seven renewal sub scriptions, 8,000 extra, a total of 11,500 votes. Foy every 40 merchants’ coupons brought to this office and counted by the publisher or his assistants, a bonus of 500 extra votes will be given, a total of 1,500 in all. These coupons may be collected from any and all merchants who are in the contest. The following are the enterpris ing merchants who give coupons: Miller Supply Co. > Stone Hardware Co. O. L. Erwin’s Store. Duckworth Drug Co. Weilt’s'Cash Store. * Maf fie’s Drug Store. C. C. Yongue. England’s Store. T. M. Mitchell. Remember the $10 in gold goes to the one who makes the’GREAT- gaiu in number of votes. Others were nominated but as yet have received no votes. These young ladies should by no means be considered out of the ronning, as all have been doing some work, and they will make the contest in teresting for those who already have a good start. Remember that many of our leading merchants are interested in this contest and give S5 vote cou pons with every dollar’s purchase. Also, those who don’t fully under stand th3 rules and regulations of this contest can call at this office, or write us, and we will be pleased to go over the proposition with them. Remember and have your friends trade with merchants giving cou pons. Their ads. appear in this issue in connection with our won derful offer. Following are the candidates: Miss Gertrude Wilson, Rosman 21,650 Mrs. Charles Jollay, Brevard 11,725 Miss Agnes Kilpatrick.. 4,250 Miss Emma Osteen 2,100 Miss Mariah Inez Loftis 2,000 Miss Daisy Holcom 1,950 Miss Florence Hawkins 1,675 Miss Helen Hamilton 1,375 Miss Lelia Brooks 1,225 Miss Maggie Deaver 1,200 Miss Nolia Bryson 1,150 Miss Margaret Breese 1,100 Miss Grace Calhoun 1,075 Miss Ollie Perry 1,075 Miss Vera House 1,050 Mrs. C. R. Sharp 1,050 Miss Adeline Patton 1,025 Miss Dora Nicholson 1,025 Miss Rena Harwood 1,025 Miss Florence Aiken 1,000 Miss Beulah Whitmire 1,000 Brevard. Margaret W. Breese Agnes Kilpatrick Florence Aiken Flora Duckworth Mrs. Charles Jollay Dora Nicholson Mariah Inez Loftis Allie Belle Cloud Daisy Holcom Daisy Orr Grace Whitmire Grace Calhoun Olivia Hancock Frankie Kilpatrick Hattie Aiken Ava Ashworth Routes 1 and 2. Irene Ashworth Maud Case Sallie Osborne Nancy Clark Florence Hawkins Bessie Lyda Jim Neil Maggie Deaver Cleo Morris Brevard Bessie Hayes Annie Allison Bertha McCall Geneva Orr Flora Tinsley Lelia Surrett Annie Davenport Julia Deaver Cora England Ethel Boggs Horse Shoe. Dovie v^hipman Alice Banks Emma Reece Lou Byrd Etowah. Effie Shipman, R. 1 Annie B1 /the Annie Lance Bessie Orr Nannie Lou Moffitt Annie Duncan Minnie Sitton Neta Allen Selica. Pearl Alexander Emma Osteen May Bryson Esther Grey Nolia Bryson Rosman. Clessie Whitmire Annie Patton Georgia Burrell Lenora Lanning Mamie Justus Beulah Whitmire Gertrude Wilson Mabel Carpenter Penrose. Maud Shuford Ina Talley Lena Harwood Blantyre. Beulah Shipman Emma Justus Dovie Banning • Davidson River. Bertha Hudson Adeline Patton Cherryfield. Bertha Batson Ida McCall Pisgah Forest. Mrs: Thomas Wilson Lula McCall Mary Maxwell Anna Gash Addie Wilson Pearlie Baynard Jeva Pickelsimer Balsam Grove. Vera House Lake Toxaway. Leila Brooks Mrs. J. C. Wike Calvert. Mrs. C. R. Sharp Ollie Perry Mrs. Wade Garren Anna Jordan MEETING OF FARMERS’ UNION Mt. DUVER BEMID 1ST BAPTIST CHURCH MONEY WAS GIVEN TO AID IN EDUCATION In Order to Refute Charges Let ters from Church Officials are Here Shown. ‘ At 10 o’clock Monday morning, December 2, the Transylvania Farmers’ Union will meet at Bre vard, and every local in the county is urgently requested to be present at this meeting. This will be the time for electing officers for the ensuing year and a county business manager, and appointing a repre sentative to the state union to be held at Raleigh December 10 and 11. Some good speaker will be at this meeting to address the nnion, and we trtist that a good number of members from each local, in addi tion to the delegates, will be pres ent. T. tJ. Henderson, Co. Ch’n F. E. & C. U. A. To the People of Transylvania Co.: At the earnest solicitation of some personal friends I am pub lishing herewith certain letters and receipts which refute the allegation that I had not repaid the Asheville Baptist church for money advanced me when a boy in school. The money herein spoken of was put up by my Sunday school class freely and without compulsion. On March 10, 1908, 1 wrote Mr. J. H. Tucker of Asheville, N. C., who was superintendent of the Baptist Sunday school and also a deacon of the church, that I de sired to repay the church the money they advanced for me. In this letter I told him the only data I had as to the amount advanced was a letter from Dr. Mitchel say ing the church had sent $15.00. I give Mr. Tucker’s reply below : Law office of Tucker & Murphy, Battery Park Bank Building. Asheville, N. C., March 16, 1908. Mr. Charles B. Deaver, Statesville, N. C.: Dear Sir—With reference to the letter you wrote me a few days ago about the money furnished you by the church and Sunday school while you were at Wake Forest College, we have no way of ascer taining the amount, but I talked with Mr. McConnell and Mr. Stradley about the matter today, and we all thought it was somewhere between $40 and $60, but as to that we are not certain and will leave tht matter entirely to your conscience, believ ing that you will do whatever is right about the matter, and whatever you do will be satisfactory to the church and Sun day school. The $15.00 you refer to as having been mentioned by Dr. Mitchel was money sent by the church to Dr. Mitchel but was not all you received while you were there, but as to the amount we are all confident you will do whatever is right, and we are perfectly willing to leave the matter to the dictates 0^ your conscience. Feeling that your motives are proper and right, we want to assure you that we thoroughly appreciate your proposition. It is a pleasure for us to help worthy boys, and our church does a great deal of that kind of work, in which we feel a special pride. The old First Church has boys in almost all parts of the country, and they aften write to some of us telling us how much they appreciated the help they received when it was so much needed. If the church was of any service to you, then we rejoice in it. While we regret you did not carry out your original inten tion, we are sure you acted upon the best light that was before you. Sincerely yours, (Signed) J. H. Tucker. I quote in part my letter to Mr. Turker. The letter is too long to pubiish in full: Statesville, N. C., March 16, 1908. Mr. J. H. Tucker, Asheville, N. C. My Dear Sir—I am sorry you cannot as certain the amount which the church paid out for me at W. F. C., and the only data from which I have to work is Dr. Mitchel’s letter. However, since there is a difference between the amount he states and the approximate total which you gen tlemen seem to think correct, I shall not be bound by the doctor’s statement absr • lutely. You say after consultation you think the amount somewhere between $40 and $60. Now I think I will be fair to myself and to the church in offering $40. which is $10 more than double the amount stated by Dr. Mitchel. Now if my propo. sition meets with your approval I should like to hear from you. With best wishes, sincerely yours, Charles B. Deaver. I now quote Mr. Tucker’s reply: Law office of Tucker & Murphy, Battery Park Building. Asheville, N. C., March 18,1908. Mr. Charles B. Deaver, Statesville, N. C.. Dear Sir—Your favor of the 16th to hand. Your arrangement spoken of in that letter will be perfectly satisfactory, although it would be better for the church if you could afford to pay the same as quickly as possible so it might be used during this session. I like the spirit of your letter exceeJ- ingly and had many good wishes for your future success. Hoping you may prosper, I remain, yours very truly, (Signed) J. H. Tucker. I now give the full receipt signed by G. F. Stradley, treasurer First Baptist Church: $40.00. Received of Charies B. Deaver the sum of Forty Dollars in full settlement of all dues, demands and obligations aris ing by implication or otherwise, in favor of the First Baptist Church of Asheville, N. C., for aid extended him while a stu dent at Wake Forest College. That the offer and payment of this money was en tirely a voluntary act upon the part of Mr. Deaver, without any compulsion, pressure, demand or solicitation from the church, (Signed) G. F. Stradley, Treas. First Baptist Ch., Asheville, N. C. I now give the check I issued which was duly honored and paid : Statesville, N. C., April 4, ’08. No. 165. Pay to the ordeir of G. F. Stradley, Treas. 1st Bap. Church, Asheville, $40.00 Forty and no 100 Dollars. Chas. B. Deaver. This check was paid by the above bank April 9, 1908. In addition to the above I have contributed liber ally for a man of my very limited means to the endowment fund of Wake Forest and have the checks to show it, besides considerable correspondence verifying the above statements, and receipts^ the length of which makes their publication nwxt to impossible. Sincerely yours, Chas. B. Deaver. W. N. C.CONFERENCE The twenty-third session of the Western North Carolina Conference of the Methodist Church, South, meets in annual session November 20-25 at High Point, N. C. The lirevard Methodist Church must have in its reports not later than Monday morning, November 18. • For quite a number of years the "irevard church has met all its inancial obligations in full. It goes without saying that this year will be no exception to the rule in that respect. If anyone has not paid up in full his assessments call on one of the stewards and attend to the matter at once, so that the final report may be put in shape for the approaching annual conference. Every mem ber ought to find pleasure m shar ing the burdens of the church and meeting his solemn obligations to the Master of us all. At best we are going to have a struggle to raise the amount calU d for, but if everyone will do his duty the pastor will be able to make a creditable report on the floor of the confference. Let the Brevard Methodist church arise in her strength and do her full duty! Only a woman can understand the prostrating effect of disorders in the female organism ; the misery of it and its depressing influence on the mind. Many women who formerly suffered from those dis orders owe their present health to DR. SIMMON S SQUAW VINE CdMPOUND. It exercises a power ful restorative influence on the fe male generative system, builds up a strong body, restores healthy regularity and promotes cheerful ness and a clear, rosy complexion. Price SI.00 per bottle. Sold by S. M. Macfie. adv Notice to Tax Payers To the Taxpayers of Transylvania Co.: I will be at the following places on the dates mentioned, for the collection of taxes: Gloucester, Macedonia church, Nov. 18. Hogback, Quebec, Nov. 19. Catheys Creek, Erwin’s Store, Rosman, Nov. 20. Eastatoe, East Fork Baptist Church, Nov. 21. Dunns Rock, Garren’s Store, Nov. 22. Cedar Mountain, Bums Bros. Store, Nov. 25. Little River, Williamson’s Store, Nov. 26. Boyd, Talley’s Store, Nov. 27. Brevard, Court House, Nov. 28. I will be at the above named places from 11 o’clock a. m. to 2 o’clock p. m. Respectfully, F. E. SHUFORD, I Tax Collector..