4 -?1«'‘ c, ■ , • V ’ ■ ”'V, m ■h ■-i./'f • -• ■/- ii OitV MEW8PAPHI I^TIAmVAIIW Cd«i^ : ^ . 1 ^ ^— A HOME PAPER WOU HOMB PEOPLiE-ATiTi HOME PRIINIT .. 1 , ■ - 1 .... :■ ....... —>. -1. ji I ^ ; , II ' t VOLUME-XTm . BBEVmTJOBTHCAEOIJSA, FRIDAY. ArRTL'4: ,19J3. J ' ■■ ^“ r- T— .Ii.li I KUMBER-U THE NEW ROAB UW '' An act to provide for oonstrnot- ing and maintaining public roads in TransjWania oonntj. The General Assembly'of North Carolina do enact: Section' 1. That the board of connty commissioners of'Transyl vania connty shall, in order for the proper constrnction, maintenance and amending the said roads of Transylvania connty at the time of levying general state and connty taxes in each and every year levy a special tax on aU Droperty snbject to taxation under the state laws of North Carolina, of not lesis than ten cents nor greater than twenty cents on the hundred dollars "worth of property and not less than thirty cent43 nor more than sixty cents on the poll, said taxes to be collected as all other taxes, but to be kept separate in the tax books of said county and to be set aside as a spe cial road f^nd to 'be used by the township from which such tax is collected for maintaining, improv- iug and amending the public roads, culverts and bridges of said town ship, except as hereinafter pro vided : Provided, the sheriff or tax collector collecting the said taxes shall only retain three per cent of the amount collected of the said funds for collecting f^d paying the same over to the county treasurer, and the said treasurer shall only receive two per cent for receiving and paying out said road funds. Sec. 2. That all able-bodied males of Transylvania county be tween the ages of eighteen and forty-l^ve years, except regularly ordained ministers 6f the gospel and residents of - iacorporttted towns, shall ^ subject to road duty, and shall work on the public roads of said county five days of eight hours each in each and every year and at such time and place and in such manner as may be designated by the road '‘overseer of the township in which said road subject may reside; but said road snbject shall not be required to work out of the section or district to which he has been assigned: The said township overseer shall give to > each ruad subject in his jurisdiction three days notice by T>er8onal warning or by leaving a written or-printed notice at the home or residence of such road subject, specifying in said notice the time f nd place such road work is to be begun and performed, also designating in said notice t^e tool or implejbent with which such per son shall be required to work; pro vided, that any road snbject may, ‘in lieu of working five days on the publit roads, x>ay to said township overseer on or before the ^rst day of April in each year, or the time when he is first warned, the sufli of five dollars for the succeeding year and shall receive from said over seer a receipt for one year’s road duty, or may on or before the first day of April, July, October and January of each year, pay to said overseer one dollar and twenty-five cents quarterly in advance, or may at the time he is B’lmmoned pay to said overseer the sum oi one dollar for each day summoned for which payment the said overseer shall issue his receipt and which receipt shall exempt said road subjcet from road work for the year, quar ter or days for which same was is sued : Provided, further, that any person physically unable to work the public roads may be exempt therefrom by ord«r of the board of ooiinty commissioners. Provided, that if any person between the ages of eighteen and twenty-otfe subject to road duty under the pro visions of this act, shall be a bona fide student of ar>r pu'»lic nr ▼ate schuol he shall not in such' case be rt^qtilrod to perforairoad duty while sttendiiig raoh schODl. Bee. 3. That any road snbjept who faWb been doly summoned and who, without legal exci^ fails to work on the said rotudk M fRi^> aaoned, or make the pajnMli pra* Tided for ia the protiiHfig ■eeticn , shaU be guilty of a / m^jKlentfanof, and shall upon oonviet^ be fined three dollars and the cost in every case in which hef is convicted, or he may be sentenced to work on the road for each offensis for a term not exceeding five days. And it shall be the duty of - said overseer to cause a warrant to issue for the arrest and trial of said defaulting subject, and if any road oversee^ fails to perform his duty in this respect, he shall shall also be gailty of a misdemeanor,-and upon con viction be fined five dollars and the cost, and shall be liable upon his bond for the time of the subject which was not worked out. Sec. 4. That the board of county commissioners shall on or by the first day of May, one thousand nine hundred and -thirteen, appoint some competent road man as town ship overseer for each township in thp connty whose-duty it shall be to take charge'of, to look atter and maintain, repair, and keep in re pair. all of the public roads in the township in which he is appointed. He shall summon the various hands in the said townships and work them on such roads therein to which they have been assigned, for at least five days in each and every year, subject to the pro vision for paying cash in lieu of such time as designated in soction two of this act, beginning with the first day of April in each year. But before summoning the said hands, as hereinbefore provided, he shall divide the roads of said townships into road districts «nd assign the hands to same, the said hands to be assigned to that road district to which he nearest re sides. Said township overseer shall be appointed for a term of one year, and until his successor is elected and qualified, as hereinafter provided, but subject to removal for ineflSciency or other cause by the board of commissioners, or a majority thereof. The ^mpansa- tion of the said township overseers to be fixed by the board of commis sioners, but not to exceed one dol lar and fifty cents per day, and shall give bond in the sum of two hundred dollars for the faithful performance of his duty. Pro vided, that the qualified voters of each township in Transylvania county shall elect a road overseer for^ their respective townships at the general election to be held in the year one tl^usand nine hun dred and fourteen, and every two years thereafter; said election to be held under the laws governing general elections for the election of connty and townrhip officers. Sec. 5. The said township over seer shall keep a book designating the districts in his said township with the names of each hand al lotted thereto and shall mark oppo site each man’s name the number of days worked by each hand, and the date such work was done, and the amount paid by such hand, when paid, and for what year, quarter or day such amount was paid; said overseer shall keep in said book an itemized statement of all funds received by him for road purposes, to whom the same was paid, giving name of each person, and the purpose for which same was paid, and shall, on or before the first Monday in April, July, October and January of each and every year, render the connty com missioners a verified statement of all his transactions and dealings as township road overseer for the pre ceding quarter, which itemized and verified report shall be turned over to the county commissioners for their inspection and approval or disapproval, and then to be filed in the office of the register of deeds for ^blio inspection. Sec. 6. That the township over- ffeer shall at th% end of each week, or oftener if neoesaary, give to each person* emi^yed by him to work on the mda d Ms (ownibip, a written order to the oounty - pear from term to term to show good behavior. , ^ ^ , State V. Harland McGkkha, giving whiskey to minor, nol prps. State V. Richard Patterson, ab duction, plead guilty, judgment suspended on payment of costs. State V. Fred Byce and Charlie Byce, assault, plead guilty. $10 and costs. State V. Plato Stancel, house breaking, plead guilty. Sta.te V. Lat Sherlin and J. B. Sherlin, assault, plead guilty, flO and one-fourth of >30sts. State V. Walter Benjamin, as sault. plead guilty, judgment sus pended on payment of costs. De fendant to furnish $100 bond for good behavior. State V. John D. Galloway, to show gocd behavior, capias. State V. Claude Mason and Griffin Owen, assault, not guilty. State V. Adger Robinson, 'dis turbing religious worship, mistrial. State V. Claude Mason, assault with deadly weapon, jury trial. State V. Walking Bear, practis ing medicine without license, capias and continued. State V. Sam Anders, retailing, guilty. Judgment not pronounced. Stat^ V. Fred Gash, false pre tense, nol pros. State V. Bryant Morrison, as sault, judgment; suspended on pay ment of costs. Defendant to ap pear at court for two years to show good behavior, and give bond for $50. State V. W. W. Singleton, assault with deadly weapon, not guilty. State V. Jule Anders, blockading, not guilty. The graded school, after a very succisssful term of six months, closed last Friday. A well gotten up program was rendered by the students who demeaned themselves well and ga,ve no little pleasure to the audience. It isn’t so much of the last day we wish to spfak~it spoke for itself in terms that re flected honor upon all parties con cerned—but to express in behalf of the entire patronage appeciation of the work done the preceding days. Really, did you know there was .a school being taught for the last six mojuths at Selica? Why, it was scarcely known in the immediate community save by the mothers, and that because of the lunch baskets they were required to fill every jnorning. The children re-> tu'-nihg home evening after even ing, then week after week with *tno news,” no achievements or disasters, no hair-breadth escapes from the rod, etc., grew so monoto nous that inquiries ceased and the schpol ceased to be a subject of gossip. Whether the boys on their way to and from school were re strained by mandate or by force of personal contact from the out bursts of pentup mirth, so it was that another reminder of the ex istence of a school was removed. Inside there was no ado made over anything or any one ; no wan ton display to court applause, but quick, earnest, faithful, heart to ht^rt work the first day and the last day. They gave satisfaction, each, in his or her peculiar field. A number, not all of the patrons, we are sorry to say, visited the school in its closing and unani- mousl V voted resolutions of thanks and appreciation of the services rendered and for the manner in which they were rendered. Principal H. R. McCansland’s res idence is Harriston, Va., that of Misses Matilda and Esther Gray, Cullasaja, N. C. They in return ing to their respective homes have “vanished,” but their “smiles re main” with us. Alice. PENROSE SCHOOL CLOSES The Penrose school closed last week with appropriate commence ment exercises. On Tuesday night a program was given by the pupils and a recitation contest was held to select a representative for the school at the contest to be held in Brevard at the 'county commence ment. Miss Ina Talley was de clared the winner and will repre sent Penrose school at the couiity commencement. On Wednesday morning the grad uating exercises were held and the diplomas were delivered by County Superintendent T. C. Henderson. Diplomas were given to the follow ing students: Misses Ossie Clayton. Lillie Collins, Ina Talley, 'and Messrs. Lauder Lyday, Vergil Ly- day and Spurgeon Ledbetter. After these exercises a meeting of the Betterment Association was held and officers for the ensuing year were elected. MORE SUGGESTIONS In our absence from the office for a short time this week an article was left in the News office for pab- lioation which was in answer to Mr. B. W; Henderson’s artlole on the oondition of certain road ameadmeats in Hogback towi^iip signed ^*7 mtt ^tia jpliliirtlisil, of magr axtntiet with 1^. ^i»ioi|aHttoB'.iB- ft tndesf mmt hts.iiiSM to It. Mayor—W. M. Henry. Aldermen—J. W. Duckworth, J. M. Kilpatrick, J. E. Cox, W. L. Aiken, F. E. Shuford. For billionsness, malaria and con stipation, the proper remedy is SIMMON’6 BED Z UVKR KEGU- LATOR. The first dose makes you feel better and a little more of the same medidne cures yon oomplete< ly. Prioe. large paidmge. $1.00; small sise, 26c. Sold by S. M. Ssefie. adT ia ike back, ai^thvltfspi laxities to which womea aim sab jeot. with all tlmir silteit^t m^ oiifls» ylsld at oaoo to I3il.^8np- iKiir*9 mtmw- VINK Odp. 0OOW. to ts6a as «^eet:'Osai|i% Fiioail^lpsriliottlO. Sold W l£.lla^. A . Jwitt ' -J