ONLY NEWSPAPER IK TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY A HOME 1^AP>ER S’OR HOME PEOPLE-ALL HOME PRINT VOLME-XVIII BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1913. NUMBER-41 RECOEQEP.’S EiLl AHEKDEO Th<; ri*m‘stor of dvicds lias re- rpiv{'d t’no utin'iifluK'nts iiKKle to iho bill «*:*nitinK the. ro- rui'tler's (•onrt. vt'n nTlv mtrn»lno»Ml in tht* lu>iis*-' ,<if rt'ijri'st'ntutiVi s l\i<;»rest‘Titativo Chrt'?. li D;’uv<'r. The fi^llowini; ••hangcs are notc'fl in thii ordrT iii wliich they hpih'hv on the bill: The Odnnty foiiiiuissioimi s ui(^ authuri'/,i'il t<» puy tlio pr(’S('iit fnv vii't’S :ilrt*rttl” itji (Soivd. not to In all oasrn oi^mini; befon^ tlu* ivrorder in future, where oonvie- tion is secured, the rt*(*«>rder ;s to receiv*'a lee of throe dolli;r.«, and Bi!EVA!!Q 0f!04IIZE CLUB BREVARD CLUB IS NAME SELECTED Will Apply For Cliaiter Prepare to at Once. anj Tl'.e secon(l nieotin;' of the busi ness men for the pui’pose of orpriri- i'/in^ was held in the conrt hoxise OTU? dollar is to ^'o into thu contin- j lust Thrr.«<l»y ni‘:ht. The niet^tiriK pent fund to help pay the costs in | \vas well attended by the bnsir.t^ss cases wlu‘re the county is liable for j juid ]>rof(‘Ssional men, and i>racti- costs. Foes for issninif warrants | cully ev( i*y maa who had attended by the recorder's euurt are to go the fonr.rr ineetin'x was pr. j;ent with several who did not attend the i'irst meetin*'. It Whs decided at the mfotin;? into the contint;ent Innd. In case of .«iciviu;s.> i*r t(*mpor!iry absence uL‘ ihe ncoider, he may appoint some To lill his plaet*. | last \\<-ek to ^ive the orgnni'/.ation the oiily iiMjViireMit'ii*^ boin-x tliat j the n iuu-.u ••13i('vard Clnb” and the substltut** shall be of y:ood j ha ve it incorixtra led under tr.e moral c'liariicli'i’. jlaws l>1 Nortli i’aii.ltna, and, tliere- COUNTY CORfir^^iSSlOHERS Mil A Few Important Matters Are Disposed Of. W. W. SINGLETON IS ELECTED POLICEHiAN Thv^ recorder’s Court is also given jnrisuietion in civil actions where Title to land is not in controversy, and where the amount doi>s not <*x- ce»*d ; and tiie r*‘<*ortler also thi" n-port of has coTiCurrent iurisdicti(':i with] mitten. ‘’Im-v niMn'ted the Idllo-.v ot tilt' i i‘»»r i''\ilji c.iiM's I ho rci'uriicr one dollar. in”' Tn \v m rivc.T a lei: ol I wovlh. (). IIALlY day There v. ill be a ^;<Mieral rallying of the forci'S of Methodism at tiu‘ Brevard iiethodir?t churcli next bvunday mcu’ning at 11 o’clock. At that hour the matter of chnrch tinunc(*s will be* disenssod and plans lor»nulated ff>r luet^ting all the obli^'atioi.s_of tl-.e chnrch for tlie year 1013. A comprehen sive report from the treasurer of all moneys received and disbnr.^ed will be presented. The rules of the ci'.nrch will b.’*, read and the annnal cullinjj of the roll'of the mcmb* r.'^hip will he at tended to. A re^'uiar chnrch con- fon*. no jh'rmanet.t or|'anizatit)n could b(* filTected until the cliavler was sec •red. Tlh' ilr'^T Inisiru ss taken up was tin? canvassing <^om- I !..1 • i;11)i-rs ; <■'! (u“ A*-!!- vV. < 'iaytu!!. R. li,. D>-;iv r. W. F. JJf; ker. W . II. Dr.ckwoi 1 ;i. It. L via si 1. *1 ■ b. ftisys, «T. '■!. i.».il pairiek. .I'os. tS;lv«u-.-i« in. A.M. Veiui ry. .f’-., and This niadt! a total charti-r nn'mbr-rs. The ir.fctu'.*' then \V. of P. Weilt. thirty-one lu'ard the r(> Dort of ;!.e furnishini: committee, who l ubontte.l jrlctnres of a nnm- ber ( t t.fsiL'iis of fuinr.ure. No action wa.-^ taken and the conimit- te»* was continued. The cw'.nmittee that had been chosou to select rooms submitted three ])ropositions tl^it hail been made them, and after some discus sion all three were dro^ipt d and it was diH ided to take the entire tliird The county connnissioners were in s('ssion for two days this week, they beinp: unable to dispose of the business in one day. Thc'ir work for the most part consisted of the usufil routine matters connected with tlio county’s bu.sine.^s. The boai d issued h good roads' procla mation, ai)]n*r.vcd and accepted the sheriff’s bond, turned the taxl-ooks over to the sheriff, and made an order f«r a change in a I'oad. The present road fromjiear Pen Gap through Tallowfaco Gap to Grimsliawe’s mill wa.‘< ordered dis continued and a new route by way of W. J. Nicholson's was ordered, a petition signed by citizens along he nevv’ route being i)resentod to the board. Th'i shcrilT's bond, amounting to J 11.70:), furnished by an indemnity com])n.iv’y, w’us a])proved by the board and accepted, the tax books being turned over to the sherifT. The following proclamation in regard to the two good roads days culled for by the governor was ]>as>( d by the board : Vvhereas, Hi;-; ExeidlFncy, L<'»el:e (’raig, governor of North (.'urolin::. h«s ]iy ])roelamali<in set f.-larf We iT|l'^dn v Hiid 'I'lir-rsil.iy. •• t- ai!<l ('■h. liil^l. as -'. >•',) I/v »A L>S V'^AWS’’ and iia> the people of Nurth (^t,r«.>ii..i' fiain from other work and upon the public roads of the <m said da;?s, and. Whereas, Ilis Excellency has re- ((uest-.Hl that his proclamation be supplemented by proclaTuntions Ironi the various county'and .'ity and town olticials, in orde r t ■ a • complish more and have mure MR. ALBERT JENKiNS BOARD OF ALDERMEN HOLD LENGTHY MEETING Mayor Was Instructed to Issue X- a Good Roads Procfa- mation. <1 <.i'. .‘rk state The most important action of the board of aldermen at the meeting Monda,y night was the election of W. W. Singleton as chief of ])olice. Other matters of a routine natnn?^ were taken up and disposed of. Every member of the board, in cluding the new member, Mr. W. L. Aiken, was jjresent. Th<> first question taken up was the matter issuing town script, as provided f(H’ by the special act of the legisla ture to raise money to snp])lenient tlio street paving fund. This fiinz- tcr was onlj^ of a routine n:’.tnre. the board passing a res(dxition an- tluu'izing the prop«u* ofTicers to sell the script, the buyers already liav- iiig agreed as to terms. The question of protectin,:^ tb.'i s*re(‘tsand siden-alks from <ia7".a;ri* r“MSoii of t]ie trees That liave hee;; left alon w {s ri;scas>ed a e.-’d.'d that all v.ii-j wished to leave the trees sh' uld make a bond to insure re- Mr. Albert Jenkins, one of tlio oldest citizens of Brevard, died at his home last Wednesday morning. Mr. Jenkins was born in England over eighty years ago, coioing to this country shortly after the Civil war. Ho was »i very quiet unob trusive citizen, having few enemies and many friends. He was a mem ber of the JCpiscopal church and for a long while was lay reader of the little chnrcli across the river, St. Paul’s in the Valley, before the congregation was large enough to haVe a regul.-ir mini.ster. He is survived by a widow-, two daughters and four sons—Frank, Arthnr'and Miss Lillian Jenkins of Brevard, Mrs. Herbert JSteele of Biltmore. Ernest^Tenkins of C^o- rado, and Burt Jenkins of Morg^l ton. ' The funeral services were con ducted at the home Thursday after noon by Rev. C. D. Cha]>7nnn, lind interment was at the cemetery near the Episcopal chapel across the river. COMPULSORY ATTENDANCE LAW t iU if 1 The compulsory school attend ance law ])assr:l 1>y tlie last gen- jeral assembly of North Carolina i ])rovides that tlie coimty boHr»l ( f ; education ntay for the <*o!upulsorv attendan<(‘ luu'iod to p:iV'-o sT:eet> , . ' , , As \va- aiinuriMcfd in July en'.:rl\ and :t v/a>, . ; the (H*;;rd iixeu tiiis l eriod to begin ])ro]H*rtv owner.* I , , . , ; , I the first Mondav in October. There- 1 fore beginning with last Monday the teachers are required to report pairs being made in case tlu-re ever I o- "irred any damage. The amount j t :Mjnd was fixed at pi*r rree I and to the county supt rijitendent j any absences That may occur in A representati\e of the Three C j ^nv child re(juire'l r:r,*IIose Co. apeared before the; uMend. These re- Doard and explained just why his j product hearty co-operation m smd work. . ‘ anvthing el.<(^ ou Now, in regular meetin;; ot tiiei board of commissioners of Trar-sjl- vania county, all members of the board being ])resent, it is ordered by the board that the'road over- seers of th(? sev(>ral townshi])s ol floor of the auditorium builiiing Transylvania caunty be, and they and ha^ e it tinished up as the needs are hereby a})point€d. as special jOf the club demanded. A pro])osi-1 ovei>eers or foremen of the good tion was made to the owners of the ! roads work in their respective v.'as so miich better than lac th€ le market, and ferenee will be held and the entire membership alvjng with all other i fov » lease of five years, i towns»i»ips on said November Tith interested people are uru'cd to De j ^vas acce])ted. The owners | and <‘th, and they are especially present. The service wiU be an i ^o up the ro(;ms, four in j n»*ged to make special arrange- open door service and a cordial i number, so all four rooms can be invitation is t!xtended to the public ; tnrncMl into one. install all neces- at large. i sary plumbing, etc. Be sure to be on hand and w*-'| it w’us at this point that.the qnes- shall try to make it a genei-al hand- j tion of naming the t)rganization shaking, good fellowship and wor- ; came up. A number of names was ‘hipful occasion. ! suggi'sted. but aiter a lengthy dis- Remember the date, October 12, cn.s.siun the name of Brevard Club and the ])iace, the Brevard Metho- v.'as select<Hl. dist church, and the time, J1 On nuition of Mr. Silverstein the o'clock, and the occasion, a general temporary chairman, secretary and rally da% service in the interest of tr«*aMirer are to api)iy to the secre- tln' church enterprises, homo and : tary of state for h charter, allow- foreign missions, churcli extension, ' jmr th». club to carry on the busi- orphans home, education, super- ,,f boosting Brevard at any annated preachers, widov.s and or-1 ,n;{\ ,iU limes. The following com- phans of deceased ]»reachers and : nv.xn o was selected to draft the ap- s* laries for pastor and i)residing^viiv^^atiun for charter: O. W. Clay- elder. I ton, T. H. Shipman and Jos. S. * Si'i\ erstein. TEACHERS’ MEETING The following temp<n'ary ofilcers were »h*cted to serve until the The next meeting of the county ^ charter is received when the per- teachers will be on Saturday, No ; manent officers will be elect.ed: vember i.<t. The following pro-' Thos. H. Shipman, chairman; Ora «ram will he used: I L. Jones, secretary, and J. A. Mil- I 10 to 10:1.">—Opening exercises, ' ler^ Jr.. treasurer. Miss Lola nderson. ments t<» obtain good results from stiid work in their respective town- shi])s ac snob time, and to have their townships divided np into districts for convenient working, and foremen a])pointed for such districts, and use every way possi ble to secure a large attendance of men who w’ill work, and of accom plishing good and permanent re suits from said work. This October 7th, 15)13. G. T. Lyday, Ch’m'n, W. L. Talley, T. B. Reid, Comniissoners Transylvania Co. I0:ir» to 10:45—Growing a Life (chapters 4 to 8), Mr. Arthur Ranes. 10:45 to ll::{0~Tlio coTirse of study. What to accomplish in each of the seven grades. Each teacher will be expected to be ])repared to answer the above question. 11 :;iO to 12:00—Drawing, Miss Nannie Jordan. 12 :(>0 to 12 ;80—Betterment asso ciation. 12to 1 ;0()—Noon recess. Each teacher is requested to bring a lunch. 1:00 to 1:30—^The duty <}f the teacher and the physician to health, Dr. Goode Cheatham. 1:30 to 2:80—A Model Lesson in Ltvnguage, Miss Doris Edwards. 2:00 to S :3C—Phonics and Bead ing, Miss Hattie Aiken. J:30 to 3:00—Rate Songs, Miss Mary Blair. Tin* question of cost came up again tor discussion, and as it was . believed by thoso present that fifty iiienibei-s can be secured the cost ]ter «'apita would l>e very much less than V AS at first belived possible. On motiim of Mr. Whitmire, sec onded '\T Mr. Clayton, the initia- tio.i fee was fixed at ten dollars with dues of one dollar per month. On motion of Mr. Yongue, sec onded by Mr. Miller, it was decided to collect one-half the initiation foe when application for charter is signed, and the balance to be paid when the charter is received. As the rooms will have to be re arranged somewhat th^ following names were added to the rooms committee: M. E. Weston, T. W. Whitmire, Jos. S. Silverstein and S. M. Macfie. The original com mitted was composed of C. C. Yongnq, O. L. Erwin and Frank D. Clewjpnt. There being no further business that could be disposed of the meet ing adjourned sine die. The beard of aldermen of the town of Brevard unite with the above action, and heartily concur in the same, and appoint the street committee of the town of Brevard to supervise the good roads work in Brevard on November 5th and 6th next, uni all good citizens are urged to assist in this w^ork. Tins October 7th, 1813. W. M Henry, Mayor. C. C. Kilpatrick, Clerk. Mr. Paul Smathers has purchased the Royal Cafe, taking charge Wednesday morning. It is the ob ject of the new owner to make sev eral improvements in the place and conduct a first class lunch room. Chronic Dyspepsia. The following unsolicited testi monial should certainly be suffi cient to give hope and courage to persons afflicted with chronic dys pepsia : “I have been a chronic dys- I>eptic for years, and of all the medi cine I have taken, Chamberlain’s Tablets have done me more good than anything else,” says W. G. Mattison, No. 7 Sherman street, Hornellsville, N. Y. For sale by statt'd to the bc'ard that taere should be sufficient hose in tht- fire house to take all wet hose fronV the wagon when returning from a lire and replace it with dry hc.'-ei in order to allow the wet* time to dry. No action was taken. Mr. F. E. B. Jenkins appeared be fore the board and asked that a sewer line be built from Broad street np to his property. After considerable discussion tnis matter was referred to the sewer commit tee. It was ordered by the board that a four-inch water main be laid on Main street from the “Franklin Ho tel as far as the paving was to ex tend. This work is to be done im mediately. The bond of C. C. Kilpatrick as tax collector was approved by the board and the tax books w^ere turned over to him. The amount of the bond was $2,000 and was given by an indemnity company. The matter of the election of a ])oliceman was then taken up, it being after twelve o’clock at that time. The various applicants were named and the merits of the men discussed. The following applica tions were before the board: Lee Ledbetter, D. R. Holliday, T. B. Snmmey and W. W. Singleton. The voting done by secret ballot, the first ballot resulting as follows: Holliday 1, Summey 2, Singleton 2. The second ballot was prepared im mediately and resulted as follows: Snmmey 2, Singleton 3. Mr. Sin gleton was dechired elected. The good roads proclamation by Governor Craig was discussed by the board, and the mayor was au thorized to issue a proclamation calling on all citizens of the town to work on the rOads on the two days specified. The mayor’s procla mation will be found in this issue, in connection with the county commissioners’ proclamation. The usual amount of bills came up for approval, but the board ex hibited some curiosity as to sev eral items and asked for further light on a few matters. Shortly befora one o’clock Tues day morning the board adjourned, haying finished all business before teen weeks conserutively. The law provides tliat if any teacher fails to comply with the provisions of the act. five dollars shall be dediTCted from the monthly salary of the teacher before the voucher can be approved bv the county superintendent. It isf to be hoped that all teach ers, attendance officers and school patrons will carefully study the at tendance law, and that no viola tions of it will oci^’ur’. LY6EUM COURSE s. M. Macfie. adv it. Now that the summer season is over and Brevard has some time to think of herself instead of devoting all her time to the entertiiinmcnt of her guests, the lyceum commit tee is again calling attention to the opportunity for securing the gen eral culture and touch with the w’orld of etluoation which all towns are now getting by means of lyceum courses or chautauquas. Brevard is hardly able yet to man age a Chautauqua, but it is abun dantly able to i)atronize liberally a good lyceum course, and is ever ready to support those who are willing to take the lead in such an enterprise. The course this year is one of especial merit, containing an excel lent male quartette,^jcompany of specialty artists, a talented musi cian, and two entertainments pro vided by the best of our local tal ent. If any profit is made on the course it "will not be retained for any succeeding course, but will bo divided between the local organiza tions which assist.. Brevard is amply able to pay for its educationj,il entertainment, and each year’s course should stand by itself on its own merits and value to the community. At the same time, nearly every one in the town wishes to help in some way those organizations which are striving to advance the .-culture of the commu nity, and this provides a simple piethod of aiding in both ways by the exi>enditure of a i,mall sum of money which brings' to the inves tor himself a large personal return tor his4nvestment. Canvassers representing the local organizations will soon visit every home as nearly as possible, and they will undoubtedly meet a ooy- dial and responsive reception, for the work they are doing is of in terest to every citizen.

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