ONLY NEWSPAPER IN TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY A HOME P*APER FOR HOMK PEOCT^E—ALL HOME PRINT VOLUME-XVIir BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER U. 1913. NUMBER-40 SUMMEIi GAiP Will BE lOSATEO ffill announcement made by CAPT. RAINES Transylvania Succecds in L iiJ- in" a Prize in Competition With Entire Scction. washed t1i(* windows of ti'; iive srliools. Very few liuvc so far sent in any eontributions <.f this I^irid. '.’t l tliorr must h(' T)i:my tlii:i.:s i;a jipeni:;,!' of iritvrrst to tht> ei:; lion as well j;s to the pnl)- lie. 'I'liv r(*furt> :n vour iti".ns. 1' 1h- ir»^ to S;'n.I tl’i'.Mn not oh wook. laf<‘r thun '.londay of All et)py must bv-i forwarded to ilie ofHee liy T\it'.-day afterTioon i!i orvler tt) b-.' sure of a ])lac‘e in tiir ei le.rai\s of lhat w»*(‘k's issvu>. We <‘.\nt‘ef next wi'ek toii-jvoa ri*:K>rt ( f tl'.t sM’nuM’ a;ul (U'- Evcry citizen of Brevard and Transylvania county Vvill He glad to know that Capt. H« E. Raines cr Charleston, S. C., and his associates have dccided to locate their summer camp i.atc j-.i soi^-a, wi.i. ii will takepi.u-t school near Erevard^ this an- iiext s^it-iniay r.uriii. 1 . . .M r. T. H. (Jallowa V lias liec'n maac tust , , . . ..., . ' I ('it'cif (I to 'ill iiiu vaeanev JUMle in pr;ss. They havc-he b-.;.:-,l of fd”,e.ili ,;i by the dr^atli two places undir ccniidcrationj of >ir. '.V. \V. Z ;eliary. >.s elunr- both about two miles fromh'''"*' ! La ve a !EAOY TO 00 TO WORK PERMANENT OFFICERS ARE CHOSEN Constitution and By-Laws Were Read and Adopted—Other Matters. nouncemcnt being town, and within ten dcys Capt. Raines, acconidanied by his associates—Profs. John W. Moore, A. L. Hodges and L, S« L<^Toilier—will comc to Brevard to definitely decide which place they w’ill accept. RECGRDER’S GCURT >f tii*‘ bonr.l ^ir. (lal’oway will ;;ovk1 lirl.l for his talents, Thti Brevard C/lnb, Tn{;orpor:iti'tl, is now u ])ori5ianent orjjanization, havin;^ sonu^ live ofaeors, u charf:‘r, and M s])irit that cannot l>e do- feated in its |);ii”iose to improve industrial (U)ndilions in this town and eonniy. Tlui or^anii::ition started ufV with a total of fifty nu'fuhers on the charter roll, iinu evi^yy !nenib(>r is alivo to tiio im- l>ori!*.nee of the eo-oju'rativo ^>■ork phinned by the clu’). At a nuH'ting of tlu' rlub, lield in t'lu' fourt lious!.* Tue.sday nird i>y i*^nny , recorded in thf cler Hi.. , >:> as a< tpoint- ment of Michael Shenok of Hen dersonville us soliititor for the Ei.i'htcenth .Txidicial district to snc- co(' Mr. Hcheck is a son of Hon. D. Scher.ek of Hendersonville, who for a number of years was division counsel for the Southern railway at CJreensboro. Several years a^o he married the dauj^hter of Dr. C. P ttiivcn by Mr. E. T. HenTdnj^. the atiend;incti oTieers till Ar<* tii(‘ teacher:, eomplyin^: if Tli- a 11( Tidarci' li.-'. v«' not hf!ii‘‘! of '.“Tit. This i'itiifi- v;iil : Ar« btvsy ■; wi'l; thf 'crTn-; lawV As ; <*t W( a sinL'l'' i!i;Uet i ar.d permanent »)Hle(*rs were el(?cted Hendersonville. H'; is a for ti)e onsnini.' year. "I'lie nu'i’tin'? was presid(‘d ovt.r !-y.l. A. MilK'r, .Ir. The ehaiter vliii-’i in'cn prc']>ar('d by 'Jt’. O. \\”. (.'iaytoM, and i.ssiK'd ))v ihi* *.•- M'.arv of state, was i-oad by Mr. >n and adopted by the Tiiem- An inti, resting li(;u '!]) before tlu> rcvorder at Monday's se.ssion and, in keepinic v»'ith a former case ^i7Mili!r to this, the recorder h«'ld the defendant guilty on ]>ritna i'aeif cviih'nce. In tlui eas:^ of J'tate vs. I^ascom Ret'ie thi«' only i vidt‘nee brctnirht out by the state was th.e faet that he bad reet'iw'd men* liquor fl’.an the law allows. This faet was estutdishcd by the railroad airent at Pis”ah Forest who had his ex])ress record book in court. Tlu^ d»"fendant was four.d guilty an;! st!‘ne«,‘(l to six U'onths on the roads. Xoti(*e of n]>]>eal was waivt'd and api)cal bond was fixed at twi^ hur.dri'd iloUars.^ Another interesting case, the lirst of th«' kind ever brought in this conntT, was a cliarge against the Toxaway Tanning Co., the Kos- man Tanning Extract Co., and the Gloucester Lunib«‘r Co,, charged : with keeping their ]>remises in an ■ November 2and .>0, unsanitarv condition. The defen-^ 101.5. nu'anstlia^ the ]'Mre.i!s art* f th. ir diit V. or that sonii-bod v ij; n..t, j V... )!,, VO lu’ui-t' .svuii int™tion of iKln- sunt duirtor l„»l ]>ai'el>*s to tea('hers: A!)SCTlt o7» ae- eount of ^rntherinir cor!., di'^irin^ potatoi's, I'.auling wood, etc. If such. e.-:er,s('s as llies(' nrc' taki'n as v;tlid t]i “ c.>tii]n;l.'e/ry atti'ndance law niigb! as v,\'ll he knocked in the h»‘.id. It is irnpossibh' to find a:.iy p.;\!vin th<' law (‘-ciisiiig snch '.‘asi's of a^'scnco. Fj«ijn Mine Mcrantain school, taught ])v Miss Alta Youi.g('r, we are in reeei;)t <revious- ly Hi)poi]\ted were read by K. L. (4ash and adopted section by sec tion. A few minor changes were made and tlu'n adopted as a whole. The by-laws committee wen* given a vote of th*nks for their work. The (‘lection of otlicers for the ('nsuing year was th('n taken up, ri‘sii\ting as following: President, Jos. S. Silverstein ; Vice-President, Thos. H. Shipman ; Seeretttry. C. M. Doyle; Treasurer, J. A. Miller, Jr. A board of governors con.sist- ing of the four otiicers and fivct members, three elected for two yefirs and tw^o for one year, was se lected. The two year men were J. W. McMinn, Ht^nry N. Carrier and Dr. (^oode (’heutham ; the one year these companies it.sho'ald be said X. C. that they had tried to meet with ' II. (>ieries to be discussed ; the reqnirt'mBnts, but had found; I. The location of ]>astoral lields that some of their tenants had not'—dit'ieulties, bpnciits, necessity o'Deyed their instructions. j and ])Os ;il>il’.ti--s. by Ri‘v. C. Othvjr < .‘isos disposed of vrere as Duckworth and Rev. J. N. Lee. follows: I '2. contributing one tenth of State vs. Chns. McFall. b: titing our incomes obligatory upon . The place that state and home tlon, :ind had at le«U«i?iy 1 mj'>io7i.s oceuj-y in relation to to bett(‘r cojiditioiis of houses <.r.d I w.irld wide redemption, J. M. Ham- gronnds. Reports from the sclio ds, lin hj;iI llev. E. Alliison. 1). ('lenient. The president ajjpointed the fol lowing standing committees; House Committee—Dr. Goodo Cheatham, O. W. Clayton and R. L. (iash. Billiards and Pool Committee— C. C. Yongne, Charles Jollay and J. M. Allison. Poi'iodicals and Publicity—W. S. Ashworth, R. E. Woodbridge and R. S. Morgan. The meeting then adjourned sub ject to the call of the president. There will be a revival meeting at the Brevanl ilethodist eiiurch, beginning next Friday, Xoveniber bc^r 1 {. The Methodist church ex- t«'T\ds a cordial invitation to the p.astors and members of ail other churches in the town of Brevard to .•ittend these services and to assist in evangelistic work in the interest of the kingdom of (’hrist. An urgent invitation is accorded the unsaved and the unchurched. We earnestly request the i>rayers of all Christian workers in behalf of this meeting. May the Great Head of the church i)onr out His Spirit in bap tismal power u])on the ])eoj)le of Brevard. Lov D. Thompson, Pastor Breyard Methodist Church. SINGING CONVENTION however, bhVii been very meager. Brevard observed Thursday, and the day it was devoted, to outsi»le cleaning up. a picnic dinner, and a general good time. At P«*nrose, anoth'‘r point heard from, the attendanc«i was al;.>ut as good as on regular school days, and a considerable amount of valu- a*ble work was done. On the grounds there was a n*"inient of boys with picks, m:ittocks, and shovels, and stej)s were taken to check the waste going on at a rapid rate on the hillside. Inside the house the jrirls. with the lady afci.istHr>.ts, scoured tlie f!oor« un-’’ HI. Sunday Services: 1(1 a.m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Missionary sernion, by Rev. A. J. Manley. Little lliver church is only a mile or tw.i from Penrose. It is one of onr strongest churches and will pive iis a royal welcome. All the churches are requsted to send mes sengers ; all whose names are on the pro va'n. ]>’ease prepare and be present an-1 we will have a great meeting /, Brethren Gray and Sentell, pastors in the association, but live in Henderson county, are invited to come and speak on any -»*■ tin* '^uf'ries. QUEBEC NEWS We have had snow lately. Born recently to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thomas, a boy. Early Christmas this year. Or anges are arriving daily from Florida. W. B. Henderson had a corn shu'jking Saturday night. The we:ither was so bad very few at tended. Mr. Montgomery Peek and his sister, Mrs. Annie Jones, fi-om Jackson county, visited their uncle and annt, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hen- der.son, last week. 2,^rs. Jones will spend the winter with them. The Good Roads days proved very snccessful and the i)eoi)le are making a new amendment near L. E. Reece’s. The school was sus pended and the teachers took the students and helped the many citi zens work both days. The last day was the jolliest of all. Uncle Pink ney Smith treating all to good ap ples. Lit;ti.k Quet^i>:oian. The eighth session of the Tran sylvania Interdenominational Sing ing C(mvention will be held with the Glady Branch choir, at Glady Branch church, Saturday and Sun day, November and lUU?, beginning Saturday at in o'clock, and rendering the following pro gramme ; 10 to lo :;’C—Convention called to order, roll call, and reception of new choirs. to 11—Song service by J. Vt’. Burns and devotional exercises by Judson Corn. 11 to 12—Singing by the conven tion, in convention book. 12 o’clock—Adjournment for dinner. ] :00 to 1:30—Appointment of committee on time and place, and any other business that may come before the convention. 1:30 to 3 :00—Singing alternately by the different choirs. .‘5:00—Adjournment until Sunday morning. 10:00 to 10:30—Singing by the convention in conventional took. 10:o0to 11:00—Address, “What Use Is Music to MenV” J. M. Ham lin. 11 to 12—Singing alternately by the different choirs. 12 :00 to 1 ;00—Adjournment for dinner. The Southern do])ot e!in;^^bt f’ro early Wednesday 7nornir.g and was burned to tlie grori’i'l. Tlie i'lr« was discovered about tbri><‘ o’clock when the fire alarm was f:ir.’:od :ti. The cotton mill wbistl;' w::s also blown. The fiie dej'iirt’nont :i (juiek run to tlu* bnt '.viicn the water was turned r.;i it was tj late to save tlui briilding. The origin of the fin^ is a inys tery, but the {)robable ean.-e was rats, there heiT'*g a largr> number in the station, it is lielieveci tlh; I’ats gnawed their way iiito a sliipiiient of inatclu's. Vvlien the fire was first discovered it smrmtd to ne confined to the corner the dep-jf next to R. P. Kilpatrick Co ’•! store, but it (niickly s’;ri‘:ul to ail parts of th<‘ buililing. Xotliing lif vaiin* was saved ! i- >:n the lii’e exempt tlie c.asU on hiind and sotn(‘ of the r(‘Cords that wf‘re in th(‘ suf(‘. These woie found to be all riglit wlien the .safe was opened. All thc! freight and ex press records were destroy(‘d, us were also tlie tickets and blank forms on luind. A very small quantity of ex])ress was in the st:;- tion at the tiivie of th(‘ lire, but the freight late Tuesday afternoon al most comj;letely filled the ware- v.'itl: fre:;;ht, all of wlilch was destoyed. Several large bales of cotton, consigned to tiie Brevard Cotton .Mills, were in the warehouse, but these were only partially burned. Mr. S. (\ Yates, the agent, had just recentU’ purchased a new Un derwood typewriter which was so badly warj^ed aft»‘r the fire it was hard to tell what it had been. Mr. Yates, in trying to enter the oftices, was slightly injured by over exttrting himself. He made sev eral attemjjts to enter his ofTiee t > save his records but was driven back by the fire ( very time. The company’s rc'huilding plans are as yet unknown. A number of officials arrived on the morning train Wednesday to check up what records remain and start the agent off again. Temporary oiiices will be established in a freight car on the siding. Work of rebuilding wnll possibly begin just as soon as the insui-ance is adjusted. In the meantime citizens of Brevard all hope the company will do the hand some thing by the town and givo US a station in keeping with our increased business and x)rosperity. ACTS ON THE LIVER Dodso Vs Liver Tone Livens Up the Liver—Is More Than a Mere Laxative. Calomel was for years t lui only known medicine that wijidd slifnu- late the liver. But calomel is oiten dangeroujs, and people are nof to be blamed for being afraid of it Within the last few yeaic^ many medicines have been put out to V>e used instead of caMmel, but theix* effect is on the bowels—not on the liver. S. IM. Macfie s drug store says that the only real liver medi cine to actually take the jdace of calomel is Dodson’s Liver Tone, a mild, harmless, vegetable liquid j that S. M. Macfie recommended to 1:00 to 11'iJ—Singing by conven-1 take the place of ealomel and which tion, rei>ort of committee on time l gives prom])t relief in ca>t!?s of con- and place. 1 ::J0 to 3:00—Singing alternately by the different choirs. 3:00—Adjournment of the con vention. Benediction by James M. Wilson E. C. Neill., W. B. Henderson, B. P. ScTu;'^(:s, stipation, biliousness and sluggis'i liver. So confident is S. M. Macfie that he gives his personal guarantee with every r)0-cent bottle of Dod- .son’s Liver Tone. Y’^ou can be sure that you are getting Dodson’s by asking at this store if they are giv ing you the medicine they })erson ally guarantee to refund money on if nnsatisfactorv. a l\ I