I i DUNN’S ROCK LODGE NO. 267 A. F. & A. M. Meets Friday on or before each full moon. Visitors welcome. ba(^am:camp no. mb, w.o. w. IV^ets every second and fourth Wednesday Visits welcome. Professional Cards. Don't bo disfiiurcd with ♦‘iniplrs, niotdies, I I'.ockk’s. Black lle;uls or be rLtHu't4'ii witU th:)So UCICKn I ’Q amioyins aiiii'Piits—Krzeni:i, /JrUTUCWT Uln I muni and 3lt tlie rest. \Vc can c'l re you. fiir sir.ip! ).nx I'f Oinlnu-iit and I <ok' llcaltli an ! Bi auty.'■ ';. i;iilar size jOi-a l» x. At DriiKriibls. JOHNSTON. HOLLOWAY & CO. \1730 Sp-rinR Cardan St. Philadalphia ] STAND tUIS ON FREIGHT REVENUE CON- TENDS TRAFFIC MANAGER GREEN. AN INCREASE IS DOUBTFUL R. L. GASH. LAWYER 11 12 and 13 McMinn Building Notary Public. ZACHARY CLAYTON Attorneys-at»-Law liREVARD, N. C. Finds Cure for Epilepsy ' After Years of Sufrcriiig | •'My was alllicti d v.ii!i i riiih-ptic litK I'l);- tliro<‘ Vv :s. liiir at;ai';:.s ! I (>v : y frw wrcl;::. '\\'c < nr.Ii V“d sevcri-.l tlootoi'b but l'>.< y Cl\\ lu r no About a I a CTO we 1; o.arti uf Dr. . 7v ). • _ v\V, X.Tvine. , _ V' i -t- f'-r-iiniy ,;V-“ * lias a. ' .. ’ bl.-' -1".,; 1' 0’.;.’ ‘ > no.v :.nlly i/if >=c- ‘i I • i ' .-X ■ ( ; ' / .1- . . :i i‘J I ' .; \ < / iivrr a y. :.r r:ncc ’ V ' sin- li:;'-: ha<-i .a ' '' i:i. Wr:'.ntlOt si.'-ak too of 1 >r. Milrs’ X^rvi-'o." A!i:s. Fi:ANK A.Ni i:;;sox. »'u;;iiriy, Mi'.in. ThoiV'r.’iJs of cliiiurcii in I’.ie I’niicd St.'iics who arc ?;!ucriiig i i:n\n nll;ick.s of .ire a I.ur.'cn ! yorr'iw 1 > ilioir who v.;'-'! ! : ivr' ;::r. to re.lore ■ hc:iir.’. \'..v s;'.lT(.-rcrs. , Dr. Miles’ Mervine j o:h' <■! till- rc:ncii:v-- Innwn ; I'.'T l! a. ii it 1;:; - < ruvcn t -.I, 'ii i':< "i- '.s o, r .<c3 ,ii v.l’o " f*(l it have •■■c fauii in il. it n- t l>"t a runieciy - I'I'.s i;;- ' t' -. iiccJ rot hc.-'.tau; to ^;ivc it a ‘n.-ii. Sold by .i!! Drugqistc. If viie first bottle fjiis to bcnaiit your :voney is reti'rno::. 9 MI'i-EG MLDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ir.d. Is Your Skin Clear as a Baby's? Probable Gain in Freight Business Not Definate Enough Data Upon Which to Run Road.—Lengthy Hearing Begun. Raleish.—Freight Traffic Manager L. Green of the Southern Railway was on the stand nearly thi'ee hours in the intrastate freight rate hearing and scarcely more than ^ot started in the presentation of his evidence, it is said. He following lines of evi dence desi;;ned to show that the Southern’s present freight rate reve nue cannot stand the big cuts pre scribed in the Justice act through applications of the Minnesota rates, and is developing an exhaustive pre sentation of Carolina freight condi tions compared with Minne.sota and other territories. Led by (Jeneral Counsel Thom, he asserted that in great freight sections of the more thickly populated sec tions of the country where rates are now some lower than irt North Caro lina, definite movements for increases in rates are pending before the Inter state Commerce Commission with urgent approval by great Commercial and shipping organizations. It required a couple of hours earl ier in the day .to complete the testi mony of Vice President ;uid Auditor Plant of the Southern Railway. Mr. Piant'.s evidence was in the line of shov.ing method.s of keeping the ac counts of llif Southern as to the valu ation:-’ of their property. He testified that there are inune- diaiely ahead of the SoHthern non profit yielding exp(^nditures in tlii:; i'.tate aggrf'gating $:^.412.000 and on V I'.c'e ;;yste'n of 10,000. 'riiefc ir.f’roar-v.il : tntion f-’cMit nev.- d(‘pcts. I’iiore liave b('en expeiiditr.ro tlie past 13 years of ^S").- 484.000, and of this $6”.500.000 ha^’ been expended within the past three years. The company has sold its bonds since reorganization at a net loss ol $12,r»00.000, and the bonds are now under the present freight and pa.-^- senger rate revenxie conditions com manding only 72 to TH on the bond market. To reduce the net revenue from $441,000 to $30,000 for tliis state, as the application of the proposed re duced rates would do, would have tlie ('ffecl of still further depressing the iinancial ability of the company to mainiaiii an eflicient service, he said. Tlie final witness by the Southern Railway in the 'ntrastate freight rate hearing before the Rate Commission was Assostant ('hief Engine«>r T. P. Gatlin, whose special work is main tenanec of way. His testimony was a mass of figures showing the condition of the North Carolina I'nes of t]ie Southern and what is n<'co.^sary tc bring them up to standard condition. He represented to the comini.^sion that it will retiuire $20.000.0(>0 to put all the line in standard condition. The Reason. William J. Burns, at a banquet in New York, told a number of detective I stories. “And then ^here was Lecoq,” said 1 Mr. Burns. “Lecoq, late one night,! was pursuing his homeward way ■ when, from a dark, mysterious-Iooking house set in a weed-grown^garden, he heard loud shouts and, roars of— •‘Murder! Oh, heavens! Help! You’re killing me! Murder!” “It was the work of an instant for Lecoq to vault the crumbling fence, tear through the weedy garden and thunder at the door of the mysterious house. “A young woman appeared. ■“What's wanted?’ she asked po litely. " T heard dreadful cries and yells,’ panted Lecoq. ‘Tell me what is wrong.’ “The young girl blushed and an swered with an embarrassed air: “ ‘Well, sir, if you must know, ma’a putting a patch on pa’s trousers and he's got ’em on,’ ” “Pyrros." Jane Addams, while walking in South Halsted street the other day, was approached by an excited woman, evidently a Greek. The woman, un able to talk English, was gesticulating fl'antically and pointing to a house in Ewing street. “Pyrros!” she exclaimed. “Pyrros!” “Yes?” said Mi«s Addams gently. “Pyrros!” repeated the woman, tug ging at the other's sleeve. Finally a great light broke upon Miss Addams. “Pyrros” is the Greek woM meaning “firo,” and the woman was simply trying to tell hei' that her house was on lire. An alarm was sent in. The blaze proved to be only a small ohe and the tire department experienced no difii- culty in putting the “pyrros” out.— Chicago Inter Ocean. Chronic Constipation Cured. “Five years a^o I had the worst of chronic constiptition I i>vt'r knew of, I'.iid ('I'.anilxM'liiin-'s T'ab- l(‘ts me.'' writes S. l'\ '"i'-h, r..r sale i.y S M .Ma:‘iu‘. -Miv $5.09 REWARD I will ]Kiy r(‘ward for in- foniKiti(jn that Vvill lead to tlic ar- r st and convi(;tion of the ]);irty or parti('s who hav(‘ heen thiiio;sat th(^ iJonrdiiiini Plain*. l-lt)-!t .1, S. SllAT-llSTHIX. southern railway company Trar.sylvania Division. Kffectivc Scpteinhcr 30, 1912. N. K —ScIumIiiIl's li'.Miri*- Kivoii »s iiiformation only, ami not Ku;i!iuitot«l. Ni). () No. H Kastern Time No. 5 No. 7 .^0 () 1(1 .^5 00 09 1() E. F, MOFFITT Contractor ahii Builder Estimates furnished on all work promptly. O.TRANTBAM Contracting Painting, Decorating Paperhanging A Progressive Dairyman. Newton.—R. L. Shuford, Catawba’s largest dairyman, is engaged in plac ing an over.sh.ot wheel at his dairy and butter house, which will drive his separator and churn. Early in last year Mr. Shuford installed a Juilkinp machine which has proven to be a wonderful success. He has also in stalled an electric system which pumps water for barn and dwelling furnishes power for sawing wood and running the milking machine and fur nishes lights for home and barn. ') (KS 10 O.S 10 ^2 10 .^7 10 1') 10 1(. « 01 8 07 8 11 8 22 8 40 .S.? 0 ‘ 09 12 P» .^2 40 4.^ 47 12 (*0 12 20 Asheville .Hcndtrsonville. Yale llor.o Shoe C. nnon. . Et- wah. . , . _.Hlan yre Ponr. se .David.son Rivir I’isgah F< re ;t BRKVAl.l) Selica .... Chcrryfield Calvert.. _ Rosman Quebec.. Lake To:cawav 11 .^0 10 25 10 10 10 (6 10 02 9 56 49 42 33 30 24 08 01 8 58 8 54 8 43 8 25 (> 15 5 05 4 45 4 40 4 37 4 31 4 21 4 17 4 08 4 05 4 00 3 43 3 3<> 3 33 3 29 3 18 3 00 N'os. 5. 6. 7 and 8-;-'I'liroii^'h trains betwoen .-Vsheville and I.ake 'IVixiiway. \V«'st Hcnilcrsonvillc and Davis an* tlai; stops for Nos. 5. f). 7 and Cialloways and Koids are llaff stops for Nos. ■; and 6. .1. H. l)iv. I'ass. AKcnt. ,S. C. Y.\TKS, Ticket .\Kent. REMOV/iL SALE BIG REDUCTION IN GLASSWARE AND CROCKERY * I. I' ...I II , ■■ Kern’s 5c and 10c Store Don’t Forget Magasina Subscriptions Brevard Insurance Aiency T. H. GALLOWAY, Manager Does a General Insurance Business Room No. Q, McMinn Building BREVARD, N. C. J. s. BROMFIELD Ice and Coal Phone 176 Brevard, N. C. nn SS your plumbing has real worth. Just think, if your home were re modeled with ^'c$1:andard'' plumbing fixtures, how much niccr it would be, more com fortable, more con venient and in value i ncreased above the cost of the remodeling. M ay we sliow you illustrations in color of bathrooms ? no no cn '1 ' ■7': "<$laticiard" “Brockley” Bath W. E- Bishop 6c Co. Q£] □ □ OS □a □□ f^DDCgPD ■□□aao li c a DO m DQ no Awarded Damages, $200.05. Durham.—Just before court ad- jounied the jury in the Rhovles ease returned a verdict giving G. A. Rhodes $200.05 damages account of the city emptying sewerage into Blackwells branch, which flows by his farm. The five cents was awarded as nominal figure for temporary damages. The verdict is considered a victory for .tl’.e city. The jury was out about four hours, making the trial of the case take up three whole days. PHILIPP’S BAKERY Pound Cake, Fruit Cake, Silver Cake hEd everything usually kept in First-class Bakery. Gash Paid for Eggs. Orange Teachers Meet. Hillsboro. — The Orange county teachers w'ere in session here. The at tendance is good and the interest manifested by the teachers in the work is very encouraging. The meet ings are being conducted by Dr. Ed gar W. Knight, Professor of education at Trinity College. Outside of his regular college work. Dr. Knight meets the teachers of both Durham and Orange counties once a month. These meetings have sup planted the old summer institutes and the change seems to be a better one. H R S! Organize Community Club. Hendersonville. — The Community Club, a, social and intellectual organ ization composed of some of the most prominent men of Hendersonville, has been organibed with Rev. R. E. Wil cox as president and John \V. Grimes as secretary .nnd treasurer. The nee4s of such a club here were given at the organiation meeting the fact being emphasized that f’ere are no pluces for social intercourse except r.i the lodges, on the streets and in the drug stores, and wrr. diffi- cuK, for stranj^cro to &c-t ' 'od.. Turn the W Upside Down- well, that ain’t it. ' 9 Get Ready, Something on Tap Saturday, January 31 is the Day; the Place-Not Yet But Soon. Keep a Watcb^For w. iWMttfsjEiS

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