Sylvan Valley News SalMcription Price of the News For \hree moniha 30c if'ur si:c muntht) 60c For ouo year $1.00 ORA"l. JONES. Publisher FORMS CLOSE—Thursday N«on FRIDAY MORNING, JAN. 23,1914 All changres for advertisements must be in this office before Wednesday noon in order to ap pear. Positively no changes will be accepted later than this time. Nover in th« history of Brevaril has there boon so innch hnildini; j^oing on us at present, and never before have so many bnildinjis been in pros|x*et. The Nows tried to get a complete list and descrip tion of «11 the hnilduij^s now in course of construotion for this issne, hut the task was too great to complete in the time at onr dis- ])osal. Wo will try. topjet this in formation in next week's ])aper. Betterment Association ADDRESS BY MISS HAMILTON “If there over was a town that nt'edod a church goinj; campai{?n, it is Hrpvard,” Such is the senti ment expressed by one of the local ministtrs in rofjard to the editorial in last week's issue of the News on the question of starting an “Every body at Cluirch” cami)ai‘?n in Bre vard. Two of the four ministers in Brevard have endorsed our views on the subject, and doubt less the other two will also. It only remains for someone to g(;t behind the movement and make it go. In our o])inion it is “up to” the lay men, and not the preachers, to start the movement. OUR HOME TOWN When the evenin’ shaie is failin’ at tlie endin’ o’ the day. An’ a feller rests from labor, smokin’ at his pipe o’ clay. There’s nothin’ does him so much good, be fortune up or down, As the little county paper from his Old Home Town. It ain’t a thing of beauty and it’s print ain’t always clean, But it straightens out his terfiper when a feller’s feelin’ mean. It takes the wrinkles off his fact an brushes off the frown, That little county paper from his Old Home Town. It tells of all the parties an’ the bails of Pumpkin Row, ’Bout who spent Sunday with who’s girl, an’ how' the crops’ll grow. An’ how^ it keeps a feller posted ’bout who’s up an’ who is down. That little county paper from his Old H( m2 Town. Now, I like to read the dailies an’ tTie story papers, too, ^ An’ at times the yaller novels an’ some other trash—don’t you? But when I want some readin’ that ’11 brush away a frown, I want that little paper from my Old Home Town. —Denver Post. GETS FARM LIFE SCHOOL Keen Rivalry Develops Among Meck lenburg Towns Desiring the Institution. Best Cough Medicine for Children. “I am very glad to sav a few words in praise of Chamberlain's (Jciigh Remedy,” writes Mrs. Lida Dewev, Milwaukee, Wis. “I have used it for years both for my chil dren and myself and it never fails to relieve and cure a cough or cold. No family wi^h children should be without it as it gives almost imme diate relief in cases of croup.” Dhamberlain’s Cough Remedy is pleasant and safe to take, which is of great importance when a medi cine must be given to young chil dreli. For sale by S. M. Macfie. adv HORSESHOE NOTES The Baptist Young People’s Union at Horseshoe is progressing nicely. Rev. James Liner filled his ap pointment at Horseshoe last Sun day. Miss Geneva Orr, w’ho has beer speading some time at her horn* has gone to Pisgah Forest. Mr. James Morris of Pisgah For est spent Sunday night with his uiicle, Mr. Weldon English. Mr. Harvey English visited friends and relatives on Davidson River last Sunday. •Vir. Siirtev Sol)||ig8worth of Turkov Creek was a visitor at Boyles ton Sunday. • Gypsy. At a called meeting ^t the high school last Thursday afternoon Mrs. Goode Cheatham reported $13.25 received as proceeds of Christmas entertainment bv tho school children for the purchase of song books A committee was ap pointed to select a suitable book, same to embody b^th sacred and secular music. Tho now sliding doors recently installed in the school anditorinm w’ort! accepted and the bill ordered paid. At the oonelusicn of tho bnsinost- meeting Miss Moddio C). Hamilton of ChautaiKina, N. Y., was intro duced by Mrs. ('h:ii)nian and ii vitod tt) address tho association. Miss Hamilton said in part: How much she apprt>ciatod the privilege of sj)eakiTi tho lead ers of your town for civic better ment and social im])rovement. Let mo tell you of a little town in the Blue Ridge district of Pennsyl vania. It is c illed l!ash-town, bus oply thirty-five families with a l)opulation of 1.50. They orgunizt d a civic league; beaulifled and equipped tho school and play ground. One lady gave a room in her house for a library. A kitchen was secured for lessons in domestic economy. They took advantage oi the state loan to help them finance these improvements. They o»*gan- ized “clean-n]) day edncalod the Doople not to disligure their prom ises and town with unsightly ])iles of tin cans and other trash. They planted shade tro( s ; built a wooden sidewalk to a nearby village to on able the children t ) como to school. They petitioned the sahion nut f«) allow obscenity or profanity. In short they organized for ev(;ry kind of civic betterment work. They thus developed tho social con science and tho municipal con science. Thus we see the i)hiloso- ])hy of environment which is the source of thought life. “For thjg development wo need tho home with good music, art, etc. So with the school, our children should have statuary, art, music— good music, not “rag time.” Our young peojile today are being fed on “rag time” in the schools and in the cities. We have “rag time'’ surroundings—Queon-Anne fronts and Mary-Anne back yards. “Why do w’e admire the beauti ful? Simply because it is beauti ful. Surrounded by the beautiful we are in tho best environment to encourage us to do our t) to aspire to higher things. “Joy comes, grief comes. Everything is upward shining.” “This is tho natural way of liv ing. Why not eliminate by en vironment and thus determine your eternal destiny. We could solve all problems if we could get at the thought life. Never economize with the schools. Get above tho printed i)age. “Let me here give a w’ord of warning. As you know I am con stantly travellisg and so I am en abled to get a bird's-eye view of things. A wise city looks to its future. Secure land for your parka and play grounds now before the prices soar above your reach. Pre pare to grow. I have heard about Brevard—people are talking about the beautiful scenery you have here, your delightful climate and pure water. There is a great future in store for your town. Begin your civic improvements in time Lay out your parks, play-grounds and boulevards while they are yet within reach. “As leaders you must conserve the life of the community. Get out of the ruts—business, social and professional. Read more, but don’t let your reading be one-sided. One-sided reading tends to impover ishment of soul. Darwin with all his erudition atrophied in soul. He said in his last days: ‘If I had to live my life over again I would subject myself to the influence of music and poetry. That part of your soul you don’t use will slough off just as a portion of your anato my that is ligatured. What is the daily life of the average person? To the office and back, to the store and back, to the kitchen and back. There is danger of the mind atro- iphying for want of use. There is also danger from dissipation, (To be continued.) Charlotte.—At a postponed meetinj; of the Mecklenburg County Board of Edu^;::iioii h'^1.1 a few djfys OKO in' the office of (’ )unty Superintendent Mc- Cluskcy. the offer of $26,007 by Pine- ville was "accepted and the board vot ed to recommend the county farm life school fpr this thrlvinR locality. The fight between Derita, Pinoville and Huntersville was exceedingly warm, for each of these fertile sec tions of the county were anxious .for the school and all had made strenu ous efforts to land it, the work during the past month or more being carried on with vigor in each of tlie three districts. The requirements made by the state are $25,000 and 20 acres of land and Pineville in exceeding this amount has shown how anxious the citizens are for this school. It has been said that every man in Pineville made a person al subscription to the fund for the school with one exception and that man was not in the town and could not be seen. The community in addi tion to raising tlie $6,007 by private subscription, raised $20,000 in a I special bond election. ' Tlie total pouplation of Pinoville! was stated to be 891 and so closc did | these figures approach 1,000 that the committee representing Derita ex pressed an anxiety to re-count this number and see if there were not more than 1,000 citizens in tlie town. Should there prove to bo more than this number Pineville will forfeit the school for the state does not allow the school to be located in a town of more than 1,000 population. This meeting was called primarily for this purpose, having been post poned from tlie first Monday in .Janu ary to give the various sections time to make their canvasses and get their offers in shape to be presented to the board, and because Chairman W. W. "Watt could not be present. The offers of the other two sections w'era not read to the board because they were not in exact shape. Both sections asked for inore time; but since the hoard had announced that that day was t!ie date sot for the fi nal decision, uikI since Pineville had met the issue, the board felt that un less Pineville was willing, through its representatives, to agree to a further delay, that it could not extend the time and be fair to Pinevile. The Pineville representatives were not will ing to agree to a postponement, for they stated the others had had an equal start and sliould have had their propositions in shape. The Derita delegation evidenced a desire to carry the matter further and stated that its offer would be made direct to the state department of education and that it would ask for the school, despite the fact that Pine ville w'ould receive the recommenda tion of the Mecklenburg county board of education. Cntawbn Warehouse Ready. | Newton.—The Farmers’ Cnion meet- i ing in Newton recently was addressed i by Mr. W. B. Gibson, president of the! Farmers’ I’nion in Iredell county and I a member of the state executive com niittee. The stockholders of the warehouse authorized the directors tc begin business at once. They are now looking for a good manager and as {■oon as one can be secured business will login. They will handle fertilizer, lime, salt, sugar, all kinds of farm im plements, buggies, wagons, etc. They will also ship sweet potatoes and oth er farm produce in carload lots. The plan is to do a general w'hole- r.ale business. Co-operative buying and selling is the purpose for which tiie ■‘tareiiouse company was organ ir/ed. Tho Farmers' Union bought U. rough its business agent, J. A. Propst, in October of last year over 50 tons of fertilizer. It will order this spring between 500 and 1,000 tons. No Convicts For Cleveland. Shelby.—The convict camp will be no more, according to the ruling of No. 6 Highway Commission in session re cently. The commissioners have reached the conclusion that under the circumstances it is much more satisr- factory to hire labor than depend sole ly on convicts, and as soon as terms of those now on the road expire, the force will be hired altogether. Harrison to Visit Asheville. Asheville.—President Fairfax Harri son of the Southern RailVajT will pay his first visit to this city since his election as president February 23 when he will be the principal speaker at a mass meeting to be held under the auspices of the Greater Western North Carolina Association. At the last meeting of the Association, a com mittee was appointed to extend to President Harrison an Invitation to visit Asheville and to met with the members of the organization and oth er residents of the “Land of the Sky.” Tango on Streets. Newbem.—It Is not necessary for the citizens of Newbern to go to a dance hall or a vaudeville performance to witness exhibtions of the latest dances. Each afternoon, unless the weather prevents, a number of girls who live in the vicinity of tiie Federal building, practice the latest steps of the newest waltzes on the smooth asphalt pavements which encircle the building. ^ Shocking? Oh, no. Not In the least. The people have become accustomed to the performante and pass it by. A CHECK ON THE Brevard Banking Company Is a Check on Your Payments When it comes back to you it is an indisput able receipt for your money. Payment by chech is a check on spei'^ing:,too. You think twice before drawing a check. And the second thought often results in your not drawing: it at all. Open an account and ycuHI save in spite of yourself. Week This is Clock Week at our store. Alarm Clocks to suit your fancy and your pocket-book. We have the Bi^ Ben for $2.50;the Wide-Awake Intermittent at $1.19; the Iron-CIad» which you all know, for the Sunrise, which is equal to those that cost more, for 98c; the Good Morning for 8^c; the Call, which is manufac tured by the Waterbury Clock Co., for 68c, and last, the America for 59c. These represent the popular alarm clocks of today. Can we interest you in one ? * FranK D. demerit The Jeweler of Transylvania County. Livery Company Agents for Ford Automobiles Supplies and Parts When in need of anything in this line call on us. We can supply your wants on short notice. Quick Repairs at Moderate Prices. Two Passenger Car $547.10 Five Passenger $597. W Phone 99. See F. a. NORTON At Snelson’s Blacksmith Shop For all kinds of Cabinet Making, Trunk Repair^ ing. Wagon and Carriage Work a Specialty. Terms cash unless special arrangements are made. All work guaranteed. Rates reasonable. A car load of Cement just arrived. Get prices on all kinds of building material from|us. See Frank Jenkins. Brevard Lumber Co. See FRANK JENKINS Builders* Mateiial Phone 120 DucKworth Drug Co. Anntial Announcement We have just finished taking stock and find that our busi ness has increased one-third over that of the previQps year which goes to prove that business is. coming our way. We are very grateful to our friends for tMeir increase of business and hope by their aid to make still greater g]|ins during the coming year. If you are not numbered amoi^- our patrons we would be glad to have you open an. account with us by sending your prescriptions to our store, or bjp- having your physician leave them at our place of busines# and we will guarantee satisfaction in every way. Respectfully, DucewortK Dru|p( Co.