VOLUME-XIX BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. JANUARY 30. 1914. NUMBER- 5 SI,500,000 ORCANIZATION Developments of far-reaching Im portance to Western North Caro lina are presaged by the reorgani zation, yesterday morning, of'the Toxaway Power Company, a cor poration chartered about a year ago with an anthorized capital stock of 1^1,500,000. The reorgani zation of the company took place at the law offices of Martin, Rol lins and Wright, in the Legal build ing. When the Toxaway Power Com- pany was chartered the incorpora- torvS were H. S. Mitchell and W. E. Moore of Pittsburg, Pa., and George H. Wright of Asheville. At that time the company intended doing extensive electrical development along the various rivers in Western Nortl* Carolina, but the i)rojects hung lire for a time, and were tinally apparently abandoned. Koeently the corporation was se cured b;v New York and Southern capitalists, who decided to reor- j»Mni/.e in order to take full control of all the assets of the former cot- ]»oration. This reorganization was eftVeted yesterday morning, but until more details are arranged the directors of the comi)any refuse to lunke ])ublie the names of otlicers, DR. WHITFIELD BROOKS Another veteran has answered the last roll call. On Saturday night, January 17th, at 7 o’clock, Dr. Whitfield Brooks quietly breathed his last, and from frequent conversations with him during his last sickness and the fact that the last word spoken shortly before his death was “Heaven,” I feel that there is no doubt but what he was thoroughly prepared to die. For about one year I had lived next room to him, and both being old men, we had much in common, and came to know him intimately. He was very fond of reading, his Bible esj)ecially, but his eyesight failing him, it was my pleasure to read te him. He was very very intent, always wanted to read a Psalni, and would ask me to read slowly, and he would repeat after me, taking much comfort from onr lessons. Ho realized six months ago that he had only a short time to live, and talked freely to me on the subject, and said that he had no fears whatever, and locked forward to the summons and that he would soon join the loved companions who had gone on before. Dr. lirooks \<’as born August 17th, propo.M'd developments and other ; I11. was graduated from the South matters which might defeat the j Carolina Medical College and also ])ur]>oses of the new organization. | from the Columbia Medical C'ollege, MiMubers of the now eompany !•'’i- Betterment Association ADDRESS BY MISS HAMILTON) Continued from last week. ‘‘Our people need a strong raind in a strong body ; a well trained soul and mind. Distractions and dissipations are diseases. The newspaper—that miracle of mod ern times—is more often a mere dissipation. People will read it from cover to cover, including ad vertisements. 1 have seen a man read half a dozen papers on Sunday. What a waste of that great clay. It is a dissipation, a cruel injustice to human lite. Read the headlines in a few minutes and you will soon see what you want to read. Keep informed of the leading to])ics of the day, but don’t feed your soul on trash. “The poet Edmund Vance Cooke tells the story of a child asking: ‘Nurse, is this the holy Sabbath dayV’ ‘No, my child, not yet.’ Next day : -Nurse, is this the holy Sabbath dayV’ Ni.rse: ‘D(>ar me, he'll not be long for this world. No. my child, not yet.’ Next day : ‘Nurse, is this the holy Sabbath dayV’ ‘Yes, my dear.’ ‘Well, nurse, hunt me nj) the comic sup plement.’ How slmll I describe the comic supplement with its liideous colors and combinations ; itsutroci- own or control extensive water | listed iu the ('onfederatearmy Sfune [ i)ractical jokes ; ,1 A. ■ n- A I vear wiis i)1h(*i*(1 in liO‘'i)itiil wtwk i its lierocs Mutt- iind •len“”Hn over- nght.s iind property in W estern I puitioin iu»spuai North i'arolina, and they ])ro])ose ^oon went to tin? front, to tlevelop water power projects i " alon;: the Toxaway river in Tran- i «« regimental physician ; sylvania county, and along thei"*‘^ captnn>d at the battle of (irecTi river and other streains on ' Tenn., and taken to a a plao.‘ for rag time. I thought on the deck of a steamer on the Okla- waha in sunny Florida a b't of rag time music was not out of place, but I don’t want the young people of mv home traint^d in their taste for music by the un moral Ameri can neero. I recently read where seventy-two dancing masters agreed to bar rag-time. And if Si"> barrf'd in dance halls what right has it in Christian homes? The words and suggestions of this class of music are degrading. ‘As a man thinketh in his' heart- so is he.’ Is it any wonder our young people rush into marriage and the divorce court mill is kept grinding? The modern dances that the secular and sacred press are arraigning didn’t have its origin in decent society. You must create environment. We have rag-tnne courtships, rag-time mar riages, etc. Our mothers sung us to sleep with Watts’ ‘Oh Hush Me My Baby,’ but now a days wo hear of ragging the baby to sleep. “What can we do in our thought life to promote the good and the true? We can grow i)ersonality. If this be a fact it is our duty to do it. What is the cure for the pres ent ccnditions? The creating an environment from the higher and better things. To do this Brevard should have a chataucjna. This course of study elevates its pupils along all the lines which lead to im provement of environment, which is the key to the situatiim,” PLANS FOR A NEW DPPOT The plans for the new Southern dej)ot have been approved bv the board of aldermen, Hnd although there is no official confirmation of the fact, it is generallv nndersto.»d that work on the new building will commence at an early date. The new plana are somewhat like the old depot, which was destroy»*a by fire last fall. They call for a much larger ware hons»\ and lartr*»r , waiting rooms. The business offices will be about the same size as the old. There will be retiring rooms for ladies, equipped with lavatory, etc. The entrance to the colored waiting room will be* the same as the old, but the entrance to the wbitp waiting rooms will be next to the tracks. A five hundred foot ])latform will be built to extend up to the street crossing above the depot, and a side track will be run in behind this down to the depot. The local officials of the company are trying to get the men in charge to award the contract for the building to local contractors, and it is to be hoi)ed that they will suc ceed in this. FIRE IN NEWS OFFICE the- south side of the Blue Ridge. All riL'lits, pro])erties, options and atrreenients held by the former in- eoi ixirators have bet^n transft‘rrcd to t ill- m‘\v eoinpaiiy. Western North Carolina is one of the greatest lU-lds in the country for the deveIo|)!nent of water ])0\V(*r. Nearly all of tlie streams have swift current and great vol- uiin' of water, containing thou sands and thousands of undevel- opt‘(i hors(‘power. 3’any of these strt'ains fiow through pro]>erty ov. iK d or controlled by the mem bers of tht* new coni])any v.iiicii will ixive tlie orgHni/ation a ready iield on which to begin w(n-k. The ideas of the Toxaway Pov.er Cimipaiiy do not stop at the har- nessiiii: of water power, it is inti- T'.iated. With all the surplus elec trical t'ner!.ry now going to waste down the various streams, ])ro]KU'ly hainessi'd and ready to b ' put to work, tlicre v;ill be an abundance of t'hetip ])o\ver, winch will ten<l to induce inunufaeturers in search of j northern ])rison, wherc^ he rt*- j mained until June, l He was I married to Miss Sue Ella Wert/., to * 0 I which union wen; s('vente<'n cliil- lirei!. ail living one. I H»> h)cated in Transylvania , county, N. C., soon after the close i of the war, and became identified with its peo]>le and its interests, engaging in the ]>ractic(; of medi cine and larniing. He rei)resi‘nted the county in the lower •house one term. During tlu* vi'ar on the recoaimendation of Hon. M. W. Ransom, lie was ajipointed as ]>hy- sician to the ('hevene Rivi'r Indian grovvu buily making -a small bt>y set! .‘^tars. Remember, as a man thinketh in his heart, so is lu;. Th(‘ comic su])pl(!ment should be legis lated out of existence. “How to read? There are ])ilcs UTion ])iles of magazines, many of them without art and full of nmmbj'-pamby characters and them«\s and suggestions of the under-world. Many think it an intellectual virtue to read tliese magazine.'^. , One or two of the lu'st should be sullicient. So with books. What should we read? How dare I waste my time on the latest novel? Wi; read tlu'.se books bt'cause they an; givc'U to us at t-iiristmas time or because onr friends have read them. It is ri'ad- ing and forgetting—a sin of the >rk ! agency, Dakota, returning to North ’ brain. This sort of mental wo ('arolina, afterwards taking U]> his will eventually destroy our ])ov,er ])ractiee again, and which he fol-1 larmoiy. Haven't you hi*ard lowed until his last sickness. Hi'' T'eople say, -I'd forget my head if was a tyi)ical “country doctor." it were iH)t fastened on.’ If we j No night was too dark n.“>r too Cold, j ••'hould treat our 1)odies as we do i no mountain trail too rongli nor too ■ *>ur mituls we wauld soon bt> com- ‘long to di'ti'r him wlien called. He ' pletely hel])less. j would mount liis laitliful horse, • ‘‘liut to return to tlie home Jiiid j (*(4ved would most assuredly ])ut to j with tlie “old time saddle ])oekets | niunici])ality. Our ]K‘ople must: shame the s])irit of nari'owiK'Ss and well stocked with }»ills, j!Owd(*rs havt; amusements. Suppose a pvtnljudiee shown by the writ(*i‘ of and ])laslers, and if need be travi*l ^ thi'atrieal company comes to your j such an article, a ni'w location to consider Western I'Jng, to the cabin of tla; town and ])res<mts a Shakes]>earean ' As befbre stated, the writer was Niirth (’arolina in a favorable liulit. i humble meuntaineer. often ' masterpiece ]>roving that the wages j born and lived many years among ~ knowing that thev could not “HOW LONG, 0 LGRD” Tlu; above appeared as the title of an article in this week's issue of the News, taken from the Charlotte Obs(‘rver. We were born in the South and we love it, but the gross injustice of the article refi'rred to, com*ing from a source from wliich we woud naturally expect better things, made; us hang our lu'ads in shame. Only a few days ago an appeal came to the jiresident of the Wo man's Home Missionary So(*iety of the Methodist church in this city a family living n(>ar Trap Hill, N. C., asking aid. The re(iuest did not come through “a Northern school teachiM',” but direct from the family. The re.s])onse was im- J mediate and whole hearted, ]denty I of warm clothing for «‘very niein- I bi'r of the family, good reading j matter and many other things nec- jessaryiu tlu‘honu*. “How’ Long, () Lord" was nvul tliis body of ! women who had rcs])ond»'d st> loy- j ally and lovingly to this c-all for I assistance. u!id th(* wav it was re- Sbortly afeer seven o’clock last Saturday evening a small blaze broke out in the n ar room of the News office, causing some damage to the pH])er stock stored tlu're. The tiro was caused by tlie cHreless drop])ing of an unextinguished match into > n envelope box con taining some i)apcr trimmings by the office “devil,” but was dis covered by ('hief of Police Single ton b(‘fore it had gained very mi;ch headway. Th(? lire was extin guished b('fon' the tire department arrived, liowever. Had the blaze not been discov ered when it was it is very proba ble that tlie News office would have be(;n desti*oyed with all its con tents, and there would have been no hope of saving the postoilice and Fraternity building, and possil)ly would have wiped cut the entire block. Tlie editor had only 1)cen out of the oHice for about ten minutes when the lire was discovered, and but for the timely ])assiu'^ of Chief Singleton we would ]>robably bo standinir in some “bread line” now. The coni])any will control a num-• her of ^]'leiulid manufaetuiing sites, an-! may build some large m-uiufacturing plants to take care i of the surplus power. T!n‘ ncv,- Toxaway Pow(*r C«)m- i ]mny starts with ani])le cajdtal to ' handle almost any sized deal. The | Nev.- York I'li-ment in tlie comi):;ny has lieavy I'lnancial backing I'roin i sev«M-n] Nt“\v York banks, while j the Soutliorn men in tli<> cofiipany, in atldilion to possessing much valual)li* ])roperty and water rights in this section, also have amjile financial backing from Southern banlcs Within a very short time details will b.‘ completed, options on other pro})crty secured, and the company will make a definite announcement of its ])lans.—Asheville Citi/.en, January We are expecting .')(») people to meet us at Ladsonville Monday at 2:00]). m.—Carolina Special Auc tion Co. I'ay , him anything. But lie lias bet'ii anipiy nnvardi d by the satisfaction ' of knov.-ing tliat lu‘had faithfully , administen'd to tlir wants of the ne(‘dy and hel])less. of sin must ln> death, tlu' ii‘W would | the poor whites, and has seen with- bc lliei*e; but the gn*at majority | in ten mib's of a ri'sort as ]iopular would go to the “Nicolodeon." J as Mount Arie, just such conditions They crave the exeitenienr t'f juv«;- nile crime, singers of chea]) enter tainment, a few minutes of varie ty, as this “Northern teach(‘r” de scribes, and more than that they are t‘xistin<jr todav. The Northern Don't fail to attend the Lad:son- ville land sali5 Monday, - ;0o p.v.m. —C’jirolina Snecial Auction Co. Report of the Condition of - The Brevard Banking: Co. at BrevarJ. in the state of North Carolina, at the close of business, Jan. 13, 1914. KKSOL'KCKS Loans and Discounts Overdafts North Carolina state bonds 4 , Furniture and Fixtures All other ivul estate owned... At the time of d'.'ath he was a > uiaking a crazy ]>atchwork of the j p{'0])le do not ascri'je these condi-! Due from Hanks and Bankers member of the Confederate pension ho-.ird of this county. His remains v.-cre laid to rest Sunday afternoon bc'side his be loved wife in the mind. Tin* .spendthrift habit of , tions to a lack of ambition or shift-j Cash Hems., nickels. What is our taste? Do lesr css. Irat to lack of oportunity ' coin.... $256,1’S.67 2,456.47 ‘ 1,000.(10 4.000.00 6.430..58 23,510.06 6,308.53 612..-',) and the way for the South to “stop this sog^y minded variety of senti- ' mentalisn^" is for the jieople of the \w enjoy a socallcd a pojiulur lec turer, one who will give you a cemetery ,it ^ Mount Moriah church, of which he jpi'ople Imve no ai)])etite for j South, wlio liave been blessed with j v.!iS n member in full fi'lbuvsl'in i sermons? As Sam Jones used to oiiertunitys and advantages which a,.,l « eviclenoc of ,he of 1 -y -ho loft .ho chnuoh in the ])eop1e, among whom he ^{,<1 [ sermon, ‘When Silver Coin, including ail minor coin currency National bank notes and other other r. S. Notes education and a knowledge of the outside world bring, to see to it 672.89 3,789.00 Total $306,918.72 Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This remedy has no sui)erior for coughs and colds. It is jdeasant to take. It contains noopimn or other narcotic. It always cures. For sale by S. M. Mactie. adv If you miss the Ladsonville sale Monday yon will always regret it, by goliy.—Carolina Special Auction Co. lived and practiced, the ehnrch i > rack out.’ would not accommodate more than j civic club ha\e doubt- one half the iieople who attended j Ameiican taste for and Tuiid their last tribute of 1 dining-room ; hideous combination ; We are glad Mr. Ochs, having are j been raised in the South and know LIABlUTIES Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00 that the boys and girls <m “the ! Suq)lus fund 25,000.00 ridges” and in the ••hollows” have j Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 311.90 Dividends unpaid 3,(W2.00 Bills payable 30,000 00 Time certificates of deposit... 50,601.95 these same advantaj’os placed at lad , art—chromos. I saw seven in one : their doors. ! dining-room ; hideous combination ; 1 • ' 1 -1, , , . XV of colors. How often v .e c 11 t rcn ia\e os an a tc- ^jyg^isted with pictures j ing the conditions, was broad l>t*posits subject to check...... 138,599.00 tionate father, the state has lost a wise, patriotic citizen, the medical profession a successful practitioner, but wo trust that our loss is his etei-^^ial gain.—R. A. J. in Gazette- News. Another obituary by “A Be reaved Comrade” will be iirinted next week. on the wall. Good pictures are as [enough to lay aside all narrowness essential as good food. Bad art is | and predjudice and jirint this ap- so inexcusable. You may purchase { peal, and we hope this appeal, as BIDS WANTED The county board of education desires bids on the building of a new one-room school house in District No. 2, Hogback Township. For specifications see T. H. Galloway, chairman of board of education, or T. C. Henderson, secretary of board, i-:3 'It, a beautiful symphony in grey for twenty-five cents. Let us choose the best pictures to confront the eye of childhood. In my home tov^-n each class graduating to a higher room left a memorial in the shape of a good picture. They purchased them with money saved from chewing gam, coc»-cola, etc. Pictures like Sir Galahad npon the walls will have their inflnence iji your homos. “What is the taete of Americans in music? Rag-time—a contribn- hr.Mon or the negro race. There is well as the one in the Toledo Blade from a mother in North Carolina saying her little ones would know no Christmas unless remembered in this way, met with just as bounti ful M response as the one sent to us. How long, O Lord, will thef peo ple of the South by their love of petty class distinction, their nar rowness and predjudice, keep back the day of universal brotherhood between the North and South, a day when there will be no North, no South, excepting geographically. Ex.-Tak Hkkl. Cashier’s Checks outstandin* Certified Checks. 3,356.47 7.40 Total $306,918.72 ss: State of North Carolina, County of Transylvania, I, Thos. H. Shipman, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. THOS. H. SHIPMAN, Cashier. Correct—.\ttest: R. R. Deaver, J. W. McMinn, . W.P.Weilt, ' Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 23rd day of January, 1914. Cos Paxtgn, C. S. C.

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