Sylvan Valley VOLDME-XIX BREVARD. NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. FKBRUARY 13. 1014. NUMBEl!- 7 MORE CAPITAL Tlio tlirectors of the Brevard Bankiiif; Comimny have been dis- cnssinj; for {he past several months the advisability of increasing the ca])ital stock of that institntion from to $1(H),000. and a meetinir of the stockholders has SUES FOR $66,720.32 ' Probably the largest suit ever in stituted in the Buncombe county SuiK^rior conrt was entered yester day by Stephens and Anderson, at torneys for Donald Campbell against the Glonoestcr Lumber Company of Transylvania county, been calU d for the ]>urpose of taking 1 Tlie ajiiount named in tlie pa])ers is action on the matter, and the in-1 $(>»>,SI, and is’sought as alleged crease will doubtless be ordered at I damagi's sustained by the ])lHintitt' the meeting. Jat tli(‘ hands of the defendant com- Shonltl the increase be made, as | it doubtli'ss will be, it will mean a i In the complaint lil<‘d, which cov- great deal to the financial interests I ers several clos('ly written pages, of Trnn>ylvania countv, as very lit is stated that about Jnnii :><», few counties in Wt'stern North Car- I'.u;!, tlii' ])laintilT I'ntt-n'd into a Betterment Association BfG MASS MEETING THE FATHER’S SHARE olina i\o\v have a bank with so large a rajt’tal as the change pro vides for. In a crnvt'rsation with the News an (illicn- of th»‘ bank informed us that althouLrh a large ])art of the extni . tnkt'n u]> by the i)n’scnt stockholders, a lim ited am"tnit will b<» sold to oiit- contract v>r lease with the defend ant company for the leasi; of its ]>lant and full i!(|uipnu'nt loeatc'd at Rosman, Transylvania county, and that the ])laintiff executed a bond for the Slim of (»('(), with him- s(*lf as the principal and the Illi nois Surely C(>mpany as surety. It is fnrtlier s<‘t fortli tl'.at the siders. tliat is to nu'u not now ])laintilV tt)ok ]>ossi‘ssion of the ownir.ur >1oi-k in tlu* local i)anlc. j iiro])(‘rty and that under his m:»n- Tl;.‘ Ibvvard Banking Company , ibiurished and now h;i> total resource <*f ovi'r ]>i’olitable mitil tbi' dt'lendant $‘!( ().( (Mt. ;ind ibe ])res(*nt snr])lus ^o inierlere and throw ob-| fund an> lunis to The fol- ^^tacles in tin* way of the business. ; lowing are tlu'Oliicers: .1. F. Hays, 'I’b*'contends that he com-; ]n•t•^ia.■’'t ; \{. II. i').'aver and .1. W. w:>y with tlie strict McMinn. vice-]in‘sid('nts ; Thos. II. iSliiiKr ni. i;:slii(‘r. Director; .1. F. Hays. \i. i:. D.-aver, .1. \V. Mc- Mi!in. .!■ N. S. Silvi’rstfin, Wm. V. \V<-iU, \V. S. Ashworth, E. II. Al- sop, i;. !>eavcr and Thos. JI. Slii;!n.:m. TC THE FARMERS .r 11'.o s('cd f:ikir I Iii‘ • f('w v/ecks bi'cn t; llie central ]>art of the liiis deceived and de- farmer, l.’iary from 1 ’ u. licl tliat v.ere r;ct ■ t hail J roni s I lo ,sl L loic has foT’ ill Ol-c-rali:;:: i state, and lr;;r.:litl ili'.r ll.i-:: lu > ■ 1 wort'i iiH'V T Ir.i'lu l. IveCj) your eVi’ eii tile lellow v.'lio ifs; is’aiiaiic''' com. s t'. your house with his new kind ( * ^ <1 lor >])ring or I'all sovr >■((! tliat li'ttir of th(* agri*eni(*nt from the j timt* he took charge of the ]>lant ; and the large force of men (>nip!oy- ed tht're last .lulv ir>. He also con tends that he v;ov:ld havi' contin ued to operate it sueci'ssfully an of tl)(‘ ])iant in suits f. r dainaLres against the ])lai!ltilV. These snits n.akes miraculous -were fritNl in tlie courts ami in eaeli instanci' a verdiet was return ed i?i favor c.l the ]thiintiir. it is clainu’d. I'he plaintilV stat s ;hat he con- JJossei'.-iiin i.‘I llie ])roper- ty Tir.til I'oi-r-ed I'* ’ I’i;;>;nis!i it i’lto the haU'ls of the (!e;’.iir some alleged ' 1)reach of contract t hi> nan;.' and ad-lress aTiii .■':■■ ! ih’ II to \V. ,\. (iraham. eoinnii.'Si. i;u r n'' aLrrieuUure. Ka- I once, and Ik* will leiirb. X. < . a n;ake an rlV to ”e! in touch with him. It Will ; ay you towrit(‘ the s^::te (u-j :.rt’:.i I'.l of aLri'ieulture h«‘- fure bnyiiiL: •• -Is rr.;r;i tlu'sc i-ced p:'ddlei>. Last yi‘avtln-e x>cd fakirs did muc’' d:;!u:;''s' in Willces and other st'ction, and finally countu's 11! 1 iiU the farmt-r.' : dirty hu'-iti, till' state . thern any lockinix 1 h ■ stoi<‘n. ('oni])laiii;s h.;ve ,p.>t been ri‘- ceivi'd that tin >e fa.kirs are in tlu' state atrain. ilinu: se(>ds for spring .'iowing iiT ; iilieulously highly (I e;.; airainst their hi;t the cry reachecl ' 1" tot) late to do . It was a ca'i' of after th • h».»rs.* is lent;*]!y descnptioi,s 'iT ('acli are given. Th.- lir.-'t su:;; named is ; the se< < tlie third 1 ;;nd tl-.e fourtli ss,. rjti.l; and int -r< .■'i i n sanu* froi.i la>t November i Attorneys ( harles L *e Sykes and 1). L. lu.igiish ai'e as-'istijiii Stevc?’.s and Anderson in t’.i * suit for the plaintiff.—Aslicviiie ('iti/.en. Dlii’.E AND FLAG PRESENTATijH Tli‘ timi‘ (if (1;.y the eX('VciSi'S at the f(U' beginning Hag and liitile ])ne - i;d tile ofi'.-ials are afti'r presentation at Seliea school on them, but f V m:iy i;et you hefon th y ai'i‘eatiL'l:!. 1’Jiefctoi'e lie t)n trom the lov)lcoul t'l>r them. Sunday. February has been 1 1 t)'clocl: a. ni. to : FARMERS’ UMION The'I'ratisylvania County Farm- ors’ Cnion will liold a meeting at IJrevaril in 1 he dfilee of the countv rj o‘cloi-k. This change is made' for t!ie c(jnve7iicnc(‘ of the Bre-| vard .luniors who can thus go uj) ■ on tlie morning train. i Tiiv' ])ro!.rrani for this nu'eting, lias 1,H i‘ii printi-d in the Sylvan Valley News. The jiuldic is cor dially invit'‘d to attend, and a spe- i sui)e! intend< nt oi ^cliools at 1-:■!<> 1 (rial request is extendc'd to tJie citi-; p. m. on Satu!-day, 1-v‘bruary -1. j zens of Seliea school district to be ’ Some important inatt<*rs are to Bv thk Co.m.mittkk. ! conu‘ before' tlu* Fnion for L'onsid- _ j oration at this meeting- It is nee-1 Methodist Minister Recommends ' essary, theretli»*d Idealism,” by Theodore Roose velt in The Outlook (June L’Stb), under the heading of “The .Man’s Debt to the Motlier of His Chil dren.” It is a fathi'r's duty, one of his chief duties, to sup])ly his children witli pleasures ; not at all an easy duty, ff>r he can only vaguely guess wliat ])ursuits or (‘nt(‘rtainments will give rc'al ])lcasure, at once sat isfying, and not vicious in them selves, nor tcmding to drift into vi(!e. . 1 You can drive' your son to work, : you cannot drivi' him to enjoy -} lUi'nt. 7’lie father wlio is rt*all\'; willing TO n-nder his (diildrcn's liv('s as hap])y as i)ossihh‘ wfll not be long before lui forii'.s a rough guess as to what kinds of jimuse- nu'ut giv(‘ tlu‘ childriMi ri'al ])leas- ure ; and hi' those ]>leasuri‘s v. hat tlu‘y may, a little ])atting and i)ull- ^ ing heiv tind tln'n* wi’l foster them and lead them in tlu‘ right diri'c-j tion. To try to force* a child to! taki^ ])h‘asure in ])ursuits for which he has no natural inclination must fail, and may »b)om the child to be an :;ll-lif(‘ failure'. Iti eb'aling with our childre-?i we* are' again heconntitr afraid eii frivol ity : We- are' again trying to e-ui h, e‘Ve‘1' .-io L'e'ntly, tliat fre'edom of ]>lay which is tlie' le-al re'laxation. j We'have inve-nte'd “oi‘gani/.e‘el ])lay” ! a lot of tri'ae-le Vvith just (lie-men'st siirinkiiii'j: e>f h:imstone' in it, but its flavor is s’loiled and the- e-hilel fed on “e)rgani/,ed ])lay" at live' is ilU'line-d te> fee'el liimst lf eir he-rself on e)r• yc"'e v.-ea’;ene,,. 'J’h<‘ fatht-r. e-.>-j>e'cially, is ine^';'.(>d to suhilne bis chilel’’ n. n< it for 1 ln-ir he'iH'f'o. ]'!it for }:is : and lie- wili try with all his miirht te> justify his a-*- tie)T'.s. saying it is gund for the! e-hild’s moral train4uir. V\’he-n his ehileli-e-n Want anything, he- a>ks liiri'.se-lf ‘-is it rit'hty” he-te)re givinir his e-e)nsen.t ; if he' a-ke el liimseif ■•i.^ it wre-ngy” l>efore' withholeliu'.r his e-onse-nr, th.cre would be' fewe-r re fusals anel it woii'el he- i;etlt'rfeir the* t'athe'r anel 'tier feM- the e-hil- eireii. 'I’t' the- <-lriI'! hor'i- i'. his c(;-ine>. What he- s.-e's in th<; hedit' is re-:il , and til*' re-St is nie-rt' pa.-^siiig fancy. , His ])are nts. hri>th.e rs anel sifters ar« real pe’0!:ie* : tJie pe v;ple* he vee-S out.'ieh' are vagia*. shadows e»f ine re-ly jiassing inte-rest. it is luit nov.adays the; elury ed' tlie- lathe'r to ti'ae h his chilelre ii Tei re*ail. but it is his eluty te) >lu)v.' them tliat re ading is ]:ai't of life'. I Whate-ve-r nu'ans the' inire'uuity e)t tlie' te*ae*he'r may suggest te> de-al with the' subje'e-t ed se-X. I <-an Se-e- nothing but failurei ahe*ad. It is ntially a he)me' subje-et. elifiicult I'nemgli te) a})]>re)ae-u in tlu- homt*, ■ im])ossible^ elsewhe re'. ' Ye)U e’an talk with e'ase e»f certain subji'Cts to a child e.»f tivi' which ' which would ])U/./le the' most astute' minel to eliscuss with a maide-n e>f , lifti'i'U. Ye't usnaiiy tlu- suhje-ct is shirke d until that age when it is meist difficult to appre)acli. The' lesse)us freim tlie lioine are* the> first te> DC le'arned, th(*y are tlu* last te) be forgotten. In school, college and university and in the business life. We Irani orr lessons diligently" but they are^ all transi tory. As life progresses they fade away, leaving behind them but a luminous mist te) enlighten us in our passage. But the lessons of the home remain unaltere'd, untar nished by time ; good or bad they remain when all else is departed. Preparations are; going forward on a big scale for ti e ap])ro»ching mass m(!eting of those inte^rested in t})o Greater We-ste'rn North Caro lina A-iociation to be? held on Feb ruary 2.‘Jd at Aslie-ville. Prcsid('nt Fairfax Harrison of thei Senitlie'rn Railway ('ompany has arranged to t)e>! ]>resent and ael DEATH OF INFANT On February :5rd t he eb'ath angel visiti'd the home of Mi-, anel Nirs. R. N. Moore and te»oi; frum tlicin thf'ir darling little* infanr The funeral was conduct<‘d bv lb*v. J. N. Lee at the home eir its pannits. We cxtiMid our tenderi'sfr svmi.athy to tlu* Ije'rcaved I’jsreiits anel i-'-la- tivi's, hut we know that e>ur loss is elre'ss ibti meetiiur, and liis aelvent be>r e-te*rnal gain e)et lias be»antifi.rwaid to thre)ughout th(? i*ntire section of Wi'ste-rn North Carolina with ke*en anticipation. This will be President Harrison’s first visit to this te*rTitor3'. and as he has ;ilready e*xpre'sse-d thei same dee*]) intere'st in the* u])huihling of the Land e>f the; Sky that charae teri/ed his prceh'cessor, .Mr. W. W. Se*veral of our ])eo]ile' have* been Finley, it is hoped that he will be attending the re;vival meeting at gree'te-d by a la’-^e* and rcpresemta- He>lly Sprin-^s. cf)ndu'-te d bv i^-vs. five gathe-ring. j Junie's Lvne r and W. H. Pie-ss. Indicatie)us ])e)int tei a me'e'ting! Mrs. N, J. Rickman anel eiaugh- that will be frought with jieissible i te*r Bessie* s])c'nt Monday night with ])lans fe>r the; we'lfarc etc We.-ste;rn j ^Irs. Fre*el Sc'rngt;s. Ne)rth Caredina on a scab; not at-i Mrs. Laura Cairnes and Miss tcni])te'd or conte-mplate'd bt'fore', ' Ahaybe-11 JJaynard have hccn on the' and we trust this e*e)unty will be re‘]>re*senteel at this e-onfere-nce'. The meeting wilVi)red)ably take' iilace in the- Buncombe e-e)urt house, as it is .sick list the* past weu'k. Mr. Ro^er^, the* fur buye-r. was in this se'ctiejn last we'e*k buy in:.; fur. Joe' Fle-lche*r litis rctnri’.'-d te) his fe'lt that no smaller re)om would | he)nie; in 're niu-sse-i'. ae-e-omjianied .1 urman ace-e)mme)dat(' tho.'^e* alre'aely having by liis e-e)usins. Chai’ie give'll notice* e>f the'ir indention to be j Ite-e'se. i)re'se*nt, and in e)rde-r to ac*e*oniine)-; .Miss Flla Patton, who ha.> brc'n date* e)ur of teiwn visitors the* lie)ur •'^?>ending a f(*v.' we-«-ks witli .Mrs. of nie'ctin'^ has lie-e-n 1 -ntafive-lv ' 1'^re-el has re! i’v:>(«(| liotne*. iixe'd at twe» e>'i-h)e-k. the* nu-'*t'.ng SylvaTius Sniathe-rs so],I a fii’.e te-rminatini-in geioii time to pe-rniit ' hist wi-e k. ai; tei make* tiain e‘einne-c:ie,>r. i;i tiie- afte rnoon. ffMES OLD PEOPLE 1 STRONG AND WELL RECORDER’S COURT \\'e' want to get the- lu ws to ill ();ily t wo e*ase-s e-anu' he-fore* the' re-e-order :tt .Mor.elay's ^ession. In e-ase- eif St:ite> vs. .lule* Aneiers anel Kdwin (' the elet'cTid.”.nt.; we-re e ];ari^eel with nnln o.fuliy re-- me)vin'_r e-iu elwejexl, hut in i iiis e-ase the'iireiM-ci'.tie'Ti v.a.s v,”* 1 hdra v, 71 and ila- pi-i..M‘c;;tinL; \\;lne-< \vas ta.\e-d with the- costs i”. the' ca’^e-. The- eitlie r e us'- e-ani'' U]) from the cotton mill M’ctii>n ef the* tow". anel in this Will Coh nian, Fullc!- I’at te!-siauU with a eb'adly we-apo7i. Afte-r he-aring the- e'vieh nce- in the* e-;;se 1 he- r^ >'e!:de-r eiee-ieh d tliat tlle-y v.e-re innoc 'Tit of tlie- e-har;:i' ai'.d s.i deck;ie-el tin-m neit ixuiltv. j e)lel ])<-e»}il(- alxnit ileXall 0]iv<- 0;1 FmnlsioM. a re ni;irkai»Ie 7'.e*w fex.d- me'elie ini- which we fir?nly he-lie'vc is the' licst T'e'me-dy e-ver nunh- to e>vt-r- e-onie- the- wea];enin;r, d'-’^ilitatii.;.: e-lTe-e-ts oi' ine're ::>ing I'l i :*L;:e. ]r he-lps 1 > rebui'el w.isii.i sti’e-n^rthell the- nervi's. and j'ive* new e :ier_\v and a ]i\i !;■ fi'c’ii'iL" to ihi’hoeiV. It eeintai:..' v.u alculul <>v ehin'j:e'i eius elr'.iir. I; i.’ay not male- ynu ;'e'c' ])■ tfer i'(;r a te-.v i’avs, lint li you ehi I’eit le-i 1 ni’i'-h hette-r anel streiinre'r hei'nn- yor; lu:ve-tal'i-n a(;uart. ras n’ ::s yt .'.i i; t ve- ttf e)the-r medicine's have' not h'-lpi'el ye)U, we Vtill I'ladly give* hae-k yeuir medie-y. ll 'x:;]! u,i t!u-y have- h-r. ; h;-e-n e'ndorseil ]r,- s ’''ec‘s-- ful phy: ie-ians. ar< he-re.- for the- lirVt time' ce)n;bin*'d. The resn'it is a re*al lioely. r.e-rve‘ aTiel uUied-huilelin fo(»d-jne'd’rin<' that v.-<; Ix'liw- is sv.- ]>e-rior to anytiiimr e l.-n' ii>. e>ver- e-omiiiL,'tl'‘hility. wi-akr:e-'S a’; 'liscasv*. anel t » ^u;’.,* anil stre-iiL'the-n the- ne-rve's and ('nrich e-e>nntv. .Mr. a’lil -*h>'^'L Ye>u whei are' wi-alc and run-elov/n—yeni wlie* ate ol'te'n tre>u- i)lt'd by varie)us cold wear]; r ai’- nicnts. u^e i!e:;all (>live Oil I-hnui- Tiie* folh>wiiii: accoi.nt of th weeleliilL: e)f Mi.--.-; i)aisy I'ilis !i Stenie* anel Mr. .Mauiie-e- Hunte-r, take'ii fre)m a Baltimore* ]'a]»‘’r v.nll he- of inte*re-st to fjie-nels of the* hriele- anel tTJ'oom in thi Mrs. SteiUe- Wt're' feirnier re'siele-nts e)f l'’teiwali a.iiil have- many friends in that ^e'ctie.n e»f the- ce.untv. Tiu- Weeleliiur eK-c urre-d e)Ti .lam '.re‘t sneJ a n( It is a sensible’. ]ue'asant- Miss Daisy Kllisem Ste)ne, elau'.rli- elauirhte-r eif Mr. and .Mrs. ale bv yi.. Tela f. \ udv The Best Cough Medicine. “I ha\e used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ever since I have been keeping hou^e,” says L. C. Haraes, of Marbury, Ala. “I con sider it one of the best remedies I ever used. My children have all taken it and it works like a charm. For colds and whooping cough it is excellent. For sale- by S. M. Mac- ile udv sioii to stre)7i.:. tastiiu; aiel ft) re'ue'v.'e'd stre-ii-.rth. hetie-r s;;:rits, gh.wing liealth. If fe)rth SteiTie', was inarrle-el to .Mr. -I. it doe-sr.'t lie-lii yeiu, e*ejmi* and te‘'.l Maurie-,- lluute*r, sesii e>f Mrs. Jej- ns wt* will -^ivt' 1 :.i-k your se-ph Hunte r. last e-ve'uing :it «> ::io meiiie-y v.ithout ti we;i 1. I is e)’e-h)e-k at All Saints’ !u)man <’atho- he)W much faith we* have in if. !^e)jd lie (’ha])cl, W'e'st Fe>re-st l^irk. The e)iily at the Rex..It Slec. a* d ce'n'mony was ])e'rfe)rmeel by the* in this town or.^v l>y’.s. i-l.('■().— Kev. 'I’ime)tliy Kenny. The brieb*. S. M. -Mae'tie'. Broaf white' e-ra])e* trimmeMl with lac*o anel pe-arls. and her tulle* veil was e-aught v.itli eirani^e hleissoms. She carrii'el a bou([U.‘t of lillics of the valley anel white rosebuds. Miss Ada. (’olling- \ve)od Stone', who Wiis her sister's mairt of lionor, wore „ eostm.K-of ,.ot ublo to supi.I.y tlK.";.! blue cra])e anel carried ]>ink roses The flower girl was little Miss Wini fred lO’tharine Owe'us. a niece? e)f the bride. She wore a dainty How Is Y'our BoHor.^ It has hi-en stated a man's ste)inf!.ch. is his boiler, hi:-, body is his engine anel his mo;.t)i the lire box. Is your beSiler (st.unae-h) in gooel working order or is it se> weak that it will not stand a full leiad lingerie frock and carried a basket of pink carnations. Mr. Andiiiiald ! J. Hunter was his brother's best energy to your engine (body)’:^ If you have any trouble with your stoniacli Chamberlain's Tablets will do you good. They strengthen and i invigorate the* stomach and enable I it to do its work naturally. INlany very remarkable cures of stomach nmn und the ushers xvero .Mr. Paso ! br'tlion,. Hnnter, another brother of luo i-„,. s„,e by S. M. Macfie. bridegroom ; Mr. Francis S. \\ hit man and Mr. William Meade Stone, of Norfolk, Va., and Arthur E. Stone of Cockeysville, Md., both brothers of the bride. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Hunter left for a Northern trip. On their return they will live at (.’lifton avi'mie, \Valbrook. adv Don’t You Believe It. Some say that chronic constipa tion canpot bo cured. Don’t you believe it. Chamberlain’s Tablets have cured others—why not you? Give them a trial. They cost only a ('uartcr. For sale by S. M. ]Mac- lle. adv