VOLUME-XIX BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1914. NUMBEH- 8 MEETING OF TEACHERS On Friday and Saturday ot last week the nienil)(>rs of the Transyl vania connty teachers’ association hold the lastmeetin" of thecnrrent school year. The place of meeting: was, as usual, at the Brevard gra ded school huildintr. Friday nirrnins tlie snow, which had boRun the night before, was still steadily falling, and the pros pects of a full meeting wert' un favorable. Never the less, a large l>ercentage of the teachers from the schools still in session re'oorted for duty. The oi>ening exorcises on Friday morning were conducted by Rev. K. H. Norwood. In the preparation of the ]>rogram the committee had conntcd on the presence of Mr. Sams, .supervisor of rural schools, and the usual discussions of sub jects by the teachers had been omitted. Mr. Sams, however, was unable to be ])resent, and thus a * A consideral)h' emi)ty space was left in the program. The day was saved by the arrival of Mr. A. C. R('ynolds, ])rindii>al of the Cullo- whec Normal and Industrial Insli- tute. Mr. Reynolds addressed the tcachcrs on the subjcct of “(growth." For an hour he held the attention of his hearers, giv ing them th»)ughts full of wisdom and ])ractical value. Mr. Reynolds is a man not only of wide experi ence as teacher and administrator, but h(* is full to overflowing witli love for school work, and \vithou+ any elVurt «>n his jtart he insi)ires others with some of his own en thusiasm. * During Friday's .«(>.ssion there WHS a meeting of the county bet- teinu'nt association, conducted by the President. Miss Georgia Bell ; a discussion of “Country Life and j the Country School,” one of the books of tin* reading conrsi*, 1)V Tdr. T. H(‘ud<'rson ; and a Model i Chiss in English rammer, taught ; by Miss Doris Edwards. Friday v'vening was devoted to a i Longtcllov.' entertainment and a! social nu'cting of the teachers. i:<‘v. ( '. 1). ('Iiapman conducted , till! devotional exf'rcises on Satur- j day n'.orning. Tliis s(*ssion was de- j sigu(*d to be a joint meeting of teachers and (“ommitteemen, but; the nuiv.ber of tlu* latter was small on account, doubtless, of the win try \veat her. Those present were: Mr. (t. s. Tally of Blantyre, Mr. A. D. Lydiiv of Pt'nrose, Messrs. C. K. (.)sl)orne and E. (). Allison of Da- vidsoTi River. I^lr. .1. M. Zachary of Calvert, and 31r. W. H. Duckworth of Brevard. Several sul)j«‘cts were discussed in the joint inei'ting, but the one comnuinding the gn-atest interest was the subject of a uniform coun ty .s])ocial srhool tax of twenty-five cents on the hundred dollars for the pur[)ose of len«:thening and etjuali/ing tlu* school terms in the county. Superintendent Hender son said that he believed, with such a tax, evt'ry school in the county would be enabled to have an eight nionths se.‘-sion. He said that there was in the county prop erty amounting to a million dol lars on whieli no special tax w'as collected. }>lr. Reynolds was culled on to giv»* his views, and he did so with convincing power, At the close of his remarks a resolution was read to present a petition to the county board of (’ducation ask ing that stej)s be taken to hold an election on the special tax. The resolution was passed unanimously. At one o'clock the association ad journed. to meet again some time in August. Methodist Minister Recommends Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. Rev. James A. Lewis, Milica, Minn., writes: “Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has been a needed and welcome guest in our home for a number of years. I highly recom mend it to my fellows as being a medicine worthy of trial in cases of colds, coughs and croup.” Give Cliamberlain’s Cough Remedy a trial and we are confident you will find it very effectuial and continue to use it as occasion requires for years to come, as rpany others have done. For sale bv fe. M. Macfle. adv BREVARD INSTITUTE NOTES The finishing touches are being given to the preparation for the presentation next Monday evening of Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew.” This is one of the most attractive of the Shakespearian comedies, being full of fun and of choice bits of by-play. More time has been dovot('d to this play than to any one previously given by the school. The students have had Betterment Association FIGHTING THE CIGARETTE EVIL The bad elTecta of smoking cigar ettes, especially by the young, have long been known, bnt until recently no really effective means have been discovered of eradicating the evil. Practically the (inly ’ efforts that have been made have been the timi^ enough to get acquainted with ; laws in certain states the thought of the grt*at dramatist, and are working b.ard to get just the ])roper expression of that thought. The cast includes quite a number of students who were prohibiting the sale of cigarettes to minors. Other states prohibit minors from smoking cigarettes, while there is a nation-wide effort' to create a sentiment against their very highly complimented for their use. No one of tlu*se, however, has part in the “Merchant of Venice” pr )ven really effective. last winter, and in addition is bringing in a number of talent( d students who were not in the school at that time. While the Institute recognizes that it requires some audacity for a high school to pre sent a Shakes])carian drama, it feels that these real ineces of litera- Abont live months ago the Anti- Cigarette League of Chicago estab lished a clinic which is now doing practical service in destroying the liking for cigarettes. The story of its work is told in an interesting articlo by Mr. Herbert H. Smith in a recent issue of The Continent. is also being diminished through special ofiicers employed by the league who nwy arrest any one under eighteen years of ago seen smoking in a public place. The Anti-Oigari‘tte Lt'ague is also making an eff ort through the Young People’s Societies of the country to enlist young ])et)]>le in what is known as the “Million Club.” This club is an organization of young people who oi-ganize to abstain from the ust^ of cigarettes and liquors. An ingenious part of the scheme is the organization of cir cles of ten which circles are to as sist in extending the njcmbership of th(! league. Details of the methods used and how’ to establish clinics, etc., may be had by application to the Anti- (/igarette League, Chicago, 111.— Christian Observer. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT ture should b(? familiar to students j The cure, while simple, is said to in such a school and to citiz(*ns in | be wonderfully effective. The ]ia- an enlightened community like j tients who come to the clinic, many ours. It re(iuires a good deal of work to get uj) any sort of a play, and this effort counts for more in working on something wt)rth while. The severe weather of the past week lias delayed considerably the progress of the new building, but it is being erected in a workman like manner, and will ]>robably be ready i*)r use at commencement of whom are ])rominent business men,.and some of w'hom are well known women of the city, are given a chemical solution with which to wash their mouths after each meal. The solution consists of silver nitrate, one-eighth of one i)cr cent. On February 1st, J!)ll, Godin his love, called to her Heavc*nly home Mrs. Albert Jenkins, the mother of our beloved Brother, A. N. Jen kins. Now’, in the memory of the mother of our worthy brother, be it resolved by Dunns Rock Lodge No. A. F. & A. M. 1. That we, the officers and mem bers of Dunns Rock Lodge, while our hearts are bow’ed in sorrow’ with Brother Jenkins, yet wo bow in submission to the will of Him FRUITLAND NOTES i Th(! wasli is not a specially nnpleas-1 who doeth all things well, remem- I ' • I ant one, but when a person has j bering that whom the Lord lovt'th ' washvid his mouth with the solu-, He chasteneth. Dr. f>. Waller. i)!sstor of the First Baj)tist chiircli of Asiieville, paid n.s a visit last week. While here he gave an insjiirin”' l.-i tnro on “The Stuff Men AieMadeOt.” Each one enjoyed it, and all lio[Ki that he uill come a;.’’ain Since the last v/rititig Misst's Lil lie Pici.elsimer and S<‘va McCall have been added to oar r<jll <»f stu dents fro?n TrunsylvaiH!) 'r!,is in creases our nuniDer to t nirtis r, A department of expression has been,added to the scliool. Miss B«u‘tha Hargraves of Ashland, Ohio, arrived last week and began her work as instructor. The young ladie.s gave a formal recc])ti(*n last Saturday night which was enjoy/.‘d by all. Among liiany other interesting features w’as the poets contest. Mr. A. P. Bt 11 com posed the verse that won the prize. Prof. Woodward filled his r<‘sru- hii- appointment at Salnda Sunday. We are expecting to have Dr. Cowiin of Greenwood, S. (’., with us in a short time. He comes for the purpose of holding a series of revival s(*rvie( s. Skating and sleighing have been the principal sportsamong the boys since the snow has l>een on the ground. Anniversary I'xercises of the Phi and Chi literary societies of Fruit- land Institut(^ will be ln'ld Febru- time. In. every res]H‘ct it is a build-i tion the smoking of a eigarr*tt(‘ ‘J. That wi! ext(‘nd to lirother ing to be jn-oud of. The usual short course for teach ers will begin March li*14, and will run for tw(‘lvi> weeks. Special review course will be offered in all the common school studies on which state and younty examina tions are givon. and regular work in ])cdagogy will he o];i n to tliose taking tli(? course. At the .same time students can enter any of the academic or agriculture cours(‘S then in ojieration without c'Xtra charge. Fees for the cour.se will afterwai'ds creat(‘^ ant taste. , I so heavily, our sincere sympathy. It has been discovered that habit-1 That a cojiy of these re.solu- ual smokers are large consumers of | titms be sent to Brother Jenkins, a tea, coffee, meats, and highly sea-loopy sjiread on the minutes of the .soned foods. The treatment of the : lodj^e, arid a cojiy furnished to the clinic consists in discarding, for u ! Sylvan Valley Nrnvs for publica- week or two, tin* use t)f these foods' tion, T. S. Wool*, ary at T p. the program : W< h-Oi.H' i;(J(Irc Oiation—•■The m. Following is :>v ] Arc re«i:l'*nt. No Alps,' a most unpleas-1 Jenkins, on whom tliis stroke falls Osteen, Plii. Oration—“Industrial Education,’’ T. B. Williams. Clii. Del',ate—"Resol vi'd: That the right of su’iYrage shoiild bf‘ granted to the woincr. of the United States by an amcTuhnent to the constitu tion.” Aliirnintive—C. O. Ridings, Plii; (’. .1. Y(mn^_'. Chi. Neg»itive— J. L. f’ase, Clii; F. M. McNeill, Phi. jMarshals—.1. H. Brov.n, Phi, chief; F. W. Clayton, ("hi: G. l\jol, Plii ; \\'. K. Taylor, i^’ii; J. J. Allen. Bill Wkav. fruits, cereal T. D. ExcLANt*, Oi:a L. Joxks, Committee. CONTEST ENDS The grafonola contest that has bei'u in ojKsn tion fiu- tlu‘ ]>ast sev eral months at tlu^ Brevard Hard ware Co.'s store; c-aine to an end Wednesday afternoon, when the graf(Uiola, a s<;wing machine, two watches, a toilet set, a st‘t of and substituting foods, milk, etc. xXnother method is to have tlie ]>atients sccure a sup]>ly of gentian ntot which they chew when tlu'V feel the de.sire to smoke. Thc( hew- be ]ier month for tuition, and i ing of the root takes away tempo- for board and rt'iit. Tiiis tni-; rarily the craving for tol.acco. Th(‘ tion fee is remitted entirely for j Chicago clinic fre(|uently has as those who ]iresent on entraiuv' a ; many as thirty ]iatii*nts a daj’, ?uost certiiicate from County Suj.erin-j of v.'hom come of their t>wn accord, tendent Henderson that thv\v liave ’ retiuesting lu*lp in curing thein- taught to its completion a stv'ision selves of the desiri' to smoke eigar- of school in Transylvania coxinty ' ettes. The cure, so far as rep(»rts silver tea spool’s and a set of silver witllin thi‘ past twelve montlis j havt‘ b(*t“n received, a])ju'ar.<, when; coffee spoons were awarded to the Sinc(i the first of February two used properly, to have students in tin; stenography course ; become ]iermanent. have accepted good ])ositions. Mi.ss clinic makes an effort to give Nanelu Warlick has a ])osition in ‘ thorough under- South Carolina, and Mis^ j.:r,mce i o*’--'noking j chme went to Mr. C. C. Yongue, Grist is very ])leasantly located in j cigarettes. Seientilie investigation of the smoke ])roduced by the burning of the cigarette .shows that while the idcotine it contains is harmful, it is far less viruhmt than are the carbonic oxide and other products of its ccimbustion. The carbonic oxide is a TO MRS. AIBERT JEHX'HS Henderson, North ('arolina. They ])oth ari' good stt'iiographers and will develop into very valuable help. JURY LIST The following names have been drawn for jurors at tlie coming ses sion of court. The regular spring term of court will commence on Monday, April Ki, If! i. Fir.st week—M. B. Baynard, P. C. Orr, H. W. Paxton, W. M. Aiken, (tt. T. Barton, George Bishop, N. 1). Cha])inan, D. R. Bryson, L. F. (Osteen, D. C. Sims, J. C. Tinsley, W. H. (Vdiins, J. L. Cantrell, Wil liam Shipman, J- L. Garren, Ed Aiken, J. M. Kilpatrick, J. A. Breedlove, J. T. Lyday, A. F. Powell, W. C. McCall, J. M. Callo way, ]\l. O. McCall, W. C. Reese, W. B. Drake, S. M. Simpson, A. N. Collins, L. D. Davenport, E P. Masters, B. P. Bishop, W. F. Gar ren, R. T. Aiken, T. P. Galloway, W. P. Mull, L. D. Gillespie, S. R. Owen, J. S. Heath,E. J. Whitmire, Perry Merrell, J. N. Whitmire, R. T. Barton, J. J. Patton. Second week—T. Coleman Gallo way, C. K. Osborne, R. J. English, E. H. Miller, J. P. Guthrie, J. L. Kilpatrick, C D. Davenport, C. D. Allison, R. P. Kilj)atrick R. R. Gal- loway, J. M. Jennings, T. E. Pat ton, Jr., E. E. Gillespie, G. A. Mil ler, J. W. Jones, E. L. Galloway, J. T. Aiken, R. J. Allison, C. C. Yongue, C. W. Henderson, R. R. Wilson, M. F. Gillespie, C, F. Woodfin, E. T. Henning. v.'inners. Mr. TL L. Allison v.'on the fh*st priz(‘, the grafonola, having a total of votes. The siiwingma- C. C. v.’ho had voted votes. Mr. W. H. (irogan came in third with 1,4.'>1 ,().■).■> votes and carried away the lifteen jeweled v.-atch, whih; Postmaster (.'has. E. Orr won the fourth ])rize, the seven jeweled watch, with •-):).') votes. The poi.sonous gas! toilet set was won by Miss Ida Gar- I hr.d a fn\‘nd —r. lu-autiful friend— With whom ! ppv-nl rare gladdening hours; (lod gave her a wealth of charminj; <rrace— My beaulilul Iricnd arA.ing the lluvv-ers. But now she is gone! Ah me! Ah me! God grant her sweet peace amid Para dise bowers. As long as life lasts I cannot for..ret My beautiful frit-nd amcng the Howers FOR UNIFORM TAX caused by the loo.se structure of 1succeeded in securing ! th(' cigaj-ette. It (>nt(‘rs the blood ! through the Irngs and the damage 1 done is in direct proportion to the ' quantities inhaled. A drug caused I by the burning of the wra]>pings I of the cigarettes is acrolein. It is this drug that makes the smoke ;>,0:>(),-1SO votes. Mrs. J. F. Morgan won the set of silver tea spoons with a vote of and Miss Mamie Galloway was awarded the set ot silver coffee spoons, ing CiJuite a little enthusiasm was Remember the great Seliqa Sales begin at 12 m. promptly. We, the undt?rsigned, a])]iointcd hy the county sn])erintendent ot Transylvania county, do hereby offer the following resolutions to the teachers and comTuittt't.'nicn of Transylvania county : licit restdved. that we, the teach ers and committeenien of Transyl- i vanin. county, believing that if a I s]>ecial'county school tax of twenty- i five cents on every one hundred leceiN -, ^vorth of ]>roperty he ira- I posed in lieu ot the present district 'taxes, that school property could irritating to the air ]>assages and in displayed by the coneestants in the j iniproved and school terms considerate quantities is extremely j closing hours of the contest, raado eoual one Sifcming to know .l"^t| Transvlvania county, his opponent stood, and conse-! qucntly it was not known who was ; majority of Transylva nia county people, we petition ti o board of education of Tninsvlvunia A similar contest which lia»? b.*en dangerous. The smoking of cigar ettes especially by the young, con sequently irritates the nervous system and causes restlessness, ina bility to concentrate thought, less ening of the heart action, <h crease in the capacity of the lungs, and other evils. This camjxiin which has begun so auspiciously in Chicago is to be carried to other cities of the coun try through clinics and special meetings. A number of cities in Indiana already have arranged for assistance from the league’s ofHcer^. At the same time the organization is assisting in enforcing the state law of Illinois in regard to smoking by minors, and in six weeks aft«r pro^cutions were brought it is said that cigarette sales of one chain of stores in the loop district of Chicago fell off ten per cent., which is the same as saying that sales decreased an average of 8,500 cigarettes a day. Practically all of these previously had been sold to minors and contrary to law. The use of tobacco among school bovs the winner until the contest had closed and the llnal count taken. county that said board will take all conducted by Mr. . P. eilt will [ necessary steps for securing an elec- come to a close today (Friday) and the awards will then bo made in his contest. tion w’hereby the will of the people in regard to aforesaid special tax may be learned. A. B. Riley, Doris Edwards, J. R. Sloax. This resolution was unanimously been keeping house,” says L. C. | ^aopted by the joint meeting of Hames, of Marbury, Ala. “I con-Ujjg Tran.sylvania County Associa- sider it one of the best remedies 11 tion of School Committeemen and ever used. My children have all; ^he Transylvania Teachers’ Asso- taken it and it w^orks like a charm. | ciation in session Saturday, Febru- For colds and whooping cough it is ! excellent. For sale by S. M. Mac- The Best Cough Medicine. “I haT:e used Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy ever since I have fie. adv The business and residence lots to be sold at Selica Saturday are on Deaver and Symington streets near Selica Station. If yon miss it you will regret it. Free lunch to everybody. Don’t You Believe It. Some say that chronic constiim- tion cannot be cured. Don’t you believe it. Chamberlain’s Tablets have cured others—why not you? Give them a trial. They cost only a quarter. For sale by S. M. Mac- fie. miv

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