Sylvan Valley News VOLUME-XIX BREVARD. NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 27. 1914. NUMBER- 9 SCHOOL HOUSE BURNED The school house at Cedar Moun tain was burned last Wednesday, together with the contents of the bnildinp:. The school at that place closed some time af»o, but on Wed nesday some parties went to the building to clean it preparatory to having a l)OX supper, sweejjing the floor and burning the trash in the stove. It is thought that burning pai)er in some manner lighted on the roof, an old shingle roof, and the fire started in this manner. The fire was not discovered until the building whs falling in, too lute to save anything. The building was an old one, but had been recently equipped with new patent desks, and probably the loss of the desks will amount to about US much as the building. There was no insurance. It is nut yet known what plans will be ])ut on foot for rebuilding but in all probability a new build ing will be ready at the beginning of anotlu'r school term. RECORDER’S COURT WELCOME TO PRESIDENT In contnist with the past few weeks, the recorder’s docket pre- senttnl a large array of cases for ! (ireater \\ (»stern Upon his first visit to Western North Carolina since his election as president of the Southern Railway, President Fairfax Harrison was royally entertained in Asheville last Monday and Monday night, fully five hundred men gathering to do honor to the successor of Mr. W. W. Finley, one of the best friends the South ever had. In President Harrison’s party were Vice-President JSpencer, Gen eral Manager (icorge Loyall and Passenger Traflic Manager S. H. Hardwick, who arrived in Ashe ville Monday morning on a special train. In the morning the party went to W^aynesville where the citizens of that town welcomed the new president, after which a quick run WHS made to Hendersonville. At both Hendersonville and Waynesville Mr. Harrison was ten dered a reception, and at both l)laces h^' made an address to the citizens. Monday aftv-rnoon President Har rison met with the members of the (Tteater Western North ('arolina Association in the Asheville Club rooms. President Harrison was intro- dnc(‘d by .Mr. W. E. Breese, Jr., th(* uttention (*f .Tiulge Forsythe at Monday's session. The following was the list as shown by the rec ords : State vs. (i(*orp‘ Fortune, Ira Ledl)ctter and Ernest Allison, drunk and disorderly. ^^15 and costs. Slate vs. (ieorge Fortune, resist ing an ollicer. three months on the eonnty mads. State vs. ('lat(* Oste(‘n. resisting an ofuet'v. not guilty. State vs. King Whittaker, as- stmlt, and costs. State vs, .Iruin'S Hamlin, oarry- iii'j: a C(iiu-eak-(l weapon, eontinned for one \ve('k. ' North Carolina Association. Mr. Harrison was received with rounds of a])i)lansc! and his talk was lis tened to with the closest attention. whispered about that some of the diners “saw red” before leaving the banquet hall. The banquet commenced at nine o’clock and lasted until long after midnight. After all the good things had been eaten »*nd every one was in a jolly good humor Mr. Breese called Mr. H. W. Plummer to act as toastmaster, which he did to everybody’s satisfaction. But as is usual on such occasions, nearly every speaker kept talking too long, until the merits of the speech were judged by some of the banqueters solely on their length, Transylvania county was repre sented by the following citizens of the county : J. S. Silverstein, T. H. Shipman, J, A. Miller, Jr., W. E. Breese, Jr., R. E. Woodbridge, J. M. Allison, A. ISI. Verdery, J. S. Bromlield, R. L. (irash, C. M. Doyle, E. A. Shaffer, Lewis Carr, D. G. Ward, J. F. Hays, and Ora L. Jones. Mr. J. S. Silvcrstein very gra- cijusly introduced the Transylva nia delegation at the Asheville Club, und also had a majority of the delegation as guests at lunch eon at the club. Those enjoying this hospitality wish to take this opportunity to extend their thanks to Mr. .Silverstein for those kind nesses. MISSIONARY INSTITUTE ENTHUSIASTIC MEETING The ext'cntivo board of the Tran- In the course of his remarks he re- sylvania Ba])tist Associati(m has fern*d t<» the work eommenced by arranged to hold mission and I'n- his pnub'eessoLV Mr. Finley, and listint'nt institutes at the following i pledgi'd his co-operation with tlie times and ])lac('S: The business n'eeting of the Greater Western North Carolina Association held in Asheville last Monday was largely attended, and the reports of the officers for the past year showed that the organi zation has done much good work for this section of the state. As stated in the report of the president, the association has now passed the experimental stage, and is recognized as a i)ermanent fix ture in the life of the state. President W, E. Breese read his report to the members and visitors present, going into the work of the association in detail and telling of the results of the advertising campaign that has been carried on under the direction of Manager S. H, (?ohen. A well deserved tribute was j)aid to Manager Cohen by President Breese, who stated that Mr. Cohen had labored faithfully at all sea sons for the upbuilding of this sec tion. The report showed that the travel to Western North Carolira l>oints has increased twenty per cent over any ]>revious season, and that in the year there were twenty-five ])ercent more people in the resorts of Western North Caro lina than in any previous year. The i)rospects for the coming sea son are the very brightest, said the president, and it is confidetly ex- ! pected that this year will eclij)se ' last year in the number of tourists. At tlu‘ })nsiness iiu'cling of tin* directors of the association th(' “TAMING OF THE SHREW” Shakespeare’s delightful comedy, “The Taming of the Shrew,” a,s presented by the students of tho Brevard Institute, proveto be one of the most enjoyable numbers of the lyceum course, as all who were fortunate enough to beat the Audi torium Monday night v.ill testify. Every player in the cast de.serves special mention, as every (*hameter was portrayed in a manner that would have done credit t<». j)rofes- sional troupe. It would be hard indeed to pick out the star of the cast. The many trying situations through w-hicli Katharine, the shrew, w’as forced into by her erratic husband were Indicrous in the extreme, and Miss Neppie Brothers as Katharine came up to the requirements of the part in a very pleasing manner. Mr. Omra Jones as Baptista. Lester Allen as Petruchio, and Miss Pauline Mar tin as Bianca, the lovable sister of the .shrew, all played ther<^ parts well. Hoover Jollay as Grumio also deserves much credit. The wonderful transftjrmation made in Katharine by her luisband furnishes the foundation f«jr the play, and the manner in which the transfornsation was brought about furnishes tlu* fun. The shrew, who has such a vioh'nt tem])er that no one cares to marry lier, is wootd in a most unu.=^ual manner by P(;trn- chio, vrh(» (h'clares she has the most beatUifn] :.-jjnu‘r, and takes her a , ••a:»‘>''es. At tlie association in any work it may un dertakiv He sai ’ that tht'on'ti-j Monday, March 'i’.’and I'.U 1. (•ally Mr. Finley was a big farmer, having the entir(‘ south for his farm, t)ut that Western North Caro lina was the garden s])ot. He stat»*d that he had heard mucli of tlie work (if th(' (in-ater Western — , ^ n I 'veddiug the gr(n>m is dressed in At Rosman all day Sunday and i ‘icei.s wi n le-ecctt t , most outlandish costurne, and Enon—Tuesday and Wednesday, March l and Little River—Thursday, March unanimously, the various commer- 1 cial organizations in the dilTerent j (;ounties to decide upon the num ber of directors from each countv’ At all th(\se ■ylaces the exeeutivi' committee wants the chnrclu's to LOCAL WOMEN AGREE i and furnish their names to the .sec- I i retary at a later date. According to the constitution each county orth Carolina Associati(.n, hut' pn>])are for three services—morn-imany directors as it had only commenced to iealize the : ing, afternoon and night. Rev. W. i i valn*‘of the or<:anization. “With R. Bradshaw and Rev. (’. I'p-| cordial sincerity 1 i)romise you that churc'h, (‘nlistment secretary, will i j as the ceremony i? iinish(?d knocks th« ]>riest to tiie I’oor, takes the bride away from her father's hoii’.e before the wedding dinner and makes lu'r fast for two days be- causi‘, as hi' says, li*' eiin g('t notic ing good ('noui-'h fard the u])bnilding of ably those on th<“ stage are most Westt'rn North Carolina," saul Mr. (mly are these idiur^hes with peo])le of that county which th(^ met'tings an* held px-: ])('Cted to att*“nd, but all churclK's. ‘i^^eciatioii it is Iht'ir de.^in* to reach of them. Begin at ti'ii-1the organization. This in particular about tlu*ir ])crsonal ap- Harrison, pearancf', and es])(*cially in the care Ref«*rring to the necessity of co- thirty and ])ut in an honest day for ! ''^s referred to the ex- of the hair : and when such leading , operation, .Mr. Han-ison said that tlu' Lord. j ecutive committee. .stage heiintic-s :»s Ethel Harrynu)re, i the railroads cannot liv»‘ without' From F'riday morning to Sunday . Wht>n the roll of counties was Elsie Fer;:uson. Natalie Alt, Louise the co-o])i'ration of tlu^ ]>eo])le it ^i^ht w»* (“oinlnne the institute ^ ealletl ft)r tin* ])ur])Ose of taking Dresst'r. Mose (’oghlan, Laurette servt‘s, declarinir that factor was I ^yith the? fifth and at last ret^ivns t ■ her father’s Application lor meml»>rship in [ obedient wife in the entire country, wiiero h<* wins a largo witii his broth er-in-law and jiis friend !>y r<‘ason of th(! fact that his wife come~ wiien s('nt for nu)re ])rom[)tly tliar. the other men’s wives. To show tliat K;itiiarin«; is not a shrevr as has he,-n lei'orted. Petrn- chio commands lier to give the Sunday ineeting ' Pledges tor anotlu'r yt'ar, and to 1 Taylor anti many others are so en- the bn>ath of the uostrils of any | ^vith the 1 In'vard church. Bn>ther U'‘‘t a report in regard to the pay-‘ to their husbads. v. hich she does thusiastic about Harnumy Hair raih-oad syst.*m. and the Southern ^vill he here and s]>eak nient of the asse.s.sment for Inst | . Bi'autilier as to writ«‘in praise of it. is dejjcndent u])on tlie confidence twici'each day, and in additi<»n for | year, all the counties ])h*dged the that i.- certainly evidence that it and good will of tin-jieople through uljout half of a ]>rogram the follow-! amount as given last year, as does just wiiat they say it do('s— t(>rritory it runs, and that : will he discussed : that is. beantilies the hair. There his com]>any prt>])oses to justify an* many women right in this town, the good will of th(‘ jieople. He and men, to(.. who regard it as in- also referred brielly to tin? plans dispensable, because^ it makes tlu; for imi)rovement now under con- hair glossit r and mor(‘ silky, t'asier .sidcration, stating that it was the 1. Is the local church an end in itself, or a means to a greati“r end? By J. M. Hamlin and J. N.Le-'. Has church inde])endence as worked in our mountain country to dress and make stay in place. i)urpose of tlu* comiianv not to , o i*- i ; ‘ * * ■ been a sncct'ss.-' 11 not. what is Sprinklt' a little on your hair each build additional I’oads hut to im- time before brushing it. Contains ])rt)Vt* the present systeni at its no oil : will not cliange color of hair, weakest ]ioints. double t racking nor darl.en irray hair. , wlu*re ne(*essary. ]>r*)viding addi- To k*M']) hair and scalp dandrulY- tional facilities to better carry on fn »‘ and clean ust* Harmony Sham- tlu* enonnons busiiu'ss. bnyiTig new ])oo. This pure liijuid sham])oo rolling stock, etc. gives an instantaneous rich lather After the address of Mr. Harri- that immediately ])enetrates to son Mayor J. E. Rankin of Aslu*- every ]>art of hair and scalp, insur- ville wascalled u])c)u and n'S|U)nut*d ing a (]uick. thorough ch*ansing. ^ in a f(*\v well chosen words of wel- Washed oil' just as (luickly, the en- conu' to Pre.sident Ihirrison and tin* o]u*ration takes only a few mo-, the out of town fuembers of the * i ments. Cvnitains nothing that can ussociatiim, after wiiieh the nieet- harm the* hair ; leav(>sno har.shness ing adjourned. A large number of or stickiness. ' the visitors attended the meeting Both pre]);irations comi' in odd- of the i)oard of direc'tors in the sha])i*d. very ornamental bottles, i otlices of tlu' association, an ac- with s])rinkh‘r to})s. Harmony count of which will be found in Hair Beautilier, Harmony another column. Shampoo, Both guaranteed Tin* banquet t(‘ndered to Presi- to .satisfy you in every way, or your ; dent Harrison at the (Trove Park money back. Sold only at the | Inn Monday night was possibly one needed to make it a success':' By Pr()f. T. ('. Henderson and Ut'V. A. .1. Manlv. revised at a recent meeting of the association. When Transylvania was calhul for Mr Silverstein re- ])orted that Transylvania county had raised her assessment for last year and the jimount was in the bank subject to the draft, and that this cminty would raisi* a like amount for this year. Tin* total amount of pledges for this year :5. The unprecedented ^vorld i ^H,•>(.(), and as there situatireach the introductcry ser mon t>n Friday at i*levi>n a.m.— llev. E. Allison ; alti'rnatt', Rev. J. ! attending the banquet at (irovt ; N. Lee. j All church<‘s are reose of I And for thy ma'.ul. .u.:v:o: commiis hi.- b»)dy Park Inn, an account of which will , To painful labor, bola bv sea and land; I To watch the nij;ht in storms, the day in BOYLSTON NEWS more than 7,0(H) Rexal Stores, and in this town only by us. S. M. Mactie. Broad and Main streets, Brevard, N. C. adv There will be a Baptising in Kings creek near the Union Valiev Chapel (Free Will, Ba])tist church) next Sunday morning at 10 o’clock conducted by Rev. Stephen Smith, as^sted by Revs. Presley and Mar tin. About twenty candidates will be baptised at this time. The prayer meeting and Sunday school services at this church are proving a factor for good in the communi ty, and are being very largely at tended.^ ' I of the largest ever held in Ashe ville, over four hundred plates be ing laid. Just prior to the banquet an informal reception was held in the lobby of the hotel when the visitors had a chance to meet Mr. Harrison. The banquet was elabo- The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Presbyterian church will have a I sale of good things suitable for Sunday dinner at Macfies Drug Store Saturday afternoon from :i to .■> o’clock. ' It cold. While thou liest warni at home, secure and safe; And craves no other ;ribute ;it thy h.inds. We have had quite a lot of snow | love, fair looks, and true obedience,- lately and tlie roads are somewdiat ] Too little payment for great a debt. muddy. Annie Pattern of Rosman is vi.siting her i)arcnts Mr, and ^Irs. J. M. Patton. Weldon and , Such a duty as the :.abjecl owes a prince. Even such a woman ov. eth to her husband: And when she’s irov.ard. peevish, sullen. sour. And not obedient to his honest will, Harvpy English i ^vhat is she but a foul contending rebel. made a business trip to Henderson-; And graceless traitor to her loving lorn? Methodist Minister Recommends Chamberlain’s CourH Remedy. Rev. James A. Lewis, Milica, Minn., writes; “Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy has been a needed rate in every detail, nothing being and welcome guest in our home for left iindonc by the management that would add to the pleasure of the company. The color scheme in the dining room was red and this was carried out in all the deco rations. Large bouquets of red carnations were on the tj^les and at each plate a red carnation was placed as a souvenir. Red was the predominating color, and it was a number of years. I highly recom- mend it to my fellows as being a medicine worthy of trial in cases of colds, coughs and croup.” Give Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy a trial and we are confident you w’ill find it very effectual and continue to use it as occasion requires for years to come, as many others have done. For sale by S. M. Macfle. adv ville Tuesday. Ed Hollingsw'orth of Davidson River was a visitor at Boylston Sunday. Little Neil and Charlie English who have been very sick with pneumonia, w’e are glad to report, are slowly improving. I am ashamed, that women are so simple To offer war. where they siiould kneel for peace; Or seek for rule, supremacy, and sway, When they are bound to serve, love, and oboi'. The Best Cough Medicine. ; “I lm\o used Chamberlain’s Dish orders seem to be all the, Remedy ever since I havo rage in this community ‘is you can j keeping house,” says L. C. see an order book every way you look. Lee Scruggs, gave a dinner Sun day to a few of his friends in honor of his twenty-first birthday. All report a very nice time. IJOUOLIXK. Hames, of Marbury, Ala. “I con sider it one of the best remedies I ever used. My children havo all taken it and it works like a charm. For colds and whooping cough it is excellent. For sale by S. M. Mac- fie. adv