VOLUME-XIX BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. MARCH 20. 1914. NUMBER-12 TO DREDQE FRENCH BROAD Consressman Gadger has intro duced a bill in congress appropri- atinf? $20,000 for the purpose of clearing the French Broad river bed and blasting ont Buck Shoals. It is believed that if this work is done it will be of great benefit to the farmers along the river in that it will more effectu'illy drain their land and i)rovent the river over flowing its banks. A number of years ago an appro priation was made for the purpose of building jetties along the riyer in an effort to confine the river to its eonrse, but instead of being a help those have proven a detriment in that they prevent the free flow of th(‘ river. Following is a full text of the bill as intrcKluced by Mr. Gudger: “A bill ])roviding for the im- provetnont of the French Broad river in North Carolina. “Be it enacted by the senate and houso of representatives of the LOOK BEFORE LEAPING Editor Sylvan Valley News: In your last issue will be seen the initial step made by the county board of education for the purpose of “toning up and advancing the whole county school system.” The plan .suggested to do this is to unify the system of taxation. The object is praiseworthy and the plan, if it could accomplish the end sought, would not be objectionable. But the election ordered is to bo held under chapter seventy-one of the public laws of 1911, add this chapter involves a great deal more than uniformity of taxation, and will therefore defeat the object sought. The real pro])osition submitted to the voters is a very mtxlest and genteel invitation to abandon local self-government and rely upon the superior wisdom of a centralized board v^f management. Under the ])res»'nt regime the taxpayer, hav ing seized the opportunity and as- United States of America in con- «nmed the responsibility and bur- grcSH assiMiiblod, That $20,000 be nppro]>riiited to lower Buck Shoals, in th»‘ French Hroad River in North Carolina, by blasting out a dened himsel'* with a s«*lf-ini])osed tax to aid the state to better and more thoroughly educate his chil dren, ])ays the money directly for When these* special tax districts shall have transferred their local funds to the county board as pro- l)osed and thereafter should desire to improve their grounds, houses, furniture or comforts, they must petition, and if the amount does not exceed the limit or pro rata, they will obtain the funds and ac complish the purpose. Under the present organization things desired are obtained without red t,ape. Your correspondent has confined himself to the provisions of chapter seventy-one of the school law, and if his pren iseaare wrong, of course his coL\c’.isions are wrong, and when cc xvinced ot error he prom ises t)’£ necessary retraction or GOOD ROADS MAP Editor Sylvan Valley News: It has been my amhiticm and hope ever since the formation of the Greater Western North Carolina Association that our Association would be one of the factors in securing better roads for Western North Carolina. My several reports have each con tained recommendations in re- I gard to' the improvement of our roads and I have urged in nearly very si)eech that I have made that we bend our energies to bet tering our trnsportation facilities. It was therefore with groat satis- modifi<*ation. He would advise thej f^^tion to me that the Association voters to pay no regard to riders or meeting, on Februrary chromos emanating as they may, or may not, from high authority as to the central high school at Bre- 23rd, ajipropiated §250.00 and to which sum the Southern Railway through Mr. Hardwick immedi- vard, which is to develope into a j added a like amount, and fur- farm life school, which, in the lat- agreed to duplicate any amount ter feature, is an absurdity and I procnr- should not have appeared in such ! road map of seven counties close ])roximity with the question at issue. J. M. Hami.ix. CEDAR MOUNTAIN NOIEi LYCEUM COURSE channel or by other proper engi-1 specific puri)ose and «‘xercises neerini; ])rojects and removing the obstructions heretofore ])laced in in the Association While the securing of this road ma]) does not moan the immediate I improvment of our roads, still it is j a long stride in the right direction 'audit will be a great advertise- Miss Hattie Jane Dunaway, who m nt for this section with the gr»‘at will meet the lyceum patrons at the j of people all over the the riv«M- by th(' I'nited States gov- ernmi iit. and to take such other stejis as may be necessary at that ])omt to drain th«* lands located bt^ twon Ihi- i>.^inls of Asl.ov.Ho anil i Propositii.n wlu-n ,.l-oi«rly„i,nlvz,(l Brc'VHnl, N.irli. C.,ro)iim." j ivs„lv>.» itself ,nt„ „f I management, and who are the bet- CQME ACROSS I ter manairers? If the election I should fail to carry the county On March iNtli the new house j each and every township voting an and home of Waverly Morris at |majority completely Pisgah F-.rest was totally destroyed j t’’»nsfers its local management to by lire. Kverv piece of furnishing, j the board of education fontv(*r—a food an<l elotliing (except what the, tacit, but. I ojiine. an nneonscious family were wearing' in ' that lo^-al self- the flatties. Mr. Morris had just got his iiew lio'ise ready to live in I Xow if a uniform system of tax and there was jio insui-anc<\ Now what are we neiiihbors tro in minds a direct inflrence upon its disburse ment. Und«‘r the ]>roposed cen-, . , - - tralized management he loses large- ‘ Auditorium Friday evening, March | country who take their vacations ly his opportunity, attempts to shirk his responsibility, but retains t nteiainer ^\ho has appeared ^ The greatest advantage, however. Ill 4. . *• in thp course this year, and her -i, , , , ^ , his burden ot taxation; so the; , , will be reai)ed by the farmer and salary IS evidently ])roportional to ', , , ■ ' ,, • ' ' tlu? loeiil business man. as it wHl her artistic vahn\ Onreomnnmiry . „ i * ,■ ■ not only direttt tlie iitteiition <.l is fortunate in having with us one . ■ , * i * 4. n i tourists to thi-; i-e-tion but it will who luis visited so manv ])lacesi , • • . n I ki: I wiiich are so much larger, for she has engagenn^nts dni’ing this tour As we have not seen anything- from this part of the county for some time we thought we would try and give you a few items from, our little town. The carpenters have l>een takin,«^ advantage of the unusually fine weather for the past several day» by beginning a number of nejv buildings. We are expecting to see a saw mill locate hero in the near future. Mr. Lonnie Hi.shop is visiting friends and relatives in Greenvill«, S. C. Messrs. Asa Hfioker and Horace McCrary seemed to be having some good sport driving their young mules the other day. We have plenty of good fresh air, good water and hog and hom iny up here. All we want to make us happy is a railroad from Green ville to Brevard by way of Cedar Mountain. We hope to see it some good old day before long. With host wish3s to the Sylvan Valley News and its readsrs. Pretty Boy (Wo would be very glad to hear from you every week. Pretty Boy. —Editor News.) FRUITLAND NLW3 at the University of South (’arolina, | I also call attention to the good roads .and the bad roads, and the local pride of each and every locality will be aroused and a greatr interest the University of North ('arolina, L 1-4.1 i 1: ^.i it , *, ■ tak(»n in the upkeep ot the ]>nblic and a nunil*er ot our other large and inllutMitial colleircs. ^ She is recognized as an elocutionist of The i)re.-^ent prospect of Federal : aid for post roads will also be of vor.vl,ishrank.ana«nyc,,,,imnmt.v;„„,,^j ,,^., ^ , I interest in jilattorm a])pearances as! . t rat(Ms the only tliintr souirht. that , r « ^ 11 Ro»^ds Go\ernoi, Locke ( raig, I ,,, , , do the pupils of both of our schools, i, v . ^ i * I.*. ..V I could be obtair.i'd with far less ex- verv fortnn te t lu tl * j b**lune that \\e aie about to enter ir to do nbeut it? If we ]*ut our l)en.se by inducing a ftnv tax dis-11" j on an era of good roads for this sec- ! . ■ . , , i have the advantage of vising so .1 . -n k. • inds aiul hearts‘’with one ac'cord : tricts to increase and anotlu'r tciw ' ^ 4.- ■ ^ , ! tion that will n'sult in o])i'ning u]> to low(>r their rcsiH'ctivt* rates. But it is dt‘siralilt* to iiavc a system to the work” wi' can send into him and his family of wife, live sons and two dauizhters. food, clothin*; that will ap]ily to the wholt'c*onn- and furniture cnounh that they ty. It has been but at.iout eiiiht can “cn*r]> out” vn'il the mor.ev ! years sfince the crccti'ni of the lin * \ I wliii-h wr coiitnbutc willi r. J lipc^cial ta:: di.-'irict; now there are abl(* him to iTft anothi'r hous(* sh'^1- (eighteen. In less than e:;'ht in Mre tered on his same lonndatior.s. years s]>ecial tax districts will cover L(‘t ns be Samaritan neighbors: the connty “as the waters cover expt'rt an elov;ntionist as a nKxlel, I If theevenin.'r is])leasant, Miss Dun away should, b v all i.n*ans, be greet<‘d bj* the largi'st andi(>nce I which has atti'nded any number in ) present course. * ‘YOUR GOWN’S TORN” and not ‘-])ass l)v on the other *ide. Vonrs for tlu‘ work. ' T. L. (4.VSM. BROTHER MOORE On Monday evei'.ing, M.ircii it ])'eased oar i.ord in ilis in-1 will be mor I the mighty dee])." (Irced and ig I norance cannot withstand the ! clamors of children thirsti;ig for an education. It will come ; ]>r;iv, 'gentlemen of the board, for the grace of imtienc.'. When it does : c*ome th<^ ])rocess of “toning uj)” rapid and solid than Unite wisdom t(M*all unto Himself; on t!i!' line ])ropose.l. A system, in rt'alms of etervial ]>eace above, Hdministered by a ci'ntral board but the soul of Broilu'r (ii‘orge Hous- aided i)v executive agents in tlu‘ ton Moore, wlio liad lived eighty | form of niisalaried c<Mnniitte()men years, tl'.ree months and fourteen in all districts, who feel tlienistdves days when the snnimons came to otficial factors in this toning up him to mei‘t his bh>ssed Lord, work, will Ix' far more I'llicient Brother Moort* ]>rofessed faith in j than when o])crated by lour men (;hrist wh(«n about tw(‘nty years in an olllce at Drevard. Hoys at] old and join* d the Little River , school do better when given somc- Baptist churc li. In isrr he moved thing to do. Their fatliers are his memb<*rsbi]i to Mount Moriah made of the same stutY. Let them Haptist church, and was alsj first have something to do rather than secretary of the church. On March to admire what is done. IK, iss:{. }»»• was ordained as deacon Again, should this chapter seven- and served tin* church faithfully , ty-one be vote I into law there will until his deatli. Brother Moorcv i,e as much necessity of a uniform did a great deiil in u])building the system of disbursement a^ of the church. His favorite .song was levying of the tax. No jirovision ••Deliverai!ce Will Come,” having is made for this in the act voted I I j Albert, King of the Belgians, on sei'ing a woman at a court ball re- c.'utly wearing a slit skirt,wbi>])er- ed to the court marshal, who theri‘- upon oft\‘red his arm to thcialy in most deferential manner and escort ed her from tla* ballroom. When ■they arrived outsitle the court t!ie marshall said : “His Majesty noticed that ycmr gown was torn on one side* and asked me to cscort you to your icarriag(‘ so that yon can go hone' and get the. damage repair-’d.”— ' New York Sun. this county to the invcst(n* and in' I briimiuir in a larire aie.mint of can-1 ‘ I ital that is only awaiting the in-j dictation of that “(lood Roads I S])irit" that is so essential to (*very j progressive tind growing commun i i.ty. j It ^las bi>en my privilige tn tra v(‘i j (jvcr a larg(? section of l^astern | Tt*nnessee, located in the mountains j just as we are, and I have not only ! observed personally, but 1 ha v<; Inid the best men of the various com mnnitii's call my attention to the I gi o 1 roads they have and the great i b.(*n‘fit the various sections have t derived from the same. rros])eritv has conn? to tln ni. fanr.s that wer<‘ (,f little value have become valuable, men who were living from hand t » n’outh have been made ]n*os])crous. and vvhih' :nany were o])j)osed be fore the good roads were built, I found Unit tifti'r said roads were in o;>eration that every one be c»m(> not only friends bxit <'n- Old Man Winter seems to have gone on u vacation and we trust he will i)osr] one his return for a long time. Everything is moving along nicely and with great sue- ces.s. We had the rare jiriilege of lis^- tening to an address from Dr. A. E. Brown last Sunday afternoon, ilis subject was “Making Men.” Monday marked the beginning of the work on the ne\v building. Men and teams are busy removing the toi> of the hill in front of the old building. We hoj)e to be able- to lay the corner stone during commencement week. The many friends of Prof. M(>1- ton will b(‘ inti'rested to learn that he is making great lu-ogress in his studies, and also that he is the father of a fine boy. Mr. Melton will be in charge of the school here next year. Tiie Iwse ball teams are prejnir- ing to play si'veral games with the teams from other ])laccs this spring ai.d the “fans" are looking forw’ard to a good time. Bill Wuay. MISSIONARY (KSTITUTES Mr. B. P. Woodsi(h) of (ireen-; tbusiasts ville, S. C., was a business visitor to lirevard this week. the faith of Mt)s*'s when journey ing to n*aeii the Promised Land. The re fore be it n‘solved by the upon. The presum])tion is the board must fall back upon the gen eral school luw’—then our teachers of good roads. Tlie many benefits derived from good roads makes ev«^-y thinldng man who has ])ropert.' strong friends ^ of a good roads movement. 1C *ort> ear est. ^ I therefore ho])e every aid will An artich* must ha\e excc])tional jjp given in starting this great move- merit to survi\e fot u period of this s etion, foi* it is all Mount Moriah baptist church. Cal-1 will get forty dollars ])er month, vert, N. : ] It may bo possible, however, that First—That v.*e bow in humble j law can be found allowing the submission to Him who doeih all j board to use this county fund to things well, “For the Lord giveth ! supplement salaries, as is the case ! forty years. Chamberlain’s Cough Rinnedy was first offered to the public in 1S7'2. From a small be ginning it has grown in favor and poi)ulariry until it has attaim'd a world wide re])utation. You will find nothing better - for a cough or cold. Try it and yon will under stand whv it is a favorite after a that is now needed to bring to us a ])eriol of prosperity that has never been equalled in this county. W. E. Brkksk, Jr. CUT COST OF LIVING and the Lord taketh aw'ay. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Second—That while the church realizes that it has lost one of its best members and oldest deacons, still we ftel that our loss is his eternal gain. Third—That a coj)y of these reso lutions be put on the church-record, a copy sent to the ^ BH)llcal Re corder and the Sylvan Valley News for publication, and a copy sent to his devoted wife. ) J. \vJ Glazener, R. L Ihogsed, L. C. Phillips will plant 1,000 period of more than forty years.! It not only gives relief—it cures ; jjj sunflowers this year as a further now in special districts ; if so that i j demonstration that this plant (an he cultivated v.ith profit on land where other crops may not thrive As apnonnced in the News a a short time agt>. missionary insti tutes v.ill be held at the following places: Rosman, Sunday an I Monday^ March 22 and 2.''>. Enon, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 21 and 2'). Little River, Thursday, March 2r»., From Friday until 'Sunday of the same week the instituti will be- (“ombinod with the fifth Sunday meeting at the Brevard Baptist church. At all these places there will he three services ('rich day,, morning, afternoon and night, and the local cnmmittees are re({nested, to make necessary preparation for the meetings. Rev. Vv". R. Bradshaw and Rev. C. A. Upchurch will be present and assist in the various meetings, and it is earnestly hoped that thertj will be large gatherings of the peo-. l)le present at each and every meet ing- BOYLESTON NEWS will not obviate the necessity of a uniform system for the payment of teachers. There must needs be a limit or .some districts will appear extravagant in securing the teacher of their choice. Some districts will want a hundred dollar teacher. Will the board give it?—then all the districts and all the teachers will demand the limit. Can the board afford to say that district “A” is entitled to one hundred dol lars but “B” can get but forty? There must bn absolute uniformitv A. ill (iiLLKsi'it:, ' j or iaevitciblo fricUon. EXECUTORS NOTICE Having qualified as executors of the will of the late Mary A. Orr, deceased, of Transylvania county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said Mary A. Orr, deceased, to present same to the un dersigned, duly verified, on or before the 16th day of March, 1915, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted in any way to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate settlement w ith the undersigned. A. K. ORR, CHAS. E. ORR. Executors of the will of Mary A. Orr, deceased. , March 16th, 1914. f 3-20 6t-cco so well. Phillips, who owns approx imately-1,500 acres, hi»lf of which is in cultivation, has been exper imenting for several years in the culture of sunflowers, whose seed, when mixed with other seed, makes excellent chicken and hog feed. Last year following the flood he planted nearly 100 acres in sun flowers. The cost of planting harvesting is about $6 an acre, he savs, and the returns from $35 to The weather for the pasr. few days has been very pleasant. W'e hope the the winter is over. Miss Geneva Orr, who has been staying at Pisgah Forest for soma time, is now spending some time at home. Weldon English made a business^ trip to Henderson villa last Friday.. Capt. C. T. Rankin passed throngk j this section last Tuesday, . I W. S. Allison went to Render-^ sonville last week to visit his daugh ter Ellen, who is very ill at that l)laco. B0ii0Li>'K.

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