Sylvan Valley News VOLUME-XIX BREVARD. NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. MARCH 27. 1914. NUMBER-13 BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Tho rirevanl Building and Loan Association beld its annual meet ing in the conrt honse last Monday afternoon, and was attended by a large number of stockholders either in person or by proxy. Tho re])ort of the secretary-treas- nrer, Mr. A. M. Verdery, Jr., showed that the association was in a very ijrospcrons condition, and that daring the past year had been of great service to many Brevard real estate owners, and had con tributed largely to the present pros perity of the town. The report will be foniul in full in another col umn in this issue. Possibly the most important ac tion of tho nu'eting was the elec tion of iin assistant secretary- treasurer, Mr. 1). L. English being elected to assist Mr. Verdery. In future Mr. English will receive and receipt for all duos at his otilce. Another cluinge was made in the addition of ono other director, the board now being eight instead of seven. Th»^ following directors were elected for the ensuing year : Chas. E. Orr. .1. W. McMinn, Thos. H. Shi]nnan, M. (’ooke, Jr., J. A. Miller. .Ir., Dr. (iloode ('heat- ham, (’. Yongne and R. !S, Mor gan. Tlu^ directors olectt'd tho follow ing officers: Thos. H. Shipman, ])resi(lont ; Dr. (toode (’heathani. vice president : A. M. A'erd(>ry. sec- retary-troHsun'r: I). L. Eiiglisli. An act to authorize any county in North Carolina to vote upon the levying and collection of a special tax on property and polls to sup plement the county school fund of said county. The general assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section 1. That the county com missioners of any county, upon the petition of the county board of edu cation of said county, may order an eleotion to be held in said county to ascertain the will of the people whether there shall be levied on all taxable i)roperty and i)olls of said county a special tax, not to exceed thirty cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of property and ninety cents on each poll, to sup plement the county school fund of said county. See. That .‘<aid election shall be conducted for the county as nearly as may be under the same rules and regulati(ms governing district special school tax elections, as set out in section four thousand one hundred and liftec'n of The Revisal of one thousand nine hun dred and five of North Carolina. Sec. ;>. That in eas(‘ a majority of th(! <iualified voters at said eh*c- tion shall vote in favor of .siid tax, the same shall be annually levicnl and colloctod in tlu* .'■anu* jtiuniior assistaTit si'cretary-treasun'r ; H. L. : Jii^d at tlic time as oIIpm Gash, attorni'V. J. A. ]\lill.'r, Jr., »’f the couniy are levied and C. Vi)ni;nt‘ and H. S. Morgan eolleett'd wen* as a cominittt'o to audit tin* lto»ik> of tlie association. THE SCHOOL LAW A BREVARD ENTERPRISE MR.WEILT'S NEW STORE Miss Annie Gash recently donated to Brevard Institute a very beauti ful book which was published last summer. It is entitled “The Caro lina Mountains.” The author is Miss Margaret Morley, and the book is published by the Houghton Mifflin Company. The book is purely descriptive, and has nothing that touches on fiction to give it charm, but is a perfectly fascinat ing book from the beautifully tin ted water color reproduction on the front cover to the large map of the Carolina Mountains on th<! inside back cover. It treats of j)eople and the scenery which we know and love so well in a thoroughly kindly and aj)preciative spirit and with a true artist’s insight. It is particnlary interesting to Brevard people because of a para graph in the chapter on “Church and School,” where there is a thoroughly sympathetic desciption of Brevard Institute as an illustra- j j tion of the nature of tho schools of I tho mountains. No other school is j described in parti(;ular or byname, 'and those paragra])hs alone show tho koent'SH of the obsorvatit)n and the conciseness of diction which arc; both so characteristic of tho (Mitiro Ir is dontt ul if tho EiiLrlish language oonld oxjjross in so low woriN tho ])uri)oso and ])laa of th(“ Institnti- any bottor tlian tlu'so few Soc. I. That in case a nia.iority linos which an* hon'with (luotod. <>r th,M|U„llli,.,l vot.Ts at said .■Icc- „a,K n„ illnstrati,,,, THE LADY OF THE DECORATION The lyceum attraction at the Auditorium last Friday night proved to be one of tho very best of the course, and, according to some who were present, the best that ever came to town. Miss Hat tie Jane Dunaway, a «ielightful reader, gave a symposeum of read ings from that delightful little book of Frances Little’s, ‘The Lady of the Decoration,” and by giving the various scenes, dressed in difTerent costumes as the text of the story would indicate, she brought laughter or tears, bring ing to the audience the vai’ious im pressions experienced bv the for eign missionary—“the widow who was not sorry.” ' The only unpleasant thing was the conduct of a few boys near the door, who persisted in talking in a manner that interfered with the speaker so much that at last she had to administer a rather severe rebuke. It is to be regretted that such things as this become neces sary, especially so when the enter tainment was of so high an order. The lyceum course this year has been a success, and the patrons are delighted with the attractions fur nished. At the end ot the seascm there will doubtless be a .small bal ance which will be applied to the course for next voar. COUNTY COMMENCEMENT The county commencement for the elementary public schools of Transylvania county will be held at Brevard next Friday, April 3. It is hoped that every school in th(> county will be represented by tho teacher and a large per cent, of the pupils, and that all the committf>e- men and a large number of th» other patrons of tho schools will b<? present. There will be contests in declama tion, recitation, spelling and field sports. Prizes will bo awarded to the winners in all these contest. Certificates, or elementary school diplomas, will Ik? granted to the pupils who, during the past term, have finished all the subjects re quired in the .‘Seventh grade and thereby completed the elementary course of study for the i)ubl:c schools of the county. The addresses of the day will l»o d; livered by Prof. N. W. Walker of the State University and Prof. A. C. Reynolds, principal of the Cullowhee Normal school. Everybody in the county is in vited to be present at these com mencement exercises. ROSMAN COMMENCEMENT PISCAH FOREST tion in any township of said county of tho struggles and conqno.sts of j |slmll v»f.. for «,id spoo.,,1 ta<r, th.- „„.s,.,v,„k,.rs ™n be f-iv.-n than that I sum., shall Ik. annnally Irvi,.,! .m.l U„.vanl, AltliniiL'h not nearly all the goods I s-aid townsliip in tho jj^ P>t*nch Broad Valh^y and fixturos lor Mr. \V. I’. Wi'ilt's nuinnt'r and at tho sanio tiinc' n(“W ladifs' turtiishinix stori* havo ‘*thi‘r taxos aio loviod and col- This 1 S'-hoc)l, started in I'''.!.'*, tlironjrh' the .'I'lf-.'^acrificin': i iVorfs of one arrived, tho store presents a very , nian lias struggled on, ki‘])t alive attract!voa].]»crance and a(hls!unch ! l^nd (.i said townshii). , mainly by that internal heat wliieh i to the town. Sec. .‘i. 'I'hat in case u majority alone gives any institution real | It had beeji .'Ir. \\ eilt s idea to | tif tlio (jualilied votei s at s;ii(l olcc- irrowth-power. Today it I'lirolls have a loi rnal ojioiiing at his now | tion in any tt)v.-nshi]) or in tho on- lU'arly two hundred ])n])ils, most of | stort‘, but he was dissapj)ointed in i tir(‘ c )unty shall vote in favor of fluMn girls, as the di'partim'iit for | tho arri val ot so many shipments said special tax, on ]u'tition of a y<»un;.: men is not vet fully di-velo])- of goods and lixtures lu^ had lo majority of the memhers of tho i«l. 1 lore come yoang i)i*op](> from giv(* u]) tho idea and begin business j i)ojird of trnsti'os or tho school all ]>arts of tho n;onntains and for! with what had an ivod. ilowovt'r , (‘ommitteo of any existing special a ])rico within thi*ir me.-ins rt'coivt* this nuide a g< ud di'i)lay, conipri j t-jx district within said townsliii) hoTi;o. education, and trining in ‘ siiiij tl.oi’.sai'.ils (,f dollar.'^ Wvjrth of or comity so voting;, tlu* eo’.inty tlu* jiractieal thinj^s of That ladies ready to wear goods, ('tc. I oominissioners shall reduce the tlio s]>irit in whicli th<‘ school was j Th(‘ r.ew store is finished in a [ annual si'cc’al local ta.\ levy of, ^.)unded yet pi'rsists i.s felt tho mo-j most attractive manner, the iNi’-^ said district 1;\’an amount not ex- ’nent one enters its doors. when 1 niture all liein_r the v*'ry hi'st. In s]»ecial li'vy jirovideil one hi'comes aware of sucli an at- this stori* will he K(“pt ovt'rything foy the county or to\vushi]» under iuos]»ht‘re of love and helijfulnc'ss, ^ that a lady c' ln, and win n this act. from tho i)rinei])al dt>wn tu the everything arrives there will he Str. f,. That in case a nia.iority youngest pupil, that it is a pleasure | Miss Minnit? Carr, a stnd(‘ut of St. G(*n(n-i(‘V(.*'s College, AsIk.'ViIIo, spent Sundav here. Miss Alma S]>anner of Aslnnille spent Saturday iind Sunday with Mrs. Carr and Mrs. Croushorn. Mr. J. S. Uickok, ])urchasing a'4(*nt of th(* National (’:isk(‘t ('oin- ])aiiy, was I'alling on Carr Lumber ('ompany the latter part of last week. Mr. Sam C’arr and his cousin, .lohn Princy, left for New York the latter part ot last wi?ok. From there they will sail for Europe'. The number of young men was incri’asod hero on tho first iiart of last week wlu'ii Mr. E. 1). iiallen- horg from Lorisvillo, Ky., took u]) oiti/t‘nship h(‘re for an indefinite time. Wo wolconie Mr. iiallen- berg to our village. Tl'.e Ladies Aid Society of the I’nshyterian cluirch are taking great part in heliiing tlu^ Morris family who lost everything by liri> last week. The commencement exercises rf the Rosnian hi‘?h school will 11* held on Sunday, Monday and Tues day, March J'.*, mO and M. On Siii; day morning at olev.-n o'clock ll<‘v. W. .M. Robbins will preach thi- baccalaureate sermon at the schot l hous(‘. On Monday nii^ht, beginning nZ eight o’clock, a recitation contt s.; will bt! held to determin*; \vhi»]}, tjirl from the si^vj'ntii ^rade sna!! represent tho Rosnian school in tlu contest at Brevard on April .‘I. <>n Tuesday night. l>eu'in:iiwL’ itlie sani(‘ hour, stud(‘nts of tn^' I scho(d will ]n-osent D.>ar {lo;- (■Jraduates.'' '^I'he puiilie is cor dially invited to be present at ail the exercises. MRS. ELZIE B. COX ]\Irs. Augusta Traninioll (’ox dicMl in Stvittlo, Wash., February l*.*nd. till 1. Mrs. Cox was a native of South Carolina, and her home wa.-i Marietta. Slu‘ was married to Mr. El/i»‘Cox on Janu iry 2J:i'1, 1'. i:!. They immediately moved to Seat tl(‘. Wash , in which city Mr had started into a nice bus. ness- Everything seemiHl britjht and nothing la< knu' to fill their wants. Mr. Woilt hii" shown in a very em])hatic niann r that ho bi*lieves in tow will doubtless instifv hi to <ro tht're and bask in tlu* warmth of it. Not that, (‘Veil todav, the of the fiualilii'd voters at said eleo tion in any county shall fail to viite for .said special taX. on jietition of ecjmpmont is anything like ado-j tlie futun> ];r...^p.‘nty ot fin; members of tiu* ‘pitc to tin* needs, but th(> results ,-n, and the ladus of tlu> 1 (.,,nntv l)oard of (‘dncation of .said prov<‘that tho jioon'st tools in lov- belief ATTORNEY GENERAL HELPS County, tlu' county commissioners ing hands ean accomplish much. j I may, after thirty days notice, ord(M- “Bt'sides the ordinary academic * an olocti(»n fur tho same jairpose >ui)jeots and s])ecial rt ligious train- and undiT tlu^ same rc'guhitions as ing, tht‘ pui>ils are here taught ‘a | In some ]ilaces in Xt)rth ( arolina > election lieroin provided dread of debt, promptness in attend-j tlu iindt n.iUi I>, dot tois and mid- for in any or all of tlu^ townships iim to business obligations of everj’ wives an' ju)t i t‘]K)rting birt hs and , , , ,,, ^ , deaths. Thev do not soi'in to know county that shall have faih d sort,a love fo’* thorou‘j;hiu‘ss and ac-1 that the ra-w \ital statistics lav.- to <-arry said sin cial teix in this onraey in doing work of every sort, | niean.s l)uslne^s. In several of the fornu*r election. self-control in the expenditure of eountii-s the (hath anti hirt ii rates, ^ ... mh,1 -i l-Tu»wUw1.r.. ■ according to the first numth's iv-! ‘' 1‘Uit tho oxp.-nso ot ht.ld- mom % , and a knowkdgt ot simple; ports, ar.‘ s.) low that they ar.< ab- election shall be paid out surd. For instance, tlu* returns from Roheson cor.jity for January show an anntial deutii rati‘ of only throi* j ho{)eful. Soon after cominix t< We are glad to si'O our now sta | Seattle, Mrs. C’ox was taken ill, but tion going up. We will soon Ik* I no one thought the illne^s of a able to wait for the train in the | serious naturt'. Develoi>nu‘iits regular Southi*rn stylo, that is by i sc'onied to indicate that no cure having two waiting rooms. j was possible, .since tho best pliysi- Mr. Louis Carr is spending a few I cians and could give no days at his operations at P'orney hojie. On the •.'•ind of Foliruary, this week. I'.M-I, she was rokasol from her Mr. Roy Dindinger of Pittsl.urir, sutlerjng. Pa., who is here learning tlu* lum- Mrs. ( ;).s. lea\0'. ht'iiir.d Ii;‘r u her business, sj)i*nt Saturday and mothoi,fo.u biothers. Sundaj' with fri(*nds and relatives pi*r whereas, from the dcialb rate elsewhere, it would st-em that it should be at lotist twonty-fonr ])or l,o(;o. Word has been sent to all the un(lt*rtHkors, doctors and midwives in Robestni count%', and otlu'r counties in tho same jilight, that two wo(*ks will bi* given them to report all unroiK)rtt*d births and deaths, aft(u- which a thorough oflicial inv(*stii;ation will be made by the stat(j board of health for nnreiiorted births and deaths, and that when such are found, prosecu tion will be made at once. The attorney general has been consulted on this matter, and he is heartily in accord with the new law. He wants it enforced to the letter. He has askeji-' that all the data for the larst half dozen prose cutions be laid before him, so that he can give them his full attention. Aft«r that ho will act as general consultant in such work w’henever needed. , of the county school fund of said county. Soc. S:. That this act .‘hall b(‘ in in full force and effect from and after its ratification. ilatifiod this tho :-!d day of March, A. D. liUl. CARD OF THANKS Editor Sylvan Valley News: W’ill you kindly permit us through the medium of your iiaper to express to the friends who so ]>romptly and liberally came to our help when we had lost our home and almost everything we had by fire, our ke^n appreciation of and warm thanks for their many and great kindnesses to VtS. Not only was the money and the many use ful things they sent in to us a great help materially, but the warm hearted way in which so many reached out helping hands to us cheered ns up and put heart in us to make a new beginning and try to retrieve our ruined fortunes. W-WKia.y Mokkis ax;> Family. Southern u:ou:itains.” business transactions.’ There is a busiiu*ss course, a department of music, one of domesic art where is taught dressmaking, millinery, and lacemaking, and a department of domosti* science where the snbjects taught are housework, cookery, laundry, and mending. In the normal de])artmont, ‘it is the inten tion to show j'oung teachers how manual training, sand tables, dram atization, phonics, and so forth, can be introduced and profitably used even where there is no e(iuipmentV Thus young people are prepared to go home to the little mountain schools and there s])read abroad tho information and the ideal tlu^y have themselves received, as well as to go’ if they are so inclined, into the world of action now opening below and in the mountains, and w’hose demands for helpers in all depart ments is in excess of a competent supply. Brevard Institute is but one among a number of industrial schools that are doing their part, against all sorts of difficulties, to help on the transformation that is so rapidly taking place in the and e,Tio sister. Slio also L av(‘>^ many frii*nds v.-ho will mour:i her loss. Mr. ('ox took tho bi'dy of his wife to South Car<>iina for in terment whore in tlu,* midst of hoi many friends divim; .services w'(*re hold, and slu' vcas laid to rest irs Mr. Joseph Chilton of Ashe\ill(‘ dear statt' of lun* nativity, was shaking hands with his friends ^ beautiful, culcurod in Ashoville. returning Monday. Mr. 11. Hobbs, of the, ‘'arr Lumber Comjiany, returned Mon day from Asheville, where he had been i)u tiusiness. here this week. woman. She was a dear dciuj^hter, Mr. Henry Brown, of the Brown-1 a sweet sister, and a most a!Tec- Patton Company of this ])lact\ who ! tionate and precious wife. Tiiougl; has been in Baltomore the past ten I her residence in Seattle was brief, days purchasing their s]»ring line | she made many friends, ard she t)f dry goods and notions, returned | was gathering about lu'r a circle of Monday. j charming associates. Mrs. Cox Mr. Robert H. Lockaby of Hen- was a devoted Christian, and iu life dersonville, our genial telegraph as well as in death her trur»was0 operator, spent Sunday with home folks. Mr. A. E. Jones, who has been employed by the Carr Lumbt'r Com pany for the past four months, re turned to his home in Tellico Plains, Tenn., Friday. Pen (H'11 A. Chamberlain’s Tablets for Con stipation. For constipation, Chamljerlain’s Tablets are excellent. l'2asy to take, mild and gentle in effect. (Jive them a trial. For sale by S. M. Macfie. adv complete. Of course loved onea and friends will miss her, but let us remember that she has gained heaven, with all its bliss and love, May there 1x3 comfort to tho hearts made lonely by the vacant place, and the spirits made sad by her going. Mrs. Cox has left in Seattle, as well as in Marietta. South Caro lina, many hearts made lonely be cause she is gone from “Not now, but in the coming years. It may be in the better land; We’ll read the meaning of our tears, And there—up there we’ll understand." KtH i'ASTOU.

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