Sy Ivan News VOLUME-XIX BREVARD. NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY. APRIL ,24. 1914. NUMBER-17 WAR BETWEEN MEXICO AND UNITED STATES INEVITABLE United States- Government Has Seized City of Vera Cruz, Five Americans and One Hundred and Fifty Mexicans Being Killed. by linn:: a < f t\V(*nty- to ilu' fltiju. thf : m:i rli: ihi:^ iia.i j;iit t t«' iir.' i in The Moxican situHtion has been developing: sonsations thick and fast for tbo ]>ast week, until today thoro is no donbt that relations be tween this ^'»)vernment and its sonthern neiy:hbor are entirely broken. Since the United States has not recognized the Mexican government it is against inter national law for It to declare war, but a .“^tate of war now exists. Thursday's dispatches carried the nows that (icneral (’arran/a re sented the action of the United {States in takinjr Vera Crti/., and in all probability th»* two factions of the Mexican Koverninent will come together in an ('IVort to drive the Americans froni that country. Following is a brief resume of tho most ini])ortant develoi)ments of the last t'lMv al’atc. In the MU rii iin .U'ivern- niciit ru>h. ;i 1;:!! collitT.- ar,d tori ' ilo lo Mi*.\ie:in wa tiTS wifa tli.cisand j}iarin»‘S ft r ihc o. takiniT whatever sti'jis iifc. ssary to rnfoj'ce th“ .\ie.. i i -aii iwls, the entire Atlaritir !ir, t ;; i>ai-t of tlii‘ I'acili'- ]< ••: tifi:;.: >**ut to .Mcxi- ca ft ])’ )Vl s. < )ii Mvinday :ii.‘ president wi'ut beioie a joint St■>‘•3on t)f eon^reihS a!id senate a;'.(i :is];cd that tlu' £;i::iy and r.avy ]k‘ placed under his «i; ;ifis for the ].r.! pose of enforcing t III-^.'liiT<‘ an'l .1 i-, solutit)n jiivin^i’ h;m ! .'li-i anth-i’ ity was ra])idly pre- ]>art ti;;nil ]>a^'i^d by et);i.u;rt'ss by a vote of :l.;r to ()n]y live* demo crats \oti-d Ihtr rt'solution. Ac'-onliiii,' to a’.;t iioi ities the i>resi- dent did not liave to;^et ])(‘nriission from cimui-fss to take thes(' steps buf l’ri->id< lit Wi^stiii wished tt) Imvi* eeiiirn >s bflnnd him in tho ni!«ttt*r. Will II tl.«‘ rt solution came lieiore tl)e si naic suMUf d('lay was oecasKUi-d l.etaiisc* of thi^ fact that Cl ; tain renators wished to chan;^c the wt.rdin;; o'" the rt*solu- tion so t!iat it wtjnid »i])ply to b(.)th j factions in Mrxieo. and \v]u*n it be came aijpan*nt that tJie resolutioii would not h(* ])ass(*d immediately orders wt*re issued on Tuesday for the seizun^ of the Mexican ports. Tlu‘ senate adoptre])arations were b<‘in{* madt' the various state troops were busy in drillinf' and sending in their pledges of sup])ort. In: this matter North Carolina, as' usual» was among the very first to j wire tho president that she had j 2r,d00 well drilled men that could i be ready to start to any place need ed within twenty four hours. Scenes around the national OAi)i- tal were similar to what was expe rienced just ])i’i(?r to the openinir <>f the Spanish-American war.^and a wave of patriotism is sweeping the country froni coast to coast. Tho entire south is experiencing this feeling, and in the evlmt that war comes it is certain that southern men will be the first to get there and the last to leave, as is their custom. When it comes to a mat ter the national honor is at stake there is no Ma.son and Dixon line. On Tuesday afternoon the Uhited States landed a force of marines at Vera Uruz for the j)urpose of taking tlie customs hous(‘, ]>ost office and cable olVtci^f As they were marcliing through the stri‘cts the Mexicans fired upon them and a battle lasting .several hours was fought which n'salted in live Am(*ricans being kilh'd with twenty-one wounded. It was (>sti- J)iatt‘d that ont- hundred and Ih'ty I\l(‘xicaus were killed by the Amcri- cans and si'Veiiil hnndrtMl wou!id«‘d. The transj)ort Prairie assisttnl the marines i;i this li>,ht. turniiii; it" thrci'ineh guns on tlu* IMe.xii'ans and ])rev(>jiting a counter mi>ve- ment of tlie Mexican soldi<‘rs. At the beginning of tin* fight it is said that (Tene?‘al Maas, the d'"xiean comitainder at Vei a ('rr.;;. left th<* City iii a fast autt> and has u*t bi'cn heard of since. Thi* Americans ’tlan to take •liai'ge "f tlie t-ntirt' eity of \'cra ''rr.zaJid abt.ut twenty milest)f the railroad lt‘a>iing to Mc xico <‘ity in order to ])reven: the destrnctioti t,f a big trestle. It is tpnte liUelj' the entire line of. railroad to the city will be ])atrol!ed by American.^ in ord«‘r to keep tin* line open t-> trathc. Prjictieally all th*“ Ameri cans in .Mexict) ('ify iuive lefrtl. ' country on the transjiorts fe.rnished by this •rovernment. BiC ADVERTI3:NG SAMPAiCN MRS. K. S. FULLER MRS. J. C. BACWELL This community was saddened last week by the death of Mrs. R. S. Fuller, which occurred on Thursday. April I6th. Funeral ser vices were held at the Methodist church on Friday afternoon, con ducted by Rev. W. M. Robbins, and the interment took place at the Gillespie cemetery in South Bre vard. A large number of people at tended the church service, thus testifying to the general esteem in which Mrs. Fuller was held. Dur ing her short residence of a few years in Brevard she had made many friends, drawn to her by her unfailing kindness and geniality. Although a sufTerer from an incur able malady, she was patient and cheerful at all times, even in the throes of her flnial illness, which lasted for several weeks, Mrs. Fuller’s maiden name was Miss Ettie S. Cook. She was born i at (’lements, Nova Scotia, Decem- jber 17, 1SC4, removing to Auburn- idale, Mass., when a child. In 1S7T) I j she went to Florida, where she [lived for several years at Altaniont I Springs. She was married to Mr. ; ;K. S. Fuller in IfS'.K). One child, a ^ daughter, was born to them, but j I died several years ago. | Mrs. Fuller first joined the Pres- j bytorian church, and on coming to; ] Brevard a few years ago identified i herself with that di'uomination at ^ this plac(', serving in \.hati'v»r capaeity she was ablo jit ail tunes. Lust year she withdrew lu‘r n.eie.-j lu-rship to j'iin the Methodist church with her husband. | lltjr ])rt‘sence in ho:m! and com munity and church will he greatly ; ; mis.Ncd. Tilt' pall beart'rs at th«‘funeral ' i wt're Messrs. C. M. l)<»yh‘, O. W. Ot>dfrey, J. A. Miller, Jr., W.,1. Pia'tti*. P. S. Iving and Clarence . Ptiole. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Jno. C. Bagwell died at her home in Brevard last Sunday, April I9th. Her death was sudden, re sulting from a stroke of apoplexy, which occurred last Friday morn ing. Mrs. Bagwell’s maiden name was Miss Sarah Jane (jalloway. She was one of twelve children, six boys and six girls, born to Andrew Jackson Galloway and Alpha M. Galloway. She was born in the southern part of Transylvania county, in the neighborhood now known as OldToxaway, August 17, She was formerly married to T. B. Galloway, to which union were born three children, two of whom, Rufus and Daisy Galloway, survive her and were at her bed side when she passed away. Of her father's family she is survived by her mother. Mrs. Jas. Chap man, Jlrs. Lou VTebb, T. H., Welch, Flem, Virgil and Avery Galloway and Mrs. Eliza Hines. All were present during her dying hours ex- cei)t Mrs. Hines of Easley, S. C., who was not able to attend. Mrs. Bagwell had been living in Brevard about two years, having moved here from the ('arson Creek section. She professed faith in the (’hristian religicm and imited with the Haptist church in early life, STORE CHANGES HANDS Mr. C. M. Cooke, Jr , has pur chased the Home Supply Co. from Mr. J. W. McMinn, taking charge early this week. This store bnilt up an enviable reputation for square dealing and low prices an- der the management of the old owners, and Mr. (’ot)k announce* that there will bo no change in the policy of the store. The Home Supply Co. makes « specialty of hardware and furni ture of all kinds, in fact every thing needed in furnishing a home. The new’ owner of the store needs no introduction to the i)eo])le of Transylvania county at otir hands. Mr. Cook is well known here, hav ing made his home in this county for the past several years. Ho was manager of the Brevard Cbtton Mills for a long time and is rt)oog- nized as a business man of wide ex perience. NEW BUILDINGS For the ])ast several weeks car penters, lathers, plasters and brick masons hav«? been busy in and around Brevard. With tho ojw‘n- ing of s])ring and th(^ awakening of buds and blossoms th' re seems f:i- thetic dva'ing the last illnt'ss of ihy v.ife. K. S. Fi i.i.Kij. MR. JOHN B. GALLOWAY In S])ittA of its depri*ss-'tl sitriatioi\ tlu' new Institut(' builtUn^ attracts attention frt>m afar as it slowly adds story ft) stt>ry. Tl:e workrn<*u are now- on the thiril llot^r, and tlie solid brick wall alreaily bnilt is giving ])romise of what the strnet- ure it tt> be. On .Main street near the ovi.r- head bridge anti next to the Hen ning hous(! Mr. W. 11. Harris is having a six-room cottagt; built for his own use. On Jordan street .Miss lit-ttL-i Armti(*l[organ is iiaving the. grou:ul broken for building on hi> lot 0)1 Ma])l(‘ street, nearly ojino- ways maintained a high regard for home life. Tlie funeral st'rvici's v.-t‘re heltl Mtinday afternoon at the Bajitist cliurch and tlu^ illt^‘rment took jilace at the (iilh'spie burying ground. Rev. W. M. Robbins of the .Methodist clinrch comlucting tlievse services. The following gc'utlemen acted as ]'all bearc'rs; Mt‘ssrs. W. INI. llein\v..I. L. Aikt‘11, W. H. Dnck- v.'orth, V\'. K. Bisho]), W. S. Price, •)r.. and K. F. (i:lles])ii\ NOTICE TO DEMOCRATS tion. Mr. B. Reynt'lds, represtMitin-r Foster's Travel Alaj-azini'. s{»ent sev('ral days in IJrevartl this week ingt'ttin^: tij) ilata for the big West **rn Xtirth ('arolina edition of tbe Travel Ma^Mzine. 'I’lu^ Brevitrd (’lub ri'eejitly contracted for sp.iee in this t'dition and carries with it a write up of this suctiiui, and it was for till' purpost' t)f gatliering tlaM for this write tij) that .Mr. llt'vnohls was hen^ this wei'k. This magu'/.ine has a eive.daTioM of SI verul liuittlretl thousantl un*l in addition to tlie atlvertising lirt'- v«rd lilt'vat'are will bt' distributi d by all the "Ask .Mi-. Foster" infor mation bnrcaus, about forty in number, i!i various ]'arts of the Uniteil f'tate.-'. ()n WtMlni'sday tr!; sectii :’.. He was buried at the Mast I'ork Baptist i-emt'tery on Thursday, April I'lth, Rev. T. ('. Holtselaw conducting the funeral eereim»nit‘s. Mr. Gi'lloway was nearly I'ighty years of age. Ib> was born in the Sictioii of the cuunty in wliich lu' ; dit'd, having lived tlu're all his life witli the e.xcejition of a fi>w years duiing and immediately after tlu* civil war. His d(‘ath marks the. ri'inoval tif anothi'r t)f thos(> vt'tt'r- ai'.s who wore the gr<*y. In early | manliood h<.i united with the Ilap- ti.-^t eiuiJt-h. I He is >urvived by liii; witlow, two chiitln'U, .Milas and Miss Jane (ial- ' loway. both of East Fork, and Pcrrj’ ( Jallowav t)f 15rt;vard. IT PAYS ’EM A nnH'ting of tht' Democratic Kxecutivt' ('t)mmittee (»f Transyl vania etiunty was ht'ld on April tUh, r.ii at which time it was or- sitt‘ Mr. r. Sluiford's. TJiis is. ont‘ of tl'.e best building siti's in town. deretl that ])recinct nu'ctings be i Xi'xt ti' Sht'rilf Piekel.-'irrii r's held on May liUh. I'.Ml. :;nd tlit'1 honu* Mr. .ias. M. Kini: has i;.. ;>r5y eounty conventum be held on May j ct)ni])li‘ti tl a new cottage. •,';;rtl, to a.scertain and declare the | Mr. 1). Kiljiatrick is buildingan strength of tlu* various cnndidati's j i.ij^ht-room house on French !>rt)ad in the state, judicial, state senato rial and the c‘ongr(‘Ssiunal races oi- contests for such ollices. It is ortlered tliat the chairman of tlu' executive committee of each prt'cinct call a meeting of the cincts on May Hitli at o o'clock ]>. m . at which time and ]uaee. the strength of th(^ various Candidat<‘s will be taken and certitied to the eounty convi'ution which meets Mav Vord. It is further ord<‘red that the said precinct nn'etings shall 2it tlu) same time and ])lace eli-ct deleuati'S tt) reju’e.sent the resjiective prtn incts at the county convention (>n May *,*od. • avenue, not far from Ashworth's warehouse. Over in Xorth Brevard tlu? buiM- ing fever has lujen at its h< igiit. Mr. .loi^ .lohnjion has just movt*d into a nevv- htime alm.ost oj'’'osii»: .Mr. S. F. Allison’s. At tilt' very top of Gallamor.? Hill is a cottage, ut'arly !;f:ish"r the wire will be ])ublished as often as^ jiossible on the News bulletin, which all are invited ta .see. I Ora .Jones of th<* Sylvan Valley 1 News spent a day or two the past I week in the city visiting his i parents, Mr. ar-l Mrs. W. P. .Ton(?s. jThe Xe*vs is u goo 1 pajier and the i people of Brevard are showing their | apprecuition of it by advertising 1 ;liberally in it. We wish the News ! and its editor much success.—An- i It is further orden*d that tlu‘ said betwe(«i his rt'siih'nce and t’e.e rail- precinct meetings shall, at the same i-oad a cottage to be o.'cujiit tl by time an I place, each elect five 11. Grogan, Jr. democrats as members of the pre cinct democratic executive com- All that is bu'king to make this a perfect ])icture of growth is a big mittee foi the coining canijiaign, ^f Deinit streei to take the jilace of tte station on w^heels. The merchants of Brevard have jdrews Sun signed a resolution to clos(> their j doors at 7 p. m. for the summer ; season. ' designatin., one of the five as chair man. W. M. HKXKy, Chairman, R. L. Gash, Secretary, Democratic Executive Committee of Transylvania (bounty. This April 18, P.H4. Straight at It. Thei'e was a heavy frost of the morning of the 21st following a decidedly wintry night. It is al most too soon to tell whether or not the peach croj) has l>een de stroyed. Strawberries were also put in dangler. The peach crop in this section is hardly ever any thing more than ornamental ex cept in a few high anil highly favt.'rctl bicalities. There is n^ use of our “beating around the bush.” We might as well out with it first as last. We want you to try Chaniberlin’.s Cough Remedy next time you have a cough or cold. There is no reason so far as we can ! see why you should not do so. This preparation by its remarkable cures has gained a world wide reputa tion, and jMJople everywhere speak of it in the highest terms of praise. Tt is for sale bv S. M. Maclle. ndv Look To Your Plumbing. You know what hap[X3ns in a 4-'i-t-2t house in which the jjlumbing is in ^ I poor condition—everj'body in the Found a Cure For Rheumatism. [ i^ouse is liable to conti*act typhoid “I suffered w’ith rheimiatism for other fever. The digestive two years and could not get my r . , ^ .-1 f ; organs perform the same functions right hand to my mouth for that'. length of time,” writes Lee L. j human body as the plumbing Chapnuin, Mapletont Iowa. “I suf-1 does for the house, and they should fered terrible pain so I could not be kept in first class condition all sleep or lie still at night. Five tho time. If you have any trouble with your digestion take Chamber- years ago I began using (Chamber lain’s Liniment and in two months , . , ^ I was well and have not snffered ® with rheumatism since.” For sale " S. M. Macfle. adv to get quick relief. For sale by S. M. Mactie. adv