Sylvan Valley News VOLUME-XIX BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. MAY 1. 1914. NUMBER-18 CLOSE OF SCHOOL After a session of oiRht months tho Brevard {ri’Jided scaool closed for vacation with tho gradnatinf? exercises of the tenth grade hist Tuesday nif^ht. The exercises werc^ held in tho Auditorium and the au dience WHS larf;**. Following was the program : SPECIAL TAX ELECTION The special tax election last Tues day resnltt'd in a vit-tory for those who were ai'ainst the movement, as the followinf' ll^jures will show: Kegis’n For Against liovd N.-) i:j 50 Brevard 1)2 () (’atbeys Creek \2 42 Cri'dar Mount’n .‘{7 s 21 Dunns Rock 73 rv i :w Eastatoe Zi I East Fork .. IS (■Jloucesti'r .. 51 ■f i:; Hogback i) Little River.... 22 Rosman .. ‘-’7 lU s Totals 2.M 217 RECORDER’S COURT MRS. SUSAN E. GLAZENER were remarkably s^ood. Miss Myrtlt' Kiljcitriek rendered H piano s.)lo. “Moonlight on tl'.e Hudson," which was very well done. The essays were followed hy an address to the ;:radnating class and si’hool l)v K(‘V. \V. M. Kohbins, ]ws- Episcopal chnreh. Reading of essays hy tho gradu ating class: Salutatory, ('harles Nichols. “Perseverance,■’ Miss Myrtle Kil patrick. ‘•Characte’-," Miss Hubenia Nich olson. “Tho South, the Xation's (Ireat- cst Assi't," \\>lter Duckworth. “I'aiuting, Miss Della Mollctt. After a few days illness willi Tho last (‘."say was n'ad instead | pneumonia, on the morning of of a valedictory. All thi; essays j April Uth, 11*11, it ]»lea.sed our Lord to call unto Himself the spirit of Mrs. Susan E. (ilazener, the widow of tlie late James L. Glazener. The funeral services were con ducted by her ])astor at .Mt. Moriah church A])ril 10th at two o'clock ]). m., and the internu>nt was in Mt. Moriah cemetery. There was a tor of the Mctluuiist chnrch. The fiathering of sorrowing r( la- jsiMitence of three months in county address wasltii.'f. as belitted the | friends to ])ay this last Liail. This ilecision was also ap- oecasion, and rail of good advice to I the deceaseti. jn-aled from and granted on ?:>() the graduates in n-gard to their I Sister (ila/.ener professed faith > fntnr*! stnk Stat(‘ vs. Jess ITall. S.ini (Icsli, world. Mr. F.oldiin^ ccngratn- chuv(d» soon al'ti'r lu*r i;iar- Vindry Wallcrr. Vi-st ()>vcns. lat«‘d the ci»nii!iimity tlu* coi-])s riagc. ()'.itainitig lu*)- Icttei- from n fTray ; not guilty. of teacht'rs in the graded school. 'atbeys Crei k .'•lie was ont* of 11.e spying thaT they wt'n* all Cliris-charter members in tht‘ organi/v;- tians. and tlic imi'.or- tion uf Mt. 'loTi:ih cluir. h tam*i‘ oi having teachcrs wliose in 1''?^. She hai> beiMi anca’n st lives anerior court. The reputa tion of the court for the sw’ift and summary dealing out of justice has made it a thing to be dreadtnl by evil doers, yet they furnish enough material to keep it nnisonablj’ busy. The following cases were dis posed of: State vs. Rachael Mill(>r, assault with deadly wea])on ; guilty. De fendant given three months in the county jail, commitment pa- ])i‘rs to b»; issueil May I'J, giving didendant a chance to leave the county. Notice of ai)}K>al was given, iijipeal bond being lixed at State vs. J. W. (’ogdill, carrying conc(*aled wapon, not guilty. State vs. Rachael Miller, carry ing conceah'd weapon ; guilty, with SUNDAY CHURCH WEDDING Last Sunday Miss Osie Miner and Mr. William Wright w’ere married at the Presbyterian church, the pastor, Rev. E. H. Norw'ood, per forming the ceremony. The couple arrived at tho church after the regular morning service, before the benediction was pro nounced. A number of persons, attracted by the prosi)ect of seeing a marriage ceremony, had come in, and when preaching was over the congregation waited for the ap- l)oarance of the bride and groom- to-be. The interval of waiting w'as happily filled by organ music, sev eral beautiful sidections being played by the organist, Miss Mary Blair. On the arrival of the cou ple the music glided into the strains of the Lohengrin wedding march, and during the ceremony the same strains in softened tones were continued. After the signing of witnesses’ names the Ix'nediction was ])ro- nounced and the congregation left the church. The newly married couple left Brevard Sunday afternoon and went by automobile to Henderson ville on their way to Knoxville for a two weeks’ bridal tour. They will make their home here. FRUITLAND SUPERIOR COURT In tile cases again.'t Uacdiael ]\lil- li'r a good deal of iiit('r<‘st was crt'- ated from the fact that the jirinci- ]»al ])uities in botli w“r(* woie.m. Tlu* d(‘fendant attei:i]>ted no d»‘niai of the (diarge of firint; a ]>istol at session of Su])crior court. Kluie prer>it important eases disposed of: .Maggie McCall vs. South«'rnR. R. Co. Time allowed to tile idead- Many interesting things havo transpired since tho last letter wuii written. First camo the visit of the Alf)un- tnineer Quartette of Furman. The concert was excellent and ideased even the most critical. Since all the members of the com])any arrovocatit'n. i Fitzwat(‘r Wlu'cl ('o. vs. \V. E After (he firing other women j(»ined Bre('sc. 'I’ime allowed to file jih'ad in llu- an'ray and v. r. steil the pistol ings. ( (irimshawii v.'. Jose]ih ilydt i^ame eidseo, ! in I a vor of 1) )V.‘-' COJl- ti'sts were well atfendi-d by admir ing c*rowds. The declaii'atiuus and orations w’ere goor!>ie bv presented by Mr. (' H. Trowbridg.'. I iind v.i’l' jirincipal ol' I'ri vanl Tiistilnte. The la>t ])art t'f tlu ]»ro::r;;:.M was till' ])resentation ot dij'lonias by tlu Mr tlu .•isi ];rincipa >ir. Arthur Rano Rant's’ r nlark^ to th*.* class on pri'sentalion vert' 1 cor.- ])ractical. and v. rr well i'\- p^J^.■'Cd. Tl>e cveiiir._:' witli ttraver bv ' the iH'decn.ed ho'gdill for carryinir coTU-t'.aled \vi'a])ons inti'r- est ai-ose larirely from th.e fact tJiat Mr. (’oirdill is the mav')r .>f Ros- man. 'i'he (‘barges’jrought against him ri'boonnded ui'on tlu‘ ]) cutor, .lohn Milh r, who came out ot tlu' c'ase with tlu* obligation ■\sti:.g upon him of jiaying the (■' (sts. ver(•i^es ( h)st .1 'rrowl)ridg('. Call for Democratic Precinct Meetings and County Conven tion. GLOUCESTER A meetidg of the Denuuiatit Exefutive Committet- of Transyl- We ar(“ .'^tiii having ."omc li neatlicr. it seems like sumnu'r is whi(di tinu* it was or- here. diri'd that iiri*cini-t ineefiniis hr are stu i'v to rc'poi-t the death held on May I'lth. I'.*! !, and tlu* of Uncle Jas.)n .McCali who suf- county convention he ludd on May fered for two weeks, bur the Lord'^ord. to ase»*rtain .and declare the called him home* v. here he will sut- j strength of the various candidat<‘s fer lit) nu)re. The berv-aVi'd family | in the stati*. judicial, state semito- have our lu-artfelt s\mpatliy. ! rial and tlu^ congres.sional races or Mr. and Mrs. Dock Bentley re- cT)nte.^ts for such oilices. It is orderex- ercises came the impri'ssive r-er ' mony of laying the corner stone of th(‘ ni'vr I’.dministration buildinuv While copies of our reiigio-ss ])a ]iers and other interesting mate rial was being de])osited in the box interesting talks were- made bv ilirection. Most of tlu‘ evidens'c pic ; judgment against plaintiff for j j w.'nt against one Mci iaha, who was ^ for land in controversy. , Justice and otlun-s. Tlu* building committee ho])es to liiivi* the liaild i ing completed h(‘fore the oi'enintr CONSTIPATION MAY j 's. loi » mnm.o | CAUSE APPENDICITIS ‘ P:of. SU-lton was I'loftoil Tjrinci- Pratt. Time allowc'd to file ])lead- ]n^s. !f. A. i\)c iV (’o. vs. Board of Al dermen id' Town of Brevard ; sixty days to file com]»Iaint .and sixty days thereafter to answer. Ilia Cantrell vs. <'levidand Can trell, for divorce ; divorce' grantv'd. T. W. W'hitmire vs. Mustin Rob inson (’o. ; non suit. L. Young vs. Harris Burnett Dry (loods (’o ; non suil. W. L. (lillesj)ii' vs. (J. M. (-Ila/c- Tiii' case agaiii.'t Je.-s Hall and ' nt r ; cost of suit to plaintiff. ti'.r. i' negrof's. Sam (iash. Vard: ” , -I. II. Mull vs. Marion Mull ; jmlg- W.i’l-iv'r and \'est < >v.i-ns of l isgah HK'nt against defendant lor the Forest for an alVi’av ft'll throu^ih land in controversy, from lack of evidence in the right Mary (ialloway vs A. H. liilles not in court. ! J. C. Miles vs. Jane Miles, for divorce; divorce granted. I J. Otis Boling vs. Tol \Vhitmire George Smathers vs. M. L. Owen i lial for the next year and all thi teachers were re-elected save Prof. v.inia c(.nnty was h«dd on Apiil it Pays to Be W'atchful and Care- et al.; judgment defendants i .Miss Both : will be s-udlv missed when school fill—Dodson’s Liver Tone Is Recommended and Guaranteed for hind in controversy. F. R. (:iariu*r vs. L. A. Bates et ai ; non suit. In a nnmht'r of cases it has si‘( nu (I that ap]H‘ndicitis has re sulted from chronic constii)ati(m. Ht'nce it is well to be careful and kei'p the system in as good work ing order as possible, for if you: op<'ns again. .Mr. \Voodwavil ex pects to enter the semin:ir.v for i further preparation for his v.'ork. REPORT OF GRAND JURY ' Frnitland's halls are silent now iandiiseach true student toid< the The gra!ul jury in submitting u |farewell look at the lam.liar spot lu‘ or she was im])n‘ssed to say as turned from >outh ( arolina last I .... ,. , , 4- 1 I never suuer from constii)ation von week Tlu'V wi l mak»'their home of the executive committee ot each I , , . , ' i , xi . . 1, .. .. ' are likelv to lessen your liabditv to hail is in good condition with the in Gloucester i ])r(icinct call a meeting ot the i)re-i “ , ' , ' ^ ^ ^ , • i . . ,, ^ , I other com])licat ions and troubles. i exce])tion of a leak ; that the chain xMiss Callie (i.-.Ho.v.-.v- - o (dock p. • report to tlie court find : that the : j)ut)lie of1ic('s are k(*pt in a good j the apostle on tue .\h)uiii oi land orderly condition; ihat the Tr.ansfiguration, “It is good for i.s. to be here. April I'.'l 1. W. E. Tavi.ok. (lalloway returned | home fr(*m c’atheys Cre«‘k last | week, wlii-re she has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mauck. Mr. and Mrs. Wilkey MeCall are visiting friends and relatives in Ittckson county this wt'ek. The Sunday school at Shoal Creek is progressing nicely. Hoi)e everybody will attend. Mr. E. L. (ialloway attended conrt at Brevard last week. MrJ^- Cora Fisher has returned home from Brevard. Mr. Millard Galloway and daugh ter Mollie w’ont to Rosman on busi ness Saturday. We are sorry to report the illness of Pearson Galloway. A large crowd of Gloucester boys and girls attended the singing at Macedonia Sunday afternoon. J. C. L. , . , . , , , But that does not mean that it is gang is in good condition, with the , iit wliiiMi tin)o rtiid pluco tlio i wiso for voii to use culoiin/l ti. ixii-1 t \ *. _ . T., ^ \Ms« uu >ou I that the county strength of th(‘ vsinous candidates soTi that stavs in the system and i . . , r i often leaves ‘ had effects lH'hind it, | commissioners buy a team ot mules even after you may have a])peared imd other equipments to facilitate to be benefited bv it tem])orarily. As a matter of fact, calomel is ex ceedingly dangerous to many ])eo- pie, perhaps to you. So it is just as well not to take chances. j ommendation that soini^ porches For constipation, biliousness, liver j and other necessary improvements complaint. si(ik headache, etc., Dod-! made thereon. will he tak(*n and certifu'd to the count.v convention w’hich meets Mav ‘i->rd. It is further ordered that the said precinct meetings shall at the same time and place elect delegates to re])resent the res])ective ])recincts the work ; that the county home is in very good condition considering ! the circumstances, with the rec at the county convention on May | son’s Liver Tone is guaranteed by SHOULD REVIVE BLUEBAOK 2;{rd. It is further ordered that the said i)recinct meetings shall, at the same time and place, each elect five democrats as members of the precinct democratic executive com mittee for tho coming campaign, designating one of the five as chair man. \V. M. Henky, Chairman. R. L. Gash, Secretary. Democratic Executive Committee of Trans'*!vnnia Count.v. This April 1 !'.U1. 1 'il-lt S. M. Macfie and by Duckworth Drug Co., who will cheerfully i*e- fund price (5(»e.) instantl.y to you in the event that it fails to give complete satisfaction. Dodson’s Liver Tone is a vege table liquid, perfectly harmless, easy to take and highly effective without pain, ache or gripe and leave no bad after-eftects. It as sists nature and builds you up in stead of weakening yon. So many people have been immensely bene fited by this good remedy that it’s worth your looking into at once. >fake no mistake—ask for Dodson s Liver Tone. adv Health a Factor in Success. The largest factor contributing to a man’s success is undoubtedly health. It has been observed that a man is seldom sick -when his bow’- els aro regular—he is never w’cll when they are constipated. For constipation you will find nothing quite so good as Chamberlain’s Tablets. They not only move the bowels but improve the appetite and strengthen digestion. They iU\; suld by S. M. Muclie. adv If the young ladies, who had ivi conscientious scrujdes about taking flowers from a strangers yard, had been taught in the blueluiek speller my lilac bush w’onld have morci blooms on it. In that book I learned that fruit and flowers aro just as much a man’s own as his cornfield. Better revive that meth od of teaching if our country is to be benefited by education. M. E. Bell. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks to all who were so helpful and sympathetic during the illness and death of our wife and mother. J. C. B.VtiWKLL, Daisv G.'.lloway.