Sylvan Valley News VOLUME-XIX BRmR^NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. MAY lu. 1914. NUMBE NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MAY lu. 1914. NUMBER-^0 SHOOTING AFFRAY Last Sunday afternoon a serious shooting affray took plac;’ in Glou cester township, near Balsam Grove, in which one man was killed and two other wounded. John Shelton, Walter Slatton, Cole man Owens and Isaac Henson were arrested and appeared before the recorder Tuesday. The following facts were brought out in the trial; Isaac Benson, Harlan Wilson and a mail whose name is unknown, all of Cock county, Tennessee, hut working at a logging canij) a few miles from Balsam Grove, came down the road to Frank McCall’s Sunday afternoon trying to make trouble with everyone they met. After leaving tht^ post otlice at Mc Call’s thev returned by a logging IN THE SIXTIES At the Auditorium last Tuesday night the last number of the Lyceum course, “In the Sixties,” was presented by the Daughters of the Confederacy to a crowded house. The j)erformance might be called a play in one act, representing the old time school room on the occa- si(m of a Friday afternoon enter tainment. Before the rising of the curtain the audience was en tertained by a violin solo, Oavalle- ria Rusticana, rendered by Mr. A. IL (’aldwell, accompanied bj" Miss Maud Allison. The curtain rose, disclosing the school room, with one occupant, the teacher. Miss Jerusha Apple- camp run by .John Shelton. Only dressed in the wide, wide a few boys were in camp. The | skirts of a time far removed from Tennessee men went in bent on dis turbance, beat the mules and frightened the boys so th it they lett the etnnmnnity. After this they w«Mit to a house where Shelton lived and trifd to rais(‘ more trou ble. On lindini; tbat the men in this house wt*re not dis])osed to be bullied, W ilson declared his inten- the present. This character was presented by Mrs. Goode Theat- ham. At a summons from the teacher a boy ap])oared, blew th(^ horn, and immediately camc trot)])- ing in the rest of the school. Their advent was greeted with exclama tions of surprise and amusement from the audience—and not with BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETS tion of going attt'r his gun, and j reason. About twenty boys struck out in a rnn for his cam]) | «^^d girls, dressed in a variety ot about three miles away. Benson ! describe in remaine<l and sihmus to have estab- i short spact*. marched in and tt>ok lished friendly terms with the p?o- i tlu'ir idaec.s. The boys were (i>at- ple at Shelton's. Some time later : tiu* girls lookecl like pictures | Wilson retnrneil with his gun, ac- books printed in a former 1 eoni])aTiied by a man named ('land generntiun. j Vah'ntine. Hendon went to m<‘et Tlu n followed tin* roll eall, and them and tried to ]HTsuadt‘them to after that the ex<*reist's of tlie' let the crowd at Shelton's ahme. school in songs, recitations anti But Wilson seemi <1 bent on con-1 s])e{H‘hes. A detailed account can- ti!iniM_: the 1u<*v aj) not be ^iven of ll'.esc* ])frloMii- hi d th'.‘ h.n;>e .Mrs. Shelton ^ luiees. 'I'hert* was iu>t a dull nuin- ca!jn‘ ont aTi l askt'd them to stay j ber, and the variuus ]>arts v.i'n* away. 'L'ht ii' reply to this was a acted with a freediun and ahar.ilcjn shot at Mrs. Shelton, who tied for ; worthy of a tronp of eonu-dians. ! protection into the house. Shelton : .leri'jniah I’otts, in the juTSon of | and the otiur nun tl.ei'. cairM' forth Ffank Da v’nls.>n. ::niust'(l the , arnu'd and a h;ittl<‘ tonk place: the I'nce with liis ha])i)y ii!iit;aio!i of result of which was that Wilson ^ the looiish boy, heing lina'dy 1 was killed. V.'iicTitinc was v.'or.nded (•i'()wncd by 1h<* 1t‘acht‘r v ith th * i but i-st-a])<‘(1. arid iieiisuJi was slight- diincc's ea]t. O. L. ,Ji»ni‘Siis I)icy ly injured. Doolittle ga\e a very droll accouiit | The defendants. Shelton, Slat ton ; of “How We Hunted a Mouse," 1 and 0\\ ens, wen-held ov(‘r to court ' which was well received. 'j’he on a hiiUti » ach. and Bi‘ns-'n “Honeysnekli* Twins." Misses Aii- nie (4as!i and Margaret Breesi>. ;;t-) traeted a irri'at (b>al of amusetl ;ii- tenlion with their eo^^u::u• :;j;d acting, and Mi-^s Dai.^y Oi'r. as i jj;.s ];leas! d *)iir , yu’hitahel Mehinchidy. i'l!\ red in. vlress and manner a stiiking C( i Irast to her stage name. was ac<jui*ted and tiinu'd loose F.ESGluTIOKS OF RESPECT Wlu'V as. it Fallu r to cull home oiu' of our eo-\virl;cis, Mrs. Iv. S. Fiilh r. talking her onr midst, 'ri.eret'uie i ‘ it i\t Ived ; TToratiii .^pooj^indike. whviii! ical lifv- is Cash, ira'^i' a m u:.) i-irst il::ii li-r -u {la vtu! e lea\es which contained rnuh a vaiancv a;n. ^\v which will l)c dt'cply rcaii/A il )>y tiie nu'inlx'rs of the Bii'v:ir«l Methodist ehttrcb. Secor.t'i—That tli<‘ missionary so ciety will deeply iiii>s presenct' and help- Third—That w-- <‘Xt('nd to the grief striek(*n hushar.d our ]>ro- founil syinj)uthy, a>suring him that ve .'iirrov witli hii;i, hut not as Tho'C v.ho have no ho])e. p.inrth—Tliiit a cojjy of thi'se ri-sule.tier.s ].e snrc'ad u]>on the ]i;;nuti s o;' o:ir Ti.js-i jnaiy !-ocii‘ty, one sent to tivi‘ hercave l com]mn- ion, anvi one s(>nt to the Sylvan Valley News for ])ublication. Mks. T. D. KN(;laxi), Ml'S. kVK'' ll (tAI.LOWAY, ]\IKS. B. T. F(iKKTOX, ('ommittee. SOME SUCCESTIDNS l*'ditor Sylvan Valiev ^’ews: The ministers of the town vis ited the county home a few days i ago, and while v.’e found every thing being done for the inmates that the county provides, yet we think the following suggestions w’ill do much for making the lives of our aged ])oor more comfortable. We note that the grand jury have already rec*ommended porches and would also suggest pictures on the walls, roller shades, rocking chairs, a wire safe to put food in, and a cook stove. At present all the cooking is done over an open fire and in windy weather the whole house is full of smoke. Thanking you for your valuable space we are C. D. Chapman, W. M. Robbins, E. II. XOKWOOI), Committee. I .i;ul wisdom. All till' sinking Avas very g lod, es])ocially the (|Uartettes, one of t]ie hoys and ar.otlu'r of the *;irls. Tiie former consisted of Lestro iMIen, : Charles .lollav, A. H. lvi/.,>r and R-.iSM'll Wells; till' latter of Mrs. O. L. Erwin, Miss Mollie Brcesi*, i i\irs. Charlt's Jollay and Miss Daisy Orr. The recitation “When I'm ai l\Ian," by the bovs, and the hur- It-Mie.e oi • i’voineo and .Inliet " hy two hoys nuiile good hits. In fact, , all tlu‘ numbers made hits, if the i geiK'ial amustnnent of tht> audi- t'nct'and its* attention could be regarded as signs. The Lyceum association was for tunate in having this numht‘r with v.'hich to the .season, and the managers of the entertainment are to he congratulated on the prepa- tion and ]ierformance of an i‘xccl- lent juogram. A. B. R. Most Prompt and Effectual Cure for Bad Colds. NVhen you have a bad cold you want a remedy that \vill not only only give relief, but eiiect a promi)t and permanent cure, a rerjedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that (jontains nothing injurious. Cham berlain's (.'ough Remedy meets all these requirements. It acts on nature's plan, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secre tions and restores the system to a healthy condition. This remedy has a world wide sale and use, and can always be depended upon. Sold bv S. M. M;icfi>. adv The county board of education met in called session last Monday to appoint attendance officers, fix time for the meeting of the school committees of the various town ships of the county to employ teachers for next year and attend to any other business in the inter est of the schools that might need attention. Several committeemen were ap pointed to fill vacancies witich had occurred by death, removal from district or resignation of certain committeemen. Instead of an attendance officer for each township in the county, one was apjjointed for each school district. The following are the names of the attendance oflicers appointed for their respective dis tricts ; IJrevard—District No. 1, W. H. Duckworth ; No. C. K. Osborne ; No. :5, L. E. Okellcy. Boyd—District No. 1, S. V. Brown ; No. '2, John S. Talley; No. .’i, A. C. Lyday ; No. J, W. A. Bay- nard. Catheys Creek—District No. I, (i. M. Justus; No. 2, J. M. Zach ary ; No. .‘5, A. M. Paxton. Dunns Rock—District No. 1, V. Moore : No. 2, F. Henderson ; No. i{, Flem Raines ; No. 4, F. V. Bat son. Eastatoe—District No. 1, Ernest (iilles[)ie ; No. A. B. Brittain ; ^ No. W. M. Meec*; No. 1, Ameri-, cus Powell. • I (iloucester—District No. 1, E. H. Kitelu'n ; No. J. M. Anders ; No. i R. E. McCall ; No. 1, Vance (lal- ^ loway. Hogback—District No. 1, L. E. i Re(‘c<‘, No. *J, T. W. lleid ; No. i W. J. Nicholson: No. I, W. ,l.i Raines : Xo. N. A. Miller. Little River—Diiitiiet No. 1. .1. j S. Iu‘ath ; No. W. M. Ball : Xo. I T. E. Pickelsinier ; Xo. I, K. R. j llisliop. i I ('oloreil Schools—District Xo. 1, i (ieorge Orr; Xo. A. B. B«'n-i jamin. i The times and ]>laces for the school committees to mei't in ct>n- ference with the county superin- ti'ndent to .select teach(‘rs for their resja'ctive schools were li.ved by j the hoard of education as follow? : Ho^Tjack, !nos. and ■>, Tnion •hool honse, a. m., Monday. May -.'i. Jioghaclc, Xos. 1 and !. ])ass.'n- ' ger depot, Luke Toxaway, 1 ]). j 111., Monday. May | (iloucester, Xos. ? and t, Vancc (lalloway's residence, s :.‘io a.m., Tviesday, May ‘it*. (iloucester, Xos. 1 and o, J. H. House's store. •':;](» p. m., Tuesday, May V). Catheys Crei‘k, Xos. 1 and "i, C. H. Shar])'s store, It ::!0 a. m., Wedni'.sday, .May '27. Brevanl, Xos. 'I and ;i, Davidson i;iv*‘r school house, 1 ;:i(i ]i. m., Wedni‘sday, May '27. Bovd, Xos. 1 and Penrose High school, iCIJou. m., Thursday, May Boyd, X"os. '2 and 1, Blantyre .school liouse, .■):OUp. m., Thursday, May I’N. Little Iliver, Xos. and ;!, Little River .^cliool house, .s liiU a. m., Tuesday, June '2. Little River, Nos. ! and 4, Rocky Hill cliurch, 1 :'M) j). m., Tuesday, June 'i. Dunns Rock, Nos. ^land 4, Carson Creek school, U ::>!) a. m., Wednesday, June o. Eastatoe, Nos. 1 and 2, East Fork school house, 4 ;:J0 p. m., Wednes day, June »i. Catheys Creek, No. Rosman school house, a. m., Thurs day, June 4, Eastatoe, Nos. and 4, Toxaway church, 4 ;:50 p. m., Thursday, June 4. Dunns Rock, Nos. 1 and Eng land’s store, 4 ;:iO ]). m., Friday, June 5. Brevard, No. 1, court house, 9 :oO a. m., Saturday, June t*>. Teachers who wish to teach in the schools of this county next year are requested to file their ap plications at once with the county superintendent. CULLOWHEE COMMENCEMENT The Cullowhee Normal and In dustrial school is so nearly one of onr own local institutions that a brief account of the commence ment exercises may be of interest to readers of the News. A party of four pedestrians, T. C. Henderson, Arthur and William Reece and A. B. Riley left Quebec on Saturday morning, May 2, and traveling down the Tuckaseigee through Canada, reached Cullo whee about nightfall. This jour ney of about thirty miles was through a region abounding in scenery of the most beautiful and wonderful kind. From ihe foot of Owen’s Pisgah on the upper edge of Gloucester the road rises to the Jackson line, and thence descends for miles, crossing successive ridges of mountains till it reaches the valley of the Tuckaseigee. Our party left the main road a few miles beyond the county line and followed a trail along the river where it flowed through gorges down to the valley. At one place this trail crossed the river on a natural bridge of rock, wedged into a gorge of solid rock, through which the stream had cut its way in the unnuTiibered past ages.' All along this rough trail the moun tains towered on both sides of the river, sometimes rising in precipi tous walls of rock. One of these, a ])recipiee about live hundred feet higli, goes by the name of Bonus' Defeat, and has a history. A dog named Bonus, who never liad known defeat in a chase, pursued a deer to the edge of the precii)ic(!. The deer fell over, and the dog came tumbling after. Hence the name of the rock. Cullowhee is at the junction of the Tuckaseigee river and Cullo- wh:*<> creek, and sonu* of the sur- n.uinding lands are low-lyinir ; l»ut the .school villagi* stands on a ridgi; of great height, and the girls’ dormitory c;ips a jieak that a low- lanili'r would mistake for a moun tain. There are at present three large buildings belonging to the school, and a fourth will soon be erected on another of tlu^ many hill tops. The last to b(^ finishi'd t was the new administration buikl- ing—the Joyner building—a line pieci^ of school architecture. The commencement exercises he gan on Monday morning, May .’!rd, and closed Tuesday night. They were a sermon by Hi‘v. R. R. Swo])e, rector of All Souls' churcb at Biltmore: a recitation and declamation exercise on Monday afternoon ; a debate by four young men on Monday night; gradntition exexTist's, ])re.sentation of certifi cates and di])lomas, the annual ad dress by W. E. Abernethy of Shel by on Tuesday morning; and the final concert on Tue.sday night. The young men of the Cullowhee school seem to have enjoyed sjie- cial advantages in training for j.mb- lic speaking. In declamation and debate their elYorts wei’e remark- abh" good. A good deal of atten tion seems also to be given to mu sic, both vocal and instrumental. The students at Cullowhee know how to sing, and the chorus class of young ladies and young men would win recognitions anywhere. Over this body of about two hun dred boarding students })resides a man ability to manage, con trol and direct is seen at every turn. Mr. A. C. Rej'nolds is tn*erj inch an administrator, and he meers the dillieulties of his posi tion with a skill and tact and thoroughness to ho envied by many an executive over a wider field. He is supi)orted also by an able corps of teachers, and the spirit of the student body is loyal to a high degree. Under its present manage ment Cullowhee ])romises to bo one of the greatest of the state insti tutions. X-Pki). Rheumatism Quickly Cured. “My sister’s husband had an at tack of rheumatism in his arm,” w’rit«s a well known resident of New’ton, Iowa. “I gave him a bot tle of Chamberlain’s Liniment which he applied to his arm and on the next morning the rheumatism was gone.” For chronic muscular rheumatism yon will find nothing I better than Chamberlain’s Lini- ni( tit. Sold hy S. M. Macfle. adv INSTITUTE COMMENCEMENT The commencement exercises of Brsvard Institute will begin the latter pert of next week. Follow ing is a program of the exercises: FRIDAY, MAY 22. H ;00 p. m.—Primary exercises. SATL’RDAY, HlAY 2U. I) :00a. m.—Last chapel exercises. 10:00 a. m.—Public reading of seni’or essays. 2 :00 p. m.—Field day. H :00 p.m.—Recital by pupils of music department. SNUDAY, MAY 24. 11:00 a. m.—(xraduation sermon in Methodist church. .'):;{0p. m.—Farewell jneeting of Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. H :00 p. m.—“Landing of the Emi grant,” by the senior class, in the Auditorium. MONDAY, MAY '2~>. 10 ;00 a. m.—(’lass day. 2j.‘]0p. m.—Commencement con cert. H :00 p. ni.—Intersociety recita tion contest and debate. TUESDAY, MAY 2«). ■J p. m.—Alumni meeting. :(>0 p. m.—(i^raduation exer cises. I’nless otherwise* specified all tl'.e exercises will be held in the Insti trite cba])el. MEETING OF FARMERS I’ditoi- Sylvan Valiev N»nvs: The Transylvania County Farm ers Union will meet at Little River schoid honse on Saturday, the iUrd day of May. There wiy he an ex- ecutiv(‘ session at II a. m. At noi.n dinner will be served on the grounds. At 1 ]). m ]Mr. E. T^. Per kins, county demonstrator for lien d(>rson C(junty, will ;;ihlress tl:e farmers in open session on the aj>- lilication of fertilizers. At p. in. Prof. J. (,'. Edney of Henderson will give an address on education, followed by Prof. T. C. Henderson of Transylvania. All locals in the county are re- quested to .send delegates to the eount_v union. All farmers can hear Mr. Perkins on the iei ;ilizer pro])osition whether you hcleiig to the union or not. There an* sev eral thousand dollars sjxMit each year for fertilizer in this county, and we ought to know what we are doing along this line. The ladies are especially invited. H. P. Xu’iii)i.s(»\. Sec.-Treas. MUNICIPAL ELECTION The Ros!r»an municipal elcctieii held last week resulted in an over whelming victory for J. B Xenl. Considerabli* interest had been manifested in the election and vot ing was sjnritcd. The olfieial vott* for the various candidates was as follows; For ]\[ayor : J. B. Xeal J. W. (3ogdel) 1' A. J. Manley - W. P. Hogsed .> ■- For Alderman : A. M. White Gl Ernest Paxton ••0 M. A. Mull o.s W. L. Cahoon IT E. A. Glazener i:’« W. P. Hogsed L. O. Powell 1 Mr. E. R. Galloway artedi hs registrar for the election, and Messrs. L. E. Powell and M. J. Glazener w’ere the judges. Health a Factor in Success. The largest factor contributing to a man’s success is undoubtedly health. It has been observed that a man is seldom sick when his bow els are regular—he is never well when they are constipated. For constipation you will find nothing^ quite so good as Chamberlain’s Tablets. They not only move the bowels but improve the ai)petito and strengthen digestion. They are sold by S. M. Mncfie. adv

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