VOLUME-XIX BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY. JUNE 12. 1914. NUIBER-24 SUMMER SCHEDULE The summer schedule on the Southern will be increased by two reRular trains each way, and by sorae special excursion trains. The new regular trains will be effective June 21. There will be goin^ south: A train passing Brevard at 7:11 a. *11., carrying an Atlanta sleeper, ^ith through connections from Columbia ; second, train at 2 :10 p. *n., with connections from Colum bia, Charleston, Jacksonville, and Savannah. Going north the trains are : At 5:20 p. m., making connection with west-bound Carolina Special at Hendersonville ; at 8:20 p. m., with Atlanta sleeper. The trains on the w inter sched ule will remain unchanged. The Mempliis sleei>cr has been cut off from this road and trans ferred to Waynesville. After July 7th there will be two special cxcur.«ion trains every week: On Tuesdays from Ashe ville to Lake Toxaway, passing Brevard at 10:15 a. m. and back at •1:4.“) p. m.; on Wednesdays from Hendersonville to Lake Toxawa^ir, pas^sing Brevard at :00 a. m. and •1:45 p.m. » In effect now are week-end rates SUMMER SCHOOL The Brevard Institute Summer School opened last Tuesday, June 9th, and will continue in session for six weeks. Mr. Miles Reece, one of the Institute faculty, has charge of the management of the school, and he has been making strong efforts to enroll students from different places in this county. Devotional exercises and a pre liminary statement of the work, regulations, and requirements took up a considerable part of Tuesdaay morning. In his opening tulk Mr. Reece spoke with much earnest ness on the need of ability to do things on the part of young men and wom iv. | hast'd on a pedugn^icitl work trmsnrei, .1. \\ . Siiiith. j titled “Hv'i'rT-dav I^to'dIimus The following heads of ‘-ommit-j - ]v!iss‘Blair will s:ive ters were cbosen ; j h^ssons :v: vocal fuul Can- I Mr Miss i position next y»-ar in tli King; sov-iul, J. • (jiix-.son-Xi'winun Cul^i-ge :•! Ji iVcr- llouer, Miss Lil::;n .Jonlvin!*. ^ json City, Tftin. .Mrs. Br>-oks lu‘S '1 he society ni.H-ts every j nesilay j niirnber of yeais.-ii night at the Fn-sbytfrian j }?i-;/j,|.pth (’itv N. and <'xt(,*n(l^' a <'Oi(,..al in\it.i(ion to j jn uddilion to sixteen rt*'^n'‘fii sistant. Boyd Township: Miss Etta Me Call was re-elected to tea(^h at Tur key Creek. There were no other Pr* yt*r )ui‘rVing. Miss AUic trrll; ]or)KOXir (•oni]nitt<‘e, John Ash\vor:]i ; niis.-ionary. Sfiilis! North ; music, Mrs. W. i ninsie. Mr Clayton, a fornipr ]»rofe.«‘.sor of Lntir. at .Mars Hill, lias accenti il ia position Ira- next y»-ar in ijm all, especially to yorng PW])le, to j .^tndenrs wh. the ineeting><. j retnrnoil To take the suir.nu r ! course the fcjl’ov.ing were ('r.roll. cl: OFFICERS OF DUNN? ROCK LODGE i Misses Ailie (\:ntrell. (-JriUT' 1 pic, Victoria i :illi-s:»i(?, Clt‘;-’.^'e At the regnlitr nionthly nieetipg i hitmiro, will •rive let'tiiicK i elections in Boyd on the tonr. Ltttle River Township: Only one ! school in Little River t'lected. r^.Iiss I Lona McKinna was chosQn teacher i of the Laurel Creek sidiool. j . » • - Dunns R^K‘k Township : Carsons j Creek, Miss \ ictori.-u Gillespie; j Dunns Cn^ek, George R«‘ece ; Island { Ford, Miss Sue Heatli: Round To]), IM. D. Hardin with Miss IMaiid j Jamison as an alternate. Mr. llar- i din was a former teacher in the s^’kooi. I } I j Eastatoe Townshi]); Oak Forest, j j Miss Maxie Reece; Old Toxaway, i I Miss Connie Randall of Bunco:nbe. Tlie Brevard committee will meet j Friday of this week to consider ap plications. 1 r(v 1 cMua' i'.'hI Suf iieath, Lena ':c- rlini'in. aiid S.irivgeon T.; ubei v. of the Mas.)us ol Danns Rock r Lodge last Friday night the follow- | P*‘*'*‘.V Verdfry, \\ oodtord Z.ieli.try, I. 0. 0. F. AT ROSMAN The Woodmen of Balsam Camp No. 116 and the ladies of the Wood men Circle nnited in a social meet ing last Wednesday evening, which was very enjoyable. The guests, among whom were a few visitors not belonging to either order, assembled first in the fra ternity hall, and were addressed by Mr. W. H. Grogan, Jr., Col. R. V. Ladd and Mr.'Joe Johnson. Mr. Grogan made the introduc tory talk, in which he gave a brief history of the two orders and out lined their aims and principles. The Woodmen, he said, began as an organization twenty-four years ago with seven members'; now it numbers a million and has paid out insurance claims for more than fifty million dollars. He advocated strongly the insurance feature, in sisting on the duty of women to take out policies. As an induce ment to join the circle, he an nounced that for those making ap plication during the next week’s time the initiation fee would be re duced from five to two dollars. Col. Ladd said that he had come up from Hendsrsonville by invita tion, not to speak but to enjoy the occasion. However, he f^,ave some practical information in regard to the companies of uniform rank and the encampment. Mr. Johnson made a brief talk, eulogizing the Woodmen in glow ing ter ma and well round a sist;‘i'. and ’.irs. Colnniv. bus Siniard, a nieo..*. MRS. ELLEN PATTON ing oftic»*rs were i-li'cted : W.irshipfnl Master. T. H. Ship man : senior warden, (.'o.-^ I’axton ; junior ward<*n. K. S. ^lorgaTi ; treasurer, T. S. Wood ; seer»*tary, D. G. Wai d. The installation of ofii>*ers will tuUe place Friday night, June 2G. There will be a sp>M*ial meeting on Friday night, .Tune lU, for work in the entered apiuentiee degree. Robort Dvaver, Dolphin French. Verne Clement. 1 large number of Odd Fellows - - - j from Drevard with a few from A petition is btnn,:.’' ciienl.*leu , nendersonville \vent ui> to Rosmun with a largo nunibt-r of sig'irrs j on last Monday evening’s train to asking the railway authoritit^s lor ' initiate members and assist in the , organization of a lodge at Rosman. ' Thirteen men presented themselves I for initiation and passed succcss- ! fully through the degrees of the j subordinate lodge. The new lodge was then organized and named I Rosman Lodge No. 3.S I. The meet ing took place in the Woodman an u’ttown teie;'raj)h oOue for sun iner convenience. FORSYTKE-VERMILYE The following account of tlu j wedding of Miss Nell Forsythe JONES GAP ROAD | daughtcM- of ^^r. ai.d Mrs. .T. A. I rytilt;. ^<1 ]Jr .Totrn K. \ i-rniiiye, . £ J building which does credit Tiie Greenville News has the fol-1 ^ ’ | to the spirit of fraternity enterprise lowing to say in regard to the j church, Atlanta, Ga., j jj; took several hours Jones Gap road : | Saturday, June (>, is taken iroiu an | of hard, warm work to turn the “The county road has heen |1’**^!’^’’■ j thirteen raw recruits into fully de worked all the way to Marietta and j “The wedding of Miss Nell For-jGdd Fellows, audit was when the link in tlie road from j sythe, formerly of Brevard, N. C., j into Tuesday morning before Marietta to the North Carolina line j and Dr. John H. Vermilye, of i