VOLUME-XIX BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 7. 1914. NUMBER-31 VARSITY QUARTEnE' The Batterment Association ot Brevard haasocared an en{;agement with the Var«ty Quartette of the University of South Carolina for Tuesday evening, August 11th. at the Audiloriura. These young men have made an extensive tour of South Carolina and have gained an excellent, repu tation. They are touring the mountains of the Carolinas and their concerts have been very high ly recommended. Mr. H. S. Reeves of Charleston, is the funniest man in South Caroli na and his Dutch monologues have made a decided hit. Mr. M. B. Seay of Columbia is the director and piano accompanist. He is pipe organist of the Catholic church in Columbia, and this winter, he will study at the Damrosch school in New York. E. H. Carpenter of Charleston has an excellent t-enor voice and his solos have been highly complimen ted. Mossers Paul and Perkins hold down the bass section of the quart ette. This is a ty})icHl college quartette and they specialize in “close har mony.” MRS. J. W. BROOKS BOARD OF EDUCATION At a meeting of the county board of education last Saturday the fol lowing matters of school business were attended to: A contract was let to L. C. «& E. C. Orr for building a new room to the Davidson River school, for $605. A contract was let to J‘. M. Anders for building a new school house at Lake Toxaway, for .f 1,160. The new house is to be built on a lot purchased from E. T. Raines, situ ated about three-fonrths of a mile from the depot. The building is to have two recitation rooms, two cloak l ooms, a vestibule, a library room, fuel room, and work room. A contract was let for building a new one-room scnool house at Ce dar Mountain to George \V. Bishop for $598.1)5. The board fixed the compulsory attendance period to begin first Monday in September for all schools then in session, and for all scjiools oi>ening later, the date of their opening. In all schools the term will continue four months from be- ;;inning of compulsory attendance. W. L. MULL FOR COMMISSIONER Last Friday morning, July HI, at three o’okif^k Mrs. .T. \V. Brooks died after ;i illne.^^s of several jjionths T!:»’'iisvsiso wliU'h led toh 'r duath whk liiakage of the heart, and she had lieeu for a troqd ■u’hile H groHt saiTerer. Mv. J. \V. :i?ia Mrs Marid !\Ki!ri-;d last Do-^ (•i‘iu:;ur. Tlu-y to Brevard in j tli<‘ curly ]t ;ri of this sninmer and j took up their re.'^idrnoe at the Eng- j hind cottage on Main street. Mrs. j Brooks lu'CciTne an invalid, and ev- erything y’ossibU* was done to ini- l)rove her condition, but nothing could stay elT^'ctually the ]n-ogress i of the diteHse. Though far from j ho’- ftirmor hoT:u> si'.o v.-ns attended • in her lust hours by s-ome of ter near relatives a:;d Uy the nntiring ; devotion of her husband. The j death of a stranger in onr town is j always pxT.li.-irly sad ; that of Mrs. j llrooks espi-'cially so from her con- i nection by marriage with so many , of ora- bi’st known ]k*o;*1c‘. She j was a member of :be Bu])tist ; chnreh; and Ikt sv;t‘et Christian i character had its inHncnce on i those nearest to av r in her long! m:^n^]lso^■ sv.lVerir.ir. ! TilI'ody v.’aii t-ikon on Saturday ; to .Tack.'e rhappell'*, her nephew. Funeral services held at the First Hajitist church after the arrival in Jacksonville. TO ATTEND ENCAfsiiPMENT Company I, Uniform Rank W. O. W., Capt. W. H Grogan, Jr., com manding. has been reorganized and is now doing iiard drill duty, ])re- i paring to attend the twelfth di.s- j trict encrt?npment to be held at' Spartanburg, S. C. ! Captain Grogan savs he will have j While the schools v.'ere in sc? sion last year the county bettor-- mcnt assoeiution offered prizes to the schools making the high(!st ])erccntage ol utlend:vnce basf.d on j the census of tlie dis’i'ict. Thrcj] prizes w'ere ftTered : A 11 ve-d(..llj’.r I ! ]irize for the higlu'st averatre and a | j three-dollar i»ri.ce for th<^ next! jliighes*' in schools contini.ing si j months or longer ; and a iivi- <1 ; ])rize for the hi;;hef.?t average I I [schools less than six inonths. ] Tlu! annouiuren'ieiit of the win | j n('rs could not be rruide until all r*'- j j ports were in and examined. The j I result of the contest is as foll«n\ s ;' I .First ]>riz.'‘. *5, to Selica school, whose average attendance was 84.].’J",, of district census. Second prize, to Ros school, averat’ie attendants* 60 of cf*ns'.i<. Third pi-i/..*, to <‘arson I school, average attendance of census. The average attendance at Seliea was remarkably high. This was d^e among other causes no doubt to the special compulsory law in that district. The compulsory age extends from eight to .seventeen, and the term lasts throughout the session. concealed weapon, guilty; three months. State vs xMex (iaston, assault; continued one week. State vs. Dilly Owen, assault; case dismissed. Prosecution to iiay costs. State vs, J. W’. McCall, carrying j concealed weapon, guilty; three months. j State vs. George Fortune, drunk I in public, guilty ; SI 5 and costs, j State vs. Claud Fortune, drunk j in jniblic, guilty ; 1^1.“) and costs. CARD FROM T. T. LOFTIS iulitor .Sylvan Valley News: Replying to the different sugges tions in your paper some weeks ago that I bo nominated by the democratic party of the county for j county commissioner, I wish to say j that while I appreciate the compli mentary things said of mo by the author of the piece referred to, I think it proper for me to say that I regard the office of commissioner as ! a purely business and non-]>olitical j office, and conseqnently having ! snch a view’ I could not accept the i place as the nominee of any politi- , jcal party. The office belongs to [ the whole |)oople, and while I am i in no sense of the word an aspirant for the office, nevertheless should the people desire my services they know how’ to obtain them; and with their consent and by their sulimge I would accept the posi tion and render such service as my exi>erience and ability jiermits. Yours, T. T. Loftis. NOTICE To the Democratic Voters of Tran sylvania County: By order of the executive com mittee of Transylvania county a Democretic precinct primary is hereby called to be held at the va rious precinct voting places in the county on Saturday, Angnst 15th, 1914, the polls to be kept open from sunrise to sunset, during which time the democratic voters are urged to come out and cast their ballots for the candidates for the various county offices. The primary will be. held at the same time and by the same poll- holders as the Congressional pri mary. By the same authority the Demo cratic county convention of Tran sylvania county is hereby ealled to meet in Brevard on Monday, Au gust 17th, at noon. The voters of the various pre cincts will also select delegates tc attend the county convention The poll-holders are directed to make out all returns and have same in the hands of the county chairman not later than noon Mon- dav, August 17th. The Democratic executive com mittee will meet immediately after the adjournment of the sounty convention. J. M. Zachauy, Ch’m. R. L. Gash, Secretary, Democratic Executive Committee. VETERAN REUNION The reunion of Confederate vet eran^ of Transylvania Camp No. i>5:i will be held at Brevard on Thursday, August ):iO. The meet ing will take jilace on the court house lawn. Everybody, of course, is invited and all are requested to bring baskets of lunch for the pic nic dinner. The committee, ot which Mr. J. M. Hamlin is chair man, are making arrangements to have speakers present at the meet ing and are mf king all necessary preparations for a day of general enjoyment. Every old veteran should be presen t, and in fact all the county people should come and meet with the old soldiers. How to Cure a Sprain. A sprain may be cured in about ono-third the time required by the usual treatment by applying Chara- berluin's Liniment and observing the diiections with each bottle. For sale by all dealers. adv DON’T TAKE CALOMEL HERE’S A BETTER REMEDY risky REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION A countv convention of the re- FOR SHERIFF likUtor Sylvan Valiev Xewss: Havi*^g been asked by some of a company that will make a good pahlicans of Transylvania county my friends to be a candidate for showing at the encampment and that he expects to ^bring home some prizes. The uniform rank gives young men a tine military training that vs,ill be worth many times the cost all during life. The company is made up of the following young men : W. H. Gro gan, Jr., captain ; W, D. Glazener, Urst sergeant; L. L. ^ilorris, second sergeant; Harold Hardin, Carl Hardin, Carl Case, J. H. Tinsley* T. W. Tinsley, F. M. Garren, H. E. Garren, J. O. Cantrell, C. F. Poole, E. Ii. Aiken, W. C. Hunt, E. Osteen, J. A. Johnson, L P. Hamlin, E. H. Duckworth, J. L. Gravley, T. C. Henderson.' is hereby called to meet at the court house, in the towm of Bre vard, on Saturday, August IGth, 1914, at two o’clock p. m.. for the purpose of electing delegates to the state, congressional, judicial and senatorial conventions, and also for the the nomination of county officers,,and for other pur poses It is suggested that the various township committees call a conven tion for the various to wnships on or before Friday, August 14,1914, and elect delegates to the county con vention above called. ^ O. \V. Clayton, County Chairman. sherifif in the Democratic primary, I wish to say that if I am nomi nated I will make the race to the liest of my ebility, and if not I will help elect the man that is nomi nated. W. Li. Aiken. 7-31-3t NOTICE Blantyre corn and rye mills will be open for custom grinding Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays. Grain received by freight and oth- wise and promptly retnrned. Thanking my friends, for past patronage, 1 am yonrs, i ‘ C. E. Blyeme, Miller. ‘ Taking calomel is mighty and often times dangerous. You oi’.ght to get along without taking calomel yourself or giving it to your family when you can get a remedy takes which takes its place. Dodson’s Liver Tone is an agreeable vegatable liquid that starts the liv er to action just as surely as calom el does. But, unlike calomel, Dodson’s Liver Tone does not stimulate the liver too much. It gives relief gently. Calomel acts so strongly that it may leave you worse than you were at first, and calomel also sometimes causes sali vation. Dodson’s Liver Tone works w'ell and never harms. A large bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone is sold for fifty cents by S. M. Macfie and Duckworth Drug Co. It always has given such satisfac tion that your money will bo given to>ouwitha smiki if you buy a bottle and are not perfectly satisfied with it in every way. adv The Case of L. L. Cantelou. The case of L. L. Cantelou, Clar- endon^ Texas, is similar to that of many others w’ho^have used Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Rem^edy. He says: “After trying a doctor for several months, and using different kinds of medi cine for my wife who had been troubled with severe bowel’ com plaint for several months, I bought a 25c bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After using thq second bottle she was entirely cui:«d.*’ For eale by all deal'.rs. ■' adv REYNOLDS ISSUES A STATEMENT Letter Is Accompanied by Affi davit From R. B. Wilson, Editor of Waynesville Courier. Solicitor Robert Reynolds yes- tierday sent the following letter t^ th« Citizen, explaining circum stances in connection with the suit for a Ooard bill which has been filed against him by the manage ment of the Suyeta Park hotel: “Editor The Citizen: “In order that the people of Bun combe county and the Tenth con gressional district may understand my position in the controversy be tween myself and the Suyeta Park hotel management concerning the law suit which they have recently instituted against me for a board bill which they alleged I owe, I beg to state the following briefly as the facts in the case and the grounds upon which I made certain asser tions about the parties connected with said litigation. To begin with the amount in dispute is only $171. I have made tender and offered payment of all other amounts demanded of me. My conclusions that Mr. Gudger w’as connected with, oj at least encoRr- aging, this litigation against me at this time were based upon the facts that statements were being mad»* by him and his friends and paid canvassers throughout the district largely exaggerating the amount olaiineil, and without any tion of the true facts upon which this suit wus brought, when said facts could have lieen easily ascer tained. “Their method teoemcd to have been to iiiake a greai bugttbiio by stating in dilYerent communities that I had been sued for a large amount due (a lone and defenseless woman) for board and entertain ment of my delegates attending the Waynesville convention. “Added to this was the fact tha^ Mr. Gudger visited WaynesviP.e just prior to the filing of the com plaint, and was a frequent visitor to the law offices of the attorneys who brought the suit against me. “The complaint sets out at some length the facts that I was a candi date for congress before and at the date of said convention, and that I am now’ a candidate for congress before the people of the Tenth con- sraessional district, all of which matter any reputable and intelli gent attorney knows is absolutely irrelevant and immaterial to the issue. “The close political friendship existing between Capt. Hannah, the senior member of the law £rra who brought this suit again.-t me, and Mr. Gudger coupled with the persistent and industrious circula tion by Mr. Gudger and his friends of garbled statements concerning the amount involved, and the con troversy between myself and this hotel, iTnpelled me to the strong belief that Mr. Gudger and Mr. Hannah at least were co-operating and advising with cc.ch ether ia bringing this suit against me at this time, and in such a form as to greatly embarrass-and discredit me before the people of the Tenth con. gressional district in my race for congress. “Mr. Gudger’s tender referenco to Miss Cameron, the plaintiff in this suit against me, as being “a lone and defenseless wroman” and his lugging in her father’s frater nal connection has a purpose which is too apparent to any intel ligent reader for me to was-te spsoe in an attempt to explain his mo. tive. “In all my dealings tliis good woman I have endeavored to be most courteous and considerate, but I do not believe that courtesy and considerjition require me to pay fl71 more than I owe her. “As evidence of the correctness of my conclusions with- regard to the amount due Miss Cameron, I submit herewith an affidavit from Mr. R. B. Wilson of Waynesville in regard to a conversation between him and Mr. William ShauXle, tho latter being the chief clerk of tha Suyeta Park hotel and the one, ac- Continued on page four.