VOLDME-XIX - ■ —■: t:;; LI BBEVAED, NORTH CABOLINA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2. 1914. NUMBER-40 ^ INVESTIGATION IN BDNCOMBE Creating an unexpected sensation in the Bnnoombe county Superior ooart daring the term devoied to the trial of criminiil canes, Jndge E. B. Cline has ordered that the grand jury investigate the conduct of Ashevlle magistrates and Bun combe county convict guards. The order followed reports in local pa pers to the effect that four fights occurred in magistrates* courts within-a space of five days and the statement of Solicitor Robert B. Reynolds that he had been in formed that certain guards have beaten convicts unmercifully. Nine convicts were examined during the v?eek in regard to the treatment they have received at the convict camps. Determined that the roads of the rural dist^cts shall be as attractive as those of the pity, the Buncombe county board of health has passed an ordinance prohibiting the throwing of waste or garbage on any of the highways of the county and providing penalties for the construction of hog pens or other nuisances within a distance of 200 feet of a countj road. Buncombe is one of the first counties of the state to enact such a law and the members of the sheriff’s depart ment have been ordered to enforce it rigidly. The workings of the enactment are being awaited with .considerablg^interest in the rural V PrepurntipHH for tho Western fHir. which is to be held here October 13, 14, 15 and 16, have about been completed and the members of the office force in Tem ple Court are giving their lime to t^e receipt of entries and the per fection of plans for arranging the exhibits. A representative of Mar tin’s fireworks was here Saturday to prepare for the pyrotechnical displays 4nd ^he announced that the set pieces will cover a circle of r>00 pieces around the banks of the lake. The rockets, shells and ^mall pieces will be fired from the island of the Riverside lake. This pro vides for the most spectacular ex hibition ever witnessed in this sec tion of the state and those who are familiar with the plans for the fireworks declare that tin* displays will form one of the bii; features of the annrittl fair. S*‘t retary D. Har ris ]eft Saturday for Lynchburg where h« will witness the exhibi tions whifh have been booked for this city. He will visit the shows as a patron of the exposition ut Lynchburg and will see for himself jnst what is Only the very best attrnctions will be brought here. J. W. Ducker, w';o resides near Arden, is in a de.«pertite condition at a local hosjiitul as the result of bullet wounds rofoived last week, and the members of thesherift’s depMrriKent are searching for Hall Rh'itles who is charged with the sh« *»:ing. The affair is said to have be *n jirompted by jealonsy. Thti (irnnd Vn-w Hotel Company, backed by Asheville and Weaver- ville capital, has purchased the summit ot Hamburg mountain at Weaverville, and announcement is made that a handsome summer hotel and cottage colony will be developed on the holdings of the company, work starting within the next thirty days. The hotel will be condacted as a summer resort hotel exclusively, no provision be ing made for running it during the winter months. Edward L. Nixon, who spent last gammer here as the guest of rela tives, was killed at Tampico, Mexi co, by six laborers w’hom he had discharged, according to informa tion received by relatives of the deceased at this city from the state department. Secretary of State Wilii***“ Jennings Bryan, who^ is visiting Asheville, has been ap pealed to by the father of Mr. Nixon to see that the guilty parties are brought to justice, and nothing will be left undone in an effort to capture and punish the men who killed the well known American BUperintendent of an oil company’s plant in Tampico. Stephen Demiss, a Russian em ployed at a. Canton textile plant, V literally worried himself to death over the fate of relatives who are in the Russian army according to the statements of physicians who attended him at a local hospital. The deceased was brought here from Canton shortly after war was declared, stating that he could not sleep for thinking of the safety of his relatives in the Russian army. He lived but a few days after air- riving at this city for treatment. A DAY OF PRAYER President Woodrow Wilson has issued a proclamation designating Sunday, October 4, as “A Day of Prayer and Supplication” through out our country, requesting all God-fearirig people to -repair to their places of worship on that day and there unite their petitions to God “to vouchsafe to His children healing peace again” and to restore once more concord amon^men and nations. Following is the presi dent’s proclamation: “Whereas, great nations of the world have taken up arms against one another and war now draws millions of men into battle whom the counsel of statesm«n have not been able to save from the terrible sacrifice; “And, whereas, in this, as in all things, it is our privilege and duty to seek counsel and succor of Al mighty God, humbling ourselves 4)elore Him, confessing our weak- n^^und OHr lack of «ny wisdom e^ual lo these things ; “And, vrhereas, it is the especial wish and longing of the people of the United States, in prayer, in counsel, and all frienillinese, to serve the cause of peace ; “Therefore, I, Woodrow Wilson, president of the United States of America, do designate Sunday, the fourth day of October next, a day of prayer and supplication, and do request all God-fearing persons to reiwir on that day to their places of worship, there to unite their pe titions to Almighty God, that, over ruling the counsel of men, setting straight the things they cannot govern or alter, taking pity on the nations now in the throes of con flict, in His mercy and goodness showing a way where men can see none. He vouchsafe His children, healing peace again and rest*'r- once more that concord among men and nations without which there INVITATION TO EDITORS At a meeting of the Brevard Clnb last Thursday sight a number of important matters were taken up and diBonmed by the. unusualW large number of members present^ the reporta of the officers were read, and a buffet luncheon was served the members after tho busi ness was disposed of. At this meeting a formal resolu tion was passed by the clnh plac ing the membership on record as favoring the movement to invite the North Carolina Press Associa tion to hold its next June meeting in Brevard. At the recent meeting at Wrightsville Beach the editor of the News extended an invitation to the editors on behalf of the town, and at that time three of the seven members of the execu tive committee, who have the mat ter of selecting the meeting place in charge, declared they would for Brevard. The matter of the selection of the meeting place will he attended to at the January meet ing which meets in Raleigh while tho legislature is in session, and at that time Brevard will be repre sented and our claims placed be fore the committee, and it is raa- sonable to suppose that the next meeting will be held here. A committee was appointed to appear before the coumiissioners to ask them to push the work of put ting the road in g