VOI,iniK~X\' liliKVAUI), NOirril CAI!0I-1XA, I’KFDAY. .lAM'AHV U. ]!>15. NILMIiKI! O AHN'JAL MEETING OF CLUB 'I'hc lii’st nr.nuiil Tin'ctinir of tin* Hn\ niil '’111!' WMS )n'l(l m the rliih roi •iM-'wiit-’i ;i larLrc inaiontv <'1 tl-v- iinMnbt'j’s L':ithrrtMl to Ilf.If til" (it til" ot'ictM’S tor th<‘ tW'.-'t '.'f.ii', cK’cl oiViciTs toi' tllf rll Jiiul fraiisnct ot h.T hn- iiu'' Alt^. 'iir’i f Ilf T-. tiri ri<r i>’-f<’.|f nt. Mr ^ was not ]u-fs ,.ii( ' 1' !ti -f!it iM liis it'jirrl I'or t li,' V f a I ' ■ r k into Wftail. 'I’ll, !Cj I ■) ‘ li -^ff! fIflfV ,''!lo\Vf(l t !i;i I ! f i' ' • now lias I ■ >rty o>if ;tct 1 \, ^ " r> a ml ( lf\ f ii th ji- m ' f V'-. 1 ha t oVf r >f \ f ii . •, I iliil'ar'- lia'l !iffi; co’i ., \ o'l, Ml-' >-( M’ii-f i]., n ni: lit) t iia T a t ]ii'i "(■lit ■ 1 1 - . 1' ' a nt lal a inoi;nt , : .. t 'ill 'a i;. I a -"t 1 a >1 lit i( III f ti ■ I: o\ CM . nl lo ^ffI^■f a ■ fa 1 • r. a mi a f > inmii t ■ ,. ’: 111 11 to a 1'] If a I’ 1 f I o rf ’MTS at I .'.-if lal ' I ’-til ;. p r f 111 f n 1 ’1 tor til’- 11 ifpi >>f ■.t- I- \\ r. I! rlif tai'iMf i > : I' I'. a f(l ;.' t},. ■ mat ‘ ’ ' ■ !o c a f * oI Vi I- ( Tl: :■ ri’ /a • ■ M flai. • ' \ 11 .1 u iia n i iM< f i-^i y • ' ’ ha ’111. a 1.(1 a ;• r' ! ' t s. \;af- .- : ai’.'l .1. W I'., 'k ; ' - -1 ■ Ii 1'. -I- - . • : ■. : r‘- a I ; ■: ;!ia l^ f .. ; 1:: fiiif lit'- tak- ■a Ii I 'I’lr.> a■ t .• TI in- n "■ ! -1 \' ii)-_: ;i >i d ■ i 'I ['■■t-' t Ilf ii.ii-'ii'al ■ ; a >\!'-:aiitiai I' 'ol I ' ’I.' ■!; t s \v;,! . 'f 1 in' ' '‘.f . !.!• and wi il iif f ': ' - i -n .'In 'f' not any •'[iffia i : •:' '.. ■ O ■■ 'I i ■ 1111.1 f ' o ■ . n i- 1 u!i I ■ ' f-- Ka'al f. i'rt> .\.o :if i.n-l-'f Ihf .\!’. \V. II. liaffw. 1 :■ .n ! liifi f h:!- . ’ 1 'f ' r)..- 1’. . ■ :l -I-:' • . • . T l;,!I ■ 1 : 'I ] f.; f . ^'f ' .'t a 1' ' i 1 \ h.- I.M-- Vf' tff If . th. ■ th- to O I <11 a t a f t.’. 11, ri. to . an:, of • * t ■' W : i ' t • t. • w . \\ . ■ a .. MK bra 1 i n. t AN IMPORTANT MATTER A S'JRPRiSE VVEDDINS DEATH OF FULLER ALUS3N riic quostioii of 'I'ransvN ania iouiity omployia^ a tarni tltMUonstrator will l>t‘ fisially tiisposoil <»( at a spocia! of tlii’boari! of oo»iii‘y foiii:nissioiu‘rs fo hr lu'ld on Moiuiay, JaiMiar>’ 2.^tlj. Ill the oi^inioii of tlu* Now.s this is thi' most i-ijpnrtant nnU- ti'r that has foiiu' up for a l<»ii}!; ;iir.t‘, aiul we \s aiif to o\ cr\one iiHa\or of this ino . enior.i to express them -.el\t" to the eounly co'iKnis >ioiiers on or tiefoie the iSth. 'Hie co;iuiiiNsi(»ners ha\«’ stated that tliey are wiiliifvT to j ledv't' the county to tiie payi^ient oi a part of t:?e s.'l;..y < i :1m <len'oi!str;;tor pro\ iiU'ii it was s!’.ow ii a t^ooilly tM;n’i>er of the farcu’rs want surli action taki-n. Now ii thi’ tii’.u- Tor e\ ery ir.an iiiteri'ste*! in tlie hetieniUMit of tiu' (at niri''' (;> e\- (^ress I'.iniself. tor upless it i\ shov% n the |.a* ph.* vvL'.: t thi.s action taken the inatt<.-r wiil !>e turneil dovs n. I he comr.ii-->iotu r'. wiii t>nly he askeil to , ay a, sr'.i;>!i p-er cent of the iltMr.onstratoi’s ^.a!;^r;., fhi’ ^j[reat'-r f'sortion !)eipj^ i paid h> t he uo\ frnnu’iit, w hic’i. ;• jjii tlu" ainounts 1 5hai will he ui^ i n b\ t!u' l-arnu rs’ C'nioji anJ "l;ur <;r;j;.i;ii/.,- | tions anil i.uii\ iilmds. w ill make np a >■ nfricii iit!'. i.u ;j:e sal ir\ | to si’i'iire ;in expert .;lon'^ ;.!l lines oi lartnir.'jr aru! va'lle j raisinyj. !f the people oT 'fViuisy 1\a.r.ia fi;ll> '..''idi’rstood t!i<j i.'n;-or- j ' tance of sv curin;; sucIi a m ui thi re would lie no (luestion about ;;ct;inir iiini. W e \\ ;’.nt to nr>^t* e% er\ -m* interested in the matter to ^et !v.:sy aiui explain t!\e p.ierit-. of tlv.' niattv r to tln'ir li'ss informed neiyhliors, and to nr^e e\ e; >one t(> tt i! their e;)!rir.ussioTier‘. that ll'. :';.' wai'.t tlu' t!em< ■n^'trator. 'Trans’, Iviiiii;), aithou>.i!i c'•ipp.;rii>i': very fa\<>r.!ii!\ vvifh her neis^hbors. h.i-. much to do lo ‘^ei ir.t.^ ilu' first rank a.noii'j: th.e conntii^ , esp-. eiali> ie. the matter of fruit and c t- tle ra.i-inii. and Iin employin'.; a man to teai h th<‘ f;’.rniers a.lon^ the lines w I'le'^ein tlu > arc' at fauii \\ il! i>e a l.i;:^ step in j the ri^lit ciirec!i< n. ar.d v. ouid do mut !j to put us up near ,!ie fiead of.lilt projiTv'r si ve coi:nries. Our failure to ^e^ u.a tl’t’ c n:r.t\ denio:;'M.-a*(»r v%ili ;-,'a eaia.TV.it;. , v. e v. .in', to a;:a’n of" •. iii/ei'.s t : -oi-. ' out on tlu <|n<'stion. W t' tu-. ite a ‘ree tii .cussion t’K‘ (Hiesrion in lae columns ot this paper, and ask ;di ii’.terc sis. d lo writ(' Oil! tlu’ir ic-ws in time for nt \l weeiv's i>aper. If was a vfjiuiiie sur'prisc la't ' Mr. Fullfr .'.l;!-'on. v. i,o liad IxMrn Siiiiday morning at the liayitisl '-ut’tliii'j for a •on:.'; tinr- j.oni.’ji' i • •iinrcl!, \\lifi' at tho cli >f >>1' t In- i n'-m ra I»l'• ;na ].ni v. < I if 11 ’ !i •- liouio I sffitifTi, lif'oi'f 1 Ilf con'^ffition i n .North !;i .* M .’-(hi.v \va ■; iiisrnis^f'i . lint th.-it hf nn.rn'.ni:. 'i f innfi i loM later. ( f" foni! urtf11 I ii m- ru«'S- A la I'LTf (■' air ff'M t ion w.-t'- a.'-fin- ’I'lV niorni n;/. :•?!<! tf.' i '..fj;* i ;]fi, thf I' .’ iiff, KfV. A. Vs, I -ilov, f (I a' < • •»o vf, ' ‘ r\utm M f I) I n i> ’. !: a i i \ f J1 11lf p' o[i|f (iTif hf 1 nf orII111(■ ■ ' •' I.! v' ' .Mi ■il' his ;'.>ifi Ilf r.nil sturii'-^ s r .1, pa - v ■.! l' nioiis. 'llif pastor l!:f!i L’’a \ f an - linrili Ii\ :t:;'io|| t ;ill Ilo V. l-'i-'d 1 i ?lf. .\io-' !■ - ■; j unitf \‘. i ‘ h Iia fliUffli to fojta' for- i'i-'' tl 'I* I,,’tl • I wiff. ’I’hf !if fi’(I ot thi' in.i'a li"fn at I’.ff,.,'!. [ 11 m ha vniic f \ I >11'f (I. ‘ i n thf li u>h a n<! a ' a i ;t' V • . ■ ’-f ! ' I that 1 h:i t ''•';o'.' - ihf nra'fr .and tivf \far- <'t ' ih' '. I ;i 1 •' I ;:;'f ff (;i ! i.i- 11. ■ iif di ■ t; ■ ■ ,>i c. ' ' d '- ' ,i ;.11a Ji ' ■ *, t i■ i i - I r ' , I:' ;;df r-'i II and Ml". Sa'in- • sui'\ivfd t.v j.-- (i ■ ' >>!ii'fr; ■ ai' lia ’f 'i-.it . ad ' hil'lrfn. > -r. : \;i:if.'d t i il ‘ ■tfoiit of tl.f "IrMfh. -N'.’ti; ihf. mI : and st" ! ' '.'Iff thf n..i|..^ \v ■ i n - i’: ; l> . . . ’: ! >oinfthiif !•' th'. ir attiiiaif and i’lfd..'' 's ft' : ■ ■.ar.^ ‘ :>ioVfinfnt' w'.;.-]! l.ftol'fri".! *‘n-h oi a v;'- . I ;'o.-f ami jaa .a ri'-f I'tfd aLTi ff ni< lit. ‘ i 'ritfu t]i.- n.nr-iff hfiran i i nd CARD Or f‘' . I V •. I. .’ V ■ < ‘ ♦ -i 11 j '1 ; liti if'-.'S 1 hf III. >''iddf n! V ;' ■' (1 np< ■; : hf f on- iM'f ca t il ai 1 'at i ••■ot' thf liTfatf't '.a-n< : u t ' ^ d I a nia of 11 l i• Mf' \. y. V ■ ti.rn i iT - ’ . i ''' ' t ha n 1- ' to ' ; > • _ . .'I ! )oU * t O hf ! , ■ r I o hf 1 ( ir • I !lf ■ !1 . y,l ;i 1 d v ■ ■ •■■ non Inol. .r,,. f|,.fj' . 'a-f,alhot' a f . lit a rai f v pff- , j] , j|i,,. tan--> . 'i’hf ’ .:ni'-i‘-r pr-. ,cdfd. ^ r j,, , i tlif ii'nal o U'-'t i->".s Wfi-f P * > “'l-fd and : i << and ’r; a \ff..' 'lioM t i ii!f : . V. ot !; '.-. a ' • if iif. ■'lifri th‘‘ hfiM l:"li-.n. v,d:i.';; )iaii * f a : > . I ;itV- \U- !' ! U'^ OUT THE i ; 1* il ]rn t M I ’I n rV» 1 n>- I ■ j.l'i-:' ' : ■! .i .'ifj'.'t hr. i ii f ! ■ ■ vt ■ t hf • ■ M I. ■;., , Mail a 11 11 o • '.i Ii tin ' ' '' * ji'i 1 1 oii.ij..fi*snf)’*i t t iid- ■•. ;.d - if. rn iia vr n'iiiif i oi;> ‘ ' rnii ]> ^ ) tliat a ’ ‘1 : 1 if n.l.s, .'!i.a I; I I In ’:i j'Tf' YDUKG PEGPLE’S SGCiETY < t-i aa?.-; fv ;lff-. \V1;fn th ■ III .1 ■; i:' la ..I' I ,'.ra ni .1 n- iv1!SS!0NARV SOCIETY 'IdIf .Ilia n M a >•'. St. - jf t > ! • M . i: ( '1m ; S.. ti;. ],. :d I ■ f :i .■ I ;. Ill; i -r i i, ■ I .1 r ! •!.! in thf i idi-■> r M !■ ■: a Ilf f. Ail in;» ■ nc i <i i ia • i f w 1 , .t'lif • \Vf ;■ ■ in ' r ' 111. it dordit d nioff ll an i la . 'f t’V' in. tlif lar^''f foiim’fL'ation l.ad any >n-'ni ii.n nf what was ndiiL: whiif tie n'lial .'t-r.ii Ifftion the f]fi-t'-d. hv rd’a' t’if f nt if( n.ar: v iin. ■ t‘--' ' • .ji . s. * r*i,’ ri- . ^ ^ ■ And t ;.i- ■■■ ?a til M , , ,. t ha t hf iia ' : t:f f i. M I-. M; I )anii 1 > '.V t' :'f '■i-ffii < il' a ad w htlu* ' :■ I: a 1 :*■ it- a ■d ’ ’ M 11;. ,v. r • th rr t- r t. ■r .‘i : ■ M-. 1 . I ’ ..■ • . r t I M ' V. t ’a' ; 'n < 'i tlf -ffn: .n. , ■■ tl-' 1. .. 'Uf; >n ■ • . ’ : , : - '.Vf d^! ■ n J’ v, a ' •. ■ - ; „. \ir. . ;■ .1, I . i . r' :.T •:i.- ■Ill a I'. .ri. ]: ■'1 a ' ri I . ' . ,a ' a f f': ' ■ 'n d • ' .-If I'!' 1 dr I i U' - d hv f. ■ » I ; ; tf '.va- a’l'jio-; ‘fd to .:. ■ i o! - t i! I n In ; I: a ' ! "f ]'. i.’ far ■: d- .f th. fi’ih I i and ; I; ■ ■ : ’1 a 1 1;. fi ,! \'. i . ■ •' a a • . . :; i; 1 -d I.! i I '.(! "f ; Wf !\-f ; '• I'f: ’li’ I.’ . • a'i'.ia'! ' %Vi I'f I iff . I . \ f a f ; .' 11, I ff; ;. i . . •! r , \d. f I la -iii. 'Il:. ■ 1.a r y. ' I . na i.;. 'rrfa.-au'.-/. t. ’ I and .1. 'd . A dison - aovf r:i' >rs -r a . I -, la. ,xii:L' t !n p'.a.i^- i (If!' a'llt iTU: ( '. ( tfI'ln ••Mi’ff.'. : . :'Ha’"- .'•t >'i' .11 T tlf -I ".r \\ I'.- >fi’Vfd with -‘fiifoi., s«-r\ad hy thf 1 .a-l'. '11 ■ ; ■ . . t' . >! till clni) 1’oT' thf t nt' : \ . r ladL'hi. a ii.I a 1- t ll. . \\ • .ik' a loiur hf 1 tfi'- na i' .• - , >• thf aounty lui' ’hffii :iff : • I ’ iif ]iast yiair. it i." sa*' ' ‘;.a! th“ i.fXt year will Sff a; • aiaaiiiiiiiishfd. < \\ - tf? Ol I . V : At nif’ ! a : (dir ■> 'I t'l ' ' I- ' -an ! I'. ai A ■ • • ’.. ■ a - . ■ • I : >h- ' n.ay i • ah!' t . i|. ■ . , ' i a ' ■ -a. r 1 n ' : ll ■ 1 . ■ ’ > i.;a. ’. ! -r a • ‘ a- : .. v a a ■ A i ; . - a- : a. :. . a a I r . i a' . . ■ • ,■ i. ■ . oh' a a' n if. .' I : i ; a la- '-Ilf ■' , ~ ' r ' ’a ■ '' i ; - a' ' ' ■ < • \ o,:' :j h : 1 ■ n k rh ! I ad I ’ ht ' ana ’ ail ~i f ' Mf n ■ > a;la 'f la ■. d . '!'iii‘ I'f l: .;a ’■ In . -V t ;i■ (■if t Is f . vv M. aaia V i ;ij ; i; ■ n ' a ■ • ladl.'>’ ]ia-r at t i.f .Nh t la • .' ' f II ;i r- d I. r! ’. r. a- ■ i ^ i. .: a '. ; ' • a. ;a-. ■ -i ■ ■ • . a- • ■ a' • la ■ o a • a , ; . - a , . : so. ial wiii :>f hf !d is i. i ().• : . a_a; t Ti]>. : i; \\ a I . 'i - i.;:. . km; A I ; IS' i\. I h'a. .•'f a. • I. la Sf.'. liiliousiu’ss and ( ionstipation (.ured. l'"'ihlfd ;h • 111-' I. ]/. ■ ia- h:a '■!"! . r . a I 'a -f Ad :; I - • ; a f. . ). ■ ■ ■: y -d'.- d r:-.r - ; a- th • . . a 1 II ' '.I r 'Sff-' j ■ a fd ' a ■:! -f'."I ■!. a T,.: ■ i . ‘■ a ' nt i a'-;;--iii ] I!'. •: a d . \I-;' t’l" !a' \ 'T. ■ 'an ■■ lal ^ 'V hi .v- i .r. .\ i> i- . i . .. \! iia ’ tfs h .■ I ; f \\h .aai a • I ■ Ma r\ < .i:n ■. % ■};: rf v * ‘ • - ■ a'. . ■ a _ ■ r a 11; •: ■ • n. ■ ^ - a : r v . - a ! ■ ! :'a a t . .t- a .. r ’i - .. - ' a , ’ il i .a I i n..- n;. i■ a ' la;.' ’ i ■ :■ :i ’ V. o’aa n's n.. "-i 'Pa r v ■ -a't \ !:ifi '.'d;-at ‘hi< .iil'ifrn ?d. th .- -ai, ir land' a r* ■ i;i . . I'd pr- !'.ia l'ft\' ■••■n tS“ ii.ia! ' aad a r> ^^i; r.'. 'I'h;-. fh 1 ’,af _rr' ' v 'Tn- ■ h ' If ■ n ! i Tii;>',■ 'la: r .' . .p ; . • .a. ■ i ■ t' 'f •' 11.'.■ f \ ]!• Il':• .'■ 11'l -di . ■ ai'f "ii'i r \. 'S a ra I a a; t f ' ( d‘; ’ > '’an I I ■ t s a ! o 11 _' f '.a i y h a. a ' s \a • a i ~ 1 i ‘ ‘d w d . ". ' ! . ‘ r n.' f pi < ll 1' i' t - < ■ i i: a i n d, ^, r t a ' a II I ni:i a\' ^ .1 li:> n ;. ■ i ra -nd•' ! : 1 f' a. lati .a \:r i! a'., old ■'! ^a 1. f I . I 1; 1 .; a n atr,a,..ti! o a . ‘ V a ; i ’ .. 'f t ii; n;I . ■ dd ha f <:]'• 'a .a a di. I.tdi^ist U. ! f ai a'f t la ' . r 1 a- "i.a>' '.. ■ •rif.i. 1 . I- '•. fa' ' la"' ‘ 'f i ai- i ' a-- ‘ ■ * . ( . • ^ ;; I nn. • a.' han:.' hv >i r I-.: I ■ : purpo'- I' ':d.' d 1 .‘. '•f. 'n" ill ; h n .. .. 1.. • 1 -1 , , f .a ' 1 . ; I: *a.; ■ , a . i , 1 h.Oi a !M-' h. di.'. .1 . ’ • ti.i I • !i' 'a ^ 'Ida' h; .df .' a da ,-htar . d' Mr (\ ' . . , l.-_'a,.a.- a L. < >'■ '! a.a a- -f Vf I'.d , . lir >■ -’-at la. r-r -t 1 vf la ma- . a r ! h-'ai. ;• o’-- 't. Sla' WK.' ;,i > iina- a palilia .'iioo! t“,i'da'’a i ;.-r Ira nd' an a.v •1 its a yM'O:ladV o!' c\ffIr-n; aad.'t .••' of ini’: . ’ .•haraf'i la ‘-■■I’-n and .a. ; fi.n-h.r: : r ad -I'hr N f W' df'O. > t..,-xt.nd -o;;;_ .> la ’ a I f \\-a f \ and n.-;.l f.''. tor - rat iilat lo’is an' ::oi;d \vi>’a s *i ;i d \',h.. !i ra Irifiia" ana ■.''an., t hf ha; >t)V c->i:i i ri'-nd'hi].. t».rall win arr i...n.f- h-." and \»a7it shfit' i ina- j. \ lor .ill ho ]ir;iy and tor jili !..i d-i not hiit oiud.t. lor a'd wh > -ra and . ho If \a 1' onif to .If'U-' riirist. —Mi;-- ' ‘ -loiiarv \ oIf(‘ < t • a«di ad :ia t a n.' d ' a i; ■' a " af'' w OI I:; a- ’. .r i;, I ' 'Ti ;i Vf t BLAME NATURE Idh: ; ! Ira .I .:ua> t the Svlvan \h-ilh \. V Ih'fvard. is sending; uUl .1 haa.ismnf hlotlfr with his sinil.! J ■ . antftianee tiuTi'on. It i'' u'’,l;!i_r ;ind a ijood adviM’- tisiii. i.. in-a 11' voi! don’t think it ;i • .1 aiftr.rc, hlauK' nature— not t ■ -a’^t. Th-' -ar r 'ui ■''•ri])tion price of th" .h li. r'oninn oi- WntsonV .Ma_a/ita- is ?I.o() n year. In fluh's. {' ten cithfr may bt‘ had lof . a ('( iits ft year. If you wish t f' ,. .Vi .'la’h ;i fli|h'. L'i vc* .'i*' ft-Ttts VI 1 : , a - wi t'. A. M. - dia'. .'.ho will ijo th ’ oi'drrin.'’. K. r. Krw ;n. 1 ’fra. Ind. "A .Vfmr a_io '-a't wiiitfr 1 had an utta'dc of iii'ii a‘'t;i II lollowftl hy l.dionsness and ' o!i>t;p 'tloti. .'"ffd;i^ ( hani- hf rlainV 'I’a iilf ts so hiLrhlv I'l’COTii- nifMii'ti. I h..iiL'l>t a hottlf (d' thfin ('oiijjh Medicine For ("hildron. r w] .(> !! (diih: a f«n'a_di rr.fdi- (iiif tiiat ia)ntiiins ojtitini in an.v form. When eiiiurn is ^iv.Mi otla r and more st.idnns disrases iniiv fol low. Loni: I \ pi’idf nci' hais deinon- >*rat('(l tha' tlifra is no lieltffoi' i! r mf d If t Ilf ! < >r <'oin'li.s, (a)id> :. ' 'la ..r:-.'- ■■•d .V-.'. ■ ir.i ;. ’ ■ ’ J ar ' <’i s a •'hip;.- .. .a r :i'.. I ri! ■ ■ ■ '. ? ha ' d h> . ara la •’ ■ I.ot t' f 1' - \)V ' "f a a . . aa-- -1 }iaa 1 tai; a Tiaai/- - lip. .r 1 y j.r. • I 1 .:i T' ‘ ' ■'I Vania haiv«‘ Thf a -Ta sty ' ‘.l_:ir’ ti al >11 ‘dl'.v RECGilDbrS CCURT f: a p; a :: a i. \- ; a firif 'Ida ph- ..| ' f vt'ry . mil l"nc ■ and a ' ddy f f ^a tiiat > ahdfn.-i- tl. •. apji. al t ■ y*in I'lthff t'l 'aiW'. that fin aa .‘’i- t'orcfd. or IfiVf. far as th.s connty '.s a..n: erf ,i r'a.‘ ma/'t.-r t-' thf l e . •■'.■nTat;-. ■' ol' thf roi:TUv B.s.RhCA CLASS OliGANiZilG now :?i t'lf !f_:'. >la'nr'i- who. kno-^v iiiL'' thf wi'hf' ot !a. I't'opi a '.v;d hi iioii'ia''- . .r f, iTiM I p.a t 11 y. HI w il 1 n, ... 1 Sa v a a; r. a nd f'.ir'.vho uv.i^ !' ''ar r.r-;' s w-’^. r.p f..r t;if rf- art a ’fordt n^'lv \', f will d.-e,su h,- intfffst -d in th" statanifnt ot' v. ill c. mif to .If'ii-' Thrist Mi--- ■ ‘ ' -'r’s coi.sid.r ’ a T!. ni thi-. wa.ci,:, voii worthy i>; w.‘--', nr,;,'' tlaa whiJ-c' 'i’-.vo d.'ffia! i nt,' .fia- di.-r 1,'irij-fii. rihho:; hadL'f ..f tf n'.o.'raii.-.- 'a he:i oiif ]iarty ot d,-. • li'ints had Tla ir ,\'ou 'ff to it that :;■> •.i.dct'r '“yij cast- ("iTitinui-d.. a’ .: me was I'ouml cor]ior;;t(‘d in the hri in tb.‘ intey LTiiilty. ('St of ’!if hapior flfn i.t I n t hf (’aS‘“ of t h.f State aL'ni:','* H( sp,.rt 1 iddy, n, !l. Nid,-oTi r ■ar’-yinj’ (a.;;- <h A no - a and tiav tadj.fd in<- rtirht away." i/ed in t hf >bd hr.dis! Sund;i v sr!n .ol, <'-aled v.fa])un.', dalendant w\'i' oeea.rh-r. For sale hy all di alri', udv and at a nu idiiiu: iitdd last Snndav f'’Wtid trtiilt.v i'-'.'d tined and tlif folhi'vin;^ ol’ticfrs wa ro fh. rtfd ; Nofaa’ oi appral was .:_;ivfn. Oany;er‘' «.if .i Cold. and apt.cal !-ond lisfd at s-d'C. p,,, m’n.i'r ;iih.'cn'' ao’di' ro-e hy da' ilxcellent For .Stomach "rr(,»ub!e. niost dantrerous? It is not the ’li-inih«adain’.' dahhts ar“ just eold' t heniselvfs tijat.voti fo fine for stoinae!; Ii'oiihh*." writes fear, but the smour, liisease.' that Mrs. (J. <h :)uT’n, -\rnold. Pa. ‘-1 they so (d'ter. had to. K.ar ' i'ia," wa.s hotheri'd ’.vil, this (a>?n]-]aint reason every ■ du .'iiordd he u :ti’n idjf iu“w (da>s ••'tarts i at with ;’or some t;rnf aial f rc() acntiv liad rid ( f witli thf h^ast piis>ihhad< .a.v. a nd cronit in ehildrfTi tlaui (diain- hri'_rbt ]>ros])fe?s of betai’ir.ivj: a hilior»s attack's. tdianrnerlaiii's To aaeeniplisj’. Tid> you will }:n 1 (ifrlaiti's ( ou'_di fu-nifdv. It is p.rAt'r for fjrood in t!n> town. AI- d’abhds atVorib^d ira* ^reat ro’ief d'hambfidain'- ('on-li Hinnodv ot f(inMlly valuable for adults. Try rfady ])ians are on fool to oi':.:aiii/,i’ I'rom tlu> first, and 'dnce takint: ouf bidp to you. It k.>osfns Miss Dori' IM’.vardis. Irai hfr. ( hii rlf > >. If hols. Jiresichnt. • loh'ind Whitmir.’, vici* ])r.-si<b :it. \d‘rne <.’lf’neiit. secretary, lin.'b Wbitmirt', tn’asurer. Z. \\d Xi(diols, .1 r . reportt ;a it It font.''ns no oTiiuTn aroth.ir -i ‘Mdlatiift (d-i'-iTi t Id-• <«'hr.< ] a nd ii tth'of thrin I t'* 1 hikf a dir.’.- fold. rclifV('s tiie luni’s. aids c\. luaif rs ■ 'h‘ by all ii Ma.-s -A ill doti-dh'>'. 1-,' if :.,.. ,i -.f.l . it an.' adv iji the nea.r future, . ers. ]•’' - . ,, ,, , 1 ^fiiti. a. aii'! i‘!ia.,..>s the* sy>U’fa •;.ic :iy a.1 <.(■•;. tothnow o/.' thf For sa;e tiv JuiV ,ail d?'i3j.''j_'a'"ts. Hit V

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