VOLUME BREVAHl), NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. SEl'TKMIiER H». 1015. NUMIiER-37 PROGRESS OF THE WAS Tho ^rciit hiiltli* in nil'll (lit' uiitcui!»t* «>t 'v1ii(«h liiTi^i's (!u* liiti' i*< liHs.-.iaii P'Tt I'l IliiTH. at ])rt‘St'iit n clns'Ml t<* !> <i«*rnian a»l\inn'*'oii ini' nishcs tlu' ni.ist t*f tlu* copy cDminf' Iruin tin* b.'ttfl,* liiH' (Ittiiiif!; tin- W. K. BOSWELL DEAD 'Plu* rtillowin^ dispatcii froiij Da vitlson, X. lakiMi Irmti 1 lie i iiav lotiii; < Ujscrvt-r will rrad willi infcr<\-t lit'fi', hy t l‘ thi* i ;ft that t111* »l«‘ft“asftl v.iis at one tinu'a schoi)! tfarluT in t Ills cui:rit y , arnl liail a lai'i^i* nuiiibrr tit irinuls aii»l rclatrvvs in tins si’ftioa; GENERAL NEWS Frii'Uiis of rrt'sidcnt Wilson arti ni)\v rnisv layiii^r jiians to Sfciirtf MUST PAY MORE TAX BOUNDARY LINE ESTABLISHED Th<> Tt'nnessci'-Xortli ('aroliij Acconlin.i; to an onli'r issncd by the <’orporation ('oinmission last | honrulury lino coTMtijission coinpos* lii!> noininutiuii fur jirrsidt'nt aijain, j Satiifday s(‘v«*nty-liv«‘ X<>';th Cai-o- j i;d *)!’ Dr. ,fos(*])li Ifydt' I’ratt, state and it is not iu‘Ii>‘Vt(i sciions lina c-mntios must p:;y niori; tax, t'<'<iio;'ist, cliaii ::;aT', 1). ••'ition will hr ni.'l with. j wliilc !iini-t( (>n remain they ! Asht vila*. and \V. fi. nult!, ot Mad HaiTv 'I’fiaw, who was rrc, ntly j wi’ri , and i?i one' ( Pas(inotanlc, t!ic | isonviilc, Tt'nn , n;ct in A.-hcvil! n'loas'.'d i rotn a ri insario asy lunt in ' rate is lowfrod fi vo jicr crnt. 'Phi'j last \viM*k to niako arraiiji/cMiiunt'■ Xovv \'(.rk, is ni«w snrini; for di-' •'orporation ('orninission, ^itt in-r as for <■<irnpilin-^ l!n*ir i'«*jjori • n th ■ past \v«Tk. (icrnian sollu-rs ha v<> | At rhapil riiday nntrnutij I’rrsi ; ro;n his wif.', Kvoiyn, clrir-,- a stat.- taxing- cohinii^sio!!, issued > lo«aI ion of the disimtfd lisu! l» nn‘t with fui'tht'r sui‘fi‘ss in lorcmir (lt>nl Auu tin annnnncfd that til.' n passaiti' o\fr tlu* Dvina nvfi-, iinf •ntV.vt* l.atljusl rvcri v> d inlonaaiiou tlu* IJnssiatis an* tirli i.Jiii!,; this tfiiacionsiuuslv. Ail al<-Ti‘: tlu iiiU 1u-r with nii'^c<>nd iu*i while lu* Miis order aflt'r lua kini'a e:; reful 1 wt>cn tliis str.tt* }ii;d "I'lji r-sc-* was hielced !ip. •iiialysis i>f the lejtuj'ts fr<i!:i the 'Th'- wm 1;, wl.ieli was nnd rtak r> '•f t he d»-at h ol William l\ Boswell,' <haiies 'rrnll, the yonnp; whit<‘ va lioiis euunties a tid to\vn->liij)S of following the Hrulrn'_*s of t !;'■ Cn* -Ir., eia^s of '! !. at his home in Wa- t‘ust«‘rn line the llus'-ians have !>een tt rhiirj^, i'ldi. 'Phe youji;.; man was v>lV»*rinj; St nhltorn rer-istnnee tothejtlie viel,m of an aeciileiit. His fool invadins; (•'errnan'^. a;id I lu- j.'a in-, if cauyht in the haiul of a ;:asi) hv'inu: maiie hv (lerma n v alotiir t his Imi- cn^uu- i ha 1 wa.' di i \ inir a wotnl man eonvirt*'<l for the murder of tin* state, anil the provision‘d of ed h^t.r.es Stiprenie ('onrf inf;.;- Svilner Sw:;in in, <'har!otle, was ; t!ii> onhn- wiil plaee a fiont's;:! (.hni.-^>f Norlli rarislinr! in (fii* r*'•eii'" I oleetrttenled at the state prison in <* on tlie ta \ hool;s, hrin;x:ii!.r the law >nit hetwetii :h<‘ .>laf's, v.. U ilei'j;!) last I’riday mornin,:^. lu' totai wen 11 h of t he statc, aee (lin>: tini- ’.rd fjii iy la>t \.i ■ k. ha vi unmade a full etnifcssi' n afl-r to the tax ho. iks. u p t o '.< *>'.oi ,i i. I>r. ^tjitid * a n’U'*' i- line are ettsfiim' thein dearly in i saw anti I.e was so hadl v hutt t i;at ’ ' refuse.l i.iMfanl "I’he <rr.-;t,.^t inerea-e i?i any t i v.* • ■ t he np-> 1 !■ t 1 h - 1- r !• men. aTid ui many pjaer 1 he liiis d, at h enMied. eti;nity is tfsirty ]tt-r e*'rit i:i Alle ; th■'l^ ad.h-d tu t?'"” st;iti MM!is have heen, inaLin:' eounter : VoanK ISoswell was of iinusua,] i In ;■ speeeh, deliv.'i'ed a! tlie ex-j Kha,ney. 'l'h<* inerea.-e lor 1'ra n.-yl , .m.-i =!' i!;: ■ ihs'i attacks, ri'snlliiu^ in >-t-ne places ^,-ha raeter. He was a student iasl ' h*>* ^ve.-Ic va nia, nn-h-r t his order i^tive p.T <-hvrry a rd ash 11.-!•. r . !,.a ' !.■ !i:. in st'rious •h)-<e> to the < .e»-nrins yt ar in t he depa rlitu'nt of Kii-li-h : ' >^'lt-d iliattiu- cent. w h;--h means fliat the had if a-ur--< ; ^ar- The r.].ort> e.-min;, fr-.ni Hfrlin at t he I' rn versity of Viriruua tak ' i*'' < h'^jnsny in -r;; nlinir ; !;■■ :imonnt- Jurn.'.i in hv ti;.-.te.i;tv f ia?:.. ah ; : i ' niiniini.:.-the-(‘ re vt'r-.-s. htuvever, int: hi> M. A. th-^ree and p. e:-li '1 h** I’lii led ;'f!t1e;on assessors incrfa>e<i five ['t-r ly a ■ ,uif--d !;r:d ,t =■ .. =■/ elaint'iniz’ lhal the h .ii^Nian (<tli‘iisi vt : lu eonipleie ill.'' ro;.r>e at I !ti r va I'd. ■ * ’**nHer'*i| tlh* rr'i.t's of non-'("ent. >---en I'e!*-- has n.it amounted to ;;ti - hin^-. • ; ei>nth:tianfs tin oe.-an li.u^rs ■■sh,t<Tdd = -- ihirty . I:j. t h.;i v*- hi-r ;i v 1 ./ ll,a vy e;.nn..n:i.hr:j -i;i aloiiLMhe I iNSTiTUTE NOTES he 1 he .a n i“ pn.t. ,„„d n-joi.ttii: DEFF.HSES TO BE CGHSlDEREC >’'V*-r.d'A. n\* t Very patrn>ti<‘ .\naTiean and i ii' I;i;f ni.v; ! : i. o. i rLi v th.‘ oeeasion for «-oi,i'ra 1 nhitions t . ' sinee the .IaTu:.T nf s. ri.eis trou- - for ai .ee thvr ■ wi--l. ; n i’.iilli' !in>‘ ha." het-ri t hi pT" j'a n*. wlide >ii lht‘ Austri'-ltai lan fr--i:5i.T the main a.‘*ivity ha< 'Ir. t'hao. a rhinose stndeat ol ■ <h.‘ pr.-siden*. ft mi.nil,I not, linw- iii..v.ith (h'-!nan\ t,, have Mtiart-rs '•! a e,-!:r-:ry. heen in the 1'dJ-i net. ;\anderhill i ni \ er-i t v. >]ien t a w - ,M-,.r. ].-a,.i u::r pr.^ile aivay from _ |ta>>.-d, if is nride: >: ooil t ha t wa> mud.* in ! i- >;'.-i'eatcei! Ilia* dav> at t:..' i' -tnnie Ia:-1 W.-'k. 51,• tl:eir iluty ,»!’ vea^o;i:ihi.' i»n-i>ara- ; !>rf.-ich-m Wil.-on will '«! Hiv wot-k bi-ini' earr. -i out lo". I t ic: ■- . I- S' r\ ia ].;i- :,.---rp! d 11. n s T ;: .;. ; y ■ !; t t ;. f. >f If Ti*: i e ' ri.ent S. r-. - • I!l. ravt'a r.uii’.’.'t r ■ >! int. •f-t in'' lalk- 'pi-oc“e»i vi'ith k" Mr. 1\.ft e. r::i!.u,-,l. im ,r ■ f iv. do: ti 1 n li is na t jonal dr - ^ ‘■ ,,\^,vs at the ' er Ci.-'> and oceii- ’i . ■.!, i f .M a ch' n.-ry t’o. }ui> phms :H‘car..~e there can he ■‘^’’•^'vey wi- m-ul wh;- h v-.a,- t!:- IPil the (Ii tie- del I-': n . -red a eojit ra ;•! foi' 1,1-o. (:(. no suspie;.-n T ha t t h--y a n' ti i feeted ha>i- nf t he 1; t i;ral io!i 1 hat v/;,!S la ‘ tiil> a'Trei' :i' ;i r m ii"! en'i.rt !i >;.i.i.ay n,tt«niile.-’'. \h>. < 1. II ih'own. a .orTca r m:- 1 1 . I. . f■■ e t e. i e it i- a'l! th.r'! -* 'i: 1. ■ !ei, > *r.'ell 1 dveiis. toetsi ^I.one., ,.a. hy ajiehls any ]i;»rtie.ihir nation. I >,i.. to he ii.-,e(i Acctirdini; to th.‘latent tiispatehcs ^-oniUiir t ro.il W a-hiiit’lon the ];rc'S’- ‘ ‘■ e-:; I l-y :t re a t ;-i. .^ram 11 i 1 To, . :t! ,u r :i feVv da vs > iied his u ?! •n to th<" Srr':rime court ihr., 'ctt I-:ntfrir. < )f:e Ilf 11 e ctn.t -11';v.-ri- as V.];..{I;er i... 1-il.. - ■ :e’e--.! {.. !,.;v st ■'.cr ■ i y e;;v< ; n a ; va ■(^ and ••■■■ f = - ' f.‘- .iav^ «-o. has : in ,loin- ...o p, M-enre the :’o^' ''I'^ek. V].:- v-.-r’. --tit- ■•••.-; i- VI *ii ■ ■ ni' ■•v. st. >!a!i-u that tile '1 v'nr, ir ■< i :; > > ua \ s ^ totl.- ’is’tfville ja,il npiiuon t.i' th-' ,.!i!y and navvex- ;oi-:.'!(.n. t.r;r J he dir. ■i-tie*: ■ ;■ .. =■ ■- ,.■■■* ■ ’ . ':er *’ sa^e ke'epiie'. ;• lieii! ' 1 ea red : .i w'JiO' have h'e-*n wa ! cj.i n"'a tal t he Siipr* •*. Mi e< )1ir f. i neiU*le>' t ‘ .,i,\ (,• 'e\ei’ ai the ‘^iah^<,.»! j i.t.j, ,]) >’ihl ati/'inpt to take niai'.in,:; a stndv 'if tlie develop- ^Ih'*; ihn/k territ-.jry v»'iiMin -wn; i 1 re-en; : h; .. st.idtn.-' ::i.d o-aciie!'.. jf remaiiu-.l in tne7i?^ in l-'nr.n.<. : ('aroliMa .and 1: ;s ii'. the rich far a- neriore eoujuv le jii-e-iden* h Pi .'arrvinto liiui ie;t ol jail it ja’ remanu«l in ments 1 n i-hir<»]?e. ‘tM J'.* J V i'ie'h! . {.» tije ! .-1 riiiies a' u 1 ... , , Uief.-Ml,-nev »a' : ae we;': her V.T', ffv e >neern'd tli-y ..te i-.ovv ationt ; , , ■ orn t:n.n --.e -.- teaeh-.TS '.ri opei’atii ii tn-' •'.an.'' ••,te;i ti fr 0 Iron; any ■■•liiiL’’ nn ve ' ‘ ■'* Xo;-;ti rar.diea. «»r ni-n-e iha.i half him ree-.'n*iv f>v Seer;-iaries D;i!iiels= ti'i‘’'i"'‘ood fniher. ’ ... i>.'i.;ent. h;.t t lu- ‘ .e.-.-i' i a; was v.tv , . . , . , . Tfu-n; on ti = "];!r!. ,n- tMnnimn ... , , • fJie \.-!iite le^iehrr., ’,n t!ie 'st^i ie. ■ an:i <Tarj-'is--n in h!-:.ni.;i!iii-t iie a r:nv of rh.at St- t:on tliat tlie stair n . owns a harL'e l otnnlarv id' ■.•li^a'- • ; i n ■ < »er!:m n ■■■ V. i:i he ■...•1 rte- ■ ■ V.: :-ii'-!-;lv ;! r!. • (• Munia :er a t ■ ■ ' ^ ihin'.rei- ti'i.m 1'. < tht < iernia le- e a t'hr-v.- ■: iariJT' a ■ i*’ r Dvina, over vvhi^Il a sever< {-.‘Jlle is n»e>\ heiU':' o m:.'ht. 'Tlie i-hei'.-a. arsd lieh'iai art id ; ;.' • •; 1 i ’ i > iieaiha I'l; t i; ■ <h-rnr;n tr.'i'.-h'-. and at som;,. en a.' a M' !' > t 'O . :■ i;0 I r- ave -w ■:a I".I,..' v.^er' WDUID jMVOKH kIDIGJLE •vefv I i.e h.-'i! a .h-(!y 1.1! I M ' . -V ■ , I : ' oi ■ e; ■ i > . >r the ■ h I . . tU! a r;i \ ed < aj J.; ( ei • 'a. .\ n' ini !)■•;■ of I i'l, 1 ni'> ar*- '.t.t.er v. a*;'! • l-..pe lei.-; i. at- ne-v, . "i . d';..' j-i , ,/■ ■'!U1 ■ ' *e:o-.j in a no 'na's\v .... '.l ti.e vej-y :,..-i;.e:'t neu.;;l: -jit s--h lois -h"ir varh-n> ] i::t o.' i-i'i a. r-'y. -iT;.. ti.is -.viH he -;-^:;ons. a nd 1 he ea.'- :i ly .ti'i.c insofar as ;h. expe:.---- al- H. K. H 'han”h’ ;.e!' it\( '{a-l. >t '.y ■, h. ■ ■ ad.eit -h >> t:er I '..-ill p- rn-;*. er ia -ur-.r. ;!•' ih.s :o rid the :-.*a‘e ol' a.-a,i' illileraey : »Jj,. ( *ir I ■;. *■■ ■ X>'V-> : ■.vii: ra-ovei, i.--Miee.‘-< IIQ jng pg^ S!l*50KRRS 1' '' 1'=^- now nn;i: ; ad n *\v is ii nnoe’ie-'d tiail tunui :eaVe» Vie^ fa li a ;i ' ]ihe- -li.'hl aains h-: ve i, ‘.'ti re tier {sePi-'.' 1 ■■ 1 !i! I'i 1 *e i ct,irtli*ih h’H iSie des-,..-as of Uie cor*>. manders of ihe'^e arndes are net kta>wn. Snow ii-; - .ad>h il to the di ;;.-ae tie- of t :m' m .I.IaM's h ;'! ■ lie, tl t Ansi fo. i 1 *, a.i’i froa* es*- .leu in tne Al;--. l*a! :’.ey e.aiiinn.- tiirht; -1^: :■ na ' - s: !•■> i)5U \ ; -1 1 trla -. >1.'.:. .\.an la;-.' :e-- >;aa-. d ill la -!-;';d ■ aio a -a'ov*' llie pallr;; » ? : ;Tie' ■ ’i-a ... ar. ;n !.;a ; m nn' -n a re i o ■'i'' il ]■ ink - ‘I' .. 1. ai.d niori- ai'i laCUOlL !N iroai .-'‘ate nrjlli aa a ; tJV.aao •; 'aiiiiiia: a ■, ,i ; ■ th'd. rs. W'.n ! ar ;• :\aiien' 'a I. s ■.■a!--r ;he wniih' \v:d ■ a: ■ "V.a' pi:;.-’: • t i' (*.. 1 •'I’l-a- --yi va'iia .'ap^'al ('inie rnles je-; .-a in a. ■ ed hv r!a'in .v ;■ ia! • held', ajni t ’ -n I c a’II n^ a h aj- -Ai;r.I and 'h"t l-er laive t]:’-' e; ^-ii -rvice t‘ami;.’is>io'i. untiiv.'ew: he r'vin-_' th- i- :• 'reTaa! !ia;ii:as h 1 ve .-antni'ea !n -' ■’ a I Is 5 .'.jt ,\i 'an.' 1 1 I :•(' ■ ■ :i 1 . e . < !.i V i a‘ a ■ the Ishiiai > >r f;'.:al , Svri.i anilimw ,-;;aaa'S hta\ .aa;- ^le hohl t !ie h!= .ekhoT...:e I !i'i 11;.' >\'rian t".-r ih^ oariio-■ .-f -a,--" a' sh..i!'e. 'i'll.* (-ap':!;,: j. ,11 ,a' i'., ,\ na'r :e:> a'^ livi’a' a.-.- *!v' (; isl.:nd, ae.aa .■• : :a<- tr.-.; - . v.M"ia of M- , a;a. T-''- Tao island -:•■ - .a ; .pti- ujd- d h,. -h.- An; ans. lat loa of r hri . !i'. a i t e ^ nn-ii."-r er; -a n- lav A.--.T(1inir to .1 staieaa-nl is>n.-d jhe'r d-.a-s ni 1 !.•• .a.. r: a in I' 'rliii S:ti;*'day live l'5r'ti.^l* ,,tt th--.->- n';ere|„;i 1:' la • atid, *ine i i.'liT I n-a*.! 1 ( M'l av ■. a a : h.aV'' a*. .'.! ' str.e.'.’d hy .•'I’hia:.- i!".ihta!''’ .a..n. AVMiS' Ini.ed i-a ; ' f:-. _ . ■ SO ! ha .;n> ^n t.; \.a i' ; . r ' n - a n 1 i.e \»-I.a \ '• ea n pri ■.■eeu sa.re senae- ». .v;n.: ..nl- e;ii . a ’ta a|; ^ t > ' !' : :: n a r da. In-I prel.!{d,a:!:.’y >ta* 'iir'jif 'v-aa-;,' tlelnhni a'- -'a... ^;:^a‘ a,_‘’' \'.a.' ;-n. a,:"e.-d ed, iia':-]r >!ia' :' ; e< ;-d. f e-'d" t aea.: u I!; 1 a eo ■ i nu .1 a!in. 'ta n.e- -i ■» name:. . ■’ t a-- Ihirks. at v.idthlinn* the; massa- eredj a nnnia.-r.-f A’nei-jcan inhahi- tant.-'. :a-eefni>..- In ren.'rt eondin: enns !■( n’ ■d v.atd t!a s- l-;i.!,,v. i^i.- l-aun a. as f ri Ilii Cl .!r ■ I It .n a 1 ■J'ae j. ,pua. a at lI-'. I't. r.U'.!' 'r..r’;i’-‘i »ra !l^pi-.•! s were t i.. V\' 1 !.* - 1 «: i* ‘ I ‘M '-.ii rII■ " re>'di;.'T : - 'e^-of a-v.Tal hnn^ tE'l jA^SES OAf^AGE ,; t c': i! a ; etu'p.' v.aTe niakinu' I’h-'ht:- e I'lro’VTis\ iht\ 'I'-X . wi-rr ;h '*1: i>y li iiaa-l oI .dex'a*;i n. Idler?' ijj-,.r,j on the ! tl.'T sid.' oi (he '(■ irdar, laej-e Than oia- huTHired ;a. -ts hfin:.: !ire(h rat -r wlual: lids .-■iia.- h-.p,.! and d!'''fii''■ ea'a if! h't* 1o-m 1 i:oVer:i a .-lit fa ! 1 ;ii. t ii ’ .'ri -iaip':!] e'Uy ol that i-'ian I. I'l.vt a-i i’j'ince, as \.ed a> a nai ’ 'I’i t » o: ■. d t ia■ j ar*>. has ^ a ‘I a j e ... a a , .i- n;a r " 1 i i. 1 \,v 1.. ti.e dn'*t-d I .arin.'s v-,w o;-. !die i.-Iaiiil. 'i'lta S'npr.-ua' ai.urt la' \ie-ji> - rei.’ai 1,1a- .o;j. .■ i 1 la- ji.-t < ah i!a;rt- v.a.' iei •-sfnlly p.i.-: >! 'I • 1 tr '■ aa!.i!i.-■!i li-ad in ih.- .d, 1 ■1'^!' .'h I: i aaa.a'l a • , 1 > d •' ‘('a Se '1 s. - .. ■ > ■>, • ; 1 1;; - _\'err> It ra now : >»'n..'ii , iiil 11.. -i. ; ^ .! 1 ' .n n 11 s t I‘'a In the list i ran • ■ . he an 'a "n n^my 'v - , ! .tt-* ”a ■arid';.' an a pa. ■■■a t;o'i t'o.- ;hr ;aid.'i! nna << o' .n‘ .:;;e,.;in:‘ -ra a'“n udio' i!ave Of' 1.. 'a i-.. V» '1 '.lit' 1, O' . a;.' v.a ■ . I'. = ; a i . Vii . I ' I \ il:" U I t: a itdnrea' o ) 1 II I i! in h^ ali e ■ . ■ a . .; 1 e. a < <'ae he’.! -ai •n : I a.. n l! i •• one Ti nre.'Cin ;ve. W idiain ii • Alhr'an Jr.. af AR/^BeG’S 2££TnGYE!^ GAOCiiT C' .rv.nnl"y. h;* : ra- -s n a r a in t'!'!''' 1.:'’; y.'ar :t two. r-'"; -a is sir-'i sa,el:i a:ai :traei: ‘C' an-i ia liin:: ' lla.di> an-i ■ ‘-a, h a he, I ' na.av ; epli,a ; = *n;y^ed ; ; - t!i’--v is a dsara:-■ f. r a ; ..a : a a_ ' ;-e.<-e;.. I and ep.iwii nain to 'an ke enrart ites. -n.; ‘ae la . - ' .'!ij»ni':'s a;.d Lieean.*^.' it is not ''nly 'in: a:",uns to siea.-ai’a.-'s ■:;;!! laey • . ■ iiis hea:r!i. feii it is siuda a h^ad ex'- wtuild iic v.a'v sdylit a:'i;,:i'’a-, a:i an;]?-e tt.,t ill" a.iys. v's who 1 he ii'a, reas-",!, ph,!as.ira ei s’noi'e enj;':''et! s we m: T.e; ea . i' to .iatrr-iihv >v,'’dd ta.,.',1.1 ...sy 111 ■ a. a I * 1 n *in V ei. n to \'. !;i t t n I't- i.'on 'v. I* a. - ^a t n 1 iir n i a ri -■ ^ i*e. V.'a v.-e Wi!‘ ra. av.’. -.n v.a.,aa we •'onnr liar« . ; >r. lii-ad on u eonipaav of Tevas * kn.nvloiu and’ati d tti this haidt. S.nea th • .'I i-dors ar- p e.- -h-^ Ihinirers. A'-t*ardin!^ ! a >f;riana-n,ts made: hy '4t is nnr itf'sir-- to we.* I ant.r«dy r.'n;edy tl*i.' c-vil jindtii 1 p':- -a‘h' < Pi S:a,’P'da\' a,n ad da a iiatile hi-'cr ■-n ! t;a u'i.ita Sl:ir idner oat of t la..- 1 a.--t • ir,v" .hi.,- as S:.on as a ra a a :a.nn.-a. ::'p:.-..k -a i . hr- was ft Hi;.! ht hetween the Aineriean Aniaati -. vdiieh a,ir;vt'tl in I\ew ].rac;Ie.ihle. Vs'e wid as'. t‘\ arveut- seems tt» h.- ady one hone i-;' i t ii soldiers. 'I’eaas Ihinirers ainlot’ier Nhtrk from 1 iverpee] hist hriday. i-; ot;-- ‘ael-TV. who s. .a- ti; • s-ri- lai'r, and tha: is ft>r tin- ; di’nrs araua- .-aa'-,l citi-'aiis ahont four tiielhTnmn suianai’iia* v.'id(di rf‘- on.na^'S m' this h- hii. te ;>■! a in- ritlit.a;I • it T leath. milt rs fr.i’a tiiihili:.>. ’’i’e”:.. t!ie l»at- e, t-pjy 1 or'p.-deetl and su'i'.k I!n* AI'a- I'n ■: ■.* ii: h .i ;i’_: :■ -d. .'nt. !i \.'Ti t na i ana; n ! J...n,j.a.iie t' one hnnoi'e.i .h..a.i;'s v.'.ns liV ]jn:. evtand.iU;' fo.r na"ir<* tliati hie Ints lK*en eatn.r]it I’l a steel net We laivi- t’vo e:a_;t‘et,>: !;i in'-‘r!."■'!*ini; nat siaini. rn:'^<*vde. fs-r it "'S , a s;nall ra.a-■ a' ti;.- ja ;-’-a-’a-e n‘ ud'-’-', .in this li;Tlit uhi.int and th.e crew are now jn'isonei's i.n. oi-r-eives la iliis .nait !• : .' .=>a. !i.; ‘ throi-jdi ft ;;r' of hn’n.; l:,a.;,,!,a> d .Mrs. .1. . i d. v.arti on he-^::oi St reet, p!ii,.ty M xieans wt-re kilh-d jintl I'hi^lan.d. help m.-?'. a!nl l«oy>. ; r.-e. a> we he- rast tha-y 1 ht‘ file a ' I i a-'i■< tvere( [ ea r 1V hist . .in> \ tu.r• t wm s wi 1 n>>i! 11 .\ mi1 ■ \ .M.n; n,» ♦.. < nn ^ <r iit- \ e t a.< I nen . 1 > • f 1 not s.nokt' one .Xnierie.in was wtninded. Ahout ACv-onlini; ti> this same man llm;- ... ^'11 Ml * 11 * f '*' * I M f * > 1 i' * I r • I »1 I ^ ‘ ^ 1 f ‘ 11 I ■ 1 * \ ' 11* 1 IT 1 - I* ■ 1 li * i li 11 1 t' T ! I * > * *!' 1 1* ^ ’ i ■ * I, ’ 11 * I ! I ; ' > H i i H. I t ' TUI iit'tl iin .% n^.nint-r <.t ]teo]ne jjjj,i:ed. Tht> tiirht slartatl early in riiu-s in la r iu*is dnriin: the ] asi ) ho.~e thrdi d 1."—T!..- Inaalth liulie tninu-d ont hu» the tire, hein'.^ he tlm mniniinir a;ul ct>ntiiined u:itil two nmnths. 1'ht‘sa statements are tin. tv.eai'. ti'.e v,rdls oi D,a r> oi!iv.;j 1NHit J»ni" o'clock, wheji t tie r\I;*xi- (h>nhthiss trnt.a it hein'j: Ih.e jHiliey : hard to lind, aonsidera’• thanian-- witlulrew. of Kn^dand nevi'r to nnike any t»t‘lh ; Worth 'ld;tdr Wei^^ht in Gold, beurj: ih-:ie to tin-walls in an etPivt Wiiile the Mexican h aders con-; (‘ial jinnonncenu-nt of captures or ^ ••! have used Ch.aTnherhiin's Ta to lind the Id t/.e. nont- td’ their soldiers are ' snccessi-s nnh-ss they canin.t land ' theni to h.- Win-n il>i Iin- v.'as final hr dise,>v just ■ ei atl it Vv-a-no .r,e-it • lo'd,;.. to e\- thes.- raid.s and tlie cn-ws witiiont thi- facts hecom- vi‘prcsent» d, a taaiek r. lief for lie; tinL'iiish it. h i^ s i',-posei{ tluit it iiotiiTal tliat a majority int^ known. . acln*, di.'./.y spells and other syn .> e-;'-;iy htid and at so little i-xperi.- t defective electric i ^'1' tliose killed arc weurin;^' thn uni- i was started frtHii wirin-'. or rats and matc!u-s. ■ ■: si-ni I’o d'sj •■■.>]) on,-. If :da d;t..rs fail ’■I:. ;; '.v'dl th,- nn ie;-:.. : a- - ej-ow ri '*h. i>; 1 k)usne*■; ana Con.s11 f>:Jtson. it is t*. ■ :?t■ .dy s 11 r 1 >ri.sinI'C t ■:: ..'.y wtiinari V'.'iil cnuiua* the .nis. i-- i-'.di:i::s aaused hy liilionsn* ' ^ .n'i a ';ist:j!;ition. whini reli -f I.; - > form of the ('urraiiza sohli»*rs. [ Tf yonr lisrlits go off and don’t j a disordt'rcd condition of the ti:- IMrs. Howard, ami also Mr. and (>!Vi.-i;;ls.. t Whishinuttin ha ve hi-en t-onr- on ai.-'ain lotd; up vonr rt'-'-.^ast ive or<i;ans, T:u*r are Vv h M:-s. W . (■ ;.'iodle+'oM, i: * i;..,:. .. , . ' . , , ' .. , : - a e.in.'i'i- ;■ a; ; (lie a^ivis..ndit ^'o: lak- e-'iius and s.a n \ e ; v.-'iiivt voi.r ■ .vt-;^a ;' I. v, ;'ii > ..■ o e' .0, , :. ■.a e , e 11 n' o * a. ■ ■ _ ' ' ' _ ,^ ^^, rendi r d h--) i '>..tlin i';-t;.i in:’’ loora positive nn-a stn-as i n deal-. hist month's hill. Iae\ard id.;hi a a'tr.Hv. Y. » <'1 ; bh»;<e ;.jr th'-Ir 'diahi.'ss. in:^ wit!: the situation. ! t‘a l*,jwer (h>. tf : tainal h-evi-;-:aa. ■: a ahv i ' 1 I ( toms ilenidin,^ u teriiid liver r. a I "s. Clnis. (iates. X. Y. riti-s: “A u nt a year a^io I usi il • .a.! ])ottles rh:tni!n‘rl;.:.in.’s Ti'h. • ahid ais and e ;n~tipatiunt d>t.; n- \ ii

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