VOLUME-XX BREVAW), NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. OCTOI’.ER J5, 1915. NUIF.i:R-42 GERMANS V!CTG:;ICUS GENERAL tlEVVS For tl»(‘ first ni fifty-ionr ytitvs itll th»' siilootis i?i <‘hiiaf.;o were (*]osc(l last I^nr.<lfiy by <>r«i! r QEFIMAHY ACOEOES (J(*ni»any lias at last < a'/<’»-iir(< {u •■very cuutfMti o' th'- Aiii'.'i u a II ^t»v»‘rniiicnr i!i tiic niaf- IlarJ lia.s cliar.ictcri/ccd i)]H'ir!itions t)n tlu* rroi’.( li, lliissiaii, S»*rvian ana Austr(t Italian l'ri>nts ami tho various foiiti'iiiiui'x taftiuiis rr|HU'i fiuiiis lor thfir trooivs or re* puIst’H uf liostih' nttai'lis. Witli thf ohl fajntal of | PuTiaiiia (*anal will not In* n‘(.|u iu*il SiTvia, i» thfir Imiuls, lln’ ori*i'S j nutil tin* lirst of yf‘;ir. o\' (icriiKiny aiul Austria 11 uii-• ^\[ rs. William r.ishopof \Vins(('<1. ' r. (^ry jicinl in (iisjiulo tJi - j. iNitioii pirv an* ]iri's>ini^ torwaiil !i,s.rainsl ;('uiui.. aj^rd thirty s'*v«'n years, has , of t hf linlttl t^iatis i<rr,ai:.s ilii* GNE DAY’S WORK To (ji< Pi-rs.s </f N(/rt}i (’/irolin.i Il<‘lyin!r on tin* j^cncrosity and MOONLIGHT SCHOOLS The f»j}lov.iT!i' letterr to s-iperin- tendents and ttnitliers fii'iM J. Y. olMayor 'rijoinjtst'n. 'I’lu re woreMerot lu>r siil)iiiaiin : iK'liry, iiinl saloons aHerti'd hy tlris order, i h;is ii;^ri*\-d to nrfiipt ihn ftjiidnions : On aiHMniTit of heavy slides^ tlie a> ■ovitlim.ti, hy ilae Ignited Jniatesiii! th.,; tiiaiiy notes sent lo that e.,e,in-j try ironi i In; sla le dt‘j»;irrti*ent. (Jn; puMie spirit of the i>ress of tho j !^hit<* .«-'peri!itendent of state tlio nndersi^ffU'tl are e?nl ol'l-i P^ihlic insirr.ctiiin, \vi:i in? ot iiitor- ened to nsk of oiir ne\v>i)!»i)'‘rs stieh 1 i nit *! y a. n,d t ell i 1 le ] t > a s 11 nty 11 res ahh'i !(.» 'live iis in iri;|ire>sing uinjii every n;an, wcnian and > Iiild in u*:' .'.Inte oT Xurili C.sroSina. t]»;* inipor- cst to all who urv iiitcriWied in rno(mli;^l:it srho«>ls ; I havts hc'en {.'rea.tly irraf'iised and deeply t<)neln’d l<y the ej^thtisiastic and UJiseltish re*<]^uns^i of iJit! sn- t he JSerlis i),di> in tlu‘ i‘ast -iiid we^^t in an eJuU’i'.or to nijvi' ^outliwiril .I'.is! Liiven liiri!) to h<*i’sev( ntt'etdh ^ .‘■:inte as at Ihe iiuii.g of tiie (diiitl, sixte.>n ot whom are now et>r.t re'Versy. and ^ain eonl rol of tlu' main rail-, li vinij, Allim’.iixh t iieri^ was, and is 'Vi t, way luu . ! South' iti trains Xos. ">s an»l I'.' a vi-ry stron;.c juihiie S“:\tjn!ent in Tiie Au>t I (»-] i iiniraiians on t lii' : ran to^et Iht at I )anville, Vji., ea rl v j < Jeinniny that o*-puSv:d ih.at ^ov- west have advaiif Ml in tli? r.’-aeha va j last Snlurtiay morninir, re>u!tir';^ i*rnnieid makini; any ( (inct's^-ions rf*>'ion, to tlie town of Obrenovac. | in tfie death of' llivir,u;H.trei!iastt r ' in tiii’ niiilterot' th--t su!,niHirin,e. jiol- white n!I tile viihi" 11 u‘ St‘TVia.ris 1 ia\-i !’hi 11 ip O | {rijj;li**s. Xt> :i*-- vr:;s <»ri i u-y *)f tha,t 11;11i■'tii, t Jn• kaist‘r iias ItiMMi di.-'l-id;;''d i'l'om several posi-| tin* wailing f<tr Xo. 1'.', and i :*'on»* in the face uT sr.eft us>positit*ii lioiiN on t he >o'uthern lank of iheitlie switt-h standin-^ o;h!!i \o. 1 It . to a >hI a ijreak wit h t in> e; lunt rv, liauii ‘ . ■ erashi (1 into Xo. ;is. and aeei.inluiir to ihe iate>r oJs- in ih-' ii -’hlin:z alon:' the lower I It is stated 1 liat an issTie of hondr- j);itelif.-, lictn th • t ii-noan . apllal re;..'! ^ the Drina n Vv-r 1 he Aus-j or treasury (• rt i!leale> \\ ill he e- t In i-,> i.., a ii;erry vt»w ^jo.ie^ on hy (1’ I < U’rr: n-< io"-t heavily in un:>Ui‘-j ('s.-ary to meet t In* e\pen.'i-s of the reason of t In', ai’ti'ni ol the ini; f ee> lid uMa: ks. ae(*.>> Imu to Xish, j cdnipreliensive nntional d' fense ri-i! ;;i,ivt rnn.ent. V ill h ■! announenijz tie- lall oi pro|i;ri*Tn whieh Tresident Wilson! l\.-oii’e in 1 his count rv v. ill hardly It,-:;/.. v.'c- .. itte 111i , iriT;i i \ I ri < ‘iU; ii e i , ■ > a.i .. i:ie.. < w: • dtelaied li-.el tiie fity j is ex|ieeteil fo suhmit tt*> eoni'ress i ap])reeiatc t lu^ ex!«‘nt of the eon- >> = lip Witlitiur d,espe!'.*j ill 1 Jeeemher. ' ('essions made hy tlio (h*rnians. ;. i . .Adviee'S t roni <»er ^ tlnhert Ktn>'ht, p'osiinast-T nt j lii' that iiel,i:rade was n,ut j Middlesex, Xasli county, rsorlh •51 ‘ I i!V liiHnttardnicnt. h’aTo'inn, a yonnir man of h.icli , < l.iii.:S I ains WEOBii^a PLAKS a:--i i e> ( ( hi i'r- tai. 11'^ i^rel... in the <t;.nilin'^ in tli it eomn;vrai!y. is nn- d<'!' Iiotiil el'.arj'ed wirli stiT.tin!,: s !.! VI , ritr.i t lie vault <f th.-' >i!'l die.-ex i’.a.iki'-. ; *’e-. 1). . Wiili iei li. \V.dicer of io'el.: Liic iiern.ans r* - imrham eounty has hi>(*n taV.en to ie’i". ovrr a ill. >r:itt‘ Te’" >u lo t'efMl ser\i t- of !>.- tl‘ ! lie :. i: 'It ;‘SSi’ri lliat to the i’ I ot .!'u!iui>' . .ti e*t a (>ei 111,1 i. ireuei', ,.:i >.i . - i i. f I ■: ■ - ■ I'.i. !i!di s. h's M-tii. ^-ee . ■ J; ii' t .... iJ'CliCU- \\':'< Jit OlJ,‘ I:;;::-' 1.1* ! k'v: .!ie.;. ; lead: ii;,''sunieoiis ot th. ^ta*;'. ■ ;.e Vi n I.:, 1 ?iO'-r ee tue Ironl t'harf’s*'. *-ina!<i of ;iah*i;,'li. ii. ' lit i.ie \ inuis;; .j [.r,i{er‘; ni 1-otid I.t-h’::- !*. w;;> :.a> .1-- n rious ii;:liT f..!i!,>i Ce:, 1 al ' !s hi • ie-a r '- :• 1 ,t 1 v;. •, li". M 'ii:; s •; I t! |i ■ ■ Ia-'t \\ - ■: j: 1: ■ li ; , , ;i - r . .;il M?' ! t >1 snii-lde w!i a'’e,)Mi!i I>- 1 i '.ieai!!i. 'r’ie .^e,ili-..a 1 d Ai:- l.ii.i K’aiivva' ''o- arel T'>e '’arolina , .\t:ant ’i' ai >l Wt'St Tn 1.:-. I<> he eunSi.litI.M ted '.■.’iJh e'i!,ii.il .srocii !;.■ c'ne liijiMirtt) i' |,'i~: 1 ‘ !is er a front of tiea i 1,." :. ve m'.ie> no: t ii »>l the rail roaii i’.tnhin;’ wt >r trom It’.insk have e< laketi h;> l-'ielil ' Marsha I Sinci* the annuunCi nient last week that the jire^ldent and Mrs. Xtn'inaiiilalt ;,re *o he mai rieil in l)eeenr-er tlie ]>a]>ers liave heen 5.rivin;r mueh s[?aec to eh ri .nicii iini; their «!.lily aeli'^r.s. and it >:-er,;s i, -1 f ■ ■ • e ': i«’ “ < \'e ! 1> : ■. ije'i I t: I!: ‘ ■ * • . , . d 1 ' = • i: > I'ji I e:! ,=: ("li ,i' ii icVt ; 'e ..! i t * ; * t I t r\" iu: Ve - l.i‘i'U le^c’lLer in ,Xevv York. I*hditdeiifhia a.Vii i ;al ti Ui* - re. and I ’-ai'iy ev^ ry day the Ji. ]> ?s lell ol' vi>it'; of tiie pri>ide!.i to M;■.> (i i:.'.'.h a.ie. UK'VJIt'SnV’S B'HTHDAY \e.i; i! i!:i(!e'nlH,ir,i^'s ineii, areortlmy: lii.n doihirs. 1:c eiV;-;iv ^'f^eh'*)!'! ed he'i- 1,I(1 ' 1 *’i‘ 11,;;;J1V «:n 1 ’1 ’iie^<i;iv., tN,• 11»- to iJer.in, a.no a li-rr,'cimii- F.if ;lie' se.-;';i.! {-!>ie this ye;;’'. |>r, .h H. K^rkhiiid. dean coiniiu: ai.-es. M■jji.usanils ol tanee or eontriluitin;; on.t (hiv's in-: ,, .rintendents anti the teach >rs of come to th.‘crpiuinaL'e work td' the ; ih(» state lo th.- call t o volnnt.M-r state as aThank-^Kivin-c oCeiin-. |f:„- extra servicv; in oi iraiuv”7i- and I lu'or;)hana:res <ii l!ie state su’c : (•(HKiuctijij; ino()nligliI schools to !■<ej{rii)ut:nLj lar}.^ely 1 o th(i enrien teacdi our t(jo l<jii^ ne“rlected adr.lt na nt o! the lile lii Xorth ( arolina. . illift'rate.s t<» read and write. W hen I'hey are f-;atherinK up !ht^ wr.st<-1 {'„is hnlletin went to ;:re^ . ':ve ma,terial a,nil transfe.rmin.ir i( into Viiirasantl t(*iicliers luid alread}' vol- vaJuahle ritizenshi]). They, mar •, nntarily ph^'d-ed tliemselves in tinin any other institntioii.s ui v;nling lo leacii witlnni^ e, „ ,.-n- what.‘ver kind, are l,e^dnrdn- "t : sation f(^f at least one nu the i.e^innin^^ .d' thinj^s. 'J’hey are the meonli.icht schools of 1}..- ' sf,.. nioldin- ino’i-enf c}iildin)od into { no doul.t tliat if ot her : . h.i 1 useful ma7iho.;d ami vomaKho.,d : i.,r th.; \\oi k. th- t. e:.acliyat ih<! point where the proc-i v.-jU readily respond. Seu-i. :• re, ’ e» ot training is vital; and t Iu‘3' j,j.. ivery te; o:' are (h)iiif' this wi-rk lor tin* most the stale prouder of his j>: o* ■ :on ])art v.’ihoht the cost id a copper to |H„,i .should chall* ■n;_'fj tin* tiie state. itiem, as it ini*rits th;e i?iid:', of 'i'!:ie IIIoVamt*iit to s(ure a. f’oii- !,vry poi»d ('itien,. trihutiun of one day’s lahor ironi I This i> edneatiunal wor:; ih" :-..:ic- <!very ciii;cen wa.- h(‘;'un la>t s;>rin:;. |c(>..^s of v. luch is ne;‘i‘ssar;i d« ; . :i»t- At a I'H'etin.ir licid in ltalei*;ii J-'e]> j ^nt mjiinly u]»on the iic; i 1. ;i'Ier- t.inlnT tJ;^; fxceutive eonimit-| s[jip mj,i ion of "n’.'rin- tee m<‘t and formally lannc. heci riie i tendents and teachers, 'i'he cainj-ai-n. The ediVors of North ; p,-s ,,f the sr--te. *he Ir io r ad caroiiiia were llie men toward ,md civic or^.'';-!■ i/.ati- n> .jf i-very whom ihe menihcrs (d’ th.- commit-' sort, like thi* l'armer>‘ l i i e . tt:e t‘-e iir>t tui'iu'd i h.iir i'y-'S. e ,;re .’rnii,or ♦ *rder t;f I’ni:'''l et Mir-t I .;;.i oU li.e:-.- i o, nrti*e' ni .'S. l!ie • ' : thiinan> oliiCi'';-', siu;p:* a!,.»i eutitr'oi pledg'ed th(*’i' ae‘iT'd our public* Nentiiuent; lo s;;.no hy ' j,. su’pport 'Ut this —.nt- u:-it; t liir*: no vemeiu and nsalie tlie ' ca !npa i:.’’n f: r Jle; r«'- I e :t 1 iiard:.-.'iivin”- iiotahn* in tiie (im.*.,,}, ;!n(l eU:.iina?ion of idi'.-r- aTo;als of iluj >ra!.' S hir^lory. ot t;le^- a.:- ii i ■ t i e are oti.'U i aileii on fo d>. hwU- your :i'.■'ist a net- in (»TL:-.u;/.:ni: an., or to 1 hi* (jead ai.(i t his i.- a mnli* dii\'<'tinir the m onliLrht s.'iiool> in n;: -it thai is ereduat.le and Worthy, ; ^ our coi;nti, s and s -hvol di-‘ r: Is. o.i; tn tlu. ui-..ven:ciit %.C ale (ailed i j jn in:ei-est’H- and upon to i.e.iurtn a s< rvi.-e for j,. y.,:;,. ^.-hoois th ■ - len r! ■■ l!r.,r ar h tifMs,’ at.d j!!a,(,e v.'heiHi ^ v;h,-i i -.jilr-rj-i IM.a t ^■e r 'V iet* w iIi i C'i 1 m ■ ['. 11,ii y l,i i dy ‘ xv i-i *• ('. i: •!" ; . [jct-U ' h M'U '■ <: U ! ■' ■: hi . eiLiir:! , -it- It.t :Ia :i ha - ii>i,» '1 ' .■ v h.i' >.tme i'!'-;.rion lias t s*;. i ■' i'here- a..'<> ha> j i, *.• s.; ■■1 li:rhtln.; to tlie soutlserjst r-> I in- ! onler in ( dili" -i. in kia ii. M'd. : I•*n.;e i > ''.t . s ; . ■' i ei I ,;- • j -J- '■ .it ; 1 T of woujeli ■ n.-ilai'ie; ’ '. 'I'!"- '!.l«-. ri; ; >n 1’ -t-; *<>r •!' ii ■! lin at. tt I S'l' ret.-r T w . ■ ■ !! Mi. \ n nna luil' iii>n ; ;.ri O'ea ' 1 !• ‘cn ove:’ II! , ■... 'i‘-> ' • : ■ f': . r ^ sl;; te to re-.■ fu n -j fi"o:ii coi;. e = ir1! * if ' V. 1*1 p'ly t'ii- ta ::-"i tte'.dr ’ii Im u/o freni in the ■ :if ti;e;ii<e tlie Italians li wiili h.ea-vV lo.'ises 1i =s v.ir!'t-i t ‘I I e i.: s. .:U-iri'-!i (;.e.'*ce Is iin- .XlU-'Us dis})ati*:te"'^ make Io li ; . ret t rea t \ 1 >C' i; .lari i arr I < d riua »iy ,1 -iiy. ' ^ ^ ■ 'f ■.'. Ini h. . ,j. j; - I ; -n p:a; > ;1 «n \..i a;-- ' at ' r.-.'L i reNt- i h\ . . . a 7 .i \' I il ■ t -je •., r i ■ I ■ I i > ■:. t e I ■. ' 11.' , <■ ■ . ; > 1,.. ]i;i; I:»ie;i* I ■ 'i - •ri d a !' u: a'.:s I ■ I •E!: 1 *r rp'! I'. k i- e ■ lui,- = • ■ i t i ^ 11 1-.; - T d, .i’t I o';,, k i ■:, ' ■ ■ ■! . .< r t li" i;en i.f Tij,- I n- ' I • ii t < (I 1 • ai I t he -11 :■ ■i i'.: . . I’oa! : * - e. . . -f Vi hoaf s a 1! ■ \..i ;i.' ]■, - t!i he*e ■ .d th i r S J U! ' la T i i t e; ‘ ’tl A''!.-, I ■' l.;r--te<'r; - I'.. i». »: to a y a • =1 I : :.l' - ."i- i*! ; =■ ,1 .i‘U ;ii ■i ? :■ h i i;- as if', ' . ■ 'vvi:: . te i'. ,d i;! ( ' '• :;;i i r- ■ , '.pa .V ^ u . ■: a e ■ \"a ''C■••■r ■ ,k ‘ ■ v-T-'M drk v- ■" ii tfie annaal a;hn\s ; h:s suliject he- • u.: !i r-"’'" e,—X. V ini:-rpre- ta!a;n ' !'■ 1 \iW i a:' l.-' extra' 1 i t 'TO 1' . !< ; I k\. a ' • sj»‘ I : I ad'-u i! • ■dly . Ir reai-<‘ n owtin- ! i ■ a' t lie =-; tV’ a Irj t- laa (!■_■- >. lenr-e to :ait i" Ti :.v and re>pi et for !» w aatl or-ler .a = lue sum up the d,t•mantis iricde o i n-t !i,et\v. We s lion Id, not -k.snd ulooT hi d*: inLt a, t ■.;o V r:‘i,... !• ■= ari I; a a*-• ia"nc,t'“V ' \ ' eia.r 1 : - n i r.. v\ •'ia ed.l r.;ther y .'..rd il ;i e i .arc'-si t., ■. ■. iia" iiv.il t'i'...;luSi ;tell\ ’.t!! * li^ I'.l i.' a <toda,. n: ust ma ,.e p-i>i - : ,' I 1 . Mt la hut.. a: ; {-■. i ! <• W' i k < >i' ■■ Vei ne ; Ut . . .'ri' •" m'aii.-th.' a p] .lie,i f, a; «.a <-ua!p*'a a"'!'*':pk:n>,,i.al eiie<ris o:; a iar'^e r },.u;:Le e".a ajise, u,nt,ier I * ■■ 'U_ ec \ .ri - ■!!. l'; a" the' j,ri,e'-aH !■ n Tiie i at^-;. -i i .'-a ■! vf > .i-i -j s , . r-ia ( a i ■.i‘ •■■'i : .'.‘a-ift-red oar 1 P t :UU kt he :a :! h"' \v ^1 ' '.■:u.>;ions ; 1. «nT frote, t! natnes ;tr.=I i;(h’re>s a:.‘s in ta<’ : aiitii.’ (ks'i i t. the ( t :ai* .■^••aoi li ,p aer- wa-:l ac e ...i o-'piiali ;aa;ie:^ ;.>ni j.aar liine'-i :;s laa’.;. are,.ei 'ain-ari’u in;- and left I ->..1.1 i or t 1 i ;!:; el , ■ Ij* ;t \V(;rld i,en.]>ta i i";j ;;a't pi-jil \'.ithol;ta la c< a.nse] 1 ■ naiilier's care ,,<j - Witln ul a l.oa.e a pi nay. "r a ; t].,, t],j.;,.- • •a,ndif neec:.sa,:’y e. rr,-.T ana e- 1- i„> pt,:mar:.y in oehali uf tht‘So ' p](,f,. this 1;-:,. ,11, ■ Ii,1 e i,i ,^s o: 11: s 111 I t ,tn,s inu veme nt,; h f,, ^ t h:d' i■ vt ■ r>. ■.. ■ ■ • ia u,*iCi,i,eil, »te ,:.!i,ist e,’iia,ij.re ou,r tkc'-jn T't’e'e.-; \a a svijij;;. j ■; . t 1 I ’ :‘-r da in,. a;; n u ■. ,Uar-‘ - •.. t e 1 -i ! a! ■ inf.* . :■ i : ’ e 11 ■a : .Tv ' ell I a:ae 1- > • l;1 er t a the ¥mm ! Smiia'=:rs .'diouk- ;i 1* itriiu'T i'd 1 : I :|.1 a, ' , - aa = ra,d.!- ; n !;a. 1 - r. a 1 V 1 ■ ; ■ a.;..' ., - 1 I ' r .a i .-lii - t : » : i' i n ■ ■ : ii-ai ! ( ai; ;i lasti d s aca ^kk'. 1 '• - '=a ' ,i, t •:,' I ^ - y ' j"i a] l = ie t'a-. > r •'*» !'*( t - a ^ i 'St- '< i IT! tie HI iinioi, i"M. "hi i a • -.; - ' ■ ' ' ; o;i -, i \ . -Cl 1 I ;dx ' i'iti : '-IT ■ i •a. .t- . o a o I, - I ,i ■■ af,i !, ; ;.i, ! 1 - la V ::1: ia , -.e 1. s . ■ . . f . V;a';l, . : y es .1 ! ■ i e - aiij ! S O: - - ea‘ a... 1,1' -d. oa.a : - .-ir i >ii 1 1; ■ .' d" ! .-'1 k a'- d . an,. 5 al -*'a .1. l:a^ ! :i I <i ' 1* Mr, r.; ir.!i‘ U-, i„.at while tlie a.: <: U:-U I! 1;/ rt-r : Ivrei! *•.'. ; .:a • i ‘ ! ■' a. > * a; I' a !.' I. a.; ■; a > - i! ’ aaa.:-e Ai'al.i and as* it ad- r—man mail—V. ill ; i;!; iS a vv«>iav i .. aal ia^i ! ;Mai>ae aiul hi-aanu s in a („i, p*,a na;:.-> i. a I ,:a-.a a uf tlie : 1 ;> : I ... e a a.-, o,;., I lie uUt- - ■ .. ..'I ■ .• ... . ..1/ lo M 'n.e :n. I'i i a ! ' a . . i .; ;,i ■ . iS e..e.;(,. t" li,i e;-j.a< ..V, \\ U h a >tre,;a; oI e:.,;..i!-n >!ai: na;j al thii a;-i I. s .. 1 ej-;, !; I>.a'a<iia:^.''.on. li' il t.:! .a -. ■! ; a-. • I a . -. a. ■ o; A (.>1 I il (";i r- ’ 'k ,..a a . d : v e t - a- ^ ,- of oJK* il■ . i -. ,• r i.. a,^ - o i■,. ■ < a, i,a; t i,;.,j r i :i ,:! 11 =■.,: I i ; a ‘ a,! \’ a 11 > ,»,!i i ,> t :t il i > n- : : * » . = a,-; ii t,,,",;i.I'*,. 1 ii"s e 1;’'ii,:'t ii, no\V on. .a- J' 'v,a'- u; ta ;.;s !tna the a-v.a .-...‘-K ..o! \s.rtiiyof ^ ■ '( -a.'^: ; a^ \‘ ry liil- 1 ‘ _ d 1 i;.' t • • \orii; v'ar- oiiha aa.~!> I' \\;ii i i;, alni. akiilly .. • ,i i- a-'^‘ t-i.- a i^i 1- ' ' !a• ad .ainct'-- ■■-.i.’" 'J- I:; !> lea a--, - rnea'i, V, e ho'pe r-- ■: t a,.-. ! :a ; i, f!;l and, e-: rn.> ^ . a . :aa:;. S -k a. -\■ 1 ,. . - :’ k ..a'- 1 ■ ai:' ;'fk • v-n; .: :4t-r!.'i; ■ a I h‘ • ei in a, • ai^ T’- = • ];er."' i: i n v' I i I a pprea '‘il l<aaa k .d .1 i’y :: a le k'-,‘-, -n ;.,,1 i si-nsik’ve a:.* ti.>*ir i,r.,sii, raid a, al v;:;k' aae . t nd ki -ad .1 an ; kuT. r‘et'!';ii ',-a L.-. • ■ 11 • a.: i; ; 1. • ■ .. t. •h- ••• hoo-^ r ; a a ■; 1 of ^ h i. d ; • ’ a .-’-.die I-O- .iit;. a v^dd e'- ■ ry t! < !,i’ n r 'S.- -; -a' 1 ae .k t la t.l • ,-ur n. ik, il! ■ -j;e! '!' r. *! ' 1 .a* lU, ■ 1 ^ • I ::ey v. i* 1 virge ; r;ori.t \ . Tlle'■ oi . ,, lar,; ma> .-^a o) nalit a.! sian ; - oil lu-j'’ « 1 d* e, 'ni.tna liant p-'.nt i .1. a. !i„ j,,. , ' a - • a i, a -t ■ ! i' Vie; | <■ n-y: -.i i » ' I' ■ I .a. ■ 1 dilM'ii ‘li.l V .- h-et 'ianj' r e- de’it> >!:-lare.i jiro.if tk’i n t ii * K k. '--f .-a ;n e \ . - n . T-‘-, 1-1' the ! a a (k -• -:i 'i-s. iiat k ;i r ; ar liriu'ht's . M il i;l nui ke .Oci.'- < a n i a . :i ril re.'-i - n. at cot;vin ■;nir . d o a. i 11L' r treiedit eun..!-ct(»r, Kk) .|-;f-d-fH --Ireet. A,s1ievdle. X. i ."<iy>; ■■At tinie> I leel hin^'uid, ha V*' heiid’ii !r *,:* and ett,fier sym]>- toms of kid,ney eoinplain1. I thtii nse H l.ia: lh)an*s Kidn'-y I'iils and Ihev ahvavs ]»ut me on my feet apiin." Itr III‘Uneed that he ir w lit el n sniTr.'*'rf‘ in. .iar>=^v cleetion on < >'-ta- all t,»t T'r ■' W il s« a* d 1 Vole Ihe Xe'.-, her 1 idh. ■\ Tna-nuineni to kr side’-'t .k .Ip’ 'J’yier v..i> nnveiti-d in iJiaane lai last ^!on(^•lV. A new woihl’s record f(U’ rinto- inok.ile rficint: was jimde lest Sat urdav at ^V’ew ()r1enns \vhen <dl o''?- me si'ceeiit] lorm of civic r-er -,a-''.a pf'ctn naiv v.Tiden a/ ;, a ,i! ;; ' !'■ t ! ■ d,::i,!\* paper, aliU f ',.ai 11 ! - I! \ oj. n 11 II.‘v; ., n,i. t }!*r ?,a* ion was hium in a ^^d■■u oldevotit.m (>ur ‘iovernmeni vv:i> wroii jch! out with cjire and ceii^e- emtion. Our liiierties have haen net Ini.1 inc.i at a .'-acrtice i>f treasur»‘ aiiil hi'iudi, and who knows i;o\v often still ihe.^^e expenditures r:iay he cnlieil fur to invserve oar free Tii,..i-i t,a,'.;i' a::; , * * a a*. I eat' ; a.. e.. I.,: a. tiai; s. ■ II I J.aiai•.‘.'e o, i ; i-V 1 \ .1 ij, V... ; . ki'I -i’ ci ii. > n^• p.: '-a I ■ ’ ■ a laa i. a ; t .1. al.ad d''.'piaed. k.v.-i_ lie. ia^ ins tlie i,a,i gj and he.;■; c-,.-a:.,'i'ega I:i %■. ijt*' a n,u t < vik) w ."i; ‘ /■■ ‘!;S —: n I'.- - 1 e. ?.tl .'.'i.ij :-at ^ {-toll '’ill'i *d,i,e a . ’.'i' .. <‘i' '1 'W = ! = ■ -r ...:a -re . >o the o;' iliitt ra ' i‘ I 1 iien: a rt : .Ti'—sr if a-iiar o:ali'" i ii wa ■ --n •ii 1" m .• I' d'. i a : .ti ‘ k: ■ *• I- V- ■■.i-io'r' ni:y to a.? to '■•kovtl - r a- ' .• ' •• k 11! autia r^-}- e\ -r rne.;, ■■ aa..' i ! I-i he aiipreeiati va o*' ii- v-i.^ ■•i i r, ! ,ovo - „ ;-r 111- ■ nailn* tla'-n us'‘ ti.e ea e* li,„; v,k;e"v i; is , to sehemk., * ■*' ■- ‘ ** t n'«r C'; , i _ 'r«' 1 r:, t; „a n, • aa , ^ |; .,1 Imr v.-e are not aape:,t,!in- i,'>,p.-eially nionsly by the Xi.rkh ‘". ,r,:,dia„:. Anderson maintained a s}H't-d of domV A (..'anmlian boy emjdoycMl *U.k(> miles an hour. jn the eivil servico lay dyinr^ in kllhodesia. With a smile on his face he said to his frieinls, “It is ;»lorlons to die for the exiKinsioa Const!piltion and liuiijic.stion. 70 ek.i’dreis in lUi,-- m,ove,:aen'i. hut ta men and v.on’cn v» ho are kfusy in ihe worlu's wori:. /.ml kunw- inirihi' s]eri: and ti'in’ier (^f our Xorth ('.UMlina ])oep1a, we do not helievu that \.e will ap])eal in vain. 31. \j. ISrnnM.w, Hi<;HTC. Mookk,. r. B. Mi'Xairv, Am’iiin.iLi» .JoHxsoN, Committee. ‘•1 ha ve nst'd (’hamhorlain's Tah , . - , l..ts «na liuist ...,v tlicy ,irp tlu' host | »;o glorious to I’rice J tia at ail dealers. Don't I luive ever u.<k‘«1 for ednstip’ition ‘ <lie for territorial expansion, why sim)!. ask’ r a !.n!ne;. n-medy— and iTidieestion. 't v wife also r..>^ed j-ot also for the rxpan>ion of life. .eMy..- -! ^ • f y kik - ■ I,,* sarn ‘ them for mdi-e- io i and tkev did , ^ of Jiumanity, for Ik.ii .a a ka ;ec .....1 t'-,; ‘ r .'<iki- ker ;.'o( d.'' w^i-.es En;a;ene S.' ii.iMi (■ ) , ; ro],.- . j. h;. . V — !\ni!;lit. Wilndn^tou, X.<’. Ohf-rin- AkiV. .-- It' cverA-w}:ere. t’-eedom of the s]drit. for the ])er- adv ; ieetien oT tdvie eauraeterV" ('on ventioa at its n e.-.d ! a :. ; ' * iK'wspapars t if : la* I e I ' i at . . mselves > ) i;'-ia,, : •.■•e *iv l;. rd- anae, l)ie ]e.>^,' ; ■ ;;; i aia. fitiini‘di(; for ci-ah A'l'ck uaa to . ndi fri’(‘ to eacii ip ip'd of a V: ‘. o.'i- ia:hl school in tlie v'onnty f* r a aonth a copy of the I'ounty p:nier eoiitaininf' these lessons. The.? ak^o agreed to print wetdily a brief liavcs letter from eatdi neigljlior- hood in which a moonlii^ht school (:iai;ht, containiny: interestin'^ In matrimonial matters Pre<i- items about the s<diool and other dent Wilson did not prove to he as news of the ni'uhhorhood, expressed ^ood a “watfdiful waiter’* as in i\ r in v.-ords an-a sentences compivhcu- Mexican citTairs, hut “all’s fair ui si lie to adnlt hes^inners in reading. love and war.'’ Coniinutd ct> I'ourvh P?gc.

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