News VOLUME- BREVARD. NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. OCTOliER 22. 1915. NUMBER-4^5 KODCES-M’COY A <'f statt? \vi<L- inti'rfst oct*nrrt*(l at lh(^ anti Mrs. on Sontli I’ald- vvell strtM't Ttifsday Ht'tornoon wiu'u tht^ir onl,\ ilaii};httT, Mis.'i Xi'iui. beciu^u^ till* britlo of Mr. Williani H. of (irt't>nstn>ro. TIk^ for«’nu>ny wSis lu'rforint'd by lb*v. \V. M. Kobliiiis, i)astor »)f the Brti- varil Mothmlist rlinrch, in the Ilf iiJ.unt forty i:ufsts. closo frioiuls anti rrlativ«’s of Iho con tracting l*arli<‘s. TIh' cutiit* lowt'r floor of the iM'iintil'nl htiiiic was hn ishlv <k*co- ruti'i! in h-nmr i*f tlie occa'^ion, an- tnnm Ic I\< HTui cut Ihiwcrs carry- i!i;r ont a v. t tiilrous colt'r si'hi'nic of crtm^ni aiiil ^old. 'Ph*- stair.« whi -h the NV(‘(lditi;4 party j cnjur. wer.'ticcur.ited in iv^'. which { huTii' 111 ‘otoniis from the j lanilinu (utlie ]>mich tahlc. located in fh<‘ n'ecjitii II Itnll. The j;ne ts were -i liil'.eil in the drawing' rot til, v.hi' tlie I •' rcn'.i Miy * was peri IT ; 1 a.- Ill . ■ ;*nii •.rrooiii enti r(*d tlie drav\it};’ r - toi'clher, |»recc(h>d hy liiilr tvit hlt-e*'. < Henn a;\d Wev >hli-'!le *11 I'Ville, ti.e rin,'j: hear t‘rs. Tlit' ■ i-'Mireii Were t'u’t'ssed in u : it( \ - -i vet THE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION np to ^ l,‘il)8.4.S, a little nior(‘ than fiftj' per {-(‘ttt uf whitdi was [)aid hy tho Urevanl church. Th(‘ »rood poo](l(' of the Littlf; Kiv- er section, niited for their hospital ity, seenu\'l to try to set' who could do thi* most, for the (Hnnf<»rt and lui])pincss of tho as.^ciational nn>s- sen^ers. One visitin'^ hrotlu'r stat ed tiiht h(' had attended nearly nil GENERAL NEWS Dr, K. M. Johnson of Scotland Ne.ik diod very snddonly w’hile aot- iiif? as nioderiitor of tho Roanoke liaptist. AsHO(‘iation last Wednesday’’ afternoon. Dr. tiohnson had jnst read a report, on the Thornasville Orjrtmnai'e when he stilTer’ed a se- V(-r(* nttaek of indigestion and died ! western ! ■ . • , ‘ , in ten nnnntes. part «•! tins stat<‘ tins vear, hnt tliat tlie sjdcndid dinn.‘rsfnrnislu‘d ; fHUiou. will (,f .Marth.a Wash- hy the people <.f LUtle River were |i-(.l.irned t<» olH- tlie very h.-st he had s.*en a ny where, i' Fairfax .-onnty. Virginia, anil this i'unie hrothi*r ili<l evt'ry-i ^ "“S' stol(‘n from this county during the th(‘ asi-'oeiations in the The thirty-fourth ann' al S(“.s.-ion of the 'Iransylvania r*onnty Ba]»tist Assix^iation, held with thi^ Little River Ba]>tist ('hnrch on 'riiursday, Fri<lay and Saturday of last week, I proved to he one of the most ])rolit- j ahle se^-^ions ever helil. Tht'ses* I sions of the assot'iation were all I Well attended, the addr(*sses on the' various snl»j<*ets coming'’ up for dis- ■ eussion wercf for the most part to ; the point, and tlio church lettcisj showeti thtit niort'woik has heen' aceomplish(‘d durinj; the past year! than for tin* j)asf several. j Xearly nil of tl;e ehurelu'S in tliej asso(*iation were n'prescnted by' d(‘li‘Lrates. oiilv sevi'ii, tho usual ' , , , i ^ , . Uiiu^ Nouther!i sf yUv, fniu e.K;li and nu:nl»er, iiavin^: lailed to si'thI in a ; ' ■ . , ' , every oni wejit awjtv with tin.*; report ol the year s , .... , ‘ . . i . Impc ot v5'>;itinv'that ^:cctlo^ a^rain; I he ever leeurnn^ (juf stion et , , . , , ,. , , . ‘ . a t an earlv ilate. the esiatui.-^hmeiit of a di noi:iiiia ; i Xt'xt yt'ar s sessKUi will be held; tmnal siMiuol wit hin the oounds of ! ■ , , i with iioekv [111. ( hureli at ( »!tlar^a motor train on tho i’nion Paeitic t Lie association caiHi' ui> lor tiiseus ,, ^ . . ,, , I , . , , , suma^auithis yea,^andre;,.■esen-J \ t.tives of the Frmtland Institute | the third Sun-, Randolph, kan„ lust Saturday. weieajjainon hand to renew, for |<*t«>ber the .sess.on havin-, l^ncontirmed reportscomin-fnmi thi'fourth time, tlu'ir invitatii.)n to ^ .Me.Kicii state that (jicneral Villa, this associaliou to join witli ^ can stay until the famous outlaw, has be.m slain ('arolina ..s.soeiation in the main- ^j i,y his own nien. Villa has since teiKinc*' and nia luificment of tlial.'**'* ^ )iic ' to t u ii ( n.^cus oti | f,t,,utly denied this rt'port, W. H- ALLISON DEAD thinjx 111 his powi'r to I'et thii hssd- ei.itirui to hold next y<;ar's nu^etin^ in l.ittle Kiver. n’he hos]iitiility shown the vim tors was of llie (jUI I’ivil war. (’heoah and Y«dlow (’reck town- shijis of (iraham county hav<* vo ic'd worth of bonds to as sist rlie (iraliam <’ounty Jinmber <’o. in e«in.“trnetini; a railroad from 'I’opton into <iruhiim county. Si\t(M'n persons w(*re killed when nstitution, and for tln> lonfth time ,n'h Ci;ri'yitij^ an i this association post]i<.jneti aeti;i:i eh. I'V sail 11.1 main, >'in tin* pr.'])(>sition. the !iiit<’‘‘rs i«* Sutida\'. liev. A. .f. -Manly was re tdected I ini’i I't ■ n >1 ; ■ M ■ • I ■ 1II \ >u 1111.1 I c I! n, , v» 11 1 *n I -,. ■ j ai’*l cM'h ^ Itearinij iui heart ; lievin;.: it I'u^siitJe 1o eslahli;-! t'ne tl-!‘ I vvu finu'S us'cd, 'Die S school hei’e at luiii’.e. we.i.lir*:: if ^.■iif-Te*l 1o l!ie' The rejmrt of tbr "<*! I','v WfltViii;’' .1- : : 1 ■> K''l !.e; I ’ .! ■ iilk: 11^ thfii r a b.-autifiil b:tiik Ilia ! I'i*. , i.i tei>ii:i » ! A: plliie.-s ill fi. •’ of :!':*!;• : ‘. koU..;:;^ - ]»res^; ■ T. •. .1. Th.' : • Cl»l : t'lMii Wltll ^iv": k * ) I It;* \ sh-i.-rl * O!' I >!f ,1 !•; lai .r. t. d-ii;. • t h« ' -I'j' i trii*r rouin i.T; a ; ■ riTi- 'e •! ■:i>ih : 1- ■rensoi!' ,M • iiti- W!; ^ ruinm.l !e.\ }, i!r i t ^:i pOJUl' d tu 1VV sill ! rv ■l; Jl «" ;! !l > : ! t tl'i fi *r .-I S'-ln .<>1 iM t hi to !'■-T'ln !i1;t tS' t; “(tioiijii ■ lie f. ] 1 vv! iuv; - as ni'<deratiir, a^id Prof. T. ('. ll-. n- ^ (lerson wiis re elected as ch-i!; for' another year, tllese irentleinen hav- : iu'4 st-rved with failhfulness for; ;I'<- MU-! several Vfirs. iQNDENSED WAR NEV/S Ai-y a result of a politieal ar^";u- ! ment, l-ee Alien, a farmer of ( lay'ty and • ’M'lii-t ieal t l-:i V( i.Ul;;- n;^ suit. a iMf V--i 1 ■K'-e: 11; M--h< •• III \\ ' ■ ';^ue '•.;r rh a ;t(i hat plan oi' .'tiirtiiu^ a ^--h- ■ i >; eieiTify aud !■ port aV tl;e Ti*xt s5o:i I'J’ Jhe a)ti. 'i It ■ 11 ve C( .Him H ! ;e t!.ctedat si'ii;. cooipo.'.ed of I M. liaiK W. H. H“!!iierson ai;'l \\ . Iv. an ■ I;:. ::K.r ea ■r wiiii ■ '1 , p;aii ; Th» -.1 ill ins: *■ ,er.. ‘. i< . n t > ^ i : n, ,n V !> the p;i ; several days hanl :i::]-tin;' lias bi'en in prv'ijress on all llie iinporfant battif? fronts. !n inee i or mayoi ■iiiuili'in 1'.* tl::- many ^vell kiiiHvn a (lose prinmi iiiies in and n. -ir towns and jilih'e.' witli iiiit)''ofn.iunea].)b* nnn-es, I’x 'priiMi!* has hi-(*n I = *arnin.' n^^v.* il.tT't.ur past t;-n da»'s !'V !'i'a>nn o! trie .\un! ro-i'enr.aii in-j],.,^., >i'^ti into >;*rv!!!, ’-vhiTr soiii- of : L • I;:-' t I "iiiTiireT'.-'n;- ,;i’ t ije \\ a " ha ; - i k('n ],i -r- county, w*as sh it by a man wliosi' name is unknown. \V. L. ivivett and his ten year old S(»n W(>r<^ killed by an e.vplosion o!' dytiii;.i!e ii'-ar Their ho’.e* in iii|j:h 1’ iht la>'. i'ritiay. Tii'tum T. Hyde, who is well in i^rev^lrd, having spent ■ t’le pa.'t ."r.iuuier in t'n.^ plai-e, lia> ; ln‘1‘11 declared Jh • dem'X’ratic iiom- ! t liar’.vst,m after I’lie nomination VV. H. Allison, one of Transylva nia. \s known citizens, died at his home. Deer Park Inn, Monday afternoon, and was buried at Oak 'irrove cemetery Tuesday afternoon. For several weeks he had be«*n in very poor health, and for many days prior to his deatl^ no hopo was entertained for his ro(;overy. The deci'ased was born in alioast! that st(jodabout, two hundred yards from the ])laoe whi're he died ahont lifty-nine years a^ro, and has made hi.s home in Bre\-nrd all his life. He has lieen a incnih(!r of the ( hik (irovo Methodist chnreh many yi'urs and was always pr(»mpt in at tendance u])on its services. Mr. Allison, familiarlv known a^* “Dr. RiM,” was married tu Miss Mattie Yonirue about Iwenly-six years a;:,'o, arul to this nniori was horn six children — W. IJ., -Ir., ;>a- trcne, xMiss Maude. na>l.ei;,n(i .Miss .Jessie Oplielia. One other child «liod sevfa-al years n<:o. Tho deceased is survi”: (l Ijy his wife, his live children and four brother.':—,Fohn B. Alliseti of iire- vard. Hr win xMlison Viho lives in South Carolina, and Jlenyy and Elisha Allison, wlio live in tije state ! of Texas. The funeral service.; were co!i- ducteil at tlie Oak (irove Mrtho- dist cliundi, and inter;:iep,r was at Hak drove I'c'neterv, *!i >h-‘ •i.iircli and (■.■:r.>'tery . .ir ti.e I’.onU' ()f the d.i,:. i. '''he funeral S<TViceS were i . .;ui Uf-te; ’ l>y Kev. W. M. Rob;)ins, pa-^i i-i.f rhe lirt'vai'd Methoi’ist cr.uich. a.n'l de- s]*ite the heavy rain a lari^e e-o vd i;f sorrov»in^^ friends :^-ath:'r.'d to li-cti'.n in (’’.rir! ■t, 1 yor .losepli <■<' ; t!diaT;ai». ilis • \ not ;x rl‘y <'f •r an ;rer-ill;: .’II- r ■ i lia n 'i . h'-’iif' placei! t-n a , liuu 1 liaiii n-.> Sennlnr i‘«>s Pa\t« In * wit 1, :\h> . very hului tl',*" p,r->jt]t ‘fi ll.i'jt i natit na? orifit t.: t pee .It Mr a--' ma i a i;' ; . ’ ih-. : : i-"i(terol' the lunin;.: ■ t t.ii..11-*!;?.-!' t j. - r;i!t-d ' vi i]mw 1 i!d is well !•. :.wn ami is 11; 1''•ii.,;iivi staf’f*. •n- proHi-rt lime th"- I'i >i.:en So! t it!- i ’l.ita < *1 ; i;e sta 1-. . an;l is :i I ri> ‘ t» 1"* t. .1 :-.|,eyi- ). •: n : a ? t T ip a, l-;epr*'>-'i fof th‘-’r ‘ : I ■' (i s >I .un' 1; ^ I la w tl tr i ui'"; e. t iia viiiL. lit 1 y<' ti;*ned t!>< *-■ irefi! sueh a lii'U" i^»r *iii 'I'll- a>^^H-i 1: ;ie> ;,r!i that 1; ■y!e-t • a> '-Tarit- d 1- ;.t!.^-v . i .'i (iei-'^h 'I : I : i ■■i.'U.l ■ \.l ..'I iti ! .1 ; I.' J; 1 !. 'i »o if! • h ■ .ft- rradi'^al ■pvo*rre>in S.-r- < * i >u If S j r ir \ - :iT h. ■ it‘i :i 1-1 . -111 f 3'. V, ,-! • M .-*11.;- •/ n ■ X i tr;]> e ’■ I r> I > >"I r- 1 i > :!t! ^ ■ ■ I ill 'i e t In i' M- < :< n!Uin> t tew lavs. of .e of j];e : oil Tile jiiihl'!' in :.e S--i'vi i!! d r: \ e, tollow ;nir u).>pateh ; rc}>( >ri ; i.- ■ mini: i'ii r' IV:; T ■; ■' ii iit a I ii. 'in- edria a n- i .'••'mol.jir:ii ■ 1, nr* »• ; to \h ,r t I. t-e-:;. Hi e .V j It ‘id ; * !'e ry ■': 1.. \- hi (■ I , to;' * \ ■ ■ cl a . ■, H’o-. ■ ' ef'^ l! ■ -i •ni. ■f ^ 'V. i ' ; • e; 1 I i>,m. i - ■. Iloti uJ' t:!r^ iier>ln p ! n t ;V, .ity ‘i '!.■ ■ h:; I - ■ .at t dlli ; ; t.'.r.-o :>.U.\ : ; • • I > > t ‘ ■ I ■ I t.- -. 1 tl ; ■; 1 ( ■ ! t ; ■ '0,11 tia ' t ■ r . I i’ :-;t t * I . -,.p f ):.-pn* lei- ;■; i’'ai;_r ,:iri a< •, u line : 1 in* t Tn 1 itiii. iioi'i 1 lea- >uth, oi ;an oj '1.1-'. !r''M v'iSii I .--'iioate Man ior.^es :n ih< >*er\'iaii ! at :,o -siih-.i and ('e.i e rii se sani.‘ ■-li'^pal<-m .--i ' a « ier:!ia n arn.>- v. jii( h 1 V- :uni ihe .'Servian n.‘ ' .''i 'He’iiii'ia \\a.' :.'-k .Mto t!'- ria’ on • \ - I . ‘ ■■•rmaii> '■ r. -r.-Lai in the 'M t’la I I o 11. 'riiomas 'i'a';'-: Udl and olh.ei h. en di- •; • UM-: i< ,ti frauds :i trial i.--'tin:r fe W( 1 kr'. S-*ererary I > niiels' ii i va 1 polii \ ree.,:!n.!in-nds t’e- eonsiru.-Iion capital ships, tett dreaiitiuni'lits and .^ix last letttie —a lio:.:*,.- tha^ shfiald meet t liH a]ipro va 1 of all Americ-m citi. Z'-ns who want"' to se»* this einiuT;*y maintain its [»o<ition t.-f n--u1 rali;y. Ii Liiu’-ey. ;j':d:e of l)'r. ,-i;'!e eoMrf. ej- .• .-.i ! • I 5 :'I r.e: c. Oi r; o; Ir: • er ■a'siiav ;/: ce,:- ■'i - reioe ]>■, -r.- t he '-i-iir, a !id called i'.im nay the last triliuh- of the ileca.S'.’d. All the n'-.-!!>.>et To stores in town were TV'ra! !i(<ur. cl'.»M(l < !h,e fu- ACaOinED OF Mi’sa- Th ‘ t hi I II I; and Vi Die !’a i of Wave •r. wliicn, e ,,j- a trood pi.ri: of tla^ ti;> : h*nd' co;.,nty Sup? i: liist w<*ek ri‘snlte(’ jti an !>. !, ViT*- ; !'n im I J.: " i ; P-idi.-: .A il isoti ns'aiit'd ‘ i.:s 'lie ;• C'.r-rt a * - ■ t a 1 of iJh* cliar^'.' o" mrird:-!'i!i,' .J. \V. <’Iiiyt III ill S.-p't-'i:’(her i‘i' ht-it '.'i a)'. All’son and !'arl:er :ih:’''e'.l':r= f id'ier Tlr'ir a--<*tiiTtal retia ri' I to the:i‘ h.('T;'ies at i'fJirosLV ii:s e “< ■ ; th '.'Co;i; •1 li:ir. [:e . : wi.! a. in vol na-th* *1 ties '.V ’.I '■ t r 1 tV. 'en . . t-1 en I; i i ' ' 1 r h I \ t !■ . ' 1 !■ h.r a-tl- r, r. c1nd«‘d. aiiii tr ' i a I 1,1 e' ; t lettf •1i >! U ' ..-Uar :he \' I't ‘ lea Vi* a I! t i;i! "•r»*n*n o! . ■ folloi- ed ■ '-a. a nd i-a v.;: t loclcad; d .< c- !n i ta r, i: I)! ■ Ada.iial *ui“. nil, 'n?' 1 d‘ i ^ in ti*"* i'ile inspi II eci >rd ’ 11' o ] • ■r r. s’lrn; a niel:'. Wnii.ini ' rt i;il.‘d . -n .... .,,.,1 oiiil:'!.*; itf -e!er r‘t :. lAH' •e’.iar.r- c. a lif he d'U- (e.itu-ey. i."ions < 'f t: 11' e 11 ■ n. i; t:ar >:• p. n a; rea-' ;> ■ . f t!; I .i , . :' Si;! p 1\ !‘i \ ; -r' I . I IV 11' ■ \'t.‘ I 'a VI .' :'or tiie men till the intei'ned Shl[> will »a Int'.ii'e he (!i 7oed. ■I ,”!als hr m e;;.-ll » 1*111r. iioth. ins !t Vk ill of J. W. in uui'l arul I reiieh iiroit’’ o:'. Sniuhiy nn I'd 1. f .lio'vin: nrdav T ‘':nith, :: a-'C'ti'^ed of t!e> -■r> ‘" 1 1 i'. * d •■ri v.-as ■ lei' Jit 1 .ver ;•!*'^ h'^s m -\T t!; n>- 111 < .wll 1. a ; i .i I. • i“ I ■ I, • '’U'!- l iM-a a 1 i i, f ■tn.i 1 r -a? n-- e r! I! lle^'^ host i ; 'i.. • ■ . ■ r V'-!tty ’I ''-., fell ,M aii.\'lli:ir\' r n .till- lirty !ld J; re-'-em I uioun^u 'he- m i -y-K, n^'' I h«‘ ; o?‘ ,iri;i’'i !)iip!i.--t:- i:. I ’a,* e-,:'..t* . no* . i a*: i he V ■ ;i s !■ n hi''. I it ;i i .report. c.p to 1 '■[’he finii ■■^'ia I i-t-iiorts sliow .-.tea<ly irains ah all li!u*s, aial ,.ilLou:;ii the i-li lircne'' are yi*t a lrn«: way from the froul tliey should S(>ek. the n-ports show that th<^ pastors have ic'eivi'd more mont'y for tlieir v> ark till rim; the past Vi*ar than last. A toteil of ^lIltM.l'.i lias been ])ai«l the iireaidiers durin*^ tin' past year, a iict ^'ain of ^r<ir»i!. The ”>a:!. 11 a" \ I''"'.; ii o i-.triet. th. an Wi's- •.■i ul^ •! >! iiud h‘s as-ai.l^ -n i r'1 t he ( e*r- r. "!iii::.!i air::-'!, aiui so idut.-ked a :n til.- ('ha:ii]i;; '.T.e I 'H < h-rmans al'O de laie have inne-<e,a-d the;- positioe.s a \ os e.-,,ti:.d t- l.a'.e 1 ej:'. a'temi’t to ri.-t;!_ke ititans h of !.:e!itre;-. 'r;:e Pit lu li re ed (c'rrian Mlvance.-i north of 'leilatn, in Loiraine. A \iiiorous (‘ounter lit tack Ijv th(‘ i'rench in tin* \ osijes miahli'd llu'm to reeaptare tlieir old jiositions on the snmmit of a mountain with an additional («erman fort near that :'aof;r in ti; rhi; :aisv. tons of licoiiee lor ;in. :nan,i. ■ ■ ol t'iijaeeo wrl he rci.-cived s e-aUii‘ry \n a i'ew .i-iys, so liiseca 1,-hei‘i‘s nia/v no'.v rest viurder. t' evide::<-.- h: a ■ ».'e!'::;’';a;'’.' }:-‘arii. * :,--s r.a-ord(-r ii-- was tlie t -VO : -.u;.:.,- v.'lid ■ na . h-ld far ti'ial in the Si;; er: > i'he I'lrst I rial v-'as h<- *’ donor .iu ^a- 1], F. afn*:-' i;ie jury h.»d co... e;> case about fin-tya*i.rl;t l-a., were dlsidiarueii and a n n LIPS CHURGH ilH'-l I t he .lie'V trial Uiy - ! n; ’ lli't rrnday after ''’rh'.ity, < *cto- herl'i. Frinday selioal :.t‘.i:l.'i Moi'T‘.ini.c Tirayer. and se:-mon at 1 i. Suhj.-.-t, -■ Iri;.'re-.-.ions." Tl.e A rcii <’s vis.r to >t. Pliili]>s last v.-eidc, with daily ser vices moi ning and evenim; for six days endiajx with a uniteil s«. rvice on Snn-.lay evening at tlie ilethod- ist church was blessed tu St. Phil ips, and, we trust, to our coinmu-'in-^ el' . 1 ‘^'.-el'S 'illjlS- H ‘ as of sei’st imi nt a hers Ii' the I nited Stai'es Semite and, ^.t^ress h-ads on,e to s..])|ii H"'- That ihis national proK'fu'i'i “f arnianiea t ■vil! t»e car ried wlien congress meets, ana taking' itdo consideration the weak ened condition of some of the for- eij^n nat ions now a! war r.js j ; for the poor *1(H).'U»; min- nature there were | caused on the square Sundjiy ni<;hr Constipation ;ind Indijjestion. pioballo il l><di(> ntes ? I'.oo; assoeiational missions than women and chil-iny the large union congregation. have used Chamberlain’s Tab- ad«>pt( I I i( Statt.s \\i 1 b< - ^ |2k.70 ;stut.; missions $124.21; home | killed this time. | was coming from the Methodist • lets ami must sav they are the best conu t lo stron'.^ist nation i . foreign missions Roiimania and Grecce have both ! church, by reason of the fiict I have ever nst-d for consti])ation !?1 K5.<*’v; Siinday scdutol mis.sions * dt*cided they will ho spectators ! Kdward Wood declined ti.) go ]M’; a*id indiarestion. My wnfe also used ■ : eiii for iudis/estlon and they dltl her good,’’ writes Enfjene S place. Foi ty-five ] crsons were killed nity. Seeds were sown, which,'we I following amounts ha ve been raised , 111 injured iii a Zeppelin raid ho]H‘, may ho fruittiil of blessings jfor th(i various td.jetds ; Buildings! 1-ondon last Thursday night. | (o us all. land rt'pairs $:jr,| no ; incidentals proix^rty damage is | if.a'.H Si); Sunday school exjR^nses rc])orted. Contrary to most j Quite n little excitement was ; for the ])oor *l(Ht.'U»; min- nature there were j caused on the sqnan? Sunday nighr 'a,»rd-'reii. ’ilie ■tlie sei'tmd time a't the la'-i .of tin." 'I’ran.-'ylvaTiia Sr'.j-oi-T'.r ,■ ■ ami in this, a> in ilu* ir.vir r ■ r'al. the jnry str»ofL six .ansi \-.*h''!i t he pre.-i'tiii-'jml'ie. W. P. ! ia ;-e:i :n:. ordc'r.'d a iiew trial j;?:-! a ■•vo' .1 of the case to aim.he:- (i-t.:;ry. •Iiulge Jlardiir.: also jir. si-] ■;] a: the histi rial in ih ndi.^rsoiivi!! *, vhen .he defendants wt'n* afa'iuitttd. '!'h.e ac(jr.ittal of the>e tw; th>- eiulants adds am.tjiy r mys- ery to tliis county's history dviiini; .■ H' past ei:'hteen nu)nths, tv. o men tying been mnrdered while in a;, r.toxicatcd condition and the guilty p arties escaping in both instances. face of the earl h. A (-iefaian a o * sian coai scho'-ner on Hi.i;a. spectators ! Kdward Wood declined ti.) go ]M’; than iiarticipants of the ably with (.'hief of Police Bro sU’i''; a U,u..'- = ; orpjuui.tse Si tl b! ; minisic-j rather the i lulf of i rial relief ; otlmr ohje *ts i war, and for the luvsent they will ! aftiu' he Lad been arrested for ; ^ ?ri:.!a. 10, briugiag the grand total | not enter the coul'ict. ^ drunkenness. ^uble everywhere. adv

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